Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Nine ( Chapter 39 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya shook his head while rubbing his nose. "There's too much decay down here," he told her. "My nose is shot to hell and back. All I can smell is their decaying flesh and blood."

"Downstairs," Alexiel told them, his eyes not leaving the body of one of the corpses. "Third door on the left. They're together, but they're weak. There's a banshee guarding the room...."

Kyoya looked at Alexiel, waving a hand in front of his face he noticed that Alexiel didn't react. "Alexiel! Hey, get a grip!"

Alexiel shuddered as he seemed to snap out of whatever daze had suddenly possessed him. "R-right. Let's go."

While the Witches went deeper into the castle a shadowy creature finished wiring the explosives to the castle. "The master wants them dead, I will give him dead Witchers," the shadow chuckled. Explosives weren't really what he liked, but if it got the job done he would use them.

They let Yuki go ahead of them and she didn't waste any time. As soon as the banshee saw her, she shot off a purifying arrow and the banshee hit the ground screaming. Luna was the first to get to the door. She opened it and looked it. It was pitch black.

"Diana? Wyatt?" Luna called.

"Luna?" a voice came from the dark and Luna knew who it was.


Alexiel stayed outside the door. It wasn't his place to be in there, not right now, not when he couldn't compose himself. Luna and Kyoya could handle themselves and take care of the others. That was what they were good at. "Get it together," he whispered softly to himself.

Kyoya couldn't believe the sight before them. The two members of Bravo team looked nearly as bad as the corpses they had found. "Hold on," he said as he and Luna broke their chains. "We're getting you guys out of here."

Yuki healed their wounds, but they looked starved. She took Evelyn's hand as Luna picked up Wyatt who was only twelve. He was so small in her arms. Kyoya helped Diana stand.

"He used all his energy to heal the others before she took them away...I assume...they are dead," Diana said while looking at the little priest in Luna's arms. Luna nodded. "Then I consider us lucky."

"I'm sorry we didn't come sooner," Luna said as they walked out into the hall.

"We thought you abandoned us until we met Lex...it was then that he told us what happened and left us here to die." Luna looked away. "I don't understand...why Lex?"

"We still haven't figured it out..." Luna looked up at Diana again. "Did he say anything more to you?"

"Nothing...he didn't have a care on his face. He looked so dead...and lost..."

"Don't pity him, Diana. Because we are going to kill him."

"There isn't any more 'we,' Luna." Luna looked at her confusedly. "Wyatt and I are no longer going to be part of this...we want to go home and start over..."


Diana held up her hand. "Don't. Wyatt is too young for this kind of battle." She looked at Evelyn. "And so is Evelyn..." She then looked at Luna's stomach. "And you...pregnant? Do you not even care about Evelyn and the unborn child?"

Luna looked at Diana. "Don't preach to me. Evelyn would have no place to go and my place is here..."

"She can go with me and Wyatt. I will look after her."

Luna's eyes widened.

"Diana, don't start this now," Kyoya said. "Let's get out of here and talk about it later. Here is neither the place nor time for this!"

Alexiel looked down the hallway, searching outward to see if there was anyone they might be missing in this condemned castle. Other then a banshee or two in the farther isle of the castle they were alone. Pushing his energy out to the entrance he wanted to check to make sure there was no one waiting for them.

"That's...odd," he whispered. There was something there...but then there wasn't something. What was that. "Guys we need to go I think-"

"Boom." The voice echoed throughout the castle as a tremendous explosion ripped through the castle hallways consuming the black in fire and rubble.

Alexiel spun around, using the same technique that Lex had used against a demon's miasma he tried to push the fire back; but that was a hopeless endeavor as the castle gave way above them.

Luna put Wyatt down and Yuki sat with him while Luna walked up to the rubble. They were trapped, surrounded by the castles destruction. Luna placed her hand on the wall then the other one. She drew back and punched the wall. Diana moved next to her and pulled out her magic book.

As Luna punched the wall, Diana did some spells, causing the rocks to crumble at their feet. After about an hour, Diana fell to her knees in exhaustion. She had pushed her limits. Luna kept going, carving a tunnel. She had made a tunnel about a mile long before she too fell to her knees. She had been working at it for nearly four hours. Her hands were aching and her chest felt tight.

"We...are going to have to rest here until I get my energy back," Luna said.

Diana looked at Wyatt. "I don't think Wyatt will last the long. He hasn't eaten in two days..."

Luna nodded and stood again. Once more she started hitting the wall, ignoring the sharp pains in her body. "I'll get us out!"

Kyoya looked at Alexiel who's arm had been torn by the shrapnel from the rocks. Yuki had healed his wounds, but he'd used a lot of energy trying to keep the fire from killing them. "Do you think..."

Alexiel looked at Luna then nodded slowly. "Luna, sit down and rest. You've done most of the work. Let me finish what you started."

Kyoya wrapped his arms around Luna and sat her down by Yuki so that she could take a look at her hands. While she was doing that Alexiel began to draw upon what energy he could. If he didn't use the right amount of energy then he could cause a cave in. If he used too much he could also cause a cave in. "Close your eyes," he told them. It'd been a while since he'd used this much energy, and his bones began to glow as his symbols fully activated. Unleashing the wave of energy required more control then he was costumed to using, but the effect was easily worth it.

The energy punched through the remaining rubble, creating an open walkway for them to go through. "Well then...that wasn't too bad," he muttered as he stumbled slightly. He still looked like a glowing skeleton, but slowly the energy began to disperse back into his body.

