Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Times ❯ Masaka! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragoball Z/GT or any characters related.

Wrong Times

Chapter 2: Masaka! (It can't be!)

When Pan landed in front of them, they all remained silent, waiting for her explanation. She had to explain a lot. Her timing wasn't perfect. In fact, far from perfect, because she came too soon. Or too late. She had prevented her grandfather's death, but her father did not ascend yet. Everyone seemed to be okay, even Trunks wasn't injured yet.

Trunks. He looked so different. His hair was longer and there was a huge frown on his face. He didn't wear any glasses, and seemed much muscular than the Trunks she knew. This was the Trunks from the future. He had faced many troubles and seen many death. He didn't grow up to be cheerful and free, like her Trunks. This Trunks *was* different. She suddenly realized she was staring at him and that he was looking at her with the same interest. She blinked and tried to focus on why she was here.

"I don't know where to begin," she laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head.

"You can begin by telling us who you are." Piccolo said.

Vegeta's voice sounded from a bit further away. "Tell us girl, are you another Saiyan or not?"

She sighed. This was not going to be easy. She looked at her father, who was still a young boy and gave him a smile. He smiled back and looked at Goku. She turned to her grandfather.

"I know it's not original. But I'm not from this time. I'm from the future." She started.

The Z warriors looked at each other. Trunks stepped forward and looked at her.

"Are you from my time? Did my mother send you?"

She shook her head. "No, I come from the future of this time line. The one you changed. I come from the future where you grew up to be a happy guy, where there were peaceful times. The future you made possible."

Pan shook her head. "But I'm afraid I ruined it all now. It won't ever happen that way. Not anymore."

"What's your name girl?" Goku asked.

"I am called Pan. Son Pan." She said smiling, awaiting the many surprised comments.

"Son? You are related to Goku?" Krillin asked.

She nodded again and said: "I'm his granddaughter."

Everyone stared from her to Gohan. He looked at her with a strange look.

"You're my daughter?"

"Yes I'm your daughter. And I'm sorry about Cell." She said, pointing at the destroyed arena behind here.

"I came too early. I wasn't supposed to interfere. You.." she looked at Gohan,

"You would have defeated him. Goku would have died and you would have become the strongest boy in the universe. Now you will never unleash your true power." After several minutes of silence, Goku stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"You did what had to be done, I guess. Cell is dead and we're alive. So what is the problem?"

"Oh I almost forgot," she grinned. "I followed someone from my timeline here. He managed to steal a time capsule made by Aunt Bulma. He went back in time, to *this* exact moment."

Vegeta looked at her "So where is that someone you're talking about now, then?"

Pan frowned. "Not here, quite obviously. I can only imagine he landed elsewhere, and avoiding a confrontation with you. Not that you would stand a chance" she mocked.

The prince clenched his fists together, but before he could say anything, she continued.

"I was kidding. The only real problem is, is that I have to track him down. He has serious plans of destroying my future, and if I don't stop him, all the trouble Vegeta and I went through will have been for nothing."

Upon hearing this, Vegeta frowned as well. That brat? He worked together with her? She looked at him and smirked.

"What? Surprised? In my time you're the one who taught me almost everything Vegeta." She told him, proudly.

"Enough you two." Piccolo ended the starting argument and looked at Pan, who nodded with a smirk.

"All right. I guess I should explain the entire situation." Pan placed a hand on her hip. "But do we have to do that here?"

Goku smiled. "I definitely recognize something of Chi Chi in you. I think, if you're telling the truth, we should take you to Bulma."

"The onna? What does she have to do with this?" Vegeta snarled.

"Face it Vegeta, Bulma is one of the few who is able to track down the time machine, and that guy Pans after." Piccolo said.

The others just remained silent, amazed by the entire event. Cell had been beaten just now and already a new enemy turned up. They were just as confused as Pan, who sighed when she realized how much was different. This was the past, so long ago. What about Vegeta? Would he become the same person now? Would Bura still be born? And what about Goten and Uubu? She shook her head and turned to Trunks, who was still observing her.

