Fake Fan Fiction ❯ A Light in the Darkness ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Fake or its characters. I do not own McDonald's or Burger King.
Warnings: oral sex
Chapter 1
Ryo groaned as he felt himself being shaken awake from his dreams, which for some reason, were filled with his attacker from the previous night. He shuddered, those green eyes felt as if they were peering, looking into his soul and didn't like what they saw. He opened his eyes to see Diana standing next to his bed, hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
“I know Berk said you could sleep in but enough is enough,” Diana said in a haughty tone, pulling the covers off Ryo.
“I'm sorry,” Ryo replied quickly and slid out of bed. “I didn't mean to sleep that long.” Diana was Berkeley's favourite, which meant that whatever she said, you did, no questions asked and as quickly as possible. He reached under the bed, which was actually a cot, and pulled out his clothing, ready to get to work. Berkeley had been very pleased with him the night before, which is why he had been allowed to sleep in, but it was time to get moving.
Diana laid a hand on Ryo's shoulder, making Ryo halt in his movements. “You won't be needing those today,” she said disdaining, wrinkling her nose at Ryo's clothes, “Berk wants you to do some deliveries for him.”
“Okay.” Ryo agreed and grabbed his one set of normal clothing. Deliveries for Berkeley required an element of stealth, which meant no leather pants or anything that would catch unwanted attention. This was because the deliveries were definitely illegal, as they consisted of weapon dealing, drugs or information and no one wanted to be caught by the cops.
“And your partner for today will be Arnon. He knows what to do.” With that, Diana turned and left the room, her high heels clicking on the fading tiles.
In his rush to get dressed and listen to Diana at the same time, Ryo neglected to ask Diana where Arnon could be found. Arnon wasn't a full time, and didn't stay at the same place that he did. He sighed loudly, now time would be wasted looking for him, unless of course, he could catch up to Diana. With this in mind, Ryo quickly tied up his shoes and ran out of the room, looking for Diana. He walked along the hallway, peeking in the tiny rooms for Diana and accidentally walked in on Alex and Matt.
“Oh, I'm sorry,” Ryo quickly apologized, covering his eyes and backing out of the room, a deep red blush covering his face. Sometimes, relationships were built between the prostitutes but they seldom lasted. Alex and Matt were the exception; they had been together for at least a year. Ryo was happy for Alex; Alex was a great friend, for he helped him when he first arrived. Alex was a few years older and was very intelligent, but he had had a hard life and was often depressed. Matt helped that, his upbeat and positive attitude was a perfect contrast to Alex and the two had been happy ever since. Berkeley hadn't thought too much of the relationship at first, but then realized the added benefits. After all, who doesn't like two for the price of one?
After searching most of the rooms and not finding Diana, Ryo decided to go looking for Arnon on the streets, hoping that it wouldn't take him too long. He had gotten fifty bucks out of last night's appointments and he wanted to go shopping. Tucking his money into a concealed pocket, Ryo set off to find Arnon.
Ryo was not the only one forcibly awoken that morning. Dee woke to the wonderful sounds of Penguin yelling at everyone to get up for morning service. It was times like these when Dee wished that the orphanage wasn't funded and ran by Catholics. Dee pulled himself out of bed and glanced over at Tommy, who was imitating Mother using funny faces. Dee laughed out loud and started to get dressed.
After sitting through an extremely boring mass, Dee and Tommy escaped as soon as possible and headed towards the store to meet up with Arnon and Barry.
“Hey Tommy, this is going to sound weird…but do you know of any male prostitution rings around here?” Dee asked hesitantly. There was something about the boy he ran into last night that made him curious to find out his name.
Tommy stopped walking, an amused smile on his face. “What Dee, are you not getting any? Having trouble picking up guys?”
Dee rolled his eyes, like he'd have any trouble getting laid. “Shut up Tommy, that's not it at all. I ran into a prostitute last night that owes me some money, that's all, but I didn't get his name.”
“Oh, I see,” Tommy said, still grinning. “I don't know of any ones that are strictly male, but Berkeley has one with both sexes.”
“Berkeley, the sleazy guys that deals with the K gang?” Dee asked, hoping that that wasn't the man the blond prostitute was working for. There was something about that guy Berkeley that turned Dee off.
“Yeah, that's the one.” Tommy said, nodding his head.
The rest of the trip was spent in silence. When Dee and Tommy arrived at the store, Barry and Arnon were waiting on the steps.
