Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you now again? ❯ Boom boom bang creates MISFORTUNE! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Who are you now again?
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Disclaimer: Don't own Dragon Knights
Author: Jinsei Seishin
Pairings: Lykoukeon x Raseleane; Lykouleon x Ruwalk
Warnings: m/m and m/f in all its possible and oddest ways; humor; total craziness!
// Thoughts. //
Boom boom bang creates MISFORTUNE!
It had been an explosion that rocked the great building to its foundation, making things falling off their shelves and poor Garfakcy to be thrown to the floor… getting coated in the sweet tasting mish mash that was to have become a strawberry cake. Needless to say, it pissed him off. It would probably have pissed you off too… even though your fingers tasted heavenly at the moment. Getting up swiftly, but carefully so not to slip and fall again, the tri-colored human gave his clothes a disgusted look before taking off the apron, which had saved most of him, but not all. Throwing the soiled kitchen wear onto the marble counter, pushing the urge to stay and scrub it clean away, he hurried out of the kitchen. He had to see if his master was ok, after all. Later, he would take a bath, remake that cake and then he would have to CLEAN THE WHOLE CASTLE! There must have been tons of dust that got airborne by that blast. Now Kharl couldn't deny him entry into any room.
… But first… Arriving at the laboratory, the one that Kharl seldom used but had said he would be in today, Garfakcy pushed one of the heavy, oak doors open. The mess in there made his skin crawl. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Clean…
“Kharl-sama!” The human called out as he spotted something white and fluffy, which could only have been the alchemist's hair.
Crawling out from beneath the work table he had been standing by the moment of the accident. Seeing his assistant hurrying up to him, the youkai smiled. “Ah, Garfakcy. So nice to see that you weren't… hurt… What's that thing in your hair?” The violet eyed man blinked at his irritated house-keeper.
“That's the strawberry cake I was making.” Said person replied with a light scowl. “What happened in here, Kharl-sama?”
“Oh, a little accident. Nothing to worry about… I think.”
“… You “think”?” The human quoted, looking the youkai in the eye. This was possible because the Renkin Wizard was sitting on the floor.
“Well, I--" The youkai stopped speaking and a shudder crawled up his spine, the next second the both of the rooms two occupants looked out a window… whose drapes were hanging on an end, one of them noticed.
Outside the previously azure sky was quickly growing dark and winds had begun to blow, tearing on the branches of the trees and making any creature out there wish they had some hole, or house, to creep into and hide in. A black, gas like cloud without shape swiftly soared up towards the sky from the large castle. Everything in Arinas, even the two humans on the continent, could feel the ominous presence rolling out from the thing that was now swiftly making its way away from the dead world.
Far away from the Renkin Wizard's castle, yet still on Arinas, a blackish brown haired human and a strawberry red haired waterlight shuddered, feeling the malicious magic rise towards the skies and leave the continent, but not knowing exactly what it was.
The malevolent gas cloud (XD What? That is what it looks like!) swiftly flew high above vast expanses of water, bad weather its escort, a raging thunderstorm its entourage, a worried sky and troubled sea its tail. The odd magic quickly sped on, ever making the distance shorter and shorter to its undecided destination. Dusis.
Chapter one;
Oh, Lord!
It had been a calm and starry night in Dragoon… up until now that is. The midnight blue darkness with its moon and stars was swiftly covered by gray clouds, which soon grey darker to, in the end, make way for a heavy storm. Nothing unusual though, summer storms were usually heavy but few, so a bit of rain was only welcome. Oh, if everyone had known what had brought the storm they probably wouldn't be so composed.
With the morning the storm ended, leaving a glittering landscape of wet green and clear, sparkling waters. It was a beautiful and serene morning, but the day that was to follow it would be anything but peaceful.
Ruwalk, yellow Dragon Officer and Secretary of the State, slowly opened his eyes, forcing them not to fall shut again. Mornings were never his thing and usually he did pull the curtains closed so that the early sun wouldn't arouse him. Had he forgotten to do it last night? Surely he couldn't… though that blinding light spoke differently. But he hadn't been that tired when he went to bed and he hadn't drunk anything either. The dragon heaved himself up onto his elbows, blinking open his eyes. Yes, the drapes were indeed pulled aside. No, there weren't any bottle of any kind of alcoholic brewage anywhere in the room as far as he could see. Yes, Lykouleon was still fast asleep-- Lykouleon!?!
