Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Midnight Comfort, Daytime Criminals ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well, sorry for the wait, here is the latest installment of WSOT. A bit more happens. All comments will be taken into consideration for future chapters; I thank you all for taking the time to read this. I hope you will continue to leave constructive criticism as it will be used to better the the rest of this series.

With Sugar on Top 12

Chris tip-toed over to Pon-Chan and T-Chan and tried his best to wake them. T-Chan woke with a growl, and glared bleary-eyed at the frightened young boy. "T-Chan, I'm sorry I woke you, but I think something is wrong with D." Chris said, T-Chan, realizing that Chris was truly frightened, got up and went to investigate. He was careful not to awaken Pon-Chan. "I was going to the bathroom and I heard it." Chris tugged T-Chan's arm and pulled him to D's bedroom door.

T-Chan pressed his nose to the door and backed away with an odd mixture of anger and humor. The sounds Chris had worried about were unmistakably Count D and Leon. But nothing was wrong. "Uh…Ahh…yes…uh," could be heard faintly through the door. T-Chan blushed and pulled Chris away from the door. "They're fine, let's go back to bed kid."

"They who?" Chris asked, he had been well tucked in by the Count by the time Leon had made it in from work. He wondered at all the strange behavior that had been going on in the pet shop since his return yesterday. He felt he would never understand T-Chan's outburst at the count and no one would explain it to him. Chris vowed to take all of his questions to Bikky as soon as he could.


Leon flopped back onto the bed and pulled D into his arms. Breathing heavily, D wiped Leon's sweat dampened brow. "Do you want to talk about it?" D asked as he placed a series of small, quick kisses along Leon's lips.

"About what?" Leon asked and rolled to the side of the bed where he sat up. Leon turned and placed his head in his hands. He looked up again and found D just staring at him. It was his usual calm, assessing stare that looked so out of place in the dim room with the scent of their lovemaking lingering in the air. Leon reached out and pulled D into his lap. With a sigh, D sat back and allowed himself to be cuddled. Leon pressed his face into the curve of D's neck and inhaled deeply. D knew something must be upsetting Leon… he was usually so gentle and tender. Such could not be said of tonight…

Break…Insert Flashback

D had just got Chris to sleepall tucked in and story read. He was closing the shop when Leon came in. He said nothing, just kissed D as if he would never get the chance to do so again. Still saying nothing, Leon had simply gone to the bedroom. D had found him pacing back and forth liked a caged animal that knows it can only go in circles and so it slowly goes insane. "Leon? Is everything all…?" D could not finish. Leon grabbed him and kissed him, undoing his cheongsam at the same time. D decided to help and undid his clothing to save them from Leon's un-careful handling.

D turned to get into the bed, but was grasped from behind. D could only be grateful that Leon had remembered the lubricant as he began what could only be called pounding. Their lovemaking had never been so intense, D was not sure he disliked it. As a matter of fact…he liked it a lot. Throughout his enjoyment, he knew that something was definitely bothering Leon.


"She was only 16; maybe 15…could have been Ryo and Dee's Carol," Leon murmured into D's hair. "I've found bodies before, hell; I've made some, all in the line of duty you know. But this girl…what they did to her." Leon pressed kisses along D's back. "Ryo and Dee said they had a case like this in New York…Carol had been snatched and everything, but they rescued her in time…no one rescued this poor girl. Ryo had to tell her parents… she was all they had. Oh God! Did I hurt you? I would have done better to grab a bottle of vodka and go to my place for the night."

"That, I think, would have hurt me more." D said and he looked over his shoulder at Leon. "It is better that you should accustom yourself to sharing your problems with me. You have done so in the past, why should now be different?"

"Well, now it's just…There was no caressing, no kissing all the little spots that make you purr, I just…fucked you D… you mean more to me than that… I just grabbed you and…"

Leon grew silent as he could feel D shaking in his arms. He looked down to note that D was indeed laughing at him. "My dear Mr. Detective, Even I know that love and passion can take many forms."

"But you are so small, I could have hurt you." Leon said and kissed D's back again.

"You do not have to treat me like…" D paused thinking of how Leon had previously described him, "Like a china doll. I am not made of porcelain, I will not break." D tilted his head back and captured Leon's lips. He shifted his hips and moaned as Leon stiffened beneath him. D braced his hands on Leon's knees and moved back and forth. "Besides, I always love when we are together." D reached underneath him and stroked Leon. Leon moaned and placed his hands on D's hips lifting him further. Once properly positioned, D slid down and sighed. Leon cradled him in his lap for a moment before the world outside their room vanished.


-Count D, is my brother here? - Count D looked up at Chris over the breakfast table. -I thought you weren't felling well last night, but T-Chan said you were fine and I shouldn't worry. But then he said they…so is Leon here?-

D took several calming breaths. He had been all for explaining things to Chris, and now that the time had come he felt himself grow red. Had he heard them last night…? Well he must have, D thought frantically. D shot a grateful look to T-Chan as Leon entered the dining room. "Morning squirt," Leon ruffled Chris' hair and smiled at D, longing to kiss him before he left for work. They had to investigate the girl, now…her parents deserved to know exactly what had happened to her.

