Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Times ❯ Shou ga nai ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragoball Z/GT or any characters related.

Wrong Times

Chapter 1: Shou ga nai (No way to avoid it)

The Future

"Pan! Come back here right now!" Vegeta voice roared.

Pan looked over her shoulder. "Vegeta, he's getting away!!"

He grabbed her wrist. "You don't just chase an enemy, it could be a trap!"

She shook herself loose from his grip and took off again.

"I don't care! He's going to ruin it all!"

Suddenly she stopped, causing Vegeta to bump into her.

"What are you doing now!" he growled.

"I can't sense him anymore." she said and blinked. "Oh Kami.. we're too late! He's gone!" she looked at Vegeta, whose ki was raising rapidly.

"He did it, then." Vegeta stated. "He used the time machine. He went back."

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Gohan yelled.

"No way Vegeta, Pan is NOT going to the past. Find someone else, it's not going to happen!"

Pan slapped her forehead. It was a bad idea to tell her father, she thought. Pan sighed. Gohan rushed out of Capsule Corp, followed by a shrugging Videl.

"Sorry guys, can't help you here. If Gohan says no, Pan *can't* leave. And you know it." she added, looking at her daughter.

Pan looked around at the remaining people. Goten and Trunks were lying on the couch, with a bored look. Bura sat on a chair, looking at her nails. Uubu stood against a wall, and stared at the ground. She sighed again and started walking around.

"Doesn't anyone of you understand what's going on! He's gone back in time, and is screwing up EVERYTHING. And we *know* he'll come back after ruining their future. He has sworn to do so!"

Bulma walked in, nodding slightly.

"We know Pan. But your father says you can't go. And you're the only capable person to leave."

Bulma looked at her husband and son. "It's too dangerous to let Vegeta or Trunks go. They already exist in that timeline."

Turning to Goten, she smiled weakly. "Chi Chi would *never* let Goten go, and Uubu," she said, turning to the younger guy. "We'd never trust him, we don't know anything about him."

"So that's it?!" Pan asked. Silence.

"I should have never built a copy of the time machine Trunks came with. It wasn't necessary, but I was just too damn curious." Bulma sighed.

"That doesn't matter, you had no idea, mom!" Bura added.

Pan just sighed. "Well, then I'll guess I'll just sleep here tonight, because I don't feel like talking to my father right now." She dropped herself on the couch, next to her uncle, and crossed her arms.

"Sometimes your brother can be such an ass, Goten." She mumbled. They just laughed, but Pan had never been so serious.

"Bura?" Pan whispered as she looked at the clock. It was past midnight, and she had no intention on sleeping. "Are you asleep?"

"I WAS" Bra moaned as she turned to face Pan. "Shut the hell up will you, I'm sleepy".

Pan smiled and sat up straight. Bura narrowed her eyes and caught a glimpse of the look on her face.

"No Pan, don't.." she tried, but realized trying to stop her good friend was pretty useless. She knew Pan too well for that.

"I'm sorry Bura, just make sure my dad won't go mental if he finds out."

Bura grinned. "Just be back before he can find out. And Pan.." she added, sitting up straight also, "be careful."

The girl nodded with a smile and hugged her friend. "Go back to sleep. You didn't hear or see anything."

"Hai, sure thing Pan-chan" Bura replied and turned around to fall asleep, trying not to worry about what her friend was about to do.

That same friend wandered down the stairs in the middle of the night, trying to find Bulma's laboratory in the huge building of Capsule Corp. When she finally found the lab, the lights immediately went on, blinding her for a moment.

Pan looked around and studied the lab carefully. "I just have to find the right capsule. Where on earth does Bulma keep that stuff?"

She shook her head and looked at the mess. It took her nearly half an hour or so to find a drawer filled with old capsules. As she searched through it, she noticed one who looked extremely old, and an "H" was marked on it.

"Got it" she said out loud as she opened the box and grabbed the capsule. With it, she walked outside and with a soft "poof" and a bit of smoke, the time capsule appeared in front of the Capsule Corp. Wiping away the dust, she recognized the word "HOPE" written on the time machine. Written by Mirai Bulma, when she sent her son back in time.

"So this was the capsule used by Cell to come back in time huh?" she wondered.

"Ironically, you are going back to the same time as he did."

Pan smiled a bit at the figure standing behind her.

"You're not going to stop me are you?" she asked him.

Vegeta smirked. "Why would I? Just remember you have to take him down. Don't hesitate, don't toy with him, brat."

She nodded. "And what about my family, and yours? Can I tell them who I am? Should I keep it a secret?"

Vegeta shook his head. "I doubt if it will make a difference. You'll have to see for yourself. Now go."

She smiled slightly, and looked up at the window of Bura's room. She saw the blue haired girl in front of the window, staring down at her. Pan jumped into the capsule and exchanged a last grin with Bura.

She looked at Vegeta and whispered: "Tell my father I'm sorry. He *knows* I have to do this. And, well.. you know.. I love you all.."