“Hey!” Dee said in greeting. “So what are we up to today?”
“Actually Dee, I got to go do some stuff for my mom soon, so I can't hang too long.” Arnon said, shaking the blond hair out of his eyes.
“That's cool,” Dee replied. “So do the rest of you guys want to hang out at the shack?” The shack was a run down bar, but it served to minors and had pool tables.
“Sure,” Barry said and Tommy nodded.
As the group started to walk off, a familiar person came running down the street. “Arnon! I've been looking for you everywhere!” The boy panted, bending over to catch his breath. He straightened up, only to notice that his partner was in the company of his attacker from last night. “Dee.” He said in shock, taking a step backwards.
Arnon looked back and forth between Dee and Ryo, “Dee, how do you know Ryo?” He asked curiously, wondering how Ryo knew his friend.
“How do I know him? How do you know him?” Dee replied, surprised as ever.
Barry and Tommy glanced at each other, wondering what the hell was going on.
Arnon was becoming increasingly concerned, not wanting his job to be revealed to his friends. Noticing the concerned look on Arnon's face, Ryo decided to cover for him. “Arnon helped me out one night when one of my clients got rough,” Ryo quickly blurted out. It was partially true, his clients did get rough. “And we've been friends ever since.”
Finally it clicked in Tommy's mind. “So this is the prostitute you were talking about Dee?” He blurted out, staring at Ryo oddly. He was surprised that such an innocent looking boy was a prostitute. No wonder he caught Dee's eye.
Ryo blushed and bowed his head, secretly happy that Dee had been talking about him but also embarrassed that his profession had been revealed to the other two boys.
Dee noticed Ryo's reaction and decided to shut Tommy up before he said too much. “That's enough guys. Let's get out of here. We don't want to be seen with this trash,” Dee said, glaring at Ryo. “Arnon, you coming?” Arnon shook his head. “Suit yourself then.” Dee said shortly and the guys left Arnon and Ryo alone.
“I'm sorry Arnon.” Ryo said to the younger boy, “I didn't mean for that to happen.”
Arnon just shrugged. “It doesn't matter, besides you covered for me.” He hoped that Dee bought Ryo's story, he didn't want his friend/crush to find out what he did for money.
“I'll buy you lunch to make up for it, okay?” Ryo said. He was sure he had enough money for lunch along with the new pants he had his eye on.
“Okay, and then you can tell me how you know Dee.” Arnon replied, still extremely curious about how the two knew each other.
“Deal.” Ryo answered and the two walked off to do their jobs.
A couple of hours later, Ryo and Arnon collapsed in a booth at a restaurant called the “Funky Diner”. Ryo hoped that funky was a word used to define the restaurant, not the food. A waitress brought him and Arnon menus and he sighed in relief to see that the food, at least sounded normal. He glanced over at Arnon, who look dead tired. He realized that he probably looked the same, but Arnon….
“Hey Arnon, are you feeling okay?” Ryo asked in concern.
“Yeah, I'll be fine once I get something to eat.” Arnon replied, not telling Ryo the whole truth.
Ryo nodded and replied, “I know, I'm starving too.” He studied the menu, searching to find something that sounded good but was cheap at the same time. After debating for a couple minutes, he decided to get chicken fingers and fries.
“So Arnon, what are you having?” Ryo asked politely.
“I think the chicken fingers. You?” Arnon replied.
“Same.” Ryo said smiling.
The waitress came and took their orders. After a couple minutes of silence, Ryo decided to ask a question that had been bugging him all day.
“Arnon, why do you work for Berkeley?” Ryo said at the same time that Arnon started asking “Ryo, how do you know Dee?” Both boys looked at each other and started laughing, “You first,” they both said again together, continuing to giggle.
“I'll go first,” Ryo said. Arnon nodded and rested his head on his hand, waiting to hear Ryo's story. “After work one night, I was walking home and I decided to take a short cut. I went through an alleyway and was attacked by Dee.”
“By Dee? Attacked? Ryo, what do you mean?” Arnon said, confused.
“He pushed me against the wall and demanded that I give him everything I had. I refused, naturally, after all, what would Berkeley have done to me if I didn't bring home any money?” Ryo said, hoping that Arnon would see his point.
Arnon nodded, his understanding shown in his eyes. He wasn't naïve; he knew what Berkeley did to people who displeased him. It was one of the reasons he wasn't a prostitute like Ryo.