D stood and took Leon's hand and practically dragged him from the room. "You read my mind." Leon said and melded their mouths together. D pulled away and Leon wondered at his strange behavior.

"He heard us," D blurted. "Last night, he was going to come in to see if I was okay, but T-Chan stopped him." D explained he wanted to laugh at Leon's horrified look, but he realized he must have looked the same. "Should we explain…? What words can we use…? How do we …?" D was truly flustered. In all his life he had been able to calmly rationalize any situation, but he could not rationalize explaining to an eight year old the dynamics of a homosexual relationship.

Leon placed his arms on D's shoulders and squeezed gently he was at a loss for words. -D, Leon, can I call Bikky; I want to go play with him and Carol today. I could introduce them to Catherine and Blanca, Cujo might like her, and I think T-Chan has a thing for sweetie. - Leon looked down to see Chris holding on to Pon-Chan and smiling up at them. D nodded and went to dial the number for Chris. As Chris engrossed himself in his phone call, Leon quickly kissed D's cheek and left for work.


Ryo looked over the crime scene photos and grimaced. One Heather Wheeler had been sexually assaulted then execution style, shot twice, once in the heart and again in the head. No weapon could be found on the scene, bullets found in the victim were from a .44 Caliber gun. A rape kit was going through analysis to see if the DNA matched anyone in their crime system. "It never gets easier," Ryo commented to Jill who was going over witness accounts who had last seen the victim hanging out with friends at a popular teen hang-out.

Leon entered the office and frowned. He could have wished it were all a bad dream, he sat in his chair with a heavy sigh, "anything new?" He asked, he would have said good morning, but looking over Ryo's shoulder, he felt it was rather inappropriate. He looked into the dejected faces surrounding him.

Dee entered the room carrying a large manila envelope, "I got the stats from the crime lab, the DNA matches Sylvester Reams, he was arrested several times on DUI, Armed Assault and Battery charges did some time about a year ago for unlawful breaking and entering."

"Up-standing citizen," Jill grimaced. "I can't believe they let that guy out, and look what it cost us." Jill looked with disgust at the photos that Ryo had sat down.

Ryo glowered at the photos and remembered how battered Carol had been when they had found her. "When I find the guy, don't be upset if I shoot first and warn later." Dee rubbed Ryo's shoulder and sympathized. He had quite happily pounded their criminal into a bloody mess once Carol had been rescued.

Leon stared at the police photos of a young looking man with hard features. He had deep brown eyes and chestnut brown hair. Leon could not put his finger on it, but he looked familiar. There was a tattoo of a snake on his forearm and another of a diamond teardrop underneath his eye…Leon could swear…He had seen him before.


D looked up as the chime on his door signaled that someone had entered his shop. Chris had run off to play with Carol, Bikky and Catherine, taking several of the shops pets with him. D smiled at the young man, noting his odd tattoo of a diamond underneath his right eye. "Good afternoon, sir, how can I help you? We specialize in animals from around the world; we have simple house cats and exotic lizards, what is your pleasure?"

The young man looked D over and smiled. "You are," He said as he shook D's hand. D smiled tightly and took his hand from the young man's grasp. "My name's Sly. I'm looking for an exotic flower, one I can leave as a gift for some friends of mine, they recently lost a daughter. What's his name?"

"Excuse me," D asked as he walked over to the door that led to his general greenhouse.

"Your lover, fine piece of ass like you got to belong to someone." Sly looked D over and D felt chills creep down his spine. He stepped away from his general green house door.

"How did your friend's lose their daughter?" D asked, steering the conversation away from him and on to the matter at hand. "I can better choose the proper specimen based on your accounts and the relationship you share with them."

Sly grinned; he'd get his answers, one way or another. "Older couple, only had one daughter, had her late in life too, a real tragedy, kind of wealthy, you know, big house, dog, nice car. Cast Iron gate to keep the little lady safe, but not safe enough it would seem, looks like it would be kind of easy to scale the walls and snatch her right out, but then I guess someone did find it easy."

D realized the man's description could have been observed by anyone, himself included if he had had the chance. A chilling thought struck D as he looked back to find Sly following him with his eyes. Leon's case…Could this be the same young woman he was describing? "And how did this young woman come to lose her life?" D asked, he beckoned motioned for the man to sit and offered him tea.

"Real sad, the guy had her all weekend, repeatedly raped her then offed," Sly snapped his fingers, "Just like that, it was over." He smirked and caressed D's hand. "Real soft and delicate." He commented. D fought the urge to snatch his hand away.

"If you will excuse me I have just the plant in mind." D said with a smile of his own on his lips as he disappeared into his greenhouse.