Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya was glad that it was getting dark or his form would be hard to conceal. He needed speed and he needed to be able to catch her scent. For that to happen he took his wolf form and ran through the town. He had to find her before she got herself too worked up. When he finally caught her scent he took off as fast as he could to catch up to her. He waited until the people walking by passed her before he took on his normal form and walked up to her, pressing a hand to the small of her back he turned her around so that he could look at her. "Are you okay?"

Luna nodded. "Yeah...just pissed." She pulled him down so he could sit with her. "Do you...believe what she said? Do you think I'm putting the baby at risk? I'm going into my sixth month...do you think I should stop fighting?"

Yuki looked at Alexiel as he came in the room. "What happened?" she asked. Evelyn looked at Alexiel for answers as well.

Kyoya bit his lip, trying to think of the best way to put this. "I do think that...perhaps you should start taking it easy," he said slowly. "I mean, just today we took on a banshee and nearly died in an explosion. It definitely wouldn't hurt if you...you know relaxed a little more."

"Uh...not too much," he lied with a small laugh. "Diana and Wyatt are going somewhere. I don't know where, but they just want to get away from all this life; and Kyoya and Luna are out taking a walk to enjoy the night air." Not exactly a lie, just not exactly the truth either.

Shrugging, he just closed his eyes as laid down on the bed. "What a day," he muttered.

Luna stood. "I will try. But I'm a hunter at heart...I was born to fight. It's a little odd for me to..." Suddenly there was a cracking sound, then a loud pop. Luna fell to her knees and held back a scream. Her eyes filled with tears. "I think...one of my ribs just broke..." she said in gasps of air.

Yuki nodded. "Yes, it has. Really, a long month all together. Spending our days hunting and our nights sleeping then getting up early to heal Luna...it's exhausting. I'll be glad when we get home."

Evelyn grabbed a piece of candy and patted Alexiel's hand after giving it to him. She offered him a smile.

Kyoya knew that sound and winced as soon as it happened. "C'mon, let's get you back to Yuki," he told her. A broken rib wouldn't kill her as long as it didn't puncture a rib; but they still needed to get to Yuki as soon as possible.

"Yeah, it'll be good to be able to sleep in again," he said with a smile. When Evelyn gave him a piece of candy he picked her up and sat her on the bed beside them. "Why thank you!" He pat her on the head before turning on the television. "And just think, tomorrow I'm going to be twenty. That's a scary thought all in itself."

"Why didn't you tell me it's going to be your birthday tomorrow?" Yuki said looked a little hurt.

She was about to say more when Luna walked in holding her side. Yuki stood.

"I broke a rib," Luna said sitting.

Yuki moved beside her and placed her hand on Luna's ribs.

"Yeah, you broke it alright," Yuki said sadly. "And I can't heal broken bones." Luna nodded. "Luna...did you or the baby..."

"I said I broke it. Just being careless," Luna said as she thought of Diana's words.

Yuki only nodded. "You should try to get some rest and relax...it will have to heal on it's own," she said.

Luna nodded and stood and started for her room.

"Here." Alexiel reached into Yuki's bag and pulled out some of her wraps. "Kyoya, you know how to bind her ribs?"

Kyoya nodded and took the wraps while wrapping a hand around Luna. "C'mon, let's get you bandaged up."

Once that was out of the way Alexiel sighed and fell back onto the bed. He was purposely trying to avoid Yuki's comment about his birthday. He should've never even mentioned it to begin with. Luna and Kyoya didn't even know when his birthday was, which meant he could've let it pass without incident.

Yuki looked at Alexiel. "You know, you should feel blessed," she said with a smile. "At least your birthday won't be like Luna's. The most that will happen is our flight home," she added.

Evelyn yawned then waved goodbye to them and walked to her room. Yuki then looked at Alexiel. "How about birthday sex?" she said with a wide grin then moved on top of him. Before he had a chance to say anything, Yuki's lips met his and his pants were being undone.

Luna laid on the bed after Kyoya wrapped her ribs. "Looks like I will have a lot of explaining to do when we go home tomorrow. Granny is going to be mad that I didn't tell her." She looked at Kyoya. "Don't you leave me alone with that mad woman."

Kyoya hastily held up his hands in mock defense. "Hey, that woman's crazy. I'll stay with you till you tell her. After that my obligation has been filled and I am free to run away just as a fast as I can."

Luna growled at him. Some help he was.

The trip home was much anticipated. No one complained about the seven hours they had to sit, instead, they enjoyed the fact that they were getting closer to home. By mind afternoon, they were in a taxi heading to Granny's.

