Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty Two ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel waited for Yuki to leave, feeling like a class-A jerk for ignoring her confession of love. Why did she have to tell him that? Why now of all times? He cared deeply about Yuki...but love.... He didn't know what to say to that. Slamming his fist into the ground he just growled in frustration. He needed to clear his head and since he couldn't punch anything with substantial force without it shattering, he proceeded to run. Why run? Well because he had too much energy to burn and he didn't want to do any damage to the area around Granny's house. It was precariously perched where it was without him changing the look of the canyon side.Kyoya knocked on Yuki's door before looking in to see all the girl's sitting there. "Um, everything okay?" He got the vibe that it was a girl's only talk, but it wasn't as if he had anything better to do.

Luna looked at Yuki and she nodded. Luna stood. Evelyn wanted to stay behind, she Luna left them in the room and pulled Kyoya out in the hall while closing the door.

"Yuki is heart broken and Alexiel has practically refused her. At least she sees it that way." Luna pulled Kyoya to their room and closed the door. "She has been talking to Granny for the last three weeks. Her priestess has asked for her to come home, but Yuki told her she was needed here. She wanted to tell Alexiel, but he has a lot on his plate so she didn't want to burden him." Luna placed her hands on her belly. "Yuki has decided to go back to Japan to help her priestess until it is time for the baby to come in two months. She has plans to tell Granny tonight that she leaves in the morning."

Kyoya ran a hand through his hair as he heard this. "Alexiel's not going to take that well," he muttered. "He doesn't really talk to anyone anymore, but you don't have to be psychic to realize that Yuki's the only thing that makes him smile anymore." Shaking his head he looked at Luna, wondering why those kids couldn't figure out things as easily as they had. Not that they had found love easily. It took a little girl to really get them together. Perhaps she could do the same for Yuki and Alexiel.

"Does she at least plan on telling him that she's leaving? Or is he just going to wake up in the morning and she's going to be gone? Because if that's the case, I'm just going to sleep outside to avoid the energy fueled rage which will follow."

"She wouldn't leave without saying something to him, but he blew her off moments ago so she's a little hurt." Luna started to rub her belly. "She said that her priestess needed help and Yuki is the only one that could help her. It broke Yuki's heart to turn her down, but the one real thing that was keeping her here was Alexiel. And he is a little caught up on Lex. She needs someone to love her, Kyoya. It's all she ever wanted in life."

There was a soft knock on the door and Luna opened the door. Yuki smiled at her. "Yuki?"

"I came to say that I told Granny and I was hoping that you would get me a plane ticket," Yuki said as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Yes, of course," Luna said.


"He will be home soon, I'm sure. He hasn't eaten so he will be hungry and that will make him come home."

Yuki nodded. "At least he's coming home for something, I suppose."

Yuki walked back to her room and Luna shut the door. "I don't really think Alexiel and Yuki should be together right now. I think Yuki going away is a good thing for them both." Luna opened the laptop and started to buy Yuki a ticket.

"They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder," Kyoya sighed.

It was several hours later before Alexiel got close enough to even see Granny's house. He was tired, hungry, sore, and for the most part dead to the world. There was a crater about ten miles away in the shape of a smiley face. It had taken quite some time to cut through the harder portions of rock, but it had allowed him to burn off some much needed energy.

It seemed that nearly everyone was asleep by the time he got back. He was accustomed to that. Raiding the fridge late at night had become a trait of his. That...and avoiding the only people he really cared about. The light of the fridge was the only bit of illumination in the darkened house as he searched for whatever leftovers they had managed to save him.

Yuki was sitting at the kitchen table when Alexiel came home. He didn't seem to notice her. She bit her lip and told her to just tell him and then everything would be over.

"Alexiel, I need to talk to you...it's important," Yuki said as she walked up to him.

Alexiel froze as he heard her. Not because she had scared him, but because of what she had said. There was no good way for this to end. Whenever the words 'need to talk' are presented to someone it inevitably will not end well. He was fairly certain that's how a few World Wars began. He slowly turned to face her, shutting the refrigerator door so as to cut off their only source of light."Sure," he said softly, already expecting the worse to come from this. "What is it?"