Falling backwards, Ruwalk almost fell out of the large bed. What the hell was Lykouleon doing in his room? He hadn't drunk yesterday! Right? Right?! At least he couldn't remember drinking anything. And even if he had drunk so much that he wouldn't remember, at least Lykouleon wouldn't ever drink so much that he would end up in Ruwalk's room and in Ruwalk's bed… naked no less! The yellow Dragon Officer's face was rather quickly turning red with embarrassment. It was while Ruwalk was trying to figure out how to solve this mess that he noticed another thing. A green thing, no less.
// Ok, we must have drunk yesterday and Kaistern musthave been with us since I would never color my hair green.It doesn't go with my eyes… // It was then that another thing dawned upon him… he wasn't even in his own room. He was in the royal couple's personal bed chambers!// What will Raseleane-sama think if she sees this!? Where the hell is her highness anyway!? Certainly, shewouldn't drink so much that she would ever end up drunk, now would she? Right? // Ruwalk's mind was slowly going towards the red warning sign reading “meltdown” when he noticed one last thing… Having been frantically looking around for either the Dragon Queen herself or any trace of the woman, his eyes had passed a large mirror… and stayed there. Staring back at him was the Queen.
But… there had to be something wrong… it had to, because… Slowly, and for the first time that morning, the Secretary of the State looked down to see long, green locks spilling over a pair of slender shoulders and outline a pair of large, perfect breasts.
Not a single sound came from the Dragon Officer's mouth, he had even lost the ability to think straight. This had to be a dream, Ruwalk's brain finally concluded, this could not possibly be real… for if it was, then he was… in the Dragon Queen's… body.
“Mm, love…?” Ruwalk's head snapped up to stare over at Lykouleon… Lykouleon who was slowly waking up.
// Oh, shit! Oh, damn! Oh, hell! What do I do? How do I explain this to him? I don't even know how it became like this! // While the Secretary's poor, overworked brain was going over these sentences, the Dragon Emperor had woken up, heaved himself up on his elbows and turned towards his “Consort”.
“Raseleane…?” That snapped Ruwalk out of his, put on repeat, train of thought. Turning his head to focus on the person who had spoken… grave mistake. A blush quickly blossomed on Ruwalk's cheeks, the Dragon Emperor was still naked and while you couldn't see anything below his chest, the lean muscles and the nice lines were enough to-- Ruwalk mentally shook himself hard. This was his best friend! Get on with the speaking instead of enjoying the view! … Wait! Had he actually been looking at Lykouleon's body and enjoying it!? Not that the Dragon Emperor was unpleasant to look at in any way… but this was his best friend! He had to start talking, now! Or he didn't know where his thoughts would wander… Why would they wander anywhere!? They shouldn't even have gone there to begin with!
“Raseleane… you're blushing.” Lykouleon's soft voice was what saved Ruwalk from further conversation with himself, and probably from a complete meltdown. The Dragon Officer's attention once again snapped over to the other person lying in the bed. A very large, soft and comfortable bed and the other was-- // No! // Ruwalk screamed at his mind, mentally beating the hell out of it.
“L… Lykouleon…” That had been her highness voice! Oh my god! Why had it sounded so soft?! While Ruwalk mentally scowled himself, the Dragon Emperor smiled at his “wife”. She was so sweet.
“Yes, love?” He whispered softly while leaning over and placing a kiss on the female's forehead. This only made her blush all the more. // She's so beautiful… I don't think I would be able to go on without her. // The green eyed man smiled.
“L-lykouleon, I…” There Ruwalk came to a halt. How was he supposed to continue? Just say: Hey, Lykouleon, I'm not really her highness, but Ruwalk”. His friend would think it was some kind of joke!
“You're too sweet.” Lykouleon smiled happily. “You usually only call me that when we're making love.” That was too much information for poor Ruwalk's brain, who decided that it needed a vacation and left the unfortunate dragon to fend for himself.
“I… I want…” Yes, without a brain you usually don't get out very many, if any, clever sentences. That was supposed to have been “I want to tell you something” but it came up shorter than intended… and didn't do much in Ruwalk's favor.
Smiling, the Dragon Emperor reached over and gently pulled his Consort close. She was so delicate… if he would die from anything it would be from protecting her and not Nadil's curse.
