Eureka Seven Fan Fiction ❯ Masseuse ❯ Masseuse ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<center><b><i>Masseuse</i></b></ center>
“Mom! Linck's trying to take my blaster again!”
“Am not! Maeter took my stuffed bear!”
“It was my stuffed bear!”
Eureka sighed, setting down her book she had been absorbed in. She uncurled her legs from under her, her oversized nightgown falling over her ankles. She had hoped to lounge on the couch and have a relaxing night with Renton's company, but it seemed her children had another plan. She glanced at the clock. 9:30. She turned toward her protector of four years, giving Renton a you-had-better-handle-this-I-did-it-last-time look. He blinked, his brown eyes furrowed in confusion before he heard the kids screaming again. He sighed, setting down his mecha magazine he had hoped to finish tonight. He stood and stretched, giving Eureka a minute to peruse his well-developed form.
Renton, now eighteen, had certainly benefited from the training he did with the Nirvash type Zero. Where he used to be short and even a little out of shape for his age, he now sported a very fit and, she thought guiltily, attractive body. Where he once had little skin tone, now he could easily be darker than Holland. A growth spurt at sixteen shot him past six feet, making him almost a full head taller than her. His short arms and legs lengthened and became hard with muscle tone, not too bulky but also very easy to see. What most impressed her had to be his stomach. What had Talho called them? Oh yea, a six-pack. She counted quickly and blushed. Was it possible to have an eight-pack? Her eyes traveled past his navel, blushing at the dark brown hair that trailed past her line of vision.
Renton had, within the past year or so, taken to going to bed in nothing but a pair of sleeping pants. Eureka hadn't known how to react at first, their relationship still undefined after four years. Eventually, she got used to it, and now it bothered her little. Secretly, she'd begun to enjoy seeing him without his shirt on; it sent delicious tingles down her spine. Talho thought the whole thing cute; she felt embarrassed feeling like this about her best friend and protector.
They had been through so much together. After he got sick in the Genuine Promised Land, she realized how much he truly meant to her. It scared her, that he held so much sway over her heart. She had hoped that maybe, just maybe, he could give her a sign if he felt the same way. While he comforted her when she was sad, and helped take care of the children (who now called him “Dad”), he hadn't given an indication that he thought she was more than his friend and responsibility.
She snapped out of her reverie when he turned and headed towards the stairs to silence the ranks. She gave a small smile as she looked around.
After Dewey had been defeated and Gekkostate dissolved, Holland used his new power as head of state and granted Renton this house on the planet. Holland had planned on finding Eureka and the kids somewhere else to live, but Renton silenced his plans when he declared that the odd family would live with him.
The house felt so humongous compared to the ships she lived in for so long. Everyone in the house had their own bedroom, including Eureka and Renton. It included a giant backyard and a huge kitchen, which Renton had felt important for the kids; they spent a year being cooped up in the Nirvash, they needed to run around and have a good time.
Eureka's room she wanted done in blue and white, like that one dress she wore constantly during the war. Light and sunny; that's how she wanted to live her life with her new family. To keep the memories of the darkness behind, and let her little children and Renton lead her into the sun again.
She smiled sadly. There could only be one thing more she wanted her life. Too bad she probably wouldn't get it.
Renton stood in the doorway to Linck's room, leaning against the doorjamb as he gave the three kids am amused look. Maurice and Linck played tug-of-war with a blaster while Maeter hugged a teddy bear, her pink nightgown brushing the tops of her feet. The boys preferred pajamas, Maurice in dark green plaid while Linck sported blue airplanes.
Renton shook his head and strode in, picking up both boys and throwing them over his shoulders. They squealed and laughed, the blaster forgotten on the floor.
“All right, troops, bedtime,” the midgets wailed with protest. He dropped Linck in his racecar bed and gave him a kiss, then picked up Maeter with his free arm and slung her over his shoulder. The little girl laughed and squirmed, but he wouldn't be deterred from his primary mission; get the kids to bed so Mommy and Dad could chill downstairs.
The next bed drop off was Maeter, who laughed and squealed “Daddy!” when he dropped her in her pink and white daybed and pulled up the covers. He slide Maurice further down his back until he held on to the boy's legs, then kissed her on the cheek and turned off her light.
Maurice giggled a little when he became the last obstacle on Renton's mission, being “body slammed” into his truck bed and “pinned” there. Renton knelt by the boy who always made him feel like he was seeing himself nine years earlier. He ruffled his hair, kissed his forehead, and handed him his stuffed dinosaur before standing up and walking to the door.
“'Night, Daddy,” Renton smiled. He loved hearing that. He flicked the light switch off.
