Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Odd Pairing ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Odd pairings

Xero sitting at his desk looking at photographs of weird things going on in the other anime. When a knock on the door distracted him from his musing in his mind. " Come In." He said after he came to his senses. Angel walked in her usual business suite and stood in front of his desk.

" Hello I'm special Agent Angelica Scully. I'm here as your new partner." She said to him as he was eyeing her and mentally undressing her and began to do extrememly dirty things to her .

" What are you're classifications?" He asked once he caught on that she knew what he was doing. He took her dossier and looked into it.

" Well I'm a certified Dr. in alien life forms and a scientists in other fields." She said looking very uncomfortable as she still stood there.

" It says here that you were assigned to me from high up. What are your connections and why are you here to be exact?" He asked again.

" I have no I idea who wanted me on the Z files all I know is the Assistant Director Krillin Skinner wanted to tell me that I was assigned to you. That is all I know." She said again her normal self was losing the control to be nice.

" Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Please sit down." He said still reading her folder. And was impressed with her notifications and credentials. " Well let me give you a low down on what I do here and then ill answer any Question you have in your mind after words."

She sat down with some relief to her legs,crossing them lightly, which did much for Xero comcidering he had yet to mentally redress her. She looked at him and waited for him to speak then thought, ' I should try to find out how his mind works.' "Is there anything you want to ask me first Xero?" She looked at him and waited for him to speak.

With amazing agility he put his feet behind his back, facing the oposite direction, so that his elbows and knees touched. Leaning back, he began doing full body lifts in this position with only his pointer fingers, staring at her from an upside down position. "Yes, does the carpet match the curtains? I've been trying to see, but unfortunately your not going comando, by the way, pink panties don't really suit you."

A single kick to the head was dodged lightly, as she screamed. " Just tell me what you do here, you hentai asshole."

" What I do here is find the truth of who is behind all of the strange occurrences that seem to happening here on earth and other worlds and other timelines." He said staring at her long legs.

" Truth? Truth about what? The natural flow of life and other universes? You can't handle the truth." She whispered.

" I can't handle the truth. Well I have the truth right here in my pants." He whispered back.." You can't handle the truth, but I'll give you a chance anytime your ready.

" Oh good lord that was not even funny." She whispered back. Then there was another knock on the door and another officer walked in to hand Xero another folder and this has a case file andgo to Satan city.

They left the AFBI (Anime Federal Berea of Investigations) and took one of their own and then landed in Satan city. " Where do we go next?" Angel said to him.

" We go to Capsule Corp."Me and you? To the nearest sperm bank, that way I won't waist all of it in your mouth. Hey I don't think you should hit your partner." Sigh, to meet a Bulma Briefs-Vegeta." He said and then turned around to see her turn white.

" What is it now?" he said to her.

" Are we going to see Vegeta?" She said.

" No just Bulma.but I am pretty sure if you look closely you can see his big pointed head over the top of the building. Why are you acting like this?" He asked again and this time his patience's was wearing thin.

"Never mind don't worry about it. Lets go." She said as they got into the car and took off to C.C.

************************************************************* ***********************

They drove in Xero's custom car, a cross between a Viper and a Thunderbird with wolf designs all over it. They got to Caps Corp and parked the car and walked up to the door and rang the bell. Mrs. Briefs answered it and said " Hello, and what can I do for you?"

" We are AFBI Mrs. Bulma Vegeta-Briefs asked us to come over to see her." Xero said to the blonde head lady that had legs went for miles.."But if you really want to know how you can help my investigation..."

"Oh brother," Angel spoke softly.

"Mom, I'll take care of that. Let them in." Bulma said as she was in the kitchen helping cooking dinner.

"Ok hun, Come in and sit here in the living room she will be in to see you in a minute." Mrs. Briefs said as she showed the way to the living room. Xero's eyes never leaving the gentle ample curves of her ass. And back to the kitchen.

As they were sitting their a small lavender head came down and sat next to Angel and looked up at her and said " Who are you?"

"My personal pain in the..." Xero was stopped with an icy glare that barely got a grin out of him.

" Well we are hear to meet your mother." Angel said.

The boy looked around and saw that she herself had a tail and then he asked her " Are you a Saijin?"

"No son it's pronounced Slu.." A second icy glare made him smile innocently. "I'll just shut up now."

" Um......." she started to say to the boy.

" Yes she is son now go and play or something." Vegeta said as he came down stairs and walked into the room. She stood up and went down on her knee with her fist across the chest and said.

" Prince Vegeta, How have you been?" She said waiting for him to say she can get up.

"That jackass is a princess I thought he was annoying before, lord where is your gown Queeny?" Xero smiled, also liking the position Angel had found, as it was just the right hieght for her to...

He liked this very much to have a saijin woman kneel at his feet though he was still begining to hate her new partner, (mentally he wondered if they were mates yet) , and with a smirk he said, " You know what I want to hear, so say it."

She silently cursed herself and wished she didn't take this job if it meant that she had to see him in the next few weeks. She slowly said this against her own will. " King Vegeta, the one and only all powerful saijin around."

" And." He said when she stopped.

" The grandest and only Uncle I have left in this world and the provider of my tuition of my school." She finished.

Xero leaned down beside her and whispered in her ear, "Can I atleast call him a slut?" For once Angel smiled at what he had to say, which only encouraged him. Bowing he gave a solomn look, "Vegeta, King of Sluts and the biggest douch in the universe."

" Ok, You can get up off your knee." He said with a huge grin on his face and walked away. his ears shooting steam trying to conrtol his temper, for some reason his body told him that he should not get into a battle of wits or any other kind for that matter, with that tall dark kreaton.

