Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Crack Inc ❯ Romeo and Juliette ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Romeo and Juliette
Disclaimer: Argh, watch the otherones. >=E This is beginnignto get irritating. >.>;;;
Author: Jinsei and Shibou

(Look up vol 4, when Veirres/Bierrez just have come to the castle and let his demons loose. This starts at the page in Cesia's room.)

Cesia: *is standing by the piano, facing the window*

Vierres: *just appeared in the window, sitting on the windowsill* I'm ba-ack. Just like I promised, darling. Disappointed?

Cesia: *beams a bright smile at him* Of course not, love! I've missed you so much! *runs forwards to hug Vierres*

Vierres: O___O Whaa?! *in surprise leans backwards so much he falls out the window* Whaaaaaaaa!!!

Cesia: *reaches the window, opens her eyes to see no Vierres present* Vierres? *leans out the window a little, looking left* Vierres? *and then right* Vierres? *reaches out a hand towards the sky and the other hand on her heart* Vierres, oh Vierres! Wherefore art thou, Vierres? *holds up a handkerchief to her one of her eyes before gracefully dropping it out the window and moving back further into the room*

Vierres: *is lying on the ground BELOW the window, stares up, totally dumbfound* ... *continues to stare up, sweat dropping, as the handkerchief slowly floats down, landing on his face* ... *removes it* Wtf was that all about? *still lying still in the bush he landed in, staring up at Cesia's still open window*