"Let's get Diana and Wyatt outside so we can get some food in them," Kyoya ordered.

It was a three hour drive back to the hotel, but once there, room service had made five trips worth of food before everyone was fully. While they ate, Luna filled Diana and Wyatt in on what happened to them and Luna then explained why Evelyn wouldn't talk.

Diana pushed her plate away. "Now that all the bad stuff is out of the way, I have a few questions."

Luna looked up at her after giving Evelyn a thing of cake. "Like what?"

"I want Evelyn to stay with me. And I want to know where you stand on that."

Luna looked over at Evelyn. "I'm the only family Evelyn has ever known after her mother died. She's my responsibility." Luna pushed Evelyn's hair from her face. "She stays with me."

"Luna! Seriously! She's a child! She won't speak because of what she has seen and done! What kind of family are you to deny her a normal life?!" Diana yelled.

"You have no right!" Luna screamed back. "You have no idea what the hell happened and if you want her to go so bad, ask her!"

Diana fumed then looked at Evelyn and smiled softly. "Evelyn, would you like to come live with Wyatt and me? You will have everything you want and need. You will be better off," Diana explained. Evelyn didn't say a word. "Obviously she can't decide! She's a child! You should do what is best for her Luna!"

"I am what's best for her!"

Diana looked at Kyoya. "Talk some sense into her! Tell her that Evelyn would be better off living a healthy normal life with me!"

"She's not normal, Diana! None of us are! You can't force her to be something she isn't!" Luna yelled.

"I can give her a chance to run outside and play and not worry about a demon attacking her!"

"Do you honestly think a demon won't come after her if she pretends to be normal?"

"Kyoya! Say something!"

Kyoya opened his mouth to speak but before he could Alexiel spoke.

"Both of you shut up!" Alexiel pushed himself off the wall and looked at Yuki. "Yuki, would you please take Wyatt and Evelyn to our room?" He waited for her to comply before looking at both Luna and Diana. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Alexiel!" Kyoya growled, but Alexiel didn't stop.

"You are worried about what's best for her? Well do you really think that yelling and shouting is going to be good for her? Yes, she's just a child, but she's not stupid. If you guys want to do what's best for her let her decide. Don't yell and fight, because we're all the family she has right now. If we're fighting amongst ourselves what do you think that's going to do to her?" With that Alexiel took a deep breath and went back to leaning against the wall. He'd grown up in a house where yelling and fighting was common. He knew what that could do to a kid, and he wasn't going to let that happen to Evelyn.

Kyoya sighed, at least the girl's had stopped arguing. "Now then, why don't we discuss this without all the yelling."

"She's not going," Luna said calmly.

"You are in no position choose," Diana replied sharply.

"And what the hell do you mean by that?" Luna was starting to lose her cool again.

"You are pregnant. And you are still fighting. You could careless about the child. All you care about is getting revenge. I would bet my life on it that that baby is Lex's. Do you honestly think he would kill his own child or the girl he loves?" Diana said softly. "I mean, you're not even a good mom. How can you look after Evelyn?"

That was the last straw. Luna lunged at Diana and pinned her to a wall. "This child is not Lex's! Who I sleep with is none of your business and how I spend my days while I carry a child is none of your business!" She let Diana go and Diana just stared at her.

"Who did you fuck then, Luna! What the hell were you thinking getting pregnant? You know the risks! You know that you could easily lose it while fighting!" Luna turned her back to her. "You know I'm right."

Luna looked at Alexiel. "You think it's so smart to do things calmly? Then you fucking deal with it!" She then turned to Diana. "I will die before you take her from me!"

With that said, Luna left the room and started down to the lobby. She didn't look back as she walked outside and called for a cab. She got in and to the driver just to drive.

Diana looked at the boys. "Honestly, do you think Evelyn should live with someone like that? She's unstable and she's pregnant with God only knows who's child."

Kyoya felt a soft growl rising in his throat as he stared at Diana. Fixing his glasses he walked toward her and simply stared down at her. "You've been gone for a long time Diana. You have no idea what has happened or how we've changed. I'll have money wired to you so that you and Wyatt can leave. We won't bother you, nor will we try to contact you but I will not have you breaking apart my family."

He took a deep breath before adding. "And for your information, that's my child she's carrying." With that he exited the room as well so that he could get away from her and clear his head.

Alexiel starred at her, seeing as how they were the only two left in the room he simply shrugged. "You know, on one hand I understand where you're coming from; but on the other hand even I want to slap you."

Diana sat on the edge of the bed. "Kyoya's child??? But he is a demon...how is that even possible?" she said dumbfound. She shook her head. "I didn't mean to cause trouble. I...just want to get Evelyn out before something worse happened."

Diana walked to the door. "Wyatt and I will leave tonight. Luna already set up our tickets." She looked at Alexiel. "Tell them I said I'm sorry and good luck."

She walked out then went to Alexiel's room and got Wyatt. Wyatt said his goodbyes to Evelyn and Yuki then went with Diana to catch a cab to the air port.

Luna asked the driver to stop the car. She paid the man then got out. She started to walk through a park and ignored all the people staring at her. It wasn't very often that you saw a pregnant woman walking alone in the middle of the night. When she got to the middle of the park, she sat under a tree and placed her hand on her stomach. The baby seemed just as mad as she felt; it was kicking her hard and pushing against her ribs roughly. She pushed back, and the baby stopped moving for a bit then once again started to push and kick.