Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed blood and an angel's soul ❯ Origin's 4 soul's ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Long ago, before humans were ever created, a battle raged in heaven. Evil had consumed the angel of light…… Lucifer. He had gained a small following and was doing his best to take over and over through the one true god and kill his son… Jesus. However, that wasn't all he sought…
Now it just so happened that an angelic child was best friends with Jesus. Her name was Purefire, and she was the purest, wisest, carefree, and most innocent of all the angels. If she had been a human she would have been about 16 year's old. However she also had something else… A little brother and sister. Her brother's name was Aqua, and her little sisters was Earthly.
Oddly they all looked very similar to there mother whose spirit and memory was all that remained of. Each had hazel eye's that changed color with there mood's, Dirty blond hair, and innocent looking appearances.
One day as heavens gates were under attack…Jesus had his hand's covering her eye's, and was leading her somewhere. Even though she laughed as they glided somewhere unknown to her… she could sense dread in her friend's heart, and Jesus knew it.
“Jesus? Wha?…” Purefire began but was cut off as Jesus shushed her, taking his hands away from her eyes. What she saw stunned her! Her younger sibling's were lying unconsciously in front of her!!! “No…” She whispered. Jesus then put a hand on her shoulder and his gentle yet commanding voice soothingly responded. ”They're fine. I'll wake them.”
With that Earthly's and Aqua's eye's both shot open as he finished his sentence. Then everyone looked at Jesus as he said. “There is something of great importance I must tell you. But first…” -Suddenly a mark appeared on each of there foreheads. It was a star cradled by a crescent moon. Then after a few seconds, the marks separated into three pieces's, spread out, and reshaped into triangles. One above each eye, and one on there right cheek. Then they faded.- “I must caution you as to your true importance in these battles… They need you in order to prevent us from sealing Lucifer away. They will also need you and nine others whom have powers in all the elements. There are 10 forbidden children and you Purefire are one of them.”
His eyes took on those of a serious adult as they bored into her soul. She knew what all these things were, but never knew she had a part in it. Without thinking she asked.” What does this have to do with Aqua and Earthly?” “Everything” Began Jesus. “For you see… are the `Siblings Three' and have tremendous powers. You… You three are the guardians of the sacred seal. Each of you has great power, however together you can shatter or recreate the seal. My father created you knowing that this day would come. The day when you would have to be sent to earth… so that he will not know where you three are.”
“GO TO EARTH?!!!” The three exclaimed in unison! “But Jesus… WHY must I leave you!!!?” Purefire began to plead but was cut off as Jesus hugged her and said. “I will come to earth before you… And you will meet me in your heart… Now let's go. All of you.” Then they raced to were Lucifer was to seal him away.
No-one knows how they did it, but when they got there… they battled, and with Christ as there key… they locked his body and minions away. There spirit's were still looking to destroy them though. And so the Lord, our God sent the four to earth, knowing that they would never be the same.