Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you now again? ❯ Youfre me and I amc Wherefs her highness!? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Who are you now again?
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Disclaimer: Don't own Dragon Knights
Author: Jinsei Seishin
Pairings: Lykouleon x Raseleane; Lykouleon x Ruwalk; Rune x Tintlet; Ruwalk x Rune
Warnings: m/m and m/f in all its possible and oddest ways; humor; total craziness!
// Thoughts. //
Chapter 2:
You're me and I am… Where's her highness!?
“This feels very odd…” Ruwalk slowly commented as she took a few trying steps in the sweeping dress and high heels. “… but awfully familiar at the same time for some reason.” Ok, so she had worn high heels on her boots before, it was more the go around in a dress part that bothered her. But she had to agree with Lykouleon; currently this was the best bet. They didn't really have any neutral or male clothes that fit her “new forms” and it would cause less commotion than seeing the sweet Dragon Consort walking around in male clothing. Oh well, it was just to bite the sour apple and suffer for a short time. Ruwalk knew that both she and Lykouleon were very eager to find her highness. Not only so that they might be able to switch back but also so they knew she was out of harms way.
The Dragon Emperor smiled apologetically and shrugged helplessly. It felt odd seeing his wife but knowing it wasn't really her. In one way it made no sense, and in one way it did. What worried him was how they were going to change back his friend and beloved to their correct bodies. They didn't even know how the exchange had been done in the beginning! Well, first thing first… they had to go check in Ruwalk's room and know if Raseleane was in his body. That would be the most logical things, but somehow Lykouleon doubted it would be so. None of this had anything logical about it to begin with!
They had both agreed on that it would be best if they first tried to find the Consort themselves and then taking help from others. Raseleane was much loved and many cared deeply for the Lady, therefore, the less to know the truth the lesser the chaos in the castle. A good question was if they were going to tell Alfeegi what had happened… if they now couldn't find her highness.
The morning bustle had already begun within the marble walls of the royal castle in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, Dragoon, the kitchen was full of life and people were moving in the hallways. All of Draqueen was slowly waking up to another completely normal morning… for most people anyway.
Long blackish and reddish brown strands of hair lay spread over a wide, pale yellow pillow. The softness of the headrest and warmth of the cover trying to convince the body occupying the bed that it was much nicer to stay asleep than wake up. Needless to say, the body didn't seem to be listening as the owner of it slowly woke up. Slowly blinking brown eyes open, Ruwalk sat up in his bed, cover sliding down to rest at his waist. Stretching the Secretary of the State yawned lightly, covering his mouth in the last minute.
“… That was one very odd dream.” He mumbled to himself in a low voice before throwing the cover aside and getting out of the warm bed. Body 1 - Bed 0.
Walking over to the large mirror in his room to see what kind of challenge the night had made of his hair, the dragon let out a surprised half yell. Staring back at him from the reflective surface was…
((Jin: >=D *does a drum whirl*
Muse: *throws a stick at her* Stop dragging it out!
Jin: ;.; Meanie! Author abuse!
Muse: -.- Just get on with it.
Jin: =p Fun! [humph in Japanese]))
… the yellow Dragon Officer. The man could do nothing but stare for the first ten seconds, then he slowly reached up to touch his cheek and then looked at his hair. No, no one had played him a practical joke with the mirror. Pinching his cheek hard he let out a light, pained sound. Ok, so he wasn't still asleep, but then… Why…? How had this happened? He had to have some other kind of confirmation, and the safest way to do that was…
“Kahaku!” (A/n) Not exactly yelling out the water dragon's name, but neither using a normal conversation voice, Rune waited for a few moments before he gave up. This wasn't a dream, couldn't be anyway, and he was in Ruwalk-san's body… Oh good Lord. Where were the real Dragon Officer then? Looking around, a bit panicked (waking up to find yourself in another body can do that to you), his first thought was to go to the Dragon Emperor, this was his childhood friend that had disappeared after all!
Being ever the logical person he was, it was probably because of him that they had gotten back to Draqueen at all that time they were going to deliver Nadil's head… well, anyway! Going about his current situation logically, Rune walked over to the wardrobe in the room, mumbling an “excuse me” before opening the closet. He was, after all, about to go through the Officer's personal belongings, whether he was the dragon at the moment or not.
Having dressed as well as he could, without trying to look too much like himself, Rune finally stepped out of the room. Casting a lingering glance in all directions that people could come walking from, Rune set off down the corridor, not really sure where to look at first. He had never really needed to see the Dragon Emperor this early in the morning before.
// I guess his room would be most logical… // Rune scratched his chin thoughtfully while turning a corner and walking right into…
“T-tetheus!” The “Secretary of the State” jumped back in the exact last moment to avoid collision. The black Dragon Officer raised an eyebrow at him in question, other than that he looked rather unmoved but the near crash.
“Yes, Ruwalk?” Straightening himself, Rune took a breath. He not only looked but sounded like the Officer too. Maybe that was a good thing until they had figured out how to undo this… or at least what had caused it?
