Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Times ❯ Dou shiyou? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragoball Z/GT or any characters related.

Wrong Times

Chapter 5: Dou shiyou? (What shall I do?)

"This should be easy!" Pan said cheerfully, as she stretched out, smiling at the sight of sunlight. She was glad to be out of the ship.

Trunks leaped back up and sighed. "I don't think so. The ship is severely damaged." he muttered.

Pan didn't pay attention to the fact the ship was indeed damaged, because of the harsh landing. Trunks may have flown a time capsule before, when it came to flying a space ship, he was a novice. And the landing wasn't a perfect one. In fact, it was far from perfect.

"Boy. Next time, someone else flies, remember that?" Vegeta ordered. Trunks frowned but didn't respond. He knew his father was too lazy to actually fly the ship, and Piccolo or Pan wouldn't be interested. He was the ship's pilot. If only the damned thing could be fixed.

"So where are we?" Piccolo asked. He looked around, welcoming the sight of nature, but still on his guard.

Pan continued smiling. "This is a most unusual planet. Everything is hundreds of times bigger. See?" she pointed to a small rocky hill a few meters away from her.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. "What of it?"

"It's just a pebble." she commented.

It was true. Everything on the planet was extremely large. Their ship seemed nothing but a tiny spot compared to the huge trees and shrubs. An odd sight indeed.

Trunks pressed a few buttons, and Yuri was released from the board computer. The small Dragonrador was built in a Robot, thanks to Bulma, and thus able to walk around. In a way, he resembled Gill. But less anxious, and far more primitive. This was another time, of course.

Yuri continued to bleep, and jumped around. "Dragon ball! Dragon ball!"

Pan sighed. "We know, Yuri. What way?"

Again, the robot continued to bleep and point. The group stood there, for a short while. All of the sudden, Trunks spoke.

"I think it would be best if we'd split up. The ship has to be guarded at all times, and I have to fix it, as well. So, two of you should find the Dragon ball, and one person stays with me."

Piccolo nodded. "I think it would be best if Pan goes off to find the Dragon ball. She has been here before."

Pan agreed, and was glad she was able to explore the planet a bit. It has been ages since she was last on here. Or, it would be ages, before she would be on here. She shook her head, confused by the different time line. Besides, she wasn't even sure if she was going to be born, still. And if all the trouble in the future would happen. Again, she sighed. Time travel was a bad thing.

"I'll go, yes." she said, looking at both Vegeta and Piccolo. "Who's coming with me?"

Before Piccolo could speak, Vegeta interrupted him. "I will go with you, brat." he said, with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Fun." Pan grinned. "Let's go then. Yuri, this way?" she asked the robot, who yelled an "AFFIRMATIVE!" and jumped ahead.

Vegeta growled. "One comment out of that robot, and he's dead." he complained, as he followed the smiling Pan and the robot, leaving Trunks and a dumbfounded Piccolo behind.

Piccolo sighed. "That father of yours." he shook his head. Trunks blushed slightly and focused on the ship.

"This planet is just bizzare." Vegeta mentioned, in awe. Pan nodded. "I think it's beautiful. I've had a lot of fun here, when I was here with Trunks and Gokou." She sighed, to herself. Remembering the future was depressing.

Vegeta walked next to her, and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "Pah. I bet Kakarot and Trunks hated the fact you were with them." he smirked.

Pan nodded. "They did."

They remained silent, Pan's reply shut Vegeta up. She smiled, to herself.

"What are you smiling at?" Vegeta immediately asked.

"I'm a weakling girl, I can smile all I want." she shrugged, and jumped on another 'pebble', the size of a small house, this time.

Vegeta followed her example. As he glanced over at Yuri, who continued scanning the area, he turned back to Pan. "Let's get one thing straight." he hissed. "I don't like you. I'm not planning on ever liking you. I just want to find this Tensho, defeat him, and reclaim my status as the strongest Saiyan."

Pan raised a brow. "What about saving the planet?" she asked.

"I could care less about Earth. I'm not on it, right now, am I?"

She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Well then, Veggie. For your information, I don't like you ONE BIT myself, I don't care if you don't want to like me, and we're going to find the Dragon balls, save earth AND make sure Tensho doesn't get away. And while we're doing that, you'll try to be nice and stop treating me, OR Trunks for that matter, as a moron."

She panted. "Deal?"

Vegeta paused. "Dragon ball."

Pan blinked. "What?"

"The stupid robot is yelling "Dragonball" but your voice is too loud, and you can't even hear him." he said, obviously not impressed by Pan's rant.

