Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Eight ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Before it could retreat back into the sanctuary of the church Alexiel had moved behind it. Pointing at the banshee he just smirked. A sudden rush of energy sent the creature back toward the others. "Okay, Yuki, she's all yours!"

The creature tried to veer away once more, but Kyoya's fang filled jaw clamped onto its shoulder as he clawed its back. As long as they kept it within Yuki's firing range she should be able to purify it, and thus put an end to its suffering.

Yuki charged up her arrow and took aim at the forehead. "Go!" she yelled and the arrow flew from her bow and hit the banshee right between the eyes.

The banshee screamed out and fell to the ground while rolling around to make the pain stop. The sound alone was driving Luna nuts. She walked over to the banshee and crushed it's face as she stomped hard on it allowing the purification process to speed up until the banshee was nothing more than a steaming pile of blackness.

"Wow!" Yuki said. "That was amazing! I've never felt so strong!"

Luna looked at everyone. "We need to get as much information about the banshees around here. We need to kill as many as we can before going after the queen. She shouldn't be too hard with half her girls gone."

Alexiel chuckled uneasily at this. "You're joking, right? This lady had some seriously bad ju-ju coming off of her."

"Don't tell me you're scared," Kyoya said as he entered into the desolate church.

"Not scared...more like I'm concerned. Somehow I was drug from our hotel to a dark castle out in the middle of nowhere; and unless banshees can teleport I find it really hard to believe that she or one of her girl's were able to sneak into the motel and carry me out without having some help."

Kyoya shrugged. He did have a point. "That means that there might be just more then banshees here that we have to worry about."

"Joy...." Alexiel nudged one of the broken pews as a new thought suddenly entered his head. "Hey! You got kidnapped before I did!"

"Yes, but that was when we were being attacked by three powerful foes. You got kidnapped out of a high end resort with lots of people. Which do you think is more embarrassing?"

"It still doesn't change the fact that you got kidnapped too," Alexiel muttered.

Luna looked at the guys. "You two cool it." She grabbed a piece of wood and pulled out a lighter. She tore off some of her shirt and wrapped it around the wood then lit it for some light. "And besides, Alexiel. You weren't drug to a castle. It was an old warehouse, you big baby."

Evelyn started to walk around with Luna when she spotted something. She pulled on Luna shirt and Luna turned to her. Evelyn pointed and Luna looked down. Everything was wet because of Evelyn's wave, but it was plan to see that someone had been there before and made a make do fire. There was cans of empty food and water bottles.

"Someone was here. Most likely Diana. I bet whoever took you, Alexiel, also took her," Luna said as she held her flame at the camp area.

"Old warehouse...sure," Alexiel muttered softly as he began to look through the church for any signs of...well, whatever they were looking for.

Kyoya knelt down where everything had been placed. It was far too old to get a scent off of, which meant that they were no closer to finding them they were when they started. "As far as I can tell there were at least two of them here...but I don't know who it was." Sighing he stood as he looked around the room once more. "From what I can see it's hard to tell if they were captured or if they ran...."

"Well, whatever happened, we know what have to take down the banshee queen. For now, lets take out one banshee at a time," Luna said and started to walk out while putting out the fire.

Yuki nodded. "We could do that in no time. As long as we all stick together."

Luna nodded. "I agree, for now on, we won't separate. We are strong together."

One month. That was how long they'd been roaming the Irish countryside hunting down the banshees. In that time Alexiel had seen much more of his homeland then he had ever wished to. He was starting to have more of an Irish accent as well. Probably due to constantly speaking to the natives to track down new leads. The queen was moving. She was rearranging her forces, trying to gather them together before they got picked off one by one. It was hard work, but they were drawing closer.

"Oy," he sighed as he leaned against a tree. They were currently camping out in the forest by a small lake. There had been banshee sightings in the area, and what better place to find one then by a lake. "This is so bothersome."

Luna laid back. Her hands going to her much larger stomach now. "It's our job," she said. She baby moved and kicked her side hard. Luna hissed. "I think we killed enough banshees now. We should be able to start looking for the queen."

Yuki yawned and looked at the stars. "I'll be glad when we return home. I miss my room and Granny's food."

Evelyn nodded as she stared at the fire that was keeping them warm.

"I'll just be glad to be able to sleep on an actual bed." Alexiel said as he plopped down next to Yuki and kissed her cheek.

"I actually have to agree with you there, though sleeping beneath the stars isn't so bad." Kyoya was curled up in his wolf form at Luna's feet, simply admiring the beauty of the day.

Luna stomach growled. "I think I'll be happy to eat a home cooked meal." She rolled on her side. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow we will track the queen."

Yuki cuddled next to Alexiel while Evelyn moved next to Kyoya and snuggled into his fur. She clung to it like a pillow and a blanket.

"Hopefully, the queen will die quickly and we can get the others and go home before the end of the week."

"Here's hoping," Kyoya said as he nuzzled Luna and fell into a rest full sleep.

"Yeah...here's hoping," Alexiel sighed as he pulled Yuki closer. Starring up at the stars he felt the cold chill of her touch on his skin once more. The queen of the banshees...he'd never encountered anything like her before, and despite his best efforts he couldn't help but to feel...well...scared of fighting her again.

Luna nodded to a person she was talking to and thanked the person. She took Evelyn's hand and joined the others standing outside the shop she was in.

"Everyone I talked to said that the old caste up the hill is haunted. They say that just recently people started missing when they go up there. Loud screeches can be heard from the castle at night. And I'm think that is where the queen is," Luna said.

