Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Half human/ Half What???? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DBZ The Z Files
Part Human, Part What??

(Please don't sue me for not knowing all of the charters in this Anime to well.)

Angel and Xero landed in ancient Japan. Angel landed rather roughly and was on her butt and looked up to see a woman and a man if you can call him that cause he had horn or something.

" Shit!" Angel said under her voice and looked up to see things that were standing their not looking in their direction either. " Damn it Bulma you did that just to be mean. Bitch." That ran there here head.

She stood up and walked over to where Xero was and he smiled at her and said. " Looks like we made it all right. I landed quite nicely." He said with a slight smile that almost looked like he was insane thinking of his landing right behind the raven headed women, getting a good view of her lack of under garment.

Angel put her hand up and released the bird and flew it towards Xero. " Is that a promise or a wish?" He said again, his hips jutting outward twice just to mess with her.

She gave him a death glare and watched as this fight was going on her blood was boiling just watching it. " Hold on tiger this fight is not for us to fight so just chill." He said under his breath. Smiling evilly he looked her right in the eye, "but if you really want to get some aggression out."

Just then the girl who was listening to them walked up to them and said. " Hello my name is Kagome. What is yours?"

" I'm Angel and this is Xero." Angel said. "We are from another time dimension and we are AFBI."

Xero zoomed forward and kissed her hands gently, "Yup I am an Angel and she is definitely a zero. My Kagome, you certainly are beautiful."

Out of nowhere a dog-eared man in red jumped and kicked Xero in the head. It fazed him about as much as a mosquito bite. "Leave her alone." Then the being was back to his battle.

"What was that?" Xero said itching the side of his head.

" Ok well this is Shippou, and Miroku and that was an Inuyasha." Kagome said and turned to see him fight.

" What is he fighting?" Angel asked as she got really into the fight.

" He is fighting a demon. He has a shard of the Shikon jewel in him and that is what we are trying to get." Kagome said.

Just as that was said Inuyasha beat the demon to death and it reviled the shard and Kigome got it and it imediatly joind the jewel. Inuyasha joined them around the strangers and he had distrust for Xero and not so much for Angel as they introduced them selves to the rest of the gang. "Nice jacket HUMAN, let me guess, the length is making up for something else right?"

"I'm about as human there, as you are here, " Xero pinched Inuyasha's ear. " Dog boy. Besides, maybe if you're lucky Kagome will tell you about it later. After I..." A blow to the back of the head by Angel halted him.

" So what brings you to my time?" He asked them.

" Well we got a report of unusual activity in this time line so we were assign to investigate it." Xero said in his usual smug way.

" Unusual activity? There is none that I know of?" Inuyasha said in the same tone

" Well ok then my we go along with you to see if there is none?" Angel asked as she tried to get a better look at him. Meanwhile, Xero was trying to catch the annoying squirrel thing that started running around his legs.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked her.

" I want to know what you are that is all being a Dr. and a scientist in all." Angel said back to him trying not to piss him off too much.

Xero leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Trying to take up anatomy?"

" Oh you are a doctor?" Kagome asked.

" Yes I am." She responded back to her still staring at Inuyasha and was just about ready to touch his ears when he jumped back and held his sword out.

She almost took that as a challenge. " Are you challenging me to a fight? Not very wise my friend I was just examining you ok?"

" Sorry, my nerves are jumpy." He said back and relaxed some what he let her take a look at him and every once in a while she would tape her words on a recorder and put it back into her jacket.

Xero popped right beside Inuyasha's ear, "Give her some of that Demon cock big boy."

His eyes went wide, "How did you know."

A black spark shone in Xero's eyes, "the question is, how does she not."

No one noticed the black shadow coming up behind her. All of the sudden she dropped what she had in her hand and her eye glowed a green ghastly light. She screamed and fought what ever it was that was inside of her very hard. But In the end she lost to a degree and stood there looking at them all who was just in awe. During the time of the mental fight she had gone to ssj2 and not knowing that it had happened.

Miroku spoke up for the first time and looked at her and said. " Demon leave that body alone. Come out to fight in your true form."

" Aha you must think I'm that stupid? Look at this body. Wonderfully fit and ready to kick some ass. Oh and the power that runs threw her is awesome." It said. It powered up a Ki ball that was enough to kill this human.