" Damn Him, He is an asshole and a self centered jerk." She said to herself before she sat back down.

" Well that was hilarious as hell. I didn't know you were and alien yourself." Xero said trying to hold back the laughter he didn't succeed in that either. He was rolling on the floor until Bulma showed up and sat down.

Upon seeing her, he entered a trance, his hands moving of their own accord, strait for her chest. "Booobbieeeess" massaging them gently once they were grabbed.

Suprisingly, to Angel anyway, Bulma only smiled and kissed Xero's cheek. "Did someone miss them?"

"Yes ma'am," though he was out of the 'tranced' he didn't release her tits yet, until Angel began pounding his head from behind.

"Well nice to see you again Angel." She said to her Niece.

" Yeah really nice to see you too." Angel said back calmly.

Then Bulma proceeded to tell them that the AFBI wanted them to have cause they will be on one trip that will take them to different anime's and time lines. Bulma said it was all right for them to stay there for the night and they ate dinner. Angel went outside she was dressed in her fighting Gi's and started to do warm ups when Vegeta came outside in the cool air and watched her she actually set up a obstacle course to test herself on certain things.

She sensed him watching her. So she did her best. He was the only family left alive to see her improve over the years she remembered the fight they all had when she dicide3d on going on to collage and then to what ever she wanted to be.

It really pissed off Bulma cause Angel wanted to be a doctor and scientist and be able to be smarter than Bulma. It was a total shock to see his son their damn has it been that long.

" What Vegeta?" she asked him in an irritated tone.

" What are you doing out here in the cold and at this time of hour?" He asked.

" You know I went to bat for you against Bulma I was the one who paid your tuition. From my own business that she don't even know about or ever will if I can help it." He said as he watched her train.

" I thank you but you didn't have to do that." Angel said as she did a summersault and landed on a balance beam and flipped off the end.

" But I did, I did it for you and for me." He said again. " You are my only family that reminds me of Vegeta-sei. I still can't believe that you are part of the Government." He looked at her and sworn that he would not regret his decion to let her go.

He walked up to her and said, " I am the only one who is happy that you made it this far. So why are you assigned to this particular part of the AFBI anyways."

" Well I was called in to see if his reports was right and make field reports about what I saw and report it to Skinner." She said to him.

" Well that is a tall task for you but I know that you can do it." Vegeta said to her.

" Well he is just as much as a self centered ass just like you are when you want to be." Angel said and then laughed.

They walked into the house and got some thing to drink. " Hey you want to spar for old times?" Vegeta asked.

" Sure I love to." They walked into the GR and started to train the not so last time to do this.

************************************************************ ************************

Xero got up and walked down to the kitchen and saw that Vegeta and Angel were both up and talking.

" Well what have you too been doing all night?" He said with an evil smile.

" That is none of your business." Vegeta said.

"Pointy haired freak." Xero stuck out his tongue

" Well Angel we are off to the time dimension of when Inuyasha are and see what has happened I just got the call from Krillin we are to leave her soon. Are you up to it? Or are you tired for staying up all night?" He shot back.

" Well Xero I'm perfectly capable to do my job just need a shower and eat and Ill be ready to go. But my I ask you are you up to the job at hand?" She answered his question with a question.

"Yes I am up to washing your back," smiling wickidly he trotted after her until the bathroom door smashed his nose

Coming down for breakfast, she thought she must have been early for only Vegeta was there and he looked furious, when he finally spoke, he voice was like acid "Bulma wanted to sleep in this morning and your little freind Xero wasn't much better, do you know how to cook?"

"Not really so I guess we're stuck till they get up."

Several minutes later, Xero came down fixing his shirt and buttoning his pants. Shortly afterward, Bulma came down. Unnoticed by Vegeta she was extremely bowlegged. Breakfast was slow and there was no confersation. Afterward, Xero and Angel were ready to go

They walked to where Bulma was and took the device to take them to the next dimension and left.

Bulma walked in and saw that Vegeta looked really sleepy. " Have you been up all night with your Niece?"

" Yeah what of it? " He said to his wife.

" You were with her all night doing what?" Bulma said

"What were you doing with Xero?" he challenged, then his features softened. " If you must know I sparred with her and then we talked all night it has been a awhile that I have seen her." Vegeta shot back at his wife who he thought was a screaming harpy like Kakarot's wife is.

" I waited up for you so we could have sex and you stayed with her. God you are such and asshole and........" Vegeta cut off Bulma.

" I'm a what? You never liked her ever since my brother and his mate was killed and I have been her only family to take care of her." He seethed at her.

" I KNEW IT YOU CARE FOR HER MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOUR OWN SON." She creamed and he cringed at the shrill voice.

" BITCH, Don't you dare disgrace her or my family or my people and so be it if that means Kakarot to. You and that other Bitch work out so well together you both have a irritating voice." He said to her and walked away.

" Basterd. I want you to leave and never come back and don't think if you are going to go to Kakarot's either. All I have to do is call Chichi and she will not let you go any where near her house." She yelled up to him.

" Woman I don't need to go there. I have my own way and you will not find me." Vegeta said as he walked down with 20 or so all were capsules that held either money or cloths. He opened the door and Trunks was standing there and he was crying he heard every word that was said.

" Dad can I go too?" He asked.

" Sure, as long as you can fallow me." Vegeta said and took off with Trunks behind him. He took off the where he had his own house and where Angel stayed at until she went to special ops.

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Next time on the Z files.

Angel and Xero land in ancient Japan to find a demon that was with a girl. And hilarity and confusion ensues.