Yuki suddenly felt all her confidence leave. She took a step back and took a few deep breathes. "I'm...leaving tomorrow for Japan..."

She felt faint. She couldn't see in his face in the dark, and half her heart was glad she couldn't. It would break her heart to see her hurt him and it would also break her heart if he wasn't affected by the news at all. Either way, she lost and that thought alone made her want to break down and cry. However, she stood her ground and waited for him to say something.

"I see." Alexiel didn't know what to say to that. She was just...leaving. Why had she waited until now to tell him this? Why hadn't she even talked to him about it? He had a few ideas...but he didn't feel like blaming himself right now. "Why...."His voice faltered. "Why is it that you're going to Japan?" It was taking everything he could to remain calm and composed; but he was sincerely glad for the darkness. He just couldn't believe that she was leaving like this. She was leaving...just like that....

"I got a called from my priestess and she needs my help. I turned her down at first...but no one really needs me here...except Luna, but she's in her last few months so she said she would be fine. I'll be back for the delivery, though I don't know if I will be able to stay long before I have to return to Japan again." She felt the tears roll down her face. "I'll be leaving in the morning before sun up...I hadn't plan on going so I didn't have to tell you. But then, after some thought, I decided that it was best for me to leave. I stayed up all night just so I could tell you."

Alexiel felt something warm in his hands. It wasn't until it began to drip that he realized he'd been squeezing his hands so tightly that his nails had dug into his flesh causing them to bleed. Now his hands were simply trembling. All of this was silent, however, which made him seem fairly heartless as he tried to rationalize what he was hearing. She didn't realize it, but Luna wasn't the only person that needed her. He needed her. She was all he could think about when he was awake and the only thing that chased his nightmares away. He needed her more then she realized...but if it was her wish to go...then who was he to stop her from being happy? "So...you want to go to Japan," he said softly, trying to keep his voice as level as possible. "If that's what you really want...then I'm...happy for you."

She wanted him to ask her to stay. She wanted him to say he needed her. She wanted him to grab her and hold her tight and tell her that he wouldn't let go. Instead, she was practically handed the plane ticket and her luggage by him. She took another step back. "Well...goodnight," she said and walked quietly to her room.

She laid in her bed and curled up into a ball while silently crying herself to sleep and wishing that when she woke, her heart would no longer lover Alexiel.

"Goodnight," Alexiel whispered. Even in the darkness he could see her go to her room. Even in the darkness he could feel his heart breaking. He didn't know how long he stood there. It could have been minutes or even hours, all he knew was that by the time he moved he couldn't feel anything anymore. Wiping the blood off on his pants he moved to where Yuki had been and just sat there...thinking, contemplating, and wondering. He felt something wet on his cheek, and it wasn't until he moved to wipe it away that he realized it was a tear. "I can't...be so weak," he whispered as he went to his room and pulled out his mask. Rubbing his finger over the smooth surface he smiled. What was he going to do? What was he going to do without her?

Sneaking into Yuki's room he stood there and watched her sleep. He moved like a ghost as he walked over and kissed her on the cheek. With that he turned to leave, stopping at her door as he looked back at her sleeping form. "I can't bear to see you go," he said, his voice barely audible even to him. "I don't...want you to leave...but I can't stop you. At least if you're in Japan, Lex can't hurt you." With that he turned and went back to his room. Not that he thought he would get any sleep, but simply because if he stayed there any longer he would do whatever it took to keep her from leaving.

Luna was the one that took Yuki to the airport. It was four in the morning and still dark out. Yuki didn't say a word in the car and Luna didn't push her to. Though she wanted to know how the talk with Alexiel went, she knew it was best if she just left it alone. At the airport, Luna stayed with her until Yuki's plane was boarding. Yuki turned back to Luna with tears in her eyes.

"He didn't ask me to stay..." she said.