"I think we can trust her Goku. I believe her. Let's take her to my mom."

Gohan nodded. "I agree with Trunks. If she is from the future, then she must be very confused right now, like us. Let's go right now! At least we won't have to deal with Cell anymore."

Pan looked at Gohan. "I'm sorry you didn't get your chance."

Gohan laughed and waved the comment off. "I don't mind, I'm just glad that threat is over." he said while his hair changed back to normal. Goku followed his example and walked up to his friends.

"Yamcha, Tien and Krillin," he said. "What if you guys go to Dende and make sure all the people killed by Cell are wished back. Me, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks will go with Pan to the Capsule Corp."

His friends nodded and said their goodbyes, leaving the deserted place and headed for the look out. When they appeared out of sight, the others took off as well.

"Now spill, kid" Piccolo ordered, when they finally arrived at Bulma's home.

Pan nodded and continued.

"All you need to know is, that about 33 years from now, Goku will be gone. We dealt with a lot of enemies in our past, but at that time, things were finally peaceful. Until Tensho showed up. He was different from every other enemy we faced."

Tensho. If it weren't for him, she would be safe back home. In the future, where she belonged. Sparring with Vegeta, hanging with Bra and the others. But he ruined it all. She was forced to travel back.

"Why he chose this timeline, we're not sure. He's unlike any other we've ever encountered. He's just plain mad, but incredibly strong. At first, we thought he was after Cell. But since I destroyed Cell, I suppose that's not it. I'm afraid he just wants to destroy us. His motive is unknown."

Trunks caught up with her as they walked inside the building and looked at her questionably.

"But how were *you* able to travel here?" he asked.

Pan laughed. "I'm not even sure. He took our newest model, and I took Cells capsule, which Bulma kept after the Cell game. It worked properly, except I couldn't exactly steer it away when Cell hit me."

Her jaw dropped.

"Cell destroyed my capsule. Oh Dende, it's gone!" she slapped her forehead. "I am *such* an idiot!" she yelled.

Trunks gave a worried look. "Maybe you really should try to relax. You fought Cell and traveled through time. That's pretty something, you know."

They sat down in one of the rooms and Goku nodded.

"Yeah, just take things easy. You're lucky you're not hurt!"

Pan looked at him, and frowned. "That fight with Cell was really nothing. You might not believe how strong you guys are in my time. Well, some of us."

She took a short moment to look at Trunks and noticed how he looked a lot stronger than the Trunks from her time.

"You're a lot stronger than my Trunks, you know." She eventually said out loud.

Mirai Trunks smiled shyly. "I've been training with father and alone, for 2 years in a row. I guess you could say I'm well trained."

"How old is your Trunks, Pan?" Gohan suddenly asked.

Pan thought for a second, comparing her Trunks with this one and counting the years from now. "He's 33, an oldie already. He gave up training a long time ago, which probably explains why this Trunks is stronger."

"Hmph. Pathetic. How could my future self ever allow his son to give up training?" Vegeta barked into the conversation all of the sudden.

The girl rolled her eyes at the comment. "Well, you'll be surprised by your future self. Your *daughter* hasn't trained *at all*. She's about as strong as a weakling human" she smirked. "And you're okay with that." She added, obviously amused when she noticed the wide eyes of Vegeta.

"How about you give us some useful information brat!" he scowled "You seem to be very talkative, so tell us about this Tensho!"

Pan pouted. He sure had changed in those years. She wondered how Bulma ever fell in love with this arrogant bastard.

"Father, can you please calm down." Trunks pleaded, but Vegeta silenced him with a glare. Pan remembered that the past Vegeta never showed his feelings, especially not towards Trunks and Bulma. Before she could say anything, Goku's calm voice sounded.

"Vegeta. Lighten up will you?" The hero smiled. "She'll tell us everything we need to know, right?"