" No!!" Yelled Xero as he stood in between Miroku and Angel. " Angel I know you can hear me, your hair is a mess, and the last thing the world needs is some maniac with blond hair roaming around, my god you might even be cute if it weren't for your personality!"

Grunts and groans were heard from her as she struggled to regain herself control. She had enough time to power down and contain the demon with in her and had it stayed off for a little bit. At the same moment she charged forward and began beating Xero repeatedly.

" Oh Kami, I'm sorry Miroku. I didn't hurt you did I" Angel asked in her own voice.

" No you didn't. But it has taken refuge in you. Try to keep it busy while we try to find away to get it out of you." He said.

It was getting to be nighttime. " I'm so hungry." Angel said.

"I think me and Inu here can think of something for you to chew on." Xero perked evilly.

Angel slapped him and left to go hunting. When she came back she had one stag deer and it was gutted and wild herbs and veggies. She cooked half of it for the rest of them and then ate the rest with out cooking it.

" Kami that was good." She said as the rest just watched her eat that raw. " How was yours" she asked.

" Are you sure you are not a demon when its just you?" Miroku asked while eating his dinner he had to agree it was the best dinner he had in a long while.

" No I'm no demon, I'm a full blooded Saijin. And that is how we do things when we are hungry we hunt for our food." She said trying to contain her laughter.

She has not had that good of food since when her and her uncle went out hunting.

The stars shone brightly as Angel bent downward in pain. The demon inside was trying to take control again.

Miroku stared at her in concern, Inuyasha and the rest also looked worried. Kagome studied the fire watching it dance sharply. Miroku finally spoke up, "It's because you have so much energy, there has to be a way to get rid of some of it."

The demons hold on her mind had temporarily flooded her body with temptations of lust. Being so close to so many young and virile "men" didn't help her situation. When she answered, it was her body talking. "Then why don't you help me out?" She hiked her skirt up, revealing a soaking wet panty crotch.

No one moved, everyone just watched in shock. After a few moments, she realized no one was going to help her. Reaching down, she began running her fingers up and down her own slit, massaging through the fabric.

Watching for several minutes, her feelings of pure lust began to spread through everyone in the campsite. The most inexperienced of which sur came to the desires first. Over Angel's heavy breathing, they could hear Kagome moaning. When they looked over, she was on all fours, moaning as she played with herself.

Xero crawled over, unable to control himself as he began licking the sensitive lips around her fingers, pulling on the hair with his teeth.

Feeling too far to control herself, Angel walked over and pushed Miroku down, and pulled his gown upward. Leaning down she ripped his pants open with her teeth, revealing that he had also been very much affected by watching her play with herself.

Her tongue flicked over the thick head of the eight inches pointing to the sky in front of her. Her panties so wet they were see through, sending Shippou over the edge. He wanted that ripe ass that was so tight looking, without warning he pushed his dick head into her ass dry. Normally this would have been painful, but in the rush of sex she had accidentally lubed her own ass with her cunt juice. This was more then enough to let the fox boy enter without pain. She moaned loudly as she pushed her teeth slowly over the dick in front of her, causing vibrations to go down Miroku's length.

Inuyasha walked over and put his face next to Kagome; it made his heart race to watch her pleasing herself. Suddenly their eyes met and she said something he had both feared and hoped for, "Inuyasha, take off your clothes, I need your cock now."

Pulling his member out slowly, he watched her face light up at the sight of it. Not waisting a second with teasing, she firmly but gently began stroking up and down his shaft as Xero sucked hard on her clit. Inuyasha was close already; he hadn't expected this and all the sex in the air were sending him over the edge. Just as his load shot out, Kagome slid her mouth down over his head, swallowing every drop as it came out. As it hit her throat, she squirted her own juices all over Xero's face.

Inuyasha was more then willing and able for a lot more, but Kagome's in experience was too little, she could barely move. Suddenly he heard Angel screaming. "Come over here big boy, I need a hot cock in my cunt."

Obeying her quickly, Inuyasha crawled over behind Shippou and slammed his dick into her soaking wet cunt. This drove her wild, making her move faster and harder. It didn't take long before all four of them were right on the verge. Sucking hard she slammed backward onto the two cocks doing her from behind. She came hard and fast, her whole body convulsing, forcing the three men to cum hard, her body sucking every drop from their throbbing members.

