Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Clam before a Storm ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kitsui's voice could be heard in the air but he couldn't be seen. "So you really do care that much...I share your pain, but I can't die and leave without you." Kitsui said as sakura petals surrounded Jai then suddenly Kitsui reappeared lifting her up with one hand and pulled her into his arms. "Heh...I can't kill myself with my own Shinigami State...It'd only heal me." Kitsui said as he was hugging her from behind and rested his head over her shoulder. "I can't imagine myself without you...But we shall cry together." Kitsui said as he kept Jai close to him. "I am your phantom to command and love till the end of time my dear precious Jai..." Kitsui said softly in her ear then turned her to face him.
Jai looked at him for a moment, "Y-you.... YOU JERK!" She slapped him hard, ters flowing down her face again. She shook him, "How dare you do that! How dare you do that to me!!" She colapsed against his chest sobbing openly now. "Dman you... damn you.. I h-hate you..." She sobbed. In conplete opposition of her word she was hugging him tightly.
Kitsui laughed nervously as he had a red handprint on his face then smiled as she was hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry you had to see that...I wasn't thinking clearly." He said softly as he brushed through her hair then held her hands. "But that's a new side for you...A pouting little princess." Kitsui chuckled then licked at her bleeding lip and  nuzzled his face into her neck. Jai sighed and closed her eyes, "You make me like that..." She was thinking a of a few more insults to say, but Kitsui's touch made her forget. "And trust me... when I go back... I'll be in my element..."
Suddenly Tatsuya's voice could be heard as well as his laughing. "Kitsui just totally got bitch-slapped!!!" Tatsuya shouted laughing hard. "What the heck? Tatsuya?" Kitsui looked around quickly not seeing Tatsuya around anywhere. Suddenly Tatsuya and Nitsui appeared in physical body. "Heya Kitsui-kun." Tatusya said as he waved. "WHAT THE HELL?! Aren't you supposed to be dead?!" Kitsui shouted in an anime like way pointing his finger at Tatsuya. "Well if you were smarter than the average dumb rock you'd know I found our bodies!" Tatsuya shouted getting up in Kitsui's face. "DUMB ROCK?! YOU wanna start something Tatsuya?!" Kitsui shouted as he and Tatsuya were in an anime face to face clash of words. "I see Tatsuya hasn't changed." Nitsui chuckled watching the two argue.
Jai sweatdropped and watched the two of them, "I'd rather him argue then kill himself." She said. She rested her hand on her stomach, 'This child is going to have a great father.... if he doesn't kill me with his antics...' She finished the thought with a sigh. She smiled at Nitsui, "So you are alive again?" Nitsui nodded as she came up to Jai while Kitsui and Tatsuya started fighting each other kicking up a cloud of dust in an anime beat-em-up back and forth kind of way. "Tatsuya found our bodies and he was able to seal my and his spirit back to our original bodies then used the Galactic Gate to return back to this world." Nitsui said as she smiled. "So your the bride Kitsui has told me of, I hope he's not such a handful for you." Nitsui said as she chuckled some. Tatsuya and Kitsui panted as the dust cloud stopped and they were both exhausted. "YOU wanna go some more rat face..." Kitsui panted. "I would of your woman here wasnt watching you get your ass kicked." Tatsuya growled panting hard. The two then fell over passing out from exhaustion. "Boy...Looks like they overdid it again." Nitsui laughed nervously then ran over to the two.
Jai sat with Kitsui's head in her lap as she waited for him to wake up. She sighed, "I have no idea who I'll be worried about more... the baby or Kitsui..." She petted his head. Kitsui woke up after about 15 or 20 minutes then blushed noticing Jai was holding his head on her lap then he smiled. "Hey...Sorry bout that, Tatsuya started it." Kitsui said as he blushed with his face turning red. From that time he was knocked up Nitsui had dragged away Tatsuya leaving them to talk by themselves. "Heh...I'd worry for both of us." Kitsui told her as he sat up and put his arms around her.
Ayumu just watched them as they all faught and argued and huuged. In her wolven state, it was trivial. She danced around on he hind legs and let out a howl. She let out a long howl and changed human. She sat near Jai and Kitsui. With her have been dead she didn't place their being together into her thought. She couldn't fit it in. It was as if she was a pup again. Her eyes looked over at them. "So guys, whats the whole plan, I mean, I can go with one of you or stay here or just....roam..." She laughed.
