Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You are the one. ❯ Aunt Marron's Advice ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Y'all wanted me to continue so I did.

Chapter 2 Aunt Marron's Advice.

Pan 17

Trunks 25

Marron 20

Goten 24

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Here is a flame I received.

-_- dbz is dead, and face it no one really gives a fuck about these fics :D WRITE SOME COWBOY BEBOP.

My Reply: Well well don't we have Issues, If you want Cowboy Bebop so bad, go read them, they're in the Cowboy Bebop section, This story is DBZ, and let see there are 26560+ DBZ fics, to 1987 Cowboy Bebop fics, yeah the show is dead. Face it, Dragon Ball Z/GT will always have a writer writing fanfiction, DBZ is one of the greatest action anime's around, and if you want more Cowboy Bebop I suggest you use your free time typing up a fic, for that Category, cause Obviously you have a lot of free time.( I also removed your review)

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Pan sat in her room thinking about the previous night. ~~Why does Trunks not see That everything I do, I do for him~~ She got up and walked over to her dresser that had a mirror attached. and looked into it. ~~I've loved him since we went to space, he thinks it's just some school girl crush, but crushes don't last for three years~~~ She thought. Her thoughts were interrupted though when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come In"

Marron Chestnut Son Pan's Aunt, she' s married to Goten Pan's Uncle, also a good friend to both Pan and Trunks "Hey Marron, How's it going?" Pan said wiping Tears from her eyes

"Hey Pancakes, Is anything wrong? It's Trunks isn't it?"

Pan nodded "Oh Aunt Marron, why can't he see how much I love him"

"I had the same problem when I was thirteen" Marron laughed.

"You mean? Pan looked confused

"Yes, Pan I had a huge crush on Trunks when I was Thirteen, but Trunks was 18 and didn't take me seriously"

"Like he's doing to me now?"

"Well my crush only lasted a few months it wasn't as full blown as yours, and I found someone better in your uncle Goten"

"I'm glad your my Aunt, I'm glad Uncle G. picked you for his wife"

Marron smiled. "I'm glad you are my niece, and I'm sure Trunks will come around"

"But how, he's getting Married in a few days"

"Well he loves your singing, why not sing him another song"

"He said that"

"Not in so much words, but I saw the way he looked at you last night, it was as if you enticed him into some sorta trance, the boy loves you and will see it soon" Marron explained.

"I hope your right Aunt Marron" Pan got up and got a box full of old music sheets out of her closet

"What's this?" Marron asked as she picked up some sheet music.

"Oh it's all the music sheets from the singing lessons I took when I was a child, I just kept everything, see if you can find a song that will show Trunks how much I care for him"

"Alright, Sounds fun" Marron said as she sat next to Pan on the bed sorting through old Sheet music. "Oh this one sounds good, It's called "I get lost in your eyes" by Debra Gibson" Marron handed Pan the song. Pan looked over it

"This just might work" Pan said and smirked "Now to figure a way to get Trunks to hear me"

Marron thought for a moment, "Well have you thought about doing another Kareoke thing"

"Maybe we can all go over to the briefs. but we need an excuse for a party"

"I think I have one" Marron smiled

"Yeah what? Pan looked confused

"Well That's the reason I came in here your gonna have a baby cousin soon"

Pan's eyes went wide "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS" Pan screamed happily as she brought her Aunt into a hug."Does my grandmother know, wait does Uncle G. Know,?"

"Yes, he was with me when we found out, and yes your grandmother knows, and well she is thrilled, in fact I wouldn't doubt it if she called Bulma and told her, it's only a matter of time before Bulma is throwing us a party"

Pan couldn't help but laugh "That is true, Bulma will find any excuse to throw a party"

"Yeah and we're not even her children" Marron laughed.

"Yeah, but we hung around Bra and Trunks so much, that she considers Goten, You and Me her "Other Children"

Marron leaned against her "You mean "Normal" Children don't you"

Pan laughed "Yep exactly that" Pan and Marron laughed and talked for the rest of the afternoon.

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"So Marron's Pregnant, Congratulations Man, I'm happy for you" Trunks said to his best friend Goten.

"Yeah, I'm happy it just seems sudden, I mean we only been married for Three months now, I kinda wanted to wait a little while, before having any kids" Goten explained.

"Yeah well I guess it's dende's wish for you and Marron to have a child"

"What's this about a child" Trunks turned and saw his mother standing at the door.

"Oh Mother, I didn't see you standing there"

"Yeah I'm sure, now what's this about a child" Bulma said putting her hand on her hips.

"Goten and Marron are expecting their first child" Trunks said

"Really Oh my Kami, Goten does your mother know"

Goten Smiled "Yes Bulma Chan, she knows"

"Oh this calls for a celebration, this is great" Bulma said walking off mumbling something about how much food and what drinks (Non alchoholic of course) she was getting.

"Your mom's a riot dude" Goten told Trunks

"She is, But you got to love her, I mean she'll throw a party for anything, I wouldn't of put it past her if she threw a party when me and Bra were potty Trained" Trunks laughed causing Goten to laugh with him.

"Speaking of Bra, did she talk to my niece today"

"No and why did you bring up Pan all of the sudden, I told her it wouldn't work out, we're too different, we're like night and die, hot and cold, summer and winter,it's useless"

"Yeah but Trunks didn't you take chemistry Opposites Attract, and that is exactly what you and Pan have Chemistry"

"Yeah, but I'm Marrying Mina"

"Well tell me something do you love Pan?"

"No" He simply said and walked off.

"Okay" ~~I really need to help to help see he loves Pan, he has the same look in his eyes everytime he sees Pan, that I have everytime I see Marron, but how do I go about convincing him?~~ Goten thought.

"Hey Goten Kun" Bra said

"Bra, Oh perfect, oh I'm glad to see you"

"You are why?, I thought I annoyed you"

"Oh I never said that Bra, I really need your help"

Bra crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow "With what?"

"Getting Trunks to see he does love Pan"

Bra smirked the famous Brief smirk "Alright I'm in"

"Great, and I think we can get Marron to help as well" He said picking up the phone to dial his wife's cell phone.

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A/N: Well what will Bra and Goten come up with. Will Marron help out, or stick to her and Pan's plan. or will the three join forces and combine tragedies. Read the next Chapter of "Your are the one?"