"Sounds like it," Yuki added while counting her arrows. "Are we going to go today?" Luna nodded. "Great..."

"We'll be fine. Her forces have been cut in half, and we've developed a pretty decent combat strategy against them. As long as we stick to the plan we should do just fine," Kyoya said as he flexed his hand, watching his claws appear and disappear.

"Yeah...sure." Alexiel sat in the car starring out into the distance.

They drove up the hill to the castle and pulled in up to the gates. The got out and Luna cut the lock on the gate. They walked up the drive way and Evelyn shivered. The place gave her the creeps.

"Looks like something out of a picture," Yuki said. "It's so big."

It wasn't that big, but it was big enough to get lost in. "We stick together and if you see anything don't be afraid to say something."

Luna opened the front doors and cringed at the loud sound the doors made. The sound echoed through the whole place.

"So much for a silent entry," Luna said as they walked it.

Kyoya was in his wolf form so he could he sniff out anything out of the ordinary. "She's here," he whispered in a growl.

"You don't have to tell me that. I already know," Alexiel replied as a suddenly cold draft made him shiver.

"My...my.... What troublesome children you are...."

Alexiel looked up at the rising in front of them. It was there that she resided, her floating form staring down at them with a malicious grin.

"Hello my pretty."

Alexiel's hands began to glow as he glared at her. "Let's take her now!" he yelled.

"Way ahead of you!" Luna yelled as she punched the wall twice then jumped out of the way as the platform she stood on came crashing down.

Evelyn formed water from the air into a whip and whipped it out to wrap around the queens neck. She pulled back and the queen came flying forward just as Yuki released a blessed arrow, hitting the queen in the arm. She screamed out.

"I think it's going to take more than one arrow..." Yuki said stepping back to aim again.

"Gee, what was your first clue?" Alexiel threw all the energy he could into a single blast which only served to make the queen scream in agony. A clawed hand sent him flying back into a wall right before she unleashed a powerful scream which knocked everyone to their knees.

"Do not think that I will be so easily defeated!" She quickly retreated back into the inner sanctum of her castle where the sounds of moaning and screams could be heard echoing through the halls of her caste.

Evelyn was the first one up and she started running after the queen.

"Evelyn!" Luna yelled as she stood and followed behind her.

Yuki was right behind Luna and the boys were right behind Yuki. Candles were lite in the halls, guiding their path through the castle. Evelyn stopped and looked around. She looked at the ground and saw a blood trail. She ignored the path the candles were lit in and followed the path of the blood.

"Evelyn! We have to stick together!" Luna called after her.

Evelyn followed the blood down a flight of stairs then into another room. Everything was dark and she had to stop moving. Luna came up behind her and pulled out her lighter. She flicked it on then turned around and threw up. They had stumbled into a torturer chamber. The bodies of dead people lined the walls and chains of knives and hooks hung from the ceiling. Luna covered her mouth as her stomach turned.

Laughter filled the room and it lit up. Evelyn moved back and hugged Luna as the lifeless faces stared at her. The queen stood off on the back wall with a crazed look on her face and her hand resting on one of the bodies that was hanging from the chains on the walls.

Kyoya nearly threw up as he saw the sight before him. "Zeke!" he growled as he saw the corpse by the queen. "What have you done with the others?"

"Why...just look around you."

Kyoya felt his heart fall as he took a closer look at some of the corpses. They were Bravo team...well, most of them anyways. Their bodies were obviously tortured to death. There was no telling how long they'd been alive before they finally succumbed to death.

"You bitch!" Kyoya, in a rare instance of losing his cool lunged at the queen, who caught him by the throat and tossed him to the ground.

"You are nothing more than insects compared to my master," she hissed.

"Who's your master?" Alexiel yelled.

"Oh...you mean you don't know? That's funny, because he told me sooo much about you."

Evelyn ran to Kyoya and helped him up. Tears were streaking down her face as she saw her fallen friends.

"Lex! Lex told you to do this!? He told you to kill them!" Luna screamed.

"No time for talk!" Yuki yelled and shot the arrow.

The arrow hit the queen in the arm and pinned her to the wall. She screamed out as it started to purify her. Luna moved quickly and stood in from of her. She grabbed her hand and crushed in with her fist then grabbed the other one.

"Where are the others! Where is Diana!" She screamed.

The queen didn't speak. Luna shattered her other hand then moved to her shoulder and ripped the whole arm off, throwing it in the pile of bodies as the queen screamed for mercy.


The queen's smile never faded, despite the immense amount of pain that she felt. She was going to die, but she wasn't going to let these children ever know the truth. "I'll die before you know," she hissed.

Kyoya rubbed his throat and glared at her, he wanted to kill her, but they needed information from her. "Speak!" he growled.

The queen just laughed as her body began to purify. "No...," she whispered.

Alexiel looked at the corpses and then to the queen, his hands were trembling. That could've been him on one of those tables.

Luna watched at the queen took her last breath and she slung her body across the room as it started to turn into black mush. She screamed out in frustration and punished the wall. Her eyes fell on the Beta team.

"Diana and Wyatt are the only two that aren't here," Luna said. Evelyn walked up to Luna and Luna picked her up and started to rub her hand to smooth her. "I know it's hard to ask, Kyoya...but can you get a scent of either one of them in here? Maybe they are still in the castle."

Yuki went to each body and tried to heal them, and as her tears ran down her face all she could tell herself was that she couldn't heal the dead.