Vegeta rolled his eyes again. "I am not going to express your love to him, brat." he said. "Just take care." he added, turning around. Pan knew that was about all the encouragement Vegeta would give her, so she just nodded and pushed the button.

The Present

Goku looked at his son. The boy was still holding back. Why couldn't he unleash his full potential?

"Goku" Mirai Trunks started. "Are you sure Gohan can handle this?"

Goku nodded. "He is far more stronger than I am, if he learns to control his power."

Vegeta snorted as he looked at the brat and Cell fighting. "How can you be so sure, Kakarot?"

Suddenly there was a capsule floating above the destroyed arena. As the two powerful warriors were still at it, the other Z warriors looked at capsule. Cell powered up some more and threw a Kamehamehawave at Gohan. Gohan easily deflected it and send the powerfull attack into the air.

As Pan tried to figure out what exactly what exactly was going on, she felt something approaching. Looking out the window of the capsule, her eyes widened.

"WHAT THE..!" she yelled before she was blinded by the light of the Kamehamehawave.

A loud bang was heard and smoke was all around her. Luckily she could protect herself from the blast, but the capsule was completely destroyed. As the smoke cleared up she floated in the air. It all turned quiet. Even Cell and Gohan stopped and looked up. Pan looked down and into the boys eyes.

"Father?" she whispered.

Piccolo blinked. He was the only one who heard that. Did that girl just called Gohan father?

Cell laughed and flew up to Pan. He looked at the young woman.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?"

Pan blinked at the "Perfect" creature. "Cell." she hissed.

"Oh, feisty. WHO are you?" he demanded.

Pan just smirked and said "I'm no one special. And you are of no importance right now, I'm here for something far more dangerous than you Cell."

Cell frowned. "You DARE to insult me little girl?"

She frowned and punched him in the stomach. Cell, stunned with surprise, cringed. The Z warriors gasped.

"That girl!" Yamcha yelled. "She just KICKED Cell! She's a girl! And she can fly!" Yamcha narrowed his eyes and studied Pan. "And she's cute too!"

"Shut up fool!" Vegeta scowled. "This is no ordinary girl."

Everyone turned to Piccolo, who gave the two in the air his full attention.

"Do you know her Piccolo?" Goku asked.

He shook his head.

"Something about her feels familiar." Goku stated. "Weird."

From below, Gohan looked at the young woman. She was very pretty and he felt like he *knew* her. For a moment, she looked down and her eyes met his. She smiled and gave him thumbs up.

"How can she be so relaxed? She's taunting Cell, of all people!" He flew up to the others and walked to his father.

"I guess he found a new competitor."

Pan sighed momentarily. This was all wrong. She wasn't supposed to land in the middle of the battle. And her father hadn't even ascended! She came too early, and now Cell was interested in her!

"You have some guts to punch me." He said and tried to kick her.

She grabbed his leg and tossed him away.

"As I said, I am stronger. So don't even try it!" She warned him, before appearing in front of the flying Cell. Pan smashed him down and threw a ki blast after him. He quickly blew it away and frowned.

"How can this be? You're not even a Super Saiyan!"

Pan grinned. "I'm *special*. Even in my normal form I am powerful enough to take you on."

Cell blinked and unleashed a massive attack of punches and kicks. Pan blocked them all and punched him in the face. She smirked and raised her hands.

"Solar Flare!!!" she yelled and the massive ray of sunlight blinded Cell. She used this opportunity to kick him down and as soon as he hit the ground she powered up.

The Z warriors all gasped.

"That was my attack!" Tien said in surprise.

"Dad. Who is that?! She seems so much stronger than Cell!" Gohan said.

Vegeta glared at Gohan for that comment, he couldn't stand the fact that there was *another* one who was stronger than he was. He looked at Cell, who was still down.

"At least the worm will loose this battle." he muttered.

Suddenly, Pan looked up at Vegeta and laughed shortly. Vegeta frowned. She would surprise him. As she placed her hands in the right position she smirked.

"You're history Cell. Know that you were nothing compared to the enemies we'll face in the future. Hah, compared to them, you're just pathetic. GALLICK…GUN!!!"

The powerful attack she learned from Vegeta launched towards the green being. Vegeta looked up in amazement, confused that the girl was using *his* attack. He watched as the beam hit Cell, and the other slowly felt his ki dropping. Cell was history.

Pan had defeated him in such a short time, and it wasn't any trouble. She relaxed, powered down and floated towards the group of fighters.

"This is it, now we'll see if I can win their trust." She whispered, while looking at her friends and family.

They all looked different, except for Goku seemed to change. But Vegeta actually looked out of this worl, with his hair and clothes. And Tien, Krillin and Yamcha surprised Pan with their younger looks. As soon as Pan turned to Gohan, she gasped. Her father *was* a little boy.

The only figure remaining was a young man, whom she barely recognised.

"Trunks?" she asked. The young man frowned and nodded. "Yeah?" he replied.

So *this* was Mirai Trunks. She went back in time. The Cell games. The past.