Jai smiled and sighed, "Fine... I'll take you both... But you have to let me do all the work ok?" She asked looking from one to the other. In her mind she was thinking about the village, about the shrine, and what lay below the trap door.
"Just dont get yourself and the baby killed now Jai." Kitsui joked as he came up to her giving her a funny look. He then walked out in front then noticed Tatsuya shot past them like a blur then Nitsui right after him screaming about something. "Whoa...Didn't know mutt face could run that fast." Kitsui said as he looked small eyed. "Oh well, Nitsui looked like she was gonna kick his ass about something. Probably being perverted again like usual." Kitsui said as he laughed nervously. Suddenly Tatsuya came darting back to then and stopped but was still jogging in place anime like. "Sorry Kitsui, I'll follow you after I lose Nitsui." Tatsuya said looking nervous. "What you did this time?" Kitsui asked starting to crack up about to laugh. "The usual I slapped her ass." Tatsuya laughed nervously sweatdropping anime like. "Taaaatsuya!!!!" Nitsui screamed coming back like a bullet train to hell. "Sorry guys gotta run." Tatsuya said as he shot off running again and then Nitsui went back after him. Jai sweatdropped, "I didn't know he had that kind of side..." She got up, "Allright, I'll lead the way." She pulled out one of her daggers and threw it to the ground, "You all go in first."
Kitsui looked at the portal then he grabbed Jai and tossed her in first then  Ayumu. "Well, ladies first." He laughed then jumped on in after them. Kitsui looked around as he landed in a strange place and Ayumu and Jai landed on their faces from being tossed into the portal. "We'll guess we're here." Kitsui yawned then stretched out.
Jai got up, "Baka..." She sighed and looked around, the village that they were standing in appeared to be empty. Then doors suddenly banged open and they were surrounded by a group. The gorup was a mixture of humans and demons. Two little girls dressed as priestesses stepped out of the group towards them, "What do you want?" They asked in unison. Suddenly, they looked at Jai and both took a step back, "Jai? Is that you?" They said in unison again.
Kitsui blinked as they were surrounded then saw the twins dressed up like priestesses. "Well that's cute, doublemint twins." Kitsui laughed nervously as he scratched his head. Kitsui then stepped out looking at the humans and demons. "We come in peace. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Kitsui said as if the people were dumb to him. "Ughh...If I have to fight these people I'm so not gonna like this." Kitsui said as he sighed looking annoyed.
Jai nodded, "It's me...." The two girls made a path in the group and lead the group to a large house. "Follow us." they said and went into it. They stopped in a dnining room, wehre the table was filled with food, "We've been waiting." They said motioning for everyone but Jai to sit, "We also know why your here. And, will willingly give it to you." Jai nodded and smiled at the other two and left down the hall with the twins.
Kitsui sighed as he stood at the corner of the dining room propping up against a wall not really feeling hungry. "All this fighting...What is it for..." Kitsui thought as he lowered his head. "Revenge....or to protect....What should I be doing...?" Kitsui asked himself shaking his head slowly looking at the floor with a disdained expression. "If you want to defeat me, hate and let that hate make you miserable for the rest of your days..." The voice of Kitsui's father kept playing back in his mind. "SHUT UP!?!" Kitsui came out yelling after shaking his head with his hands pressed against his head then he looked exhausted looking a bit scared as well. "Haaa....Kitsui pull yourself together...For their sake." Kitsui said softly as he sighed then walked out the door and took a seat on the front steps. 
Ayumu felt uncomfortable the momment they went through the portal. As a habit she changed into her wolf form and followed Kitsui and Jai. When Kitsui looked distraught she lay her head on his lap. The geture wasn't romantic, but worried, like a mother worried about her pup. She gazed up at him, trying to think of something to say.
Kitsui looked towards Ayumu then looked away starting to blush slightly. "Ayumu...I'm sorry you have to follow us after all that I have put you through...But, it makes me kind of happy that you are still able to accompany me even so." Kitsui said as he scratched Ayumu behind the ears then brushed over her head softly. "I've lived my journey in search of revenge....But something always told me revenge wasnt what I was truly after." Kitsui said as he looked at the sky. "Maybe...I should just give up on trying to defeat my father...But I just cant let it go, he killed Nitsui, but I never found out who my real mother was..." Kitsui said as he sighed and his ears drooped down and he softly began to whimper. "Ayumu...If you don't mind me asking...What are you truly searching for?" Kitsui asked as he gazed back at her.
