Elfen Lied Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Elfen Lied Inuyasha ❯ Adoption ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Are you serious!" Inuyasha bellowed, his face contorted as his eyes burned with a smoldering hatred. "He did that to you!"

Mayu nodded. She had awoken only moments before. When she had finally came to, she had found herself lying on Kagome’s living room couch. It wasn’t long before Kagome came in to check up on her and found her sitting up. Mayu had still been dressed in her wet clothes, both Inuyasha and Kagome afraid of invading her privacy.

"Are you alright?" Kagome had asked, feeling her forehead for any sign of a fever. There was one.

"I’m fine." Mayu had replied. Her eyes lowered as her thoughts drifted hauntingly through her mind.

Kagome waited. She knew that Mayu would come around only when she wanted to. Still, she placed her hand on Mayu’s. Her gentle touch startled Mayu, her eyes meeting Kagome’s. Kagome smiled warmly.

Mayu felt a lump in her throat. All that had ever happened to her, all that she had ever endured seemed to suddenly seemed to be bubble up from inside her. Mayu trembled. Once again the horrible memories washed over her. First, her fathers death. Next, the shirtless Will. Then finally, her mother’s slap. It was all too much to bare. Mayu felt the sobs rising, raking her body.

Kagome’s arms wrapped firmly about her, quieting her sobs. Her warmth was so comforting. Mayu’s trembling ceased. She breathed deeply, tears streaming from her eyes silently. Kagome’s embrace tightened. Mayu hesitantly slid her arms around her, returning her hold. It was amazing, to feel like this again, to feel as if she actually belonged somewhere.

"Kagome," Mayu paused, hesitant. She so wanted her to know, to tell her.

Kagome slid from her arms slightly, looking at her.

"You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to." Kagome assured her.

"Hey, Kagome." Inuyasha entered, his arms crossed across his chest again, still wearing his soaked hat. "Nyuu’s in bed so we-" He stopped noticing Mayu. "So you are awake."

Mayu watched him for a moment before returning her gaze back to Kagome, serious.

"No." She said. "I want to." And so she told them. Everything from her father’s death up to Wanta’s owner retrieving him from her.

"What kind of sick bastard is he!" Inuyasha’s fists were clenched, his teeth gritting. Mayu’s eyes widened. Are those fangs? It wasn’t until then that she noticed the long claws on his fingers as well. It didn’t bother her though. She had sensed something different about Inuyasha but it wouldn’t make any difference. No matter what, Mayu trusted both Kagome and Inuyasha. She had to. It was the only thing keeping her alive.

Kagome was quiet, maybe stunned. Her face paled slightly at Mayu’s confession. Tears brimming her eyes.

"Oh, Mayu." She tightened her grip around Mayu’s hand comfortingly. Suddenly, she had Mayu in another embrace, holding her tight. "Not again, Mayu. Never again." She assured her.

Inuyasha stepped toward them, his eyes narrowed. "She’s right, Mayu." His face was serious. "He won’t touch you again, Mayu. Ever. I swear it."

Mayu laid awake on her bed. Her bed. It felt good to be able to be able to call it hers, to be in her own room. The room was dark but the door was partly ajar allowing a stream of light to shine within it’s opening. Nyuu laid fast asleep across from her on another bed. Kagome had offered her a room to herself but Mayu had grown accustomed to Nyuu and thought of her as a good friend. Of course, it was the same room she had used previously before. It was only a door down from Kagome’s room and right next to Souta’s.

Mayu didn’t know how it would work out, her living there but the thought of it at just that very moment was enough for her. Even if things went horribly wrong, just as she expected they would, it just felt good enough to be able to be relieved of the horrible memories. As soon as she had told Kagome and Inuyasha her awful past the images began to fade away. She sighed. For now, she was just happy to be there.

Mayu smiled silently within the darkness. After Mayu had told them her story, Kagome must have felt that she should do the same. It puzzled Mayu at first. Kagome had straightened to her feet from kneeling beside Mayu and had gone over to Inuyasha. With a quick swipe of her hand she jerked his wet cap off.

"What in the hell are you-!" Inuyasha yelled.