“Night buddy.” He took a quick glance at the three rooms one last time, then slid down the banister to spend the evening with the object of his affections.
Eureka was his life, his world, his entire heart, if that were possible. He'd waited for her to give him some indication that she felt something for him, and yesterday, he finally saw it. Well, heard it, anyway. Talho really could have a big mouth when she wanted to.
Renton grinned, scratching his stomach. He had a plan to get “Mommy” to finally realize that she was, actually, a woman, and that the feelings she talked to Talho about were completely normal. He hoped after tonight that there would be a spare bedroom in the house.
Eureka smiled as Renton sat next to her on the couch, closer than usual but she didn't notice. “Did they give you a lot of trouble?”
He chuckled. “No more than usual. More toy fights, nothing serious.”
She giggled. “I need to learn to say no at the toy store.”
“You need to learn to just avoid the toy store.”
She nodded, then dragged her gaze back to her book. She winced when she lowered her head, rubbing the back of her neck.
Renton frowned. “You ok?”
“I have a crick in my neck, It'll go away in a minute.”
She felt Renton's hands on her hips, turning her back towards him. He moved his hand to her neck, and began to massage the nape of her neck.
Eureka couldn't hold back the moan. God, he was good! The pain already left her neck, but she couldn't stop him. It felt so wonderful, his warm, calloused hands on her skin. She shifted unconsciously, the top of her nightgown slipping over one pale shoulder.
Renton hardened at the sound of her moan and the soft sighs escaping her naturally dark pink lips. She had become a luscious, curvy woman these past four years. Where she used to have a slightly boyish figure, she now had hips and a narrow waist. Her breasts, flat during the war, had filled out to a C or so. He wasn't sure, being a guy. All he knew was that she certainly wasn't the scared girl she used to be. Now, she was the sexiest thing on two legs in his eyes.
He moved his hands down the side of her neck to her shoulders, gently kneading the soft, womanly flesh. He swallowed at her groans and cursed the tight confines of his sleeping pants. He ached to simply pull off the damn thing and bury his lips in the crook of her neck, tasting the sweet flesh, making her moan and squirm in pleasure.
Eureka couldn't breathe from the simple actions of his hands on her shoulders. She bit her lip, trying to keep herself from moaning again. But when his thumbs began tracing the contours of her shoulder blades, it undid her. She gasped his name softly, not caring anymore about awkwardness or insecurities.
Renton froze for a moment as he heard his name on her lips. Her long blue hair brushed against his fingers, and every bit of restraint and control snapped. He wrapped his arms under her breasts and began to assault her neck with his lips, nipping the flesh before soothing it with slow, torturous strokes of his tongue. She whimpered and squirmed in his arms, making him harder for her if that were a possibility at this point. She tasted of wind and wine, sweet and tangy on his taste buds.
She arched her back, tilting her head so he could move his lips to her throat. Growling softly, he pulled her on his lap, hands running up her silken thighs. She trembled with need, fisting her hands in his hair as he pulled up her nightgown slowly, revealing more warm skin as his lips roamed down her shoulder. He couldn't think, couldn't focus with the woman on his lap, whimpering his name and rubbing against the part of him that burned and ached to be inside her.
Renton's hands slid up her sides, past her ribcage, pulling her nightgown as they traveled. Eureka groaned, pulling his head form her shoulder to tilt up towards her. She saw the aching, hungry need for her in his eyes. She wondered faintly how hers looked to him before he threaded his hand in her hair and pulled her lips to his. She gasped and jerked against him, ripping a groan from his throat as he deepened the kiss, parting her lips and snaking his tongue in the velvety haven of her mouth. Eureka shivered uncontrollably as his wondering hands pulled off her nightgown, flinging it on the floor before his hands found a new target in her breasts. He ran his thumbs over the tightened buds, causing heat to pool in her feminine core.
Eureka tore her lips away from Renton, throwing her head back at the incredibly sensations flooding her nerves. She rubbed herself against the hard bulge pressed against her core, and delighted in Renton's ragged groan. He gave her a wicked grin and slid one hand down her soft belly, snaking it under her panties and pressing it against her swollen clit.
Her eyes shot open and a whimpered worked its way out of her throat. Oh heavens, what was he doing to her?! The vague thought that maybe this was inappropriate flitted across her mind, but when he slid a finger into her slick opening, all rational thought flew out the window. She bucked her hips as Renton claimed her lips again.
Shit, she was incredibly tight and wet! The thought of being inside her almost made him come on the spot, but he maintained his strict control. Being in Holland's military, while not the strictest, did teach him something about control.
He pulled his finger out slowly, then plunged it in again, making her moan and a single tear to trail down her pale cheek. He looked up with concern when it fell on his arm.
She smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She kissed him hard, running her delicate hand down his chest and across the ridges of his abs. He slid another finger inside her as her hand hesitantly slid inside his boxers, wrapping her small hand around his stiff member.
That simple action undid Renton. He pulled his hand back, sliding the small woman off his lap and kneeling in front of her, spreading her creamy, soft thighs. He pulled off her panties, splaying his hands on her hips and he pulled her closer. He draped her legs over his shoulders, and she blushed as he stared at the most private part of her body. Before she could change her mind, he slid his tongue along her wet pink slit, and he smirked at her whine of pleasure. Immediately, he thrust his tongue inside her, making love to her with his tongue and lips.
After all the teasing and the torture Renton had heaped on her, Eureka couldn't hold out anymore. He had barely begun before she gripped his hair tightly, her whole body shaking and convulsing. He felt her inner muscles grip and release his tongue, and her unique taste flooded his mouth, consumed his senses.
She pulled him on top of her, kissing him with everything in her. She fumbled with his pajamas, finally managing to shakily push them down. He kicked them off, then pressed his warm, naked body against her cool skin. She groaned at the exquisite feeling of flesh on flesh, and tensed slightly when Renton placed the head of his cock against her opening.
He kissed her deeply, then pulled back slightly. “Are you sure you want this?”
She smiled. “Yes. I know it's going to hurt. Just… try to be quick?”
He nodded and leaned down again, kissing her, but this time it wasn't with passion or lust. It was gentle, tender, and if she didn't know better, loving. He deepened it and she lost herself in him again before he quickly thrust past her barrier. She whimpered in pain, tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes. Renton cursed and pulled her to him, kissing her head and rubbing her back. He whispered soothing words until she pulled away from him.
“I'm ok now, Renton,” she wrapped her legs around his waist, raising her hips and sliding herself along his length. She giggled when he groaned and kissed her neck, letting his tongue explore the skin briefly.
Renton started to thrust, each one sending bittersweet waves of pleasure through Eureka. She arched and gasped as Renton's lips latched onto her swollen breast and sucked on the tightened bud. Without thinking, she let out a loud, full body purr.
Renton groaned at the vibration. It reverberated through his body flush with hers, and made the nipple in his mouth hum against his tongue. He dropped her breast and raised his clear blue eyes to meet her lavender ones, arching a brow.
She blushed. “I've never done that before.”
He rubbed her cheek with his, and another purr erupted from her throat as her eyes closed in bliss. He grinned. “I think I like it.”
He kissed her then, passionately, raising her arms over her head as he sped up, rocking his hips hard against her. Eureka continued to purr as Renton felt the walls of her vagina begin to spasm. She felt like she was nearing the end of something, almost like reaching the top of a mountain. Oh heavens, if she didn't reach it, she would just die.
Just as this thought crossed her mind, Eureka's body exploded. White hot pleasure spread through her body, from her toes to her breasts all the way up to her fingertips. She tore her lips from Renton's and gasped, arching her back off the couch much like a cat. This is what she wanted, what she'd been waiting for. She wasn't sure where she ended and Renton began, and she didn't care.
“Renton!” her cry spurred him on, and his whole body went ramrod stiff as he met his own release. Goddamn, he'd never felt anything like it before! Her softness underneath his hard body was his own undoing.
“Fuck… Eureka…” he thrust one last time, and she felt something warm pour inside her. He panted and sat back on his knees, pulling her up and burying his face in her hair. His breaths felt hot and moist against her neck. Timidly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair.
“Eureka… God I love you.” His embrace tightened around her. “I've loved you since we started piloting the Nirvash.”
Eureka pulled back slightly, smiling at him as tears welled up in her eyes. “Honestly?”
He nodded, settling his hands at her waist. She sat up and nuzzled his cheek, purring softly.
“I think I've waited my whole life to hear you say that,” she whispered, the tears finally falling. He cupped her cheek and wiped one away with his thumb, caressing her smooth, cool skin.
He kissed her cheek, then leaned down and grabbed his pants. He grabbed a small blue box out of one pocket and placed it in her tiny hand.
She opened it and gasped. A sparkling clear diamond blinked back at her, set on a platinum band with two tiny sapphires on either side. Her hand shook violently until Renton gently gripped her wrist and pulled out the ring.
Dropping the box on the couch cushion, he slid the ring on her finger, chuckling when she shook harder. He slid onto the floor on one knee, still holding her hand.
His next words completely devastated Eureka. “Marry me.”
Her lavender eyes widened, the previous tears never fully ebbed as a fresh wave trickled down her cheek. Her lower lip trembled as she hugged his head to her stomach, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
“Y-yes, Renton. Forever, yes.