“Ah, have you seen his majesty? I need to talk to him.”
“I have, not too long ago actually. He and her highness were leaving their room. If it's very important--"
“Oh no, that's all right.” Rune tried to smile and not sound too relieved. “I'm sure I'll find them on my own. But thank you.” The black haired half dragon nodded once before stepping past Rune, continuing down the corridor as if nothing had happened. Giving the other Officer a lingering glance, wondering if he should have told Tetheus or if the older man had suspected anything was wrong, Rune turned the corner and bump into yet another person. This time, however, he wasn't the one to fall backwards. Swiftly reaching out, the Water Knight grabbed hold of the person before they could fall to the floor.
“I'm so sorry, your highness! Are you hurt? I didn't really pay attention when turning the corner, my thoughts were somewhere else completely…” Wait, hadn't Tetheus said that her highness and Lykouleon-sama had left their room together? Then the Dragon Emperor wasn't far away! Rune smiled to himself but quickly wiped it off his face before anyone saw it. It wouldn't to do be smiling after nearly having run over the Dragon Consort.
Soft gray eyes blinked at “herself” as she was helped up from her almost fallen position. They seemed completely normal; it was probably only she who could tell that that wasn't the real yellow Dragon Officer. “R…” Damn, it felt odd calling someone else by your own name. “Ruwalk-san.” She said, remembering what the Lady always used to call her. “Ly-- His majesty wants to see you.” She smiled, hoping it didn't look too much like it wasn't Raseleane.
“Oh. He does? Ah, well, I guess that's good, there was a thing I needed to speak with Lykouleon-sama about too…” The other dragon trailed off. “Do you know where he is?”
“Yes, just come with me and--" Ruwalk smiled again and turned to lead the way but just then a third person turned the corner.
“Raseleane, did you find--" Lykouleon blinked once at the two dragons before smiling. “I see you did.”
“I see. So I'm in Ruwalk-san's body and Ruwalk-san is in her highness' body, so then… Raseleane-sama is in my body?” The Water Dragon Knight asked, looking over at the other two for confirmation.
“We're not sure.” Lykouleon said, giving a light shake of his head. “But we hope she is.” He finished with a slightly strained smile, he was beginning to get worried about his wife.
“So let's go there now and find out.” Ruwalk finished the conversation and stood up from the armchair she had been sitting in. Nodding Lykouleon and Rune followed her out the door leading to the Dragon Emperor's office, the trio, lead by Rune, heading towards the Knight's bedchambers.
It didn't take long before they reached their destination, Rune taking a step forward to enter, but remembering that currently this wasn't “his” rooms so he stopped and knocked instead. Not a minute later the door was opened, revealing the “Water Dragon Knight” fully dressed. Smiling in a way he hoped was Ruwalk-like, Rune spoke up, seeing as it was he who had knocked.
“Rune, may we have a word with you in private?” He asked friendly, the faerie blinked once then smiled.
“Of course, come in.” The blonde stepped aside to allow the three dragons entrance.
// Cheerful and polite enough to be Raseleane-sama… Please let this be her highness. // Rune prayed in his mind as the “other Rune” closed the door behind them before turning around. It was Lykouleon that spoke up first after a moment's silence.
“Raseleane, is that you?” Right to the point and without hesitation Rune noted, but he too was eager to get to know who currently were inhabiting his real body.
“… No. My name is Tintlet.” Rune could only stare, mouth somewhat agape. That… His twin sister was in his body!?
“Tintlet!” Rune took a step forward. How had she gotten involved in this mess? She hadn't been at the castle!
At his name being called, the Spirit Tribe princess, now in the prince's body, turned towards the “Yellow Dragon Officer”. Meeting the dragon's eyes and holding the gaze he finally opened his mouth. “R… Rune? Is that you?” Said person almost felt like falling backwards. He had been able to see it was really him?! How had his twin been able to do that!?
The answer came by itself, he had almost spoke it even. Tintlet, his twin and soul mate, his princess and wife… Of course he would know. Rune just wondered how he hadn't been able to see? … Well, he had been thinking, and hoping, all this time that it would be her highness and he hadn't either really looked into the other's eyes to search for who really was behind them… like he had… like Tintlet had. // They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul… // The dragon slowly thought before noticing that he had yet to confirm the faerie's suspicions. Smiling, he nodded.
“Yes, it's me. And Ruwalk-san is in Raseleane-sama's body…”
“So where is her highness?” Ruwalk aborted any further conversation that wasn't of importance.
“Perhaps she's in my body?” Tintlet suggested, which made Rune visibly twitch before tensing. “What is it?” The faerie asked, turning to his soul mate.
“… Tintlet… where were you the evening before?” Rune asked, almost fearing the answer the princess would give him.
In the Faerie Forest…” He stopped to think for a second. “Northwest of Draqueen.” Now Lykouleon also tensed.
“That's…” Rune started but trailed off.