On his head were two, large, white, dog like ears. One tweaked with his irritation as he fumed at Kagome angrily. Mayu sat still, stunned. They were probably one of the most odd and yet cutest things she had ever seen.

"Are, are those real?" Mayu asked incredulous.

Inuyasha turned away from Kagome, his head held high, nose up.

"Yep!" Kagome announced, reaching over and squeezing one playfully. "Wanna touch em'?"

Inuyasha tore away from her, his eyes glaring.

"I thought you wanted to hide my secret. Not blurt it out to everyone and sign me up as some kind of pet." Inuyasha protested.

"C’mon. It’s only Mayu." Kagome encouraged him. "Besides, your the one who complained about wearing a cap all the time."

"Keh." He turned away from her again, defeated.

It didn’t take long for Kagome to explain to Mayu that Inuyasha was a half dog demon and that he was from different era. Of course, a lot of her story seemed pretty far fetched for Mayu to fully understand.

"Hey!" Kagome had said excitedly. "Maybe sometime we can visit Miroko and Sango and Mayu can see your homeland." Kagome suggested.

"Yeah right." Inuyasha sneered. "Knowing Miroko he’d probably-. Ouch!"

Kagome had interrupted him, knocking him hard against the head.

"He’d be good." Kagome told him. "Now that him and Sango engaged he’s powerless to do anything."

"Yeah, whatever." Inuyasha breathed.

Kagome turned back to Mayu.

"Well, anyway I guess we’ll just have to show you sometime." Kagome said, smiling. "You’d love it. I know you would."

Mayu smiled lightly. Even if her story is a little far fetched it must be true. I mean the guy has claws, fangs, and ears. He must be a dog demon. But even if that so, they helped me and I trust them.

Outside her door she could hear Inuyasha and Kagome talking in the kitchen. The voices were low but Mayu could hear the conversation for the most part.

"So, what do we do now?" Inuyasha asked. He was leaning against the fridge, Kagome at the table.

"I don’t know." She sighed, her head in her hands.

"Well, what about my idea?" He asked. "Why don’t we just adopt her?"

"Adopt?" Kagome asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, you know. Just let her live with us." He suggested. "We can’t just let her go back on her own again."

"It’s not as easy as you make it sound." Kagome explained. "There’s rules to these kind of things."

"Whatta ya mean rules?" He argued.

"What I mean is that we can’t just take her in and call her ours." She said. "If we did then we’d probably get into trouble for kidnapping."

"Then what about Nyuu?" Inuyasha asked.

He’s right. We could get into trouble for that too.

"Well, that’s different." Kagome lied.

Inuyasha sighed. "Look, whatever we have to do, whether it’s gonna get us into trouble or not, I think we should do it." He said.

"Yeah, I know." Kagome became silent for a moment, thinking. Then, "We could try your idea though. Legal adoption I mean."

"Legal adoption?" He asked.

"Yeah, I’m 18 remember." She explained. "I could adopt Mayu, providing that her true guardian agreed to it. But that would mean consulting her mother and maybe even Will."

"Are you kidding!" Inuyasha growled. "There’s no way Mayu’s going near them again!"

"Mayu doesn’t have to." Kagome assured him. "It’s us who will need to talk to them. But we’d be risking a lot. If they refused they’d still know where Mayu was and come after her. We could still get into trouble."

Inuyasha paused, suddenly fuming at the mention of Will. "But what if it works?" He asked.

"Then Mayu can legally stay with us." Kagome answered.

Inuyasha hesitated, thinking. "Then, we’ll do it."

"Inuyasha-" Kagome began to protest.

"No." He said. "You already said that we could get into trouble just by what we‘re doing. We’re going try it."

"Alright." She agreed. Then with a slight laugh she added, "Mom’s not going to be too happy about this. I’m only 18 and I’m adopting Mayu as my daughter."

"She doesn’t have to be your daughter." Inuyasha explained. Kagome looked up at him curiously. "Just, more of a friend."

Kagome smiled.

Mayu listened to most of the conversation. Are they serious? Can they really do that? She hesitated. Kagome’s wrong though. I will have to talk to someone, I know it.

