Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter 12 (Epilogue) ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation
The dark haired teen sighed as he set his head on the soft pillow. Purple eyes closed as he waited for the slight dizziness to pass. `I guess I let them take just a little too much blood this time. Although I would have let them have more if the doctor hadn't stopped the nurse.'
It had only been three days since the doctor had discovered his blood could cure the children and all Chihaya had wanted them to do was drain him until he dropped. The doctor of course had refused but all the dark haired angel had cared about was making sure that no one else suffered from the illness. The nurses and doctor had made sure to pull as much blood out as possible without hurting him. Luckily it didn't take much to destroy the virus and many children and adults had been saved thanks to him. `Not that I really did much.'
“How are you holding up?”
Chihaya opened his eyes as his gaze shifted to the doorway. He smiled warmly at his father.
“Just a little dizzy,” the teen answered.
The archangel entered the room, making his way to the bed. He then sat down, leaning over to wrap his arms around his son. “I've very proud of you. I know you've had to deal with a lot these past couple days.”
“I'm just happy that the children are better. That's all that matters to me.” Chihaya said softly, resting his head against his father's shoulder.
“You two had us worried sick. When that messenger angel came racing in my heart dropped. I figured you had finally gotten the virus. You just spent so much time with the children. Then it turns out to be Kagetsuya and we're both flying back as fast as our wings can carry us. We burst into the orphanage only to find both of you fine,” the blonde laughed as he shook his head.
“You're fine with Kagetsuya and me, aren't you?”
The archangel gave the younger angel a kiss on the cheek. “You know you can never do anything that would upset me. As long as you both love each other that's all that matters.”
“I don't think that'll be a problem,” the teen informed. As he continued to hold onto his father the black haired male became aware of how hot the room was suddenly getting. Chihaya frowned as he rubbed his forehead. “It just got really hot all of a sudden. You don't think I'm getting sick do you? The doctors can't afford for me to get ill.”
Michael carefully released the younger male, placing his hand onto his forehead. Chihaya murmured in pleasure, enjoying the simple touch. The blonde blinked in surprise before letting go of the other angel.
“Lay back down and tell me what you're feeling,” Michael instructed.
The black haired teen did as he was told. He moaned softly as his bare flesh slid across the cotton sheets. “Why is it so hot?” Chihaya murmured contently as he rubbed his right cheek against the pillow.
“Just hold on for a couple minutes. I'll get Kagetsuya for you. He'll help you feel better,” Michael announced. He waited for his son to nod before walking quickly out of the room. The archangel then raced over to the phone, fingers rapidly gliding over the numbers that he knew so well.
“Raphael? I'm sorry I don't have time to talk but this is urgent. I need Kagetsuya to get over here as quickly as possible.” The archangel rolled blue eyes as his friend continued to inquire as to what was wrong. “Feel free to come as well. Just get Kagetsuya over here as soon as possible.” He then clicked the phone off, ending all thoughts of further discussion.
The blonde only had to wait a few minutes before he heard the flutter of wings outside. `I'm glad they live only a few blocks away. Chihaya's never gone through this before so I'm sure he's confused and nervous.'
The door slammed open and the younger angel burst in, blonde hair a wild mess. “Is he alright? He's not sick is he? There's no way he could have the virus so what is it?”
Michael took one look at the frazzled teen and couldn't help but laugh. “I'm sorry I just can't help it.”
The archangel's best friend blinked as he looked at the other two males. “Well it's obviously not life threatening or you wouldn't be laughing right now. So why do you need Kagetsuya over here so badly?”
“You know me too well, Raphael. First of you and I are going to go out for a bit. Blow a couple hours out, maybe grab a bit to eat or see a movie. Provided of course that you have the time. During this Kagetsuya is going to take care of Chihaya.”
“But why? What's wrong with him?” Kagetsuya asked in frustration.
“My son has hit his first mating cycle.”
Eyes widened as they turned to Michael.
“How? Ok, I mean I know how, but how can it be his first? Most angels hit their first mating season at 15 or 16,” Kagetsuya exclaimed, shocked by the issue at hand.
“We know that Chihaya's body chemistry is different from others. The virus definitely proved that. I watched him closely those two years, told him to tell me if anything was off. When those two years pasted and then more after that I just assumed for some reason his body didn't react the way everyone else's did.”
“So what started it up now?” Raphael inquired.
The other archangel shook his head at the question. “Oh my dear friend, if you don't know what your nephew and my son are doing behind closed doors than I must suggest you learn how to open your eyes wider.”
Kagetsuya chucked as he lowered blue eyes, his cheeks reddening slightly.
Raphael refused to let the surprise show as he cleared his throat. “Now in all fairness they are at your house much more often than mine.”
His friend laughed at the remark. “You got me there.”
“Can we discuss this another time? My boyfriend is in there…um…” Kagetsuya trailed off, unsure how to finish the statement.
“Horny?” Michael suggested.
Blue eyes widened. “I can't believe you just said that about your own son.”
The archangel chuckled at the expression on the younger angel's face. “It's the truth though.”
Raphael shook his head at them both. “Now I suggest Kagetsuya go and take care of Chihaya. I'll get Michael out of here before he says anything else.” With one last smile at his nephew the other archangel led his friend out of the house, shutting the door softly behind them.