The girl growled softly. "Sure, whatever. I know where the Dragon ball is, anyway. Just.. come on." She sighed, and took off, flying towards a giant forest.

"I wish I was more of a mechanic than a fighter, right now."

Piccolo smirked at the comment made by Trunks. "Be careful what you wish for. You're doing fine, Trunks. Bulma would be proud."

Trunks laughed softly. "This Bulma might be. My Bulma, my mother.. she would be embarrassed by this lousy repair job." he chuckled. "But then again, I'm doing the best I can."

The Namek took a deep breath. "I just hope your father behaves himself, and that they return soon enough with the dragon ball. I don't trust him, OR this planet." he said, looking around.

"I don't know.. My father is a complicated man. But Pan seems to be able to handle him very well. I'm curious how he is, in her time."

"Yes, I've been thinking about that myself. You know, she's from the future of this time. The time you changed. We never thanked you properly, for coming back."

Trunks shrugged. "It was the only thing I could do. Besides, you should thank my mother." He gave a faint smile. "She was always trying to do best. If I could only tell her it worked. That there's a future where I grew up in peaceful times. That Gohan had a daughter. That Gohan was still alive. And my father. All of you.."

"You'll get the chance, soon enough, Trunks." were the comforting words of Piccolo.

The boy nodded. "I hope so Piccolo-san. But first, we have to find Tensho."

"The orchard. The apples! I remember! It's the same, even if it's all these years before!" Pan said, not hiding her enthusiasm.

Vegeta gave an annoyed look. "What are you talking about?!" he asked.

"The Dragon ball is here. Just, anywhere around, lying on the ground. For us to find, I swear!" the girl said, laughing shortly. "Easy."

Vegeta sighed. He didn't want this to be easy. Where was the challenge in this. He had to face a worthy opponent. He had to prove his strength. For 3 years, he had been training, only to find out about an enemy stronger than him. Cell.

And the warriors surrounding him kept on improving their skills. Piccolo became one with that Kami. And became stronger and stronger. But Vegeta wouldn't stop there. He trained for a year, with his son. He ascended, thinking THAT would be enough.

But it wasn't. Neiter him or his son could defeat Cell, and they had to rely on Kakarot to save him. But he refused to wait for Kakarot to rescue him and the earth. He went back in that room, and trained another year. But during the games, Cell only paid attention to Kakarot. And then his son. Kakarot put all the faith in that boy, and when he was about to be killed, his daughter rescues him.

Another Super Saiyan from the future. A female Saiyan. One fourth Saiyan, but still able to transform. And even without a transformation, capable of achieving a strenght surpassed by only a few.

He was stronger. He knew. He deserved to be. He had to prove it.


"Hn?" he responded.

Pan looked at him. Her face showed concern, but he cared not. "Did you find the Dragon ball yet?" he asked, bluntly.

The girl shook her head. "I have been talking to you for the past 5 minutes, you didn't even listen. I told you I was going to look THAT way, and you should head for the other."

He snorted. "Fine."

And they parted ways, but Vegeta wasn't planning on searching on his own. He looked around for a short while and decided that this search was useless. Knowing that Yuri went with Pan, he decided to turn around. Pan, however, was nowhere to be found.

"I'm not some stupid babysitter. That girl had better show herself soon, or else." he complained.

Suddenly he felt a ki rise up. He barely recognized it, but was sure it had to belong to Pan.

A fight? Without him?

Vegeta hastened his pace and entered a clearing in the orchard. He smirked at the sight of an enormous monster, attacking Pan and the robot. No, attacking was the wrong word. In an attempt to grab the two tiny beings, the monster slammed his fists into the ground several times, causing the ground to shake. Pan tried to avoid her best, and she had powered up in the process. When she noticed Vegeta, she turned to him and yelled:

"I spotted the Dragon ball. It's in his food!"

Vegeta looked over at a pile of appels and other fruits and vegetables. All hundred times their regular size, hiding a dragon ball, according to the girl. He frowned. Somehow this didn't seem serious to him. It was all a big joke. A giant, guarding his food supply, attacking a girl and a robot the size of a fly. He shook his head and flew towards the pile of food.

The giant growled and stretched out his hands, causing Vegeta to bump into it.

"HMMMPH!" was the only thing the Prince could bring out as he fell on the ground. Pan rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish grin.

"Are you okay Vegeta?" she asked, chuckling. "I..The big guy is very protective of his food!"

Vegeta merely groaned and got back up. "THEN WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT BLASTED BALL AND I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS ONE!"