Mayu sighed. Even if that were so, she’d do it. It would be worth it. It could work. She closed her eyes, sleep ebbing at her consciousness. As she slowly faded into the dark void of night she dreamt of her new home with Nyuu, Kagome, and Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stood, slumped within the shadows of a corner of a room, his eyes focused intently on Kagome. They were in a government building, Kagome seated at a desk, Mayu’s mother opposite from her. Luckily, Will was at work leaving Inuyasha somewhat unprovoked than he very well could have been. He hated the fact that a bastard such as him would even think of doing what he had done. Still, Inuyasha’s gaze burned into Mayu’s mother. As far as he was concerned, she was just as guilty.

Mayu was outside in the hall with Nyuu, waiting in utter suspense. The corridor was nearly empty, leaving her practically alone with her thoughts.

It had been awfully awkward, seeing her mother after such a long time. It must have been nearly a month since she had least seen her. At first, when Mayu had entered the room she nearly didn’t recognize the woman who sat so sullenly at the large desk. Her face seemed drawn and she seemed years older than what she really was. Her hands were beginning to wrinkle and her hair was obviously uncared for. It hurt Mayu to see her that way, to see her suffer.

Inuyasha and Kagome had been asked to leave the room, leaving Mayu alone with her. She stood a ways from the desk, the silence holding a discomforting aura. Then her mother finally said,

"You seem to be doing really well, Mayu." Her voice was low, her words slow. Then, she looked at Mayu, her eyes pleading. "Tell me, are you happy?"

Mayu didn’t reply.

"Are you happy with these people?" Her mother asked again.

Mayu met her eyes. "Yes, yes I am."

She smiled lightly. "Then I will sign the papers."

"Huh." Mayu’s eyes widened. Really? Can it really be that easy.

"Mayu," Her mother explained. "I’ve messed up. I never meant to hurt you, to allow him to..." She swallowed. "I know I can’t make up for it, make up for what he did, what I should’ve done. But, I can help you now. I can free you."

Tears welled up in Mayu’s eyes.

"I can free you Mayu." She said again. "But I have to know." She paused, reluctant. "Is this...what you really want?"

Mayu nodded, swallowing hard. "It is."

"Then, live with your friends, Mayu." A tear trickled down her cheek. "Live and be happy."

Mayu choked a sob, running to her mother. She buried herself into her arms. She felt her mother’s returning embrace, felt her comfort. But it wasn’t the same, it never would be. No matter how hard she could try, she could never forget what had happened, never.

They stayed like that for a moment, remembering each others warmth. Then Mayu pulled away. Inuyasha was on edge as it was for being here and it wouldn’t be wise for her to linger. Quietly she went to the door, slipping back out into the hall to allow Kagome and Inuyasha to proceed.

Kagome sat quietly at the desk, her hands clasped in her lap. She was dressed in her best school uniform, her countenance serious. She noticed Inuyasha’s clenched fists. Good thing Will couldn’t make it. Inuyasha would’ve torn him to shreds.

"I trust that you will take care of Mayu." Mayu’s mother said, sketching her signature at the bottom of the stack of papers. "She truly deserves it."

Inuyasha couldn’t hold back any longer. He pushed himself off the wall, straightening. His fists were still clenched, his eyes leering at Mayu’s mother. "Who are you to lecture us on what she deserves!" He growled. "Do have any idea what kind of a hell you must have put her through!"

Mayu’s mother didn’t flinch. Didn’t hesitate in replying, "Your right, of course. I have no right to ever see Mayu again, let alone tell you how to care for her." She looked up at Inuyasha, tears brimming her eyes. "But please, take care of her."

Inuyasha relaxed. It softened him enough to know that she at least still cared about Mayu. "Yeah, we will." He assured her.

She smiled lightly, sliding the paper to Kagome. She sniffed softly, wiping away her tears as she stood.

"I believe that everything’s in order." She paused, "I should be leaving. I’ll be moving out of town soon. Will and I." She stopped. "Thank you." She said. "For...helping my daughter." Then, turning away, she left.