"Happy Birthday, Alexiel," Luna said. "I have your profile on the computer." She held up the laptop. "Did you want to do anything special today? Maybe go out or something?"

"He already 'did' something special," Yuki said with a giggle.

Luna glared at her. "There are little ears in this car, Yuki," Luna reminded her.

Yuki blushed. "Oh, right. I'm sorry."

Alexiel blushed as Yuki practically told everyone what they'd done last night. "I'm fine," he assured Luna. "I'd just prefer my birthday to slip into anonymity, but thank you."

Kyoya chuckled at this as he looked back at Alexiel. "And why's that?"

"No reason really, just tradition. I've never celebrated my birthday, so no real reason to start now."

Luna nodded. "I can understand that."

"Well I can't!" Yuki said crossing her arms under her chest.

"It's not your place to say anything, Yuki. It's his choice. We have to respect that."

Just as Luna said this, the taxi pulled up to Granny's house. Luna paid the guy and they got out and grabbed their luggage. Luna took a deep breath. Her stomach was big enough now to be noticed. She knew Granny was going to start yelling as soon as she saw Luna.

As soon as they stepped out of the cab Alexiel grabbed Yuki and Evelyn. "C'mon guys let's go to our rooms." He didn't want to be there when the fireworks started. Granny was going to start yelling and he didn't want to be anywhere near her line of fire when that started. Of course it wasn't until he led the girls into the house that he remembered that Granny had no idea about him and Yuki....

"Well don't you two seem awfully chummy? And it seems you got your manhood back as well. I wonder what you've been doing with that...." Granny looked at Alexiel, and if looks could kill he would be dead.

"Umm well you see....Luna's pregnant!"


"Forgive me, Luna," Alexiel whispered as he ushered the girl's past Granny who had momentarily forgotten about them and headed out to meet Luna and Kyoya outside.

"I see," she said as she stared at Luna. Looking at Kyoya she shook her head. "You just couldn't keep it in your pants could you?"

Kyoya pushed his glasses further up on his nose as Granny stared them down. "Unfortunately I could not, however that is not the least of our worries. We need you to examine Luna, the baby is causing some...problems."

Luna crossed her arms. "I said I could handle it, Kyoya." She then looked at Granny. "I just had a few accidents, but I said I would take it easy so I will. End of discussion."

Luna walked in the house and went to Alexiel. "Were I not pregnant, you would be dead. I have super hearing jackass!" She said then slammed his door and stomped off to her room.

"Well, you just earned yourself an ass kicking," Yuki said with a giggle while looking at Alexiel.

Granny looked at Kyoya who just shrugged helplessly. "I don't know what to do."

Granny sighed and shook her head. "I'll take care of it. Let her get a nap and get her moods under control and I'll have a talk with her."

Alexiel shuddered as he fell back on his bed. "Luckily she can't do anything for four months, so hopefully she'll forget about killing me by then."

Yuki reached over and smacked him upside the head. "That was a cheap trick you pulled." She took Evelyn's hand. "And you should feel guilty."

She and Evelyn walked to Luna's room and knocked on the door. Luna let them in. Yuki checked Luna's ribs then they all sat on the bed.

"How are you doing really?" Yuki said. Luna looked away. "If you can't talk to your team, who can you talk to?"

"We are too different, Yuki. Everything is a little more simple for you than for me," Luna started. Yuki nodded and Evelyn hopped in her lap. "I have the team to lead, a child to protect, and a baby that wants to literally, kick the shirt out of me."

Yuki placed a hand on Luna's. "But..." Luna looked at her, "you are not alone. That has to count for something." Luna didn't say anything. "Get some rest."

Yuki took Evelyn out of the room and shut the door behind her. "I don't want to sleep," Luna said after they left. The baby kicked her hard and she winced. "Not that I could if I wanted to."

"Please, it's not like she wasn't going to find out ten seconds later," Alexiel said as he rubbed his head where she hit him. After they left he just mumbled softly before sitting down on his bed. Oh to have a bed again! When he couldn't fall asleep he decided to go raid Granny's refrigerator.

Kyoya was already in the kitchen fixing himself a sandwich when Alexiel entered. "I figured you'd be taking a nap, birthday boy."

"Yeah, but I can't sleep," he mumbled. "It's weird not having Yuki next to me."


Alexiel cringed as he heard Granny's voice. "Pleases tell me she's yelling about something completely unrelated to what I just said."

Luna walked out of her room and to the kitchen. She looked at the guys and moved pass them to the fridge. She grabbed some water then a handful of random things to eat and sat at the bar.

"It feels weird not having anything to do," she said.