Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The True Mother ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kitsui looked shocked as he saw the strange kitsune woman who's tails were like fire how they were all connected and wore a beautifully designed kimono and her eyes were like that of Kitsui's except one eye was blue while the other was yellow. "Those eyes...Wait are you..." Kitsui said as he set down Jai. The kitsune woman just gazed at him silently and nodded her head slowly. "But...Where have you been...Mother..." Kitsui said as he now remembered the figure of his mother who vanished from his life when he was 5. "They...sealed you away didn't they?" Kitsui asked slowly. The kitsune woman nodded once more remaining in the spot she stood. "M-mother?" Jai stuttered looking from him to the woman. She got up slowly, "What are you talking about... I'm still lost." She walked up to Kitsui and looked at the woman, "What do you mean by sealed?"
Kitsui looked towards Jai then sighed. "Back when I was just five my real mother...She was sealed away because of the powers she had...Tatsuya, Nitsui, and Kasumi had to fight her because she had lost control and became far to destructive. Tatsuya managed to pull her into the Galactic Gate to stop her but even that wasn't enough so my father helped them and formed a seal to keep her inside the gate...But now as you see her here the seal must have been broken." Kitsui explained to Jai as he gazed back to his mother. "K...itsui..." The woman said slowly as she began to float towards them. "It's me that you want leave Jai out of this." Kitsui said as he moved in front of Jai shielding her. "Kitsui...." She said again in such a soft voice that it had its own melody to it. She stood face to face with Kitsui then she took hold of his hand and lifted it and brought her other hand on top of it and smiled softly. "Mother...?" Kitsui blinked not sensing any malice from her. "It's...Time to go home my son..." Kitsui's mother said softly as she held his hand and made him walk with her. "But the palace is nowhere near here mother!" Kitsui shouted as he was being pulled away from Jai. Suddenly a dark rift appeared and Kitsui's mother pulled Kitsui into it and they both vanished but the rift remained open for Jai to follow. Kitsui's mother brought him to a strange world that was like a paradise light by night and a full moon in the sky. A massive palace that could be seen even from hundereds of miles could been seen with many rivers and sakura blossom trees everywhere. "Where are we mother..." Kitsui looked around not knowing of this strange world. "The Land of Eden...." Kitsui's mother said as she let go of his hand and walked around the area. "Why did you bring me here?" Kitsui asked looking confused now. "This is our real home...Before you and I fell to their world..." She said as she turned and looked back at him. "Fell to their world? What are you talking about?" Kitsui asked following her looking completely baffled. "You and I are both fallen angels...You should've known from the powers you have. The wings you have while you use the Shinigami State for one..." She told him as she sat in the grass and looked at the moon. "So...I'm an angel then...It's hard to believe...But I feel like what you say is true." Kitsui sat down beside her then watched the moon with her.
Ayumu looked on in shock. She had lowered her weapons and watched helplessly. When they both were gone she was furious. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"Ayumu yelled. She looked at each of them. She balled her fist and let it go. "Any ideas?" She asked completely calm again. Tatsuya and Nitsui slowly regained consciousness after another few minutes and sat up seeing Ayumu still there. "Damnit...She's gotten even faster than last time." Tatsuya said as he shook his head then jumped to his feet. "Ayumu, it is very important that we stop her, wait you don't understand the situation do you?" Nitsui said as she got on her feet. "The woman who attacked us was Kitsui's true mother Ayumu...But she's probably gotten him if we were out this long..." Tatsuya told Ayumu. "The name of Kitsui's mother is Sakura...The Angel of Demise." Nitsui said as she held onto her armor. "We tried all we could to prevent Kitsui from going back to her, for if he joins her our very world will end Ayumu. Kitsui is the Angel of Destruction born from Sakura." Tatsuya said as he sighed looking tense. "He hasn't realized his true powers yet but we must get him away from Sakura before that happens." Tatsuya told Ayumu then shook off his pain and looked around trying to sense where Jai and Kitsui was. "Tatsuya I sense that there's a rift not too far into the woods from here." Nitsui told them as she already found the area in her mind. "Good, Ayumu follow me and Nitsui we have to bring Kitsui back at all costs." Tatsuya said as he ran on ahead then Nitsui followed him.