Meanwhile, the remains of Ruwalk's functioning conscience was starting to break down. If this continued any further… actually, it was already underway, if he wasn't reading this all too wrong. The yellow Dragon Officer was only proven right when Lykouleon leaned down and placed a light trail of kisses on his cheek that ended on the mouth. What horrified him even more was that he actually, without noticing it, had leaned his head a bit to the side and then met the other's soft kiss on the mouth. It didn't really help either that his hands were resting on the other's collar bone just below the shoulders.
But the press of the Dragon Emperor's body was so soft, yet held a sensual… Ruwalk's mind screamed something incoherent at him at that moment, snapping the dragon back to the situation at hand. If this went any further, how would he explain that to Lykouleon? To her highness! To himself even!! It wasn't quite enough to get his body moving because just then, a hand, a hand that could only belong to the blonde man Ruwalk was currently sharing a bed with, slowly slid up the dragon's side… Beginning at the hip it caressed the skin with a loving touch, following the curves up to just barely touch the side of the breast. Ruwalk's sanity was packing its suitcases and saying bye-bye at that moment.
// Wake up! You're about to make love to the Dragon Emperor! You're about to have sex with your best friend! You'reaboutgoddamned to blast it with Lykouleon!!! // That finally made Ruwalk's brain come running back, grabbing his sanity on the way who was about to step out the door.
“L-lykouleon, wait!” His voice had sounded much softer than his mind had wanted. But it did get the desired result.
“What is it, Raseleane?” Those gentle, green eyes, silently asking for if he did something wrong. Those soft, moist lips, just waiting for-- // Stop it!!! // Ruwalk quickly snapped out of it before his body decided to answer that it was nothing.
“L-lykouleon, I'm… I'm not Raseleane.” There, he had finally said it. He had finally gotten it out. Though one part of him was actually disappointed over it… // Disappointed!? // Ruwalk began to mentally beat himself. // This is Lykouleon! Lykouleon, Lykouleon, Lykouleon!!! //
Said person blinked once at his wife then smiled. “So who are you then? One of the maids?” He asked with a small, amused smile. A chill went up the Dragon Officer's spine, the outcome wouldn't be any different unless…
“I'm Ruwalk!” A little too desperate for his own taste, but the blinking stare he got boded well… or? L-listen, I know this sounds totally crazy but I'm not Raseleane-sama. I really am Ruwalk. I don't know how, but I woke up in her highness' body.” There was a moment of silence. Oh, what a killing silence. “Please believe me, Lykouleon.”
The Dragon Emperor blinked once again before swallowing. “Is… is that really you, Ruwalk?”
“Yes.” The relief was overwhelming. Lykouleon stared for another second then began to chuckle weakly.
“Don't we make a sight? Come on, let's try and find out what has happened and…” The green eyed man paused for a second, the couple staring at each other for a moment before Lykouleon finally let Ruwalk go and made some space between them. “But first let's put on some clothes… ok? Otherwise we might not know where this ends.” The worst thing, Ruwalk noticed, was that Lykouleon probably was right about that.
I had too fun writing the Lykouleon and Ruwalk part. I had trouble keeping my laughter in, but I had to since I wouldn't have known how to explain to my host parents why I was laughing my brain out at a Word document. XD I'm so glad I have a separate bedroom and a laptop at my disposal.
Yes, I do know that Nohiro isn't really human. XD;;; But I felt a little mean writing “a blackish brown haired thing and a strawberry red haired waterlight”. Wouldn't you? Haha.
I pity Ruwalk, I really do. Anyone else who feels the same? XD
Something I wish to clear up for everyone: according to the Japanese manga, the titles used for Lykouleon and Raseleane are Emperor and consort/princess. Which makes more sense, at least on Raseleane's part, since she might not even have been royal, just bearing the Dragon Eyes. We can blame this with Lord and Queen on Tokyopop.
I don't know if Americans' understand how big difference there is between these four titles but I'm sure Europeans understand completely since we've had kings and queens. Not to be discriminating, but…
Where did the title for the first chapter come from? XD What “Raseleane” might have screamed if they didn't stop… ^^;;
Oh! And despite popular belief about the Yellow Dragon Officer so does he actually dislike people who are quite fond of alcohol… according to the character info on Mineko Ohkami's own website. But I'll have to skip that in this fic… this chapter probably wouldn't have gotten as fun otherwise.
What did you think? Please review. XD