Ryo continued with his story, “I offered myself to him in exchange for money, but he didn't accept. He let me go.”
“Dee's a good person.” Arnon replied, but thought that Dee's compassion was a little strange. “He's had a hard life.”
“Yeah, he seems to be.” Ryo agreed, thinking back to that night. After all, Dee didn't have to let him go.
Arnon continued, “Dee was abandoned at a young age and has grown up in an orphanage all his life. He's a little rough around the edges, but…a great friend.”
Ryo noticed Arnon's pause at referring to Dee as a friend but decided not to call him on it. Besides, he wanted his previous question answered. “So what about my question? Why do you work for Berkeley?”
“It's kind of hard to explain.” Arnon said hesitantly. He had never told anyone why, other than Berkeley.
“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” Ryo quickly said. “I just wondered, because it isn't like you don't have anywhere else to go.”
“Even though I have a home and a mother does not mean that everything is all peachy.” Arnon said angrily. “How can you even assume that!?” Arnon began to stand up, ready to leave.
Ryo grabbed Arnon's wrist, “I'm sorry Arnon! That came out wrong, I know that doesn't mean your life's perfect. Please, don't go…don't leave me.” Ryo had whispered the last part of his sentence, but Arnon heard it all.
“It's okay, Ryo. I forgive you.” Arnon said, trying to reassure Ryo. He sat back down and hugged Ryo. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“I'm sorry for being so…weak.” Ryo said, apologizing for his behaviour. He tended to latch onto people, not wanting to be alone. Some people found it annoying, he hoped that Arnon didn't. He hung his head, ashamed to let Arnon see his face.
Arnon tilted Ryo's chin upwards, “You have nothing to be ashamed of Ryo.” Then he smiled, “Looks like our food is coming.” Ryo's stomach rumbled loudly. “And in good time too.” Arnon smirked.
Ryo smiled. It felt good to have a friend; Alex spent all his time with Matt now, not that he minded, but he missed Alex's company. The rest of the meal was spent eating and talking about less intense subjects, like which fast-food is better, McDonald's or Burger King? Looking at his watch, Ryo realized it was time to go.
“I gotta go, Arnon. I need to get to work.” Ryo said, disappointed that he would have to leave his new friend.
“Okay, maybe we can do this again?” Arnon asked. Ryo nodded eagerly and grabbed his bags, preparing to leave. “Oh and Ryo, be careful, okay?”
“I will.” Ryo replied and left the restaurant. It had already gotten quite dark. Ducking into an alleyway, Ryo changed into the new clothes he had bought that afternoon. He had purchased a new pair of leather pants, which actually contained less leather than the last pair he had. They had ties all along the sides of his legs that revealed a lot of skin, which, of course, was the plan. He had also purchased a new shirt, which was made of a black see-through material. Ryo hoped that the new clothing might help him get some new customers.
Ryo left the alleyway and headed towards the corner where he worked with Mandy. The prostitutes often worked in pairs for safety reasons. However, he doubted that it would be him protecting Mandy, she had a black belt in karate, even though you wouldn't have guessed looking at her. She was a very small female, about 5'1” and maybe 100 pounds, and around his age. He finally reached the corner to see Mandy attempting to seduce a man who wasn't buying it. Ryo could tell that the man was definitely gay and not interested in Mandy. Maybe it's a new client for me, he thought to himself. Ryo took a deep breath and walked up to the man and Mandy, swaying his hips provocatively.
“Hello.” Ryo said to the man. He then turned to Mandy, “Have you been bothering this gentleman?”
“No I…” Mandy started to say but Ryo interrupted her. “I'm sorry for what my companion might have said or done, sir. If you could come this way?” Ryo led the man into a nearby alleyway, feeling the man's eyes on him the entire time. He turned around, looking into the man's eyes, seeing them filling with lust. “Would you prefer some of this instead?” Ryo asked the man suggestively, placing the other man's hand on his ass.
The man started to feel Ryo's ass but Ryo pushed him away. “Not until I get paid.” Ryo said firmly, holding out his hand. “Two hundred, American.”
The man's face twisted into a sneer. “That much for a tramp like you? No way.” The man snorted and started to leave the alleyway.
“Wait! How about a demonstration?” Ryo asked, not wanting to lose a new customer.
“Wait! How about a demonstration?” Ryo's words were repeated in the police car. The two cops looked at each other. They didn't want a demonstration, they wanted an exchange of cash so they could bring the prostitute in for questioning.