Pan smiled happily, remembering her kind and cheerful grandfather. It had been several years since she had seen him, and secretly, she was very excited to be so close to him. She wanted to hug him more than anything, but knew she had to restrain herself, they had no idea how she felt, after all. She glanced over at Gohan and saw his concentrated look. He was studying her, very carefully, probably trying to figure out if she look like him. She grinned at him, and when he noticed, he grinned back, a little uncomfortable.

"Wait," Bulma came in. "you mean *this* is the girl who defeated Cell. This is Gohans daughter!?"

A big smile appeared on her face as she pointed at Pan and looked at Gohan.

"I can totally see it! How adorable is this! Gohan, you're a daddy!" she laughed.

"Bulma, now is not the time!" Vegeta snarled.

"Oh hush Vegeta. You're just disappointed she defeated Cell instead of you. A *girl* defeated Cell, talk about news!" she continued amused.

Pan laughed at Bulma, who sat down in front of her, next to Vegeta and waited. Waited for the explanation.

She took a deep breath.

"Okay, from what I know, is that Tensho is an alien. Vegeta said he was an exact copy of Zarbon, except for his blue skin and long dark blue hair. His eyes are red veined and his attitude is horrible. He's unreasonable, we couldn't get through him. The worst thing was, that he wasn't exactly strong, but he had special techniques and was incredibly smart. That's why we had no idea what he was going to do next. And at the point where Vegeta and I finally caught him, he escaped to this time."

"Maybe he wants the dragonballs, like Zarbon and Frieza wanted in the first place." Vegeta commented, and Bulma, sitting next to him, frowned.

"Well no silly, that would be useless. The Dragonballs are still there, in the future!" she said, but Vegeta ignored her and looked at Pan.

Pan smirked. "Exactly what my Vegeta thought. You're wrong though, Bulma. The Dragon has disappeared and the balls have become useless. Vegeta thought, that if he was after the Dragonballs, he just chose this timeline because they were just created."

By this point, she caught everyone's attention, and they all looked at her as she summed up her story.

"So if he's after the regular Dragonballs, granting two wishes, he could basically wish anything. And we don't know what he wants."

But Tensho knew exactly what he wanted. He swiftly moved past the others on the look out, as they were too busy to notice him. He laughed shortly as they placed the dragonballs together.

"Sure, waste your wishes on restoring the earth." He mumbled, before entering the palace.

The fools had no idea what treasure the palace was hiding. The Dragonballs created by the little green guy were useless compared to these. He just had to time everything perfectly.

He blew the dust of the balls, revealing their black stars. "Gorgeous." He smiled wickedly and took them outside.

Even though he did not expected all the Z fighters to be here, their timing was perfect. He could summon his dragon at the same time as Shenron was summoned, and avoid the surprises of a darkened sky. This was too easy.

When Dende raised his hands to summon the dragon, the sky darkened indeed. Within moments, the green dragon appeared in front of him, and the fighters all gazed at the superior being. Because they were so caught up with their own wishes, they didn't even notice the second dragon appearing behind them. Tensho stroke some of his hair out of his face and grinned.

"Wishes do come true."

Even when both dragons roared "What is your wish?" the fighters didn't look up or away. They were used to the impressive voice of the dragon, and ignored the possibility of another dragon.

Tensho rubbed his hands. "My wish? Haha, my wish will mean the end of it all." He started mumbling, while the impatient dragon awaited his wish.

Yamcha stepped back in awe. "Come one guys, let me do the wishing this time. It's the least I can do!" he yelled, trying to be heard above all the thunders.

The others rolled their eyes but nodded their agreement. Yamcha silently cheered, happy could finally be of use and thought of his wish before speaking out loud.

He took another few steps back, to look the dragon in his huge eyes and yelled:

"I wish all the people killed by Cell to be revived again!"

Tensho looked over his shoulder in surprise and back to his dragon. The eyes of the giant being glowed.