As they recovered, Xero and Angel decided to look at the designs in the sky.

"So how are you going to get this out of me?" She asked as she watched the stars.

" I have performed many exorcisms and I think I can do that on you but remember you are not human so I don't know how this is going to effect you in any way." He said back to her.

" Well Xero what do you think?" She asked him.

" I think it is worth a try. Maybe it will improve your personality." He said and he was acting dead serious about it.

" Well I think we had better get this done and over cause I don't think she can contain it any longer and I really don't feel like killing her just to get the demon out of her. Stupid woman. Should have never wanted to inspect me like that and keep your guard down." Inuyasha said and stood up.

" Sit boy." Was heard and he was flat on his face looking up at Kagome.

" Why in the blue hell you did that for?" He asked her.

" Cause you never say that to a guest no matter what happened that could have been me that is in this situation. What would you do then?" Kagome asked him.

" The same thing." He said as he got up.

" Sit boy!!" she said again and he fell to his face again.

Angel was laughing wondering if she could get Xero to do that, but he was right though. She watched them fight and then looked at them and said " He is right though I should have kept my guard up but I didn't."

They stepped fighting and Kagome stared at her. " So you are going threw this even though you don't know how this is going to work on you?" She asked Angel.

" Yes I have no choice in this matter." Angel's said.

"I will have to do it when you are sleeping though." Miroku said.

" Can not do that. He will come out and kill you all. You have to do it when I'm awake. Don't worry I can take the pain and anguish." She said.

" Oh I don't think I can do that." He said back to her.

She got up and grabbed his collar and pulled him to her and looked strait into his eyes and whispered to him. " You have to or else you will be taking part of my power with the demon when I sleep and then it will be harder for you to kill him and then you all will be dead. That much I know."

Miroku's face turned white. " Ok But will need help to hold you down. Xero I need you and Inuyasha I need you to hold her down. Kagome you will have to leave." He said

" No I will not leave this to u all alone I'm staying." She said back to them.

" Wow she sounded like Bulma there and Chichi combined." Angel whispered to Xero. Who chuckled a little?

They walk out to a clearing and she lay down Xero grabbed her arms and held them down as much as he could with out hurting her. " Well I wanted you on your back but I was hoping to be at the other end. But then again it would be nice if you were on all fours."

" Fuck you Xero." She hissed at him.

" I will here sooner or later." He smiled at her. But did that have a hind of concern.

Inuyasha had her legs and the only way he knew how to hold her down was sitting on them. So he did.

" If you kick me in my privets I swear I will hurt you or kill you. Which do you want?" He said.

" Is that a challenge or a threat?" She hissed at him. This time the demon was trying to break out

" Would you get on with it I don't know how much more I can hold him back." She whispered and lost the battle and the demon came out.

" Well what do we have here a ceremony? What are you trying to do extract me from her?" It said at Miroku

*********************************************************** **********


Angel stood their in her mind was staring at the demon that had invaded her as Miroku chanted.

" You will leave me and fight like you should do. Or are you a coward and hide in being that are weaker than you?" She said to it.

" Are you challenging me to a fight if I get out of you?" It said to her.

" It might be, if you let go of me and then leave I will fight you and beat you and kill you." She said to it again and took her fighting stance.

" I will take you on but do you really know what you are up against? I am a demon from hell and I will not be so easily kill or harmed." It said to her.

" So what I took on stronger and better fighters than you. I know what I'm up against I have read your mind will you are in me. So want to get this over with or prolong it?" She hissed back at him.

" Do they know that you are also have knowledge of the arts of magic?" It hissed back at her.

" No but you don't even know what kind I am." She said to him and took off flying to him and pushed him to the light.

*********************************************************** **********

On the outside she bucked and hissed as she was fighting the demon out of her. She did kick Inuyasha off of her and in the neither reigns too. He hissed back and jumped down on her and held on tightly.

Xero held her down with some difficulty and was lifted up about an inch or two until he was thrown back and he jumped down on her also and he swear he heard her speck. He leaned harder on her and also held on tightly.

Kagome was sitting some distance away but she heard the screams and yells. All the will little Shippou was sitting at her side watching in fascination.