“The forest closest to Kainaldia.” The Dragon Emperor finished, already standing up. “I must go get her.”
“What were you doing there anyway, Tintlet? What about the youkai?” Rune asked the faerie, making him sweatdrop.
“It's all right, the forest is on it's way back and there weren't any sign of the youkai.”
”But you--"
“Lykouleon, stop!” The commanding and at the same time worried tone of the Dragon Queen's voice made the Water Knight fall silent, it was an odd thing to hear, seeing as usually only spoke in a calm and soothing voice. Ruwalk had walked up and grabbed hold of the dragon's arm, the Emperor obviously having had been on his way out seeing as he was only a few steps away from the door.
“I have to go get her, Ruwalk! Let me go.” Lykouleon turned to stare into the eyes of his “wife”, it gave a light mental confusion in seeing his “wife” this up close, trying to get him to not go and get the one that actually was his Consort. The facts that those soft, gray eyes were staring up at him and that Raseleane might be in danger were waging quite a violent battle for dominance in his mind. He knew that that wasn't really his wife but at the same time it was… It felt really odd.
“She's--" Rune shook his head sharply. “He's right, your majesty. You can't go.”
“Then who will?” Lykouleon said, turning to the brown haired “Officer”, quite glad to be able to take his eyes off “Raseleane”, his mind might just stop functioning otherwise.
“I will.” Was the Dragon Knight's answer. “It's Tintlet's body after all.
“You can't either.” Ruwalk interrupted. “It would seem really odd if “I” all of a sudden went off to the Faerie Forest and come back with “a Spirit Tribe princess” without any explanation for it. Had Kaistern been here we could have sent him since he's the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, but he isn't at home right now…”
“So what do we do then?” Rune asked.
“I could go. I'm currently the Dragon Knight of--"
“No.” The faerie's twin interrupted the blonde. When Tintlet turned to him, he blushed. “I… Just please don't go. I would be even more worried than I currently am.”
“Then who will? …Without it looking odd.” Tintlet added a second after she had said her question. Silence filled the room for a few moments, then…
“The best thing to do in a situation like this would actually be to send someone who isn't directly involved…” Rune spoke up, making everyone turn to look at him.
“Who do you suggest then?” Tintlet tilted his head to one side, looking at his soul mate.
After a moment of thinking the brown eyed dragon looked up, meeting the waiting gazes. “Tetheus.”
“Alone?” Ruwalk asked. “Would that really be a smart move? I know, this is Tetheus we're taking about, but still… As long as he doesn't tell anyone and pretends he's doing this trip to go get a Spirit Tribe princess, your,” Ruwalk gestured towards Tintlet but quickly shook her head and moved her hand to point at Rune, “I mean your, twin sister, it doesn't really matter, does it?”
“What do you say, my Lord?” Rune asked after a moment of silence, causing Lykouleon to look up from his thinking and noticing the others in the room were looking at him.
“… I think that will be for the best. Let's go to my office. Ruwa-- I mean Rune, would you please go get Tetheus? Don't tell him anything at first.”
The dragon nodded. “Of course, Lykouleon-sama.”
“Just Lykouleon is fine too.” The Dragon Emperor smiled while sweatdropping before walking up to the door.
Yes, I uploaded two chapters the same day. ^^;; They were finished after all. I didn't get hold of internet earlier to upload the first.
About Ruwalk's hair and eye colors: The profile on Mineko Ohkami's website actually says orange-brown eyes, but seeing I have found no art, official or unofficial, that shows that color I will only take brown… ^^;; And I like the look of that more. The hair then? Profile says it's red with black tips, if I'm not completely wrong. Always in the manga the tips have a lighter color than the rest of Ruwalk's hair so I will switch those two colors. And once again, no art with those colors… I know, I know. Ohkami likes to draw them with all different kinds of colors… but at least ONE art, that I have seen, for everyone of them has their “true” colors, so to speak. ^^; So I will mix the black and red with brown. Please no flames. Just straight red and black are a bit too… let's say, showy… or bright.
For all you who didn't know, the Duel Dragons does have names. In the Japanese manga both the element of the dragon and their names are used. And I'm going to do the same, so here are the names:
Water - Kahaku (River Chief)
Fire - Honou/Honoo (Flame) Depends on spelling, both ways are completely understandable
Earth - Riku (Land)
Light/Deus - Shin (God)
Wind - Hayate (Hurricane) This is according to a person (who had a great DK site, some of you might remember) that could read Japanese. I have myself not yet seen the kanji used for the wind Dragon's name, but I will use her translation until it shows up to be otherwise.
=o Spirit Tribe: the Japanese manga says only “Spirit Tribe”… and waterlight (quite literally on the last one). There's nothing about faerie or elf. But translating it to a spirit would get a whole other meaning in English so Tokyopop used something that is as close to a good, nature spirit as you can get but at the same time has a temporal body… in other words, a faerie/fairy.
… It seems like there will be a small, random piece of information about DK and/or the characters in the end of all the chapters. ^^; Oh well.
See ya all soon!