"Finally. Your wish has been granted!"


The others turned around and noticed the second dragon.

"What on earth is that?!" Tien yelled, and turned back to Shenron, who was still waiting patiently.

"That wish cannot be fulfilled." He said.

"What do you mean?" Yamcha yelled in panic.

Dende walked up to the other Dragon.

"This dragon fulfilled our wish, before Shenron could. But.. where did it came from?"

"You fools!" an unknown voice roared.

It was Tensho, whose blue hair was blown to all sides as he powered up.

"Idiots! You ruined it all!" he hissed and approached Yamcha.

Yamcha frowned, but before he could ask who the creature was, the being grabbed in and lifted him up.

"You fool. You were the one who took my wish!" he growled. Yamcha's eyes widened in fear.

"You guys!" he squealed.

The others present rushed towards them to attack them, but Tensho dematerialized and appeared elsewhere, still holding the terrified and confused Yamcha.

He gagged. "I don't understand.."

"Silence. Of course you don't. None of you do. You'll pay for this, I swear!"

And with those words he unleashed a blast with his other hand, aimed directly at Yamcha. He let go of the human, who dropped on the ground. He didn't move, as his bleeding head hit the ground. Yamcha was killed, and his murdered sighed annoyed as he took off, leaving the others behind in shock.

A short scream was heard in the large building, which shook up all the people in the room.

"It's Dad!" Bulma realized and jumped up, dragging Vegeta with her.

"Hurry, what if something's wrong!" she yelled panicked and continued to drag Vegeta with her, in the direction the scream came from. The others followed quickly, only to find a very upset and confused Dr Briefs in his laboratory.

"Someone stole my brand new spaceship!"

"Tensho." Some of them whispered. They hadn't even met their new foe, but were certain this had to be him. Pan nodded slowly.

"Please, Dr Briefs, do you have any idea where the ship is going?"

The man blinked Pan, who he had never seen before. But because the others gave him an annoyed look, he listened to the request and walked to the computer.

"Well," he started, "I did install a tracking device in the ship, so if we set the coordinates right, I should be able to .."

A soft 'pling' was heard and the ship appeared on the monitor, heading straight towards another solar system.

"How curious. He hasn't entered an exact location, but the ship is definitely heading towards this place." The professor pointed at the screen.

Bulma pushed her father away and sat down. She began to type in several comments and started talking in herself.

"What are you doing Bulma?" Gohan asked, but she shook her head with annoyance.

Vegeta crossed his arm with impatience and Piccolo, who had been silent all the time, followed his example.

"Yes!" Bulma yelled cheerfully and pressed the 'enter' button.

"If it works, we should be able to see who's on board. I installed a camera, so we would be able to see the person who would use the ship. And in this case, the person who stole the ship. Hang on.."

They all focused on the monitor, and slowly but certain the disturbance disappeared and the ships interior became visible. And then, when everyone's view was locked on the screen, he appeared on screen. A cautious look in his eyes was the first thing they noticed. Then, his arm blocked the view, showing his blue skin and large muscles. The creature turned around in front of the camera, at which point they could see his dark blue hair. And then, the creature stared right into the camera.

"Tensho." Pan repeated.

Seconds later, the being smirked and reached forward. He grabbed the camera and they lost the image.

"If that's Tensho," Bulma said softly, "then he's up to no good."

"But what does he want in space? The dragonballs are here on here on earth!" Goku asked.

Before anyone could even respond, they heard yet another noise and turned around. There, in the opening of the door, stood an upset Krillin, followed by Tien, who looked even worse.

"Hey guys," Gohan greeted, "What's wrong?"

"Yamcha." Krillin said. "He's dead."

"And there was this guy, who had another dragon."

Pan snapped up when she heard this. The news sounded familiar to her. Another dragon, in this timeline? This could only mean one thing.

"Tensho managed to find the Black Star Dragonballs."