Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The True Intentions ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jai woke up with a soft groan. The first thing she saw was Kitsui, the second was that she felt wetness between her legs. She looked down and blushed, seeing a small dark stain on the fabric in-between her legs. She closed them, hoping Kitsui hadn't seen. She looked up at him and smiled, "You beat him." She said, but the dream was stuck in the back of her mind. Kitsui yawned then looked at her then noticed her pants and growled. "Damn you Tatsuya you sneaky rat bastard!" Kitsui said looking fiercely annoyed. He began stomping his foot looking like an anime angry chibi. "I ought to kick your ass for doing that." He shouted at the air as if Tatsuya was there.
Jai got up, hiding the wetness. She felt dirty and guilty. "I'm sorry." She said softly before changing into her fox form and bolting from the cemetery. She was so scared. So upset. She hated herself in that moment. His slightly shocked faced was an image that seared and burned behind her eye lids. Behind her she left her mirror and fox mask.
He came over to her after calming down. "You alright? Besides the wet dream and all?" He asked blushing trying not to look at her stain.
Jai looked away, not saying anything. She was still in her fox form, her tail wrapped around her body.
He came and sat by her wrapping his tail around hers and they began to swing back and forth together and he held her close to him. "It's going to be alright, I'm not mad at you Jai." He said as he kissed her cheek softly then brushed through her hair trying to comfort her.
Jai transformed back to her human-like form and nodded, "Ok..." She sighed and closed her eyes, remembering the pain from the dream. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd be luck enough for it to BE ONLY a dream the next time.
Kitsui sighed then shook his head. "That must've been pretty scary for you having to deal with Tatsuya...He is just too damn persistent to get what he wants...I'll make sure he doesn't come back out again." He told her as he began to rock her softly in his arms singing the same song he sung last night keeping her close to him placing her head against his chest letting her listen to his heartbeat.
Jai's body stiffened at his touch, she became ridged, almost cold. Jai tried to relax, but found she couldn't a cold feeling was seeping through her body. "I'm sorry..." She said and broke free of Kitsui's embrace. She ran into the woods, her form was soon swallowed by the trees.
Ayumu looked around, guiding her nose to smell her surroundings. She smelt an odd smell approaching her. But her stubbornness kept her from getting back up. She felt threatened enough to press her body so close to the ground. The cold blocked out allot of the smells. The sudden fear turned into alarm as a giant body pounced on her and she yelped loudly. She bit and clawed, and her attacker continued. The giant wolf was crushing her rib cage as she struggled more and more.
Kitsui sighed as he was alone again but then smelled blood in the air even though it was very far from the place he was. He vanished then returned to the snow plains and found Ayumu being pinned down by a larger wolf. "Ayumu, you always seem to get in trouble." He sighed then formed one of his dark handguns and shot the large wolf to death then came over and kicked the wolf form off her. Kitsui's heart skipped a beat as he felt something seeping into him. "Kill her...She's of no use to you." Tatsuya's voice said as he started manipulating Kitsui's gun wielding arm and forced him to aim at Ayumu. "Stop it Tatsuya!" He yelled as he couldn't regain control of his arm. "Hehehe...You'll pay for not letting me out as long as I wanted. Then I'll take that precious Jai of yours." Tatsuya said as he started to force Kitsui's finger on the trigger. "Damn you...I can't stop it...Ayumu!" Kitsui shouted but it was seconds to late, he fired a round start into the side of her chest and smoke whirred from the gun as he watched her fall to the ground bleeding. "Tatsuya....You bastard...." Kitsui collapsed to his knees as he regained control of his arm. "Hehehe...It's your fault...And now you can't heal her with that gun wound since the bullets you use drains the soul." Tatsuya said in his mind as he laughed manically.
Jai ran through the woods, she felt Kai tugging at her mind. Kai was panicking about something... Suddenly, a large bang filled her ears as she was thrown off her feet. She crashed to the ground. Looking around she saw Tatsue standing a few feet from her. He smirked.
Ayumu could hear his shouts, but she couldn't move. As the bullet hurled towards her she gathered her souls the best she could and let it fly without her body. She stood, looking at Jai, then Kitsui....then her own lifeless wolf form. A red tear dripped from her black eyes as the wind blew her now ghostly white hair in the wind. She was standing, in her human form, but only as a soul. Even though she was jealous of Jai, she couldn't allow harm to come to her, so she formed her hand into a fist, squeezing it tight, as her aura rapped around Kitsui/Tatsuya's heart.