Jai was about to jump to grab Kitsui when they dissapeared. She stumbled and fell to her knees. Suddenly, she coughed, blood poured from her mouth. "Wh-what's going on?!" She gasped. A pole, the end of a staff hit her in the head knocking her to the ground. It was the priestesses, "HOW DARE YOU BRING THAT THING HERE!!" They screamed. Jai tried to speak, but more blood dribbled out of her mouth. "Get out." One of them said, "Take them with you." Said the other, pointing at Ayumu, Tatsuya, and Nizui.
Jai didn't move but her body dropped into slight convulsions. 
Tatsuya looked shocked as he saw Jai laying there having convulsions and bleeding from the mouth then Nitsui walked over to her and waved her hands over her continuously healing her inflictions and so on till she was able to breathe and feel normal again then she cleaned her of the blood and lmoved her head towards Jai's and inhaled making the rest of the blood transform into spirit energy and inhaled it into her body then moved away. "Nitsui you stay with Jai, I'm going after Kitsui." Tatsuya said as he walked towards the dark rift. "But if he awakens you'll die by his hands." Nitsui said to Tatsuya looking worried. "It's my fault to begin with...I'll be the one to repay for my sin..." Tatsuya said as he walked into the rift and vanished.
Jai lay on the ground, breathing heavily. Her eyes had returned to their dead look. And something shifted behind her eyes. WRETCH! Miserable kreaten! You've brought us ruin by being with him! A voice screamed at her. OUR destiny was to make our race of kitsune stronger! Now you are going to RUIN it! Jai started screaming. Blood now came from scratches that appeared on her arms and face. The bandage on her hand began to slide off.
Nitsui had remained by Jai's side then the sudden screaming she made became aggravating to Nitsui then she slapped Jai hard. "Get a hold of yourself Jai! Now calmly tell me what's going on with you, you seem to have something that's distressing you." Nitsui said as she went to healing Jai's scratches. "Jai, you have to go after Kitsui, you're the only one who has a chance of stopping him. Tatsuya will die if he goes after Kitsui and he has awakened." Nitsui said as she helped Jai up. "Priestesses, what have you done to Jai that has her like this?" Nitsui asked the two preistess twins. "Nitsui, they've already reached the palace, hurry and bring her with you!" Tatsuya said as he had a mind link coming into both Jai's and Nitsui's mind. "Okay...Stall him for as long as you can Tatsuya." Nitsui thought sending her thoughts back over to Tatsuya. Nitsui grabbed Jai by her arm then ran with her into the rift and it remained open for one other which would be Ayumu. The two landed in the Land of Eden and Nitsui began to run pulling Jai with her heading towards the massive palace in the distance.
Inside the palace...
"Kitsui!" Tatsuya yelled as he caught up to Kitsui and Sakura. "Tatsuya? What are you doing here?" Kitsui blinked as he turned and looked at him as did Sakura. "You have to get away from her, you don't know what she's capable of doing!" Tatsuya yelled as he tried to run towards Kitsui but Sakura shielded Kitsui and knocked Tatsuya back with a soundwave kind of blast. "Mother?! Why are you attacking Tatsuya?!" Kitsui shouted coming by his mother's side pulling on her arm. "That earthling must die for trying to kill you and I." Sakura told her son as she held out her hand and a dark orb began to form around her palm sparking with energy. "Mother stop!!!" Kitsui yelled as he tried to pull her arm down but Sakura was too strong for him to budge. Tatsuya had just gotten back onto his feet then suddenly a dark blast shot from Sakura's heart and pierced through Tatsuya's chest like a dark ray of light and he went flying far back with blood lashing from the air to the marbled floors. "Tatsuya!" Kitsui screamed as he tried to run to him but Sakura grabbed him by his arm keeping him from going any further.