Pan frowned for a brief moment. "I.. err.. "

He only glared at her. She nodded. What was the point in arguing? With a swift move she appeared out of sight, hoping that the giant would focus on Vegeta now, and she would have the chance to get to the dragon ball.

This was ridiculous. But he powered up nonetheless.

"Well then, I'm surprised you the ship isn't ready yet, Trunks-kun!"

Trunks turned around, and was surprised to see a smirking Pan.

"You're back, already?!" he asked.

She nodded and pointed at Vegeta. "You can thank HIM. He has been on this planet for not even an entire day and he magaged to kill someone, already!"

Piccolo growled. "WHAT?!" he yelled, obviously upset by the fact he wasn't able to stop him.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "The girl forgets to mention that I saved her life AND made sure the Dragonball remained unharmed."

"You didn't have to save me, Vegeta!" Pan yelled at him. "I was fine! You just needed an excuse to go off and kill him!"

Vegeta's eyes spat fire. "Listen brat, we've went through this. You don't order me around. And next time, I'll let the monster eat you alive!"

Pan narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't pretend like you saved my precious life and that your the hero now. You know you don't want to. I thought you were supposed to be evil?" she asked, surprised by her own comment.

He crossed his arms. "Don't tempt me. Don't."

"Ookay!" a nervous Trunks interrupted. "What happened then?"

Pan shrugged and leaned against the ship, while she grabbed in her pocket and showed a Dragonball to the surprized Namek and Trunks.

"I'm glad to see you two found it." Piccolo smirked, pleased.

She nodded. "I found it, to be honest. We had some trouble, getting it. I have to admit, Veggie here helped me out."

"If you think you're funny, you're not." Vegeta hissed at the 'Veggie' comment.

Pan ignored him and continued. "He was supposed to distract the monster as I searched for the dragonball in the food pile."

Trunks looked at her, not really understanding. "Monster?" he asked.

"Yeah," she shrugged. "A giant, a big ugly and stupid one, as well. I met him before. I mean, in the future. It was the same one. But now, he's dead." she said, glaring at Vegeta.

Vegeta snorted. "I had to distract him, but I was forced to kill him."

"Doubt that, Vegeta." Piccolo commented, but Vegetal only laughed shortly.

"I don't care what YOU think Namek. All I know is that we found the Dragonball, I fought and killed the monster, the boy has to repare the ship and then we can move on."

The girl sighed. "Yes, Vegeta. Of course Vegeta. And thank you, Vegeta, for killing that innocent monster." she said, the sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Vegeta raised a brow, but remained quiet.

Again, Trunks sighed and turned back to the ship. "Yuri?" he suddenly asked.

The Robot, who had been surprisingly quiet, bleeped. "Yes Trunks?"

"Can you help me out here? The wires are all wrong, I don't understand a single thing" he admitted.

Pan grinned at him. "MY Trunks was a mechanical genius." she said.

Trunks tilted his head. "Interesting." He replied with a frown.

She shook her head. "Not really. He was dull, because of it." She winked, and Trunks chuckled.

"Brat, I don't want you fooling around, especially not with him." Vegeta's voice sounded all of the sudden.

"I thought I shut you up!?" she asked with a smirk.

He smirked as well and replied "Never" before entering the ship, heading towards the Gravity Chamber. With a sigh, Pan followed him inside, shaking her head at Trunks and Piccolo.

Piccolo, the silent passenger, sat down. "I'm just not sure about Vegeta." he muttered, before returning to his meditations. Trunks didn't know what to say. He just wondered how he ended up here.

"At least we found our first Dragonball.." He sat back and watched Yuri handling the wires. "I'm just curious if Tensho has any luck finding the others." he continued, with a worried look on his face.

Even a mighty being as Tensho could break a sweat. He moaned as the sun burned his dark skin. It was just hot. The sand was burning, hot. Everything he touched on this forsaken planet was hot.

Yet he knew, that there was not a single soul around, but here, somewhere.. There would lie a Dragon ball, waiting for him. His second, already.

Flying was too much, even for him. He continued to walk, from hill to hill, losing energy at every single moment, squinting at the sunlight blinding him. He could feel the energy coming from the ball.

"Here it is.." he said out loud, a wide grin on his face. He bent over and grabbed into the hot burning sand. The sand burned on his skin. He hissed, but the hiss turned into laughter as he felt the cold touch from the Dragon ball.

"Gotcha." he whispered, stroking the 5 star dragon ball with two fingers, before putting it away, safely.