All have the sudden the demon was out and waiting for Angel staring down at all of them. Angel opened her eyes and said. " Let me up now."

They did she stood up and took her fighting stance and then said. " Well you are here so are we going to make do on my promise or are you going to turn tail and run?"

" I'll make good on that promise now." He said as he flew up to her and punched her in that gut and hit her in her back. She just stood their didn't even flinch or move.

" Is that all you have got? Come on I have felt harder punches from my partner, you hit like a girl." She said to him as they were face to face.

The group just held their breath except of Inuyasha who was all-most in tears from laughing and tying to hold it.

" Really I hit like a girl? Well let's see if you change your tune after this." He said as he pulled his staff and whacked it on the ground and a huge crack was winding its way between her legs. She jus levitated above it and looked down she did her own and held her white staff and her whole appearance changed as she powered up to ssj2.

" You know the funny thing about this? Is that you still hit like a girl and that your magic is week. Now you will suffer and Die." She said to it.

" What are you white magic?" He shuddered at the white light she gave off.

" Yeah I Am." she said to him. She twirled her staff and held it strait to him and said the magic words in a different language. A white beam shot out of it and hit the demon head on and he was frozen in time and then disappeared right in front of them. When it left a small and tiny shard was left in the field. And came down and walked up to it picked it up and took it back to Kagome and it joined the jewel.

Then she collapsed right there and passed out from all the energy that she has used. Inuyasha came up on her and picked her up and took her near the fire to keep her warm. Xero laid a blanket on her and sat next to her.

" You should not have exhausted your self like that." He whispered

" Really and no one would have noticed that you cared about her. Being the way you are." Inuyasha said to him.

Xero stared straight into his eyes, "Look whose talking."

The rest was sleeping comfortable those two had the watch for the night.

" What is that suppose to mean?" Xero asked.

" You are so stuck on yourself no wonder she don't like you." Inuyasha said and he closed his eyes as if to rest but still had his senses working.

Angel shifted in her sleep and groan and said " Bulma you are such a Bitch, Why don't you like me I have done nothing to you."

Xero fell asleep next to her and in the morning she was up and doing warm ups and trained while the rest slept. She sensed someone was watching her and she turned around but no one was there. She shrugged it off and continued to train.

*********************************************************** **********

Some 50 yards away from her stood and man that held a gigantic drumstick and was in the presses of eating it.

" I have to keep an eye out for her and Him they will get in my way and that I can not have." He said while he had a bag of popcorn in his hands.

He left her standing they're looking to see if any one was watching her and then she went about her business.

He punched out the codes and he was transmitted to CC and talked to Bulma.

We have to do something to those tow or they will mess up the whole plan. Angel I have all ready set up and it will look like she was taken by some unknown aliens and as for Xero he is difficult to do but you my dear you will think of something right?" He said as she brought out a 10-course meal to him.

" Don't worry about him I can keep him busy. While you do that to that Angel I despise her and her race. Oh sorry Goku I didn't mean you." Bulma said with a smile to him.

" None taken, so this will be setup soon. Call them and have them come back tomorrow and then this should be done." He said as he got up and left. An evil smile graced her lips and went about her business and called Yamcha.

********************************************************** ***********

Some time after every one woke up the strange occurrence was felt and seen Angel and Xero got it and come to find out it was another Inuyasha from another time line and he was arrested and they were ready to go home.

" What are you exactly I really want to know?" Angel asked Inuyasha.

" I am half human and half demon." He said and waved good-bye to her.

" He is half human and half what??" Xero exclaimed, feigning shock.

" Demon." Angel said back to him and they left that time line to hopefully to never return.

They landed back at their little office and he was taken to the back and was sitting in the cell.

" Well I'm going home to rest and get some sleep if anything else comes up you know the # to the house and to my cell phone." She said. And took off to home.

She got there and got the surprise of her life to find Vegeta and Trunks were there. They told her what had happened and why they were there.

" It's about time you left her." She said to Vegeta. And left to take a warm bath (alone) and eat dinner with them.

Xero went over to where Kakarot was living with his two sons and talked to them they were his informant to what was going on while they were gone.

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Next time on the Z Files.

Angel is woken up by a strange light and was taken before Vegeta and Xero could save her. What will happen when she returns?