Luna reached over and wiped Yuki's tears. "His lose. He'll miss you, I'm sure of it."

Yuki nodded and Luna watched her get on the plane. Yuki sat in first class and stared out the window at her home. She felt like she would never come back to stay.

Kyoya fixed himself a cup of coffee. The house was so silent without Yuki there. It felt rather empty and hallow. He didn't realize how much life she had brought into this place. It seemed as if they were slowly losing themselves one by one. When Luna got home he offered her a smile that held very little life in it. Motioning to Alexiel's room he shook his head. "He hasn't even bothered to come out yet."

Luna looked at Kyoya. "He should have gotten over his pride and asked her to stay. I will never understand why men have to make things so much harder than they really are."

Luna walked back to her room and crawled back in bed. She was tired, not just sleepy, but tired of everything. She wanted to sleep life away. She wanted to sleep and never wake.

The two months left of Luna's pregnancy passed by without incident. Other then a mission here or there which Kyoya and Alexiel handled on their own, they were relatively undisturbed. Luna was going to give birth any day now which was why Alexiel on his way to pick up Yuki at the airport. This was the first time he'd shown any real emotion since Yuki had left. Though Kyoya had intended to pick her up, he let Alexiel do it instead for...obvious reasons.

Yuki sat in a chair at the cafe in the airport. She had arrived early so she decided to re-read the letters Luna had sent her over the months. They both exchanged letters and Yuki always asked about everyone including Alexiel and she wanted so much to write him, but she figured he didn't really want to hear from her so she never did it. She played with her drink while reading the letters and praying that Luna was the one that was to pick her up and not someone else...like Alexiel.

Alexiel sat in the car for a few minutes, trying his best to compose himself. This wasn't a good idea. He should have just let Kyoya pick her up, then he could have avoided her while she was here. That's what would've been easier for both of them. So why was it that he adamantly decided to come? He missed her. Though it pained him to say it...he did.

Taking a deep breath he exited the car, checking one last time to make sure he looked okay. He'd fought demons of the underworld that didn't make him as nervous as this did right here. Upon walking into the airport he was nearly too nervous to reach out to find her energy, but somehow he managed to locate her. Not that it was hard...but still, the sight of her alone made his heart skip.

"Hi," he said softly as he stepped up to her. "How was your trip?"

Yuki nearly spilled her drink. Was this a joke? They sent Alexiel to pick her up? There was nothing funny about it. It was just cruel. Yuki stood.

"Hey..." she said gathering her things. "It was fine. After the baby is born I'll be flying back."

She started to walk to the car while clinging to her bags so she wouldn't have to look at Alexiel. She didn't really know what to say. What could she say? Everything she needed to know was already known. She figured it all out before she left.

And just like that she was already gone.... Alexiel hurried to catch up to her. "Do you need any help with your bags? How was Japan? I mean...anything exciting happen over there?" He was trying his best to be smooth and suave, but he came off seeming more like a bumbling idiot. He was torn between trying to keep her away, and wanting her there just so the pain would stop.

"I can carry them myself. Japan is Japan, nothing new. I took a few demons out of some humans and tended to my sick priestess. That's pretty much it," she said while looking for the car. When she spotted it, she opened the door and put her stuff in then got in. "I can't wait to see everyone. Luna tells me nothing has really happened, but I know her. She could just be saying that so I don't feel left out."

"No, you haven't missed out," he assured her. "There were a few attacks, but Kyoya and I were able to take them out without much hassle. They actually served as good conduits for...stuff." He didn't know how to tell her that he blew off some steam by blowing monsters to bits. He fumbled with the keys before finally managing to get them in and turn the car on. "I....We....Everyone has missed you, Yuki. It's good to have you back."

Yuki nodded. "It's good to be back for a bit. I missed my home in Japan, but I missed my home here more. I don't exactly make friends easy there...taking demons out of people isn't exactly a poplar thing to do." Yuki stared out the window as they drove. "But I have a responsibility to do so I can't really complain."