Nitsui and Jai had just finally made it inside the palace to see Tatsuya lying in a pool of blood and Kitsui and Sakura standing in the distance. "Taaaatsuya!?!" Nitsui screamed terribly as she saw her lover lying there motionlessly. She ran and gotten by his side and held his hand tightly starting to tremble while crying. Tatsuya had already died as the blast killed him instantly and there was no longer any sign of response from his body.
Jai looked over at Kitsui, "Come back..." She said. She walked towards him, slowly. Something shadowlike seemed to hang over her. It wasn't solid, yet not completly translucent. The thing had Jai's shape but it's eyes were red. Jai stopped just a little bit infront of Kitsui, "Please come back." She said again.
The shadow glared down at them, it's mouth moving saying words that none could hear. Jai didn't seem to notice the shadow, in fact, she seemed comfortable with it. The bandage fell off her hand, to reveal one of her nails on her right hand were missing. In the shadow's right hand it held something long and curved like a claw. The claw changed in shape to become something else, it became a sword. "Come back... don't let her change you." Jai said.
Sakura looked at Jai then Kitsui's reaction then she moved her hand thrusting it into Kitsui's back and blood shot out and it began to change from red into a jet black color. "Aaaagh! Mother....What are you doing..." Kitsui said weakly as he looked over his shoulder at her as his blood was spreading all over his back beginning to form into an ancient seal type of pattern. "I'm awakening you my son...You will no longer live among those flesh bearers..." Sakura said as she ripped her hand out covered in the black blood holding in her hand a black jewel. "Nooo! She removed the Seal Jewel!" Nitsui shouted as she remembered her and Tatsuya placing that jewel in Kitsui's back which erased his memories of the life he had before and was the only thing keeping him from following Sakura. Kitsui stumnled forward and he held his head screaming out as his back began to push out at the shoulders and suddenly jet black wings sprouted from his back and a shockwave knocked Nitsui and Jai back but Sakura remained in place. Kitsui's fur went from white to jet black and his yellow eyes became a crimson red as now he had transformed into the Angel of Destruction. "Welcome back Kitsui." Sakura said as she smiled evilly. "What is your orders mother...." Kitsui said as he looked at the others with a grim and twisted evil face. "Kill them my son." Sakura said with a dark laugh. "Very well..." Kitsui said as he held out his hand then suddenly a dark spiked flamberge appeared in his hand and he walked towards Jai and Nitsui.
Jai shook her head as Kitsui walked towards her, "Kitsui... please... don't..." She reached out towards him, "Please remember! I'ts me Jai!.... Don't do this Kitsui... you'd hate yourself if you killed out child." The shadow thing behind her pressed the sword into Jai's hand. It solidified becoming a long, katana-style sword. In the middle of the sword was a line of black stone, even though it was black it shimmered with a red light. Jai looked down at the sword then up at the shadow, seeing it for the first time.
"It's you..." She said softly, "The sacrifice worked." She dropped her other hand to touch her injured finger. The shadow looked at Kitsui, before solidifying into an exact copy of Jai, except she had red eyes. The other Jai walked and stood in front of Nitsui, "Just stand back." She said coldly, before turning around and watching Jai. "Kill him, it's the only way." She said. "Kill him and restore us."
Kitsui had vanished just as she had her eyes away and he had already gotten right beside her and he whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry....But if mother wishes it then it has to be done." Then he walked past her as his blade had struck clean through her shoulder that instance when he walked past her. He then went to Nitsui and pointed a finger towards her and a dark piercing claw shot through her becoming more claws that impaled her and blood leaked out dripping all over the floor. "Kitsui....Why...." Nitsui said weakly then fell to the floor. "Mother...Pardon my actions...But I request that this one here lives." Kitsui said gazing back at an injured Jai. "Kitsui, she will only come back to destroy us." Sakura said as she stood in place watching her son with Jai in the middle of them. "Sorry..But that's not an option mother..." Kitsui said as he vanished then reappeared striking his mother down with his large sword sending blood splashing everywhere and she fell to the floor. Kitsui grinned and licked the blood off his sword then looked back to Jai. He walked back to her and then lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. "Do you fear death...?" He asked her with a solace look on his face. (Pirates of the Caribbean moment! XD)
Jai stared at him. Her mouth trembled slightly, "Not death.... just losing you.... losing our child..." She said softly. She dropped the sword, the other Jai hissed and grabbed the sword. She vanished and reappeared a few yards away, "You don't know what your getting yourself into!" She screamed at Jai. "You will die just like everyone else, while we.... the true Crystal Kitsune finish what we started!!" She vanished.
