Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Desperation ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jai put her hand on her stomach and glanced over at Kai. Kai was looking at the ground, she was mumbling something. When she finished something white and pure flew out of her and out of the gate. It reached out to Ayumu and pulled her back into her body.
Kai gave jai a small smile before her body broke into pieces and faded to dust. She said something, "Time is of the essence.... there is another one of us.... in the place you know but do not know. In the place you love and hate. In the cursed place. The place of our death." The voice was gone and Jai was left standing with Kitsui.
Kitsui took hold of Jai then carried her in his arms. He then carried her speeding down the bridge and then carried her all the way out of the gate returning to the normal world then the gate closed and vanished. "Tatsuya knew all along...Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all." Kitsui said with a soft sigh. He then blushed remembering what Tatsuya said before he returned Kitsui's spirit back to his body.
"Jai...We'd have a beautiful child or children if more." He said as he set her down and held her hands and kissed her softly.
Jai kissed him back, but Kai's words sat at the back of her mind. She knew about the place she was talking about. The other realm. A realm built by a god, Jai had gotten trapped there once and stuck in the realm's disturbed limbo. Where a life span was a week before a disaster hit and everyone was killed. Jai managed to break out though.
'Another one of us... is in there?' Jai thought as she put her arms around Kitsui, 'But whom...?'
Kitsui poked at Jai's lip then chuckled. "You don't know anything about being a mother do you? Kitsui asked chuckling some. He then put his hand on her stomach. "I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl." He said as he rubbed her stomach softly then hugged her. "I would be honored to be the father of you children." Kitsui smiled softly as he held her close to him.
Jai smiled and relaxed in his arms. She sighed, content. But, she wondered how Ayumu was doing. Kai had revived her and healed her. She opened her eyes and looked around the clearing, looking for their wolfy-friend.
Kitsui yawned then went to go look for Ayumu. "Well Jai let's go find our wolfy friend." He said with a chuckle walking with his arms behind his head. He gazed back over his shoulder thinking back about Tatsuya staying behind in the gate and it almost made him sad. "The poor guy...Revenge consumed us both...I can see how he felt." Kitsui said softly then walked on ahead. He then blinked tripping over something then went rolling and crashed face first into a tree. "Owwwowow!" Kitsui groaned as his face was bruised up and his nose started to bleed him then looked back seeing it was a sleeping Ayumu he had tripped over.
Jai sighed in relief and giggled, she placed her hand over Kitsui's nose. Her hand glowed a faint blue and when she pulled her hand away his face was back to normal. She smiled, "Better watch your step."
She backed up then sat down under another tree on the other side of the clearing waiting for Ayumu to wake up. As she looked at her friend a part of her slipped back into guilt, she sighed again, 'Perhaps... I can give them another chance... but first I have to make sure my baby is safe...'
'Who is this other me?' She wondered.
Ayumu looked up and smiled a toothy grin. She played like a pup would flicking snow and running around them barking. When she changed into her half form she grinned and spun around a few times. "Thank you." She said as she spun.
Kitsui sighed as he heard Jai's thought reading her mind for just that moment then raised to his feet. "Heh....I knew you'd still be the same..." Kitsui said as he shook his head slowly. Suddenly his shadow started to grow out and it wrapped around his body. "Jai...You should go..." He said as the shadow around him formed in a black cloak that covered his entire body except for the head. Kitsui began to laugh hard at first and then began crying just as quickly then he punched the tree near him and with the force of the blow the tree came falling down the opposite way of them. "You know...I don't want our child to suffer the same thing I went through." Kitsui said as he stepped over the tree then walked off and the wind blew and with that he vanished.
Jai's eyes widened at this sudden wavering of Kitsui's mental state, "Na-nani...?" She then realized that he must have read her thoughts. She chased after him, grabbing onto his arm, "Please.... please Kitsui you must understand!" She squeezed his hand tightly, as though letting go meant that she too would be swept away by the wind.
Kitsui looked back at her as his eyes were bleeding with tears. "What....What is it I have to understand...?” He said softly watching her as his yellow eyes grew even emptier. He lowered his head and shook it slowly. "I felt that you would want me to be with Ayumu...I can't go to her now after what I did...It not only be a disgrace to her but me just as well." Kitsui said as he moved his arm and took hold of Jai's hand. "I...Really don't know what to do anymore..." He said as he closed his eyes.
"I'm tired of hurting everyone..." Jai said softly, "And this thing I have to do... I won't take long." She sighed, "I'd take you with me but it just would be better if I went alone. It's... it's something I have to settle alone please understand... I'll leave now if it would be better for you." She tried to smile, tried. Her lips lifted up a little bit but it wasn't quite a convincing smile.
Kitsui just laughed at what she said then slowly pushed away from her. "...Every time...I mean every single time you do something alone you always get hurt and I worry about your safety from the depth of my heart...I can't keep doing this...I want to stay beside you and help you fight these things through...I might not be here forever you know...I was almost gone forever if it wasn't for Tatsuya's sacrifice...I might not be so lucky next time..." Kitsui said as he started back walking. "My life really never had any meaning...Until you showed up that day." He said as he stopped then moved his hand and from underneath his feet his shadow expanded and it was a clone of himself holding his Shinigami State Angelic Scythe and a barrier of energy kept Jai from coming any closer. "I will end my sadness here...End it swiftly..." Kitsui said as he closed his eyes and gave his clone a signal to finish him off. The clone then swung at Kitsui's head then off it came and suddenly Kitsui and his head burned away into a beauty of sakura petals scattering into the wind and then the clone vanished in a similar trail.
Jai stood there in shock for a moment... She then fell to her knees, the pain racking through her body rendered her incoherent and nearly breathless. Tears and blood hit the ground. Tears ran down her cheeks and fell without a sound into the soft earth. Blood dripped from her lip, as she was biting to keep her self from screaming. It seemed to lift the ground from her hands as she squeezed them, tighter then she had been holding onto Kitsui a few moments ago.
She curled into a ball on the ground and lay there as something shut off her consciousness, leaving her to hang in her mind, shut off from everything. Because the person she cared about most was dead.