The blonde haired male sighed as he ran fingers through his hair. He wasn't quiet sure how to deal with the situation at hand. He'd been through several mating cycles but had never been with someone who was going through their first. Kagetsuya quietly stepped through the hallway, making his way to his boyfriend's room. He knocked softly on the door before pushing it open. The male swallowed the lump in his throat as he gazed at the flushed figure before him. Chihaya was currently in the process of tugging his shirt off, moaning as the fabric rubbed up against chest. His boxers were a twisted mess, pushed up as high as possible on his upper thigh.
“Chihaya, you need to calm down.”
“But it's so hot! Why is it so hot, Kagetsuya?” the black haired teen asked.
His boyfriend almost passed out at the question. “Didn't your father tell you what was wrong?”
“No, he just told me that he was going to go get you. Is something wrong with me?” Chihaya questioned; the fear evident in his voice.
The blonde sighed as he sat down on the bed. Chihaya was immediately pressed up against the other male, hands gliding under clothes to touch cold flesh.
“You feel so good. Can we?” the black winged angel murmured.
Kagetsuya took several deep breaths, forcing his body not to jump the much too tempting male. “Chihaya, I'm sure you've talked about it in school. You're going through your mating cycle.”
The other male nuzzled the blonde's neck, his lips trailing across the pale skin. “So that's what this is,” he murmured before nibbling on his boyfriend's neck, “So are we going to mate or what?”
Chihaya pulled off the other male's shirt, not even bothering to wait for a response. All he knew was that his body was screaming at him for pleasure; screaming for his boyfriend to take him. Nothing else really seemed to matter at the moment.
“Please Kagetsuya,” he moaned, the lust all but evident in purple eyes.
The blonde groaned before allowing his body to take over. `I'm not about to argue with him when he's like this.' Chihaya let out a faint squeal as he was pushed down onto the bed, his lover positioned over top of him. Mouths meshed together as tongues entwined with each other. The black haired teen gasped into the kiss, struggling with shaky hands to get his boyfriend's pants off. He growled in annoyance as his fingers refused to cooperate with him.
The blonde broke the kiss, causing his lover to groan in disappointment. “Calm down, Chihaya. I'll do it,” he panted as he quickly slipped his pants and boxers off, letting out a sigh as his erection was freed from its tight confines.
Kagetsuya let out a shout as a hand was wrapped immediately around his member, stroking it firmly. Blue eyes slid shut as he threw his head back, moaning loudly. His body jerked towards the other male, his thigh pressing up against Chihaya's own erection.
The black haired teen cried out, grounding himself against his lover. His hands reached out and he wrapped his arms around the blonde. He then began to beg loudly, whimpering for release. The blonde reached down, ripping the boxers off the other angel. He then slid out from the other's arms, dropping his head down take the weeping member in his mouth.
Chihaya wailed in pleasure, fingers clutching at the sheets below him. “Oh gods, please Kagetsuya!” he squealed, thrusting his body upward.
The blonde couldn't help but grin at his enthusiastic lover before continuing his current actions. Blue eyes scanned the room, looking for something to make entering his lover easier.
“Chihaya, do you have anything to…” before the sentence could be finished a bottle was thrown at his face. The blonde smirked at the other male, “You're not at all in a hurry are you?”
The black haired teen let out a low growl as he sat up, staring straight into the other angel's eyes. “There is no time for jokes. I want you in me, and I want it now. Got it?”
“Your wish is my command,” Kagetsuya stated he continued his earlier ministrations. He couldn't believe how demanding his lover was, this was the first time the quiet angel had spoken out for anything. He worked to stretch the angel as soon as possible without injury.
“Now, oh please Kagetsuya! I can't take it anymore,” he protested, tossing his head back and forth against the pillow. He pushed himself against the fingers that stretching him, groaning at the spikes of ecstasy.
The blonde angel slipped fingers out of the warm body before positioning himself over his lover. He then leaned down, setting his forehead at Chihaya's. “Love you,” he breathed out.
“I love you too, Kagetsuya,” the black winged angel whispered back.
The blonde then plunged into the warm body, groaning loudly as the heat enveloped him. Chihaya shouted out his name, wrapping arms around strong shoulders.
Kagetsuya silently thanked the gods above for the fact that the teen's father was out of the house before pulling out slowly. Both angels created a rhythm, which continued to accelerate due to Chihaya's current condition.
`He's not going to last much longer,' Kagetsuya thought as he reached down, and stroked his lover's aching erection. That one push was all the black haired male needed as he cried out, his body tightening as he let go. The blonde groaned as he thrust several more times before he came. He then collapsed beside his lover, smiling as the teen curled up against him.
“I really hope my dad isn't still in the house. Although I'm sure he would have left considering what just happened.”
Kagetsuya chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. “He left with Raphael. They promised to stay away for a couple hours.”
Chihaya grinned as he kissed the other male. “We could do a lot in a couple hours.”
The blonde laughed. “You're just something else right now.”
“I know, but you love me anyways.”
Kagetsuya smiled warmly as he pulled his lover on top of him. “That I most suddenly do.” He then leaned up, kissing his boyfriend softly on the lips.
The End
Author's Notes: Wow… so I finally hit an end to this fic. *sniff sniff* Sad to see it go. I had lots of fun with this one. Ok, so the epilogue was just an excuse for a lemon but I never see a lemon as being a bad thing. *grins* Sap and a lemon go together pretty darn well. ^^;;; Hope everyone enjoyed this story… I'm sure there will be more Earthian along the way… *mutters about getting the muses to write more* Although they seem to want to start new fandoms right now. *points to the Yu-Gi-oh story she started* Oh well… hope everyone enjoyed! ^_^
(Nagi - ……. Wow…..)