Jai looked at Kitsui waiting for him to move, "Kill me if you want... but... promise that you'll wait until you can take care of our child and yourself."
Kitsui smiled softly then he pulled Jai into his arms and held her close to him as his dark wings came around them both then he looked into her eyes. "I will wait as long as it takes my bride..." Kitsui said as his crimson eyes slowly became yellow but his form remained the same then he left her side and went to Nitsui and Tatsuya. "Mother....Is this what you really wanted...For me to destroy everything I tried to "protect"? I don't want revenge...and certainly not destruction...all I ever wanted was to protect what was dear to me." Kitsui said as he began waving his hands and the blood began swirling sealing back into Tatsuya and Nitsui until they returned to life and they slowly regained consciousness. "Kitsui...?" The two both looked at the dark angel standing before them. Suddenly Sakura began to get back up and she formed a dark spear and hurled it aiming straight for Jai in a last attempt to kill her. Kitsui vanished then reppeared shielding Jai as the blade went straight through his stomach and stuck out of his back then he ripped it out of him and charged at Sakura and drove the blade of the spear into her and pushed forward sending her flying crashing through the wall ending her life with that final blow. Kitsui stood there as blood poured from his body but he seemed unaffected by it. "Jai....I wish to protect you till the end of time my love..." Kitsui said as he came to her his eyes twitching some as the bleeding was bad.
Jai ran to him, "The end doesn't have to be now." She said and touched the spear that was still embedded into him, but she was too afraid to pull it out.
"Here." A voice said, suddenly, the spear was ripped out of Kitsui and someone was standing next to them, her hand pressed over the wound. It was a girl. She had black cat ears and a tail. She held a flute in her free hand, "Keep him up." She said to Jai.
Two more people suddenly appeared at the scene, it was a boy with long silver hair, he had a bandage over one eye. The other was a boy with glasses and dog ears and a tail. "Bloody hell Kiyo..." Said the boy with the bandage, "What mess did you get into this time?" "Shut up." Replied the girl, who was apparently called Kiyo, "He's bleeding badly." Her hand glowed and the wound healed. She stepped back and crossed her arms, "Sorry for the late interruption, we planned to help out sooner but..." She trailed off to glare at the dog boy before looking back at them, "So, who are you?"
"I think that's a question we should be asking you." Jai said, helping Kitsui to sit down.
Kitsui smiled as the others went out of their way to help him and he watched Jai all the while. "Jai...I'm not going to die now...I can't leave you and our child behind." Kitsui said weakly trying to laugh some but his eyes were starting to become hard to stay open. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them back up and then his pupiless eyes began to form round pupils which was his true eyes before they lost its form. Kitsui's body began to erupt in black flames as he closed his eyes and then his body returned to normal and the wings were no longer there and the wound he had was gone completely as he used the last of his dark angelic powers to revive his own self. Kitsui then stood up picking Jai up into his arms. "Who are these people, and I should thank you all for coming to my aid." Kitsui told the three newcomers and smiled softly. Suddenly the ground began to shake violently as the land began to fall and it returned to their world except it floated in the blue skies. Kitsui carried Jai to the outside as the others followed him out and he looked to the blue sky as the sunlight hit his eyes. "We're back home." Kitsui told Jai as he set her down then wrapped his tail around hers and held her hand.