“What sort of demonstration?” The man asked. He was still interested, even if the price was a little high. The boy's youth was very attractive, along with the rest of his body.
“It'll be like a test drive. I'll give you a blow job and if you enjoy it and want more, you'll pay me. If you don't, you don't pay. What do you say?” Ryo asked, sure that the man would say yes.
“Sounds good,” the man said and waited for Ryo to get started.
Ryo stepped towards the man and got to his knees. Placing his hands on the man's hips, he undid the man's zipper with his teeth and slid down the pants. A hard cock was instantly in his sight. “No underwear, nice.” Ryo said grinning; it was obvious that this man planned for some action. Sticking his tongue out, Ryo touched the tip of the man's penis and began to tease it, licking the most sensitive spots only for a second and then moving on.
The man had begun to moan out loud, his cock aching to be inside the slut's mouth. “Suck it, suck it deep bitch.” The man said, pushing Ryo's head closer to his cock.
“With pleasure,” Ryo said, taking the man's entire penis into his mouth. The man almost screamed in pleasure, not only was Ryo sucking it, his tongue continued to swirl around the head, resulting the man's orgasm in only coming faster. Ryo licked him dry, pumping the man's cock gently to get every last drop of come. Ryo looked up at the man, whose eyes had closed during his moment of orgasm. “So, do you like?” Ryo asked. He slid up the man's body, grinding his hips into the man's. “Would you like some more?”
All the man could do was nod and reaching into his back pocket, pulling out $200 and handing it to Ryo.
During this entire time, Ryo and his customer were still being watched by the two cops, both who had become aroused while watching their targets. Snapped out of their individual fantasies, the man with the darker hair turned towards his partner. “You ready?”
The other cop nodded and motioned to leave the vehicle. The two men slowly crept closer to where Ryo and his customer were. The younger of the two whispered to his partner, “I'll go to the other end, you stay here.” With approval from his partner, he moved into position, but not without making some noise. He had accidentally kicked a pop can, sending it flying into a nearby dumpster, which emitted a loud clanging noise.
Ryo and his customer turned their head towards the noise. Ryo turned towards the man, ready to tell him that they should probably leave but was pushed hard onto the pavement. The man tore his money from Ryo's hand and ran off into the night. Ryo slowly got up from the pavement, wincing at the pain he felt in his left hand, which he had thrown out to break his fall. It was at this moment that Ryo noticed he was not alone in the alleyway. There were two men approaching him from both sides of the alleyway. Ryo started to panic, his exits where blocked, preventing his escape.
“It's okay, we only want to talk to you. We're the police.” The one man said, gently, trying to calm the prostitute down. As he got closer, he realized that the prostitute was younger than he thought, maybe around the age of sixteen.
Ryo looked around frantically; there was no way in hell that he wanted to get arrested. He started to run towards the one cop, hoping that his speed would knock him over and allow him to escape. Needless to say, the plan did not work. The cop held onto Ryo tightly, yelling at his partner to grab the handcuffs. Ryo struggled to get free but to no avail.
Fear overwhelming senses, Ryo reached into his pocket and grabbed the small knife he carried for protection, intending on stabbing both policemen. His brain screamed at him not to do it, but his fear was too strong. Quickly bringing the knife up, he lunged at the smaller cop, stabbing him in the shoulder. Ryo pulled the knife out to stab again but the other cop grabbed his left wrist and twisted, hard. Ryo screamed in pain and the knife slipped out of his other hand. Using this distraction, the two cops finally managed to pin Ryo and secure the handcuffs around the prostitute's wrists.
“Are you okay?” The one cop asked his partner worriedly.
The injured cop just nodded, his hand pressed to his shoulder. “Get him in the car,” he replied, motioning to Ryo.
The cop roughly picked Ryo up and pushed him into the backseat. He hated anyone who hurt his partner, no matter what their age. Ryo quickly rolled into a ball, being careful of his wrist, which he thought he had broken. Both cops climbed in the car and drove to the hospital, dropping off the injured cop and then continuing to the station. The entire ride was silent, with the exception of Ryo's sniffles.
Author's Notes:
I'd like to thank my friends Shinigami-koi and Mayhem's Angel along with their betas, Masqued and ______ (I'm sorry, I don't know your name).
It will be a while before chapter 2 comes out, however the next chapter of Saved? will be posted soon.
I've just recently started writing my own original story, so I'm afraid my attention will be directed towards those ideas for a little while.