Kitsui began to yell out as Ayumu's aura was causing pain to his heart and he began to shift back and forth changing between Kitsui and Tatsuya but just as he was ready to give in Tatsuya made a desperate move to pull Kitsui's body away being pulled into a black hole then vanished completely. Kitsui reappeared where Jai was and Tatsuya stood above him being separate. "Damn that woman, anymore of that and we'd both be dead." Tatsuya said under his breath. "Jai!" Kitsui yelled as he sprung to his feet seeing Jai laid out on the ground bleeding and then not too far away was Tatsue. "You bastard...I wont let you live this time...Shu...Ko...Ken...Zi...Zho...Hoen...Kami...Heed my call! Galactic Gate open!" Kitsui screamed as his body began to burn with an angelic aura and his form began to gain an ethereal appearance and suddenly a massive golden gate appeared rising from the ground and it shot open and sucked up Tatsue from where he was and pulled him into the oblivious vortex of the gate as if it was only targeting him and then suddenly the gate shut after Tatsue was engulfed into the gate. Kitsui fell to the ground as the ethereal form vanished and he passed out. Tatsuya watched Kitsui lying there beside Jai then he went to them and healed them and then vanished from sight after he completely healed the two. "You better not die on me Kitsui...Or hell will be paid..." Tatsuya said just before he disappeared.
Jai woke up groggily; she sat up, "Kitsui?" She looked around and saw the figure of Tatsuya levitating above him, she immediately looked away. Her gaze instead fell on Ayumu, her eyes widened slightly. "What....?" her voice trailed off.
Ayumu looked down at her lifeless wolf form. She cried the bloody tears that she cried as she knelt down and picked the body into her lap. She stroked the fur softly. Ayumu thought about how many times she had wished she was dead, but now, she wanted to live, even if it was in one form or the other. "Where's my guardian angel?" She asked rhetorically, ignoring people around her.
Kitsui panted as his skin on his face began to rot once more and blood shot from his arms, legs, and torso. Kitsui fell to the ground bleeding all over and under him was a pool of blood. "Damn you Kitsui...Why would you use that forbidden technique." Tatsuya said as he reappeared by Kitsui's side. "It...Was the only...Way to get rid of him...For good..." Kitsui said weakly as blood came running out of his mouth. "Heh...I knew I'd out live you Kitsui." Tatsuya said as he stood up and turned his back. "Ta--Tatsuya wait..." Kitsui said weakly grabbing hold of his ankle. "What do you want...Just hurry up and die." "Tatsuya...Let them live...Don't hurt them...Find it in your heart to forgive her." Kitsui said as tears ran from his eyes as the color in his eyes were fading.
"K-Kitsui..." Jai gasped. She reached out and touched him softly, she began to cry. "No... no no no..." "KITSUI!" Jai screamed when his eyes faded. She sobbed openly ignoring the blood that stained her clothes. She looked up and glared at Tatsuya, "Help him!" She yelled.
"J-Jai...Please don't...Cry...You'll make me sad...I love you...My b-beautiful...bride..." Kitsui said as his eyes shut and his head fell to the side. "Damn you...Alright fine, if it's your dying wish." Tatsuya said as he watched Kitsui lie there now dead. Tatsuya sighed then noticed the Galactic Gate was still there in the distance then he looked at Jai who was still crying by Kitsui's side. "Heh, don't be so sentimental...He may be dead, but there's still a way to bring him back." Tatsuya said with a sly grin on his face.
"How?" Jai asked softly, looking back and forth from him to Kitsui. She petted his ears gently, hoping they wouldn't fall off under her touch. "Please... just tell me how I can help him..."
Tatsuya walked up to her then picked up Kitsui's body and threw him over his shoulder. "There's explaining to be done. That gate you see in the distance is known as the Galactic Gate...a forbidden power I personally taught to Kitsui. It has the power to bend time and space as well as the boundaries of heaven and hell. But the way Kitsui used it; it coasted him his very soul. Now his soul is trapped in the other side of the gate, if you wish it so badly to save him, you'll have to go into the gate into the Realm of Nonexistence and there you shall find his soul...Since he had to go and make that request...I'm forced to assist you because in that realm their are souls that will attack the living if spotted. Now follow." Tatsuya said as he walked towards the Galactic Gate and it opened up. He then went inside the gate and vanished with Kitsui and then appeared in a spiritual world that was a massive island in the sky filled with waterfalls and beautiful plant life and down below was a sea of clouds that the waterfalls poured into.