Ayumu took all his words into thought. What was she really looking for? She thought it over then straightened to look at him."A pack.....even if that means I never find love, you and Jai, and you child are my pack, even if you are thousands of miles away. I am not like my kind. I was never really raised in a family environment. I can protect you and your young, but I fear I will fail as a mother myself." She thought. She looked towards Jai then pack at Kitsui. "You are family, and don't worry what you have 'put me through' in understand. You fall for your own, not for another."
Kitsui smiled some then nodded his head. "I see, well I'll protect you as well as the others Ayumu...But really..." Kitsui looked away blushing. "You're more like a mother to me of the sort." Kitsui said as he scratched his head. "But...I just wish I knew who my real mother was and if she's even still alive for one thing..." Kitsui said as he sighed and looked at the ground. "Hmm....I wonder what does she look like, Nitsui nor Tatsuya told me anything about my real mother, or maybe they didn't know to begin with. But if you were my mother Ayumu I'd be happy with just that." Kitsui said as he chuckled some scratching his head. Kitsui began to smile once more feeling the pain lift off him a little more. "Yooo, Kitsui-kun!" Tatsuya shouted hanging upside down from the cottage. "Tatsuya?" Kitsui looked up seeing him. "We got a big problem ya know, Nitsui should be on here way here now." Tatsuya said as he landed  in front of where Kitsui sat. "What kind of "problem"?" Kitsui asked. "Something followed me and Nitsui out of the gate...It's not Tatsu but it felt familiar." Tatsuya said as he looked away. "Is it on its way here?" Kitsui asked looking confused. "Yes...you are all in danger if you stay here." Tatsuya said as he looked very serious.
It was raining incredibly hard by the time Jai came back, she looked satisfied. Although, her shirt was smudged with a reddish brown and one of her hands was bandaged. She sat down and stretched, "Did I miss anything?" She asked with a smile. One of the priestesses walked by, holding something that looked like claws.
Tatsuya looked at Jai then her shirt and blinked then he shook his head and looked serious again. "Jai you Kitsui and Ayumu get out of here, me and Nitsui will hold "it" back till you get to safety." Tatsuya said as he pulled out a long bladed katana that was black as night. "Tatsuya you'll be okay right?" Kitsui asked as he went to Jai. "Of course, I can't get killed before we have our rematch." Tatsuya laughed then held his sword propped to his shoulder. "Right, c'mon Jai, Ayumu." Kitsui shouted as he picked Jai up and sprinted ahead leaving Tatsuya behind. Jai blinked, "Wh-what's going on?!" She was seriously confused. She cradeled her hand on her lap, and felt a strange energy coming into the village, 'What is that....?' She wondered.
Ayumu didn't move with them as Kitsui scooped Jai up. "I'm staying. You need to protect Jai." Ayumu said. Her eyes burned with intensity as she switched form and held a sword and a katana. She looked at Tatsuya, "I'm ready to fight. Just tell me what to do." She smirked devishly. Now that she could finaly see again, she wanted to fight.
Tatsuya stood his ground as Nitsui appeared beside him having a cross shaped spear in her hands. "What is it we're dealing with Nitsui?" Tatsuya asked her looking nervous from the energy he felt. "It's...." Nitsui said as she looked away sadly. "No, you mean it's "her"?" Tatsuya shouted looking nervous. "Yes its "her" Kitsui may be in danger now since she's back." Nitsui said as she shook her head slowly. "I can't believe she was able to break that seal. Damnit." Tatsuya shouted looking infuriated. Suddenly a shadowy figure struck Nitsui knocking her out and it appeared as the wind hitting her. "Nitsui?!" Tatsuya screamed. "Aaagh!" The figure struck again this time knocking Tatsuya out cold. Meanwhile in the woods Kitsui ran as fast as he could carry Jai but suddenly he slid to a stop as the same figure that knocked out Tatsuya and Nitsui appeared in his way. The mysterious figure came into the light then.