Jai got up quickly and with a last glance at Ayumu, followed him. She stepped into the gate and the red markings appeared on her hands and wrists again. She glanced around, 'Tatsue is in here... somewhere...' She thought to herself. Ignoring the faint sting from the marks she followed Tatsuya. "I don't particularly trust you." She said, "But do you promise that this will bring Kitsui back?" Her voice was mirrored with Kai's who was asking the same question. A ghostly image of Kai appeared next to her.
Tatsuya stopped and looked at her and Kai who began to appear separately. "Of course you imbecile, I cannot survive outside of Kitsui for too long...And plus there's someone here I also wish to see." Tatsuya said as he turned his back to them and walked off. "She's waiting still..." Tatsuya said under his breath as he moved Kitsui's body from off his shoulder and down into his arms. Soon burning flames that were spirits began to follow them and it began making a path for them forming crystallized pieces of a bridge into the sky until it formed an enormous bridge that led to a shrine that could be seen not too far away. "It'll only be a minute..." Tatsuya thought to himself.
Jai twitched path the insult but continued to follow. Kai hovered nearby. Even though Jai didn't let on every step was splitting the barrier between her and Kai further and further. Now, she was only able to feel Kai's emotions. Which were currently slight nervousness and excitement. She forced herself to concentrate on Kitsui. 'Please... let him live...' She pleaded in her head, 'I don't care if Tatsuya lives to just please let Kitsui live...'
Soon they reached the shrine that was floating in the center of the realm and Tatsuya laid Kitsui's body down. Suddenly two flames began to appear and they took form in visible spirits, the first was Kitsui and the second one was Kitsui's mother. "Nitsui, it's been a while my beloved." Tatsuya said as he walked towards the two spirits. "Tatsuya..." Nitsui said as she took hold of his hand. Kitsui's spirit moved towards Jai/Kai and he smiled softly and looked at the two. "You came..." Kitsui said sounding so peaceful and happy. "Nitsui...I'm sorry I cant bring you back with me...I couldn't find your body..." Tatsuya said as he was brought to tears and fell to his hands and knees. "Tatsuya it's alright...At least you came back..." Nitsui said as she knelt down beside him and put her hand softly on his back.
Jai blinked surprised, "Uh..." Her eyes lighted on Kitsui, she smiled and jumped to him her arms went around him. Kai hovered behind them, she sighed.
Jai looked at Kitsui, "Um... isn't that your mother?"
Kitsui sighed as he could feel Jai's arms then he looked back towards Nitsui and Tatsuya. "No...Jai there's something I should've told you, but it always was to hard to let come out. Nitsui there wasn't my real mother...I don't truly know who my real mother was, Tatsuya there--" "No Kitsui I'll tell them." Tatsuya interrupted Kitsui. "Nitsui and I were lovers, but Kitsui's father interfered in that when Nitsui was being attacked by Kitsui's father, I used the Galactic Gate in attempt to kill him...However it backfired and Nitsui's soul was captured into the gate instead of his...But before she completely vanished Nitsui told me to protect Kitsui and tell him the truth when he was ready to hear it. But Kitsui was attacked by his father as well and would've of nearly died. To stop his death I sealed my own soul inside him and kept him alive." Tatsuya said as he looked at Jai/Kai and Kitsui. "Kitsui, I'm going to seal you back into your body. But...I'm going to remain here." Tatsuya said as he walked back to Kitsui's body. "But you cant live outside me..." Kitsui's spirit said as he followed Tatsuya back to his body. "I'm a spirit so indeed this would be my resting place...I wont fade away...But you take care of Jai...and the child she bears inside her." Tatsuya said as he placed his hand on Kitsui's chest then the spirit began to break away into particles and began to flow into the body. Kitsui's body began to slowly respond and his eyes opened back up. "Go back to your world and live your lives together." Tatsuya said as his body no longer took a physical form but became transparent and the form of a spirit standing beside Nitsui. "Tatsuya...I hope you'll be happy here." Kitsui said as he rose to his feet. "Nitsui and I have catching up to do I'll be fine." Tatsuya said as he smiled. Soon the two spirits faded away back into flames and flew off.