Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Complications ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Suddenly Dee pulled back, his face a study in surprise. Had Ryo just told him he loved him?
Blinking Ryo looked up at the raven-haired boy, wondering why Dee had stopped kissing him. His mind was a fog of old memories wrapped around the new and comforting presence of Dee. It took the blonde a moment to pull himself out of his daze and realize what had just happened.
What he'd just said…
The raven-haired boy watched as Ryo's face suddenly dawned with the recognition of his words. Neither of them knew what to say.
“Dee, I-“ Ryo began, not knowing how to explain when he didn't even know himself how the words had slipped from his between his lips. The more he came back to himself and the present moment, the more mortified he became.
Dee saw Ryo start to panic and he placed a finger to his lips. “Hush, Ryo,” he told him, nuzzling his nose to his cheek. “Come on, “ he said, laying them both down onto the sheets, “Why don't we get some rest?”
The other boy allowed himself to be gently guided under the blanket. Dee then crawled in beside him, taking him once again in his arms. Ryo sighed against the boy's chest and gave into the fatigue caused by so much emotion. But he felt lighter somehow, now that he had been able to tell someone about his past and his pain. And to hear his name again from loving lips.
So much had happened that evening, it would take a while for both of the boys to process it all.
For now, they would sleep…
* * *
It was late afternoon and the westerning sun was throwing its brilliant light into the small room that Dee shared with Aaron- only Aaron had gone to spend the Sunday afternoon outside along with the rest of Dee's crew. He stifled a sigh as he flipped without purpose through the book of European literature on the desk before him. It was a glorious autumn day outside, the first bite of winter making the air crisp, yet Dee sat rotting in his stuffy room.
And why? Because a certain boy with honey blonde hair had convinced him to stay inside and `study'. Apparently, the two boys had entirely different ideas about what constituted “studying”: Dee thought it meant ravishing his would-be lover in a quiet room under the pretext of looking at some boring crappy schoolbooks; Ryo happened to think it meant you actually /read/ those crappy schoolbooks.
Wistfully, Dee glanced at Ryo sitting at the small desk opposite him. The sunlight had just fallen upon his hair, setting the dark blonde strands into a wild, golden glow. How could someone look so angelic and yet obviously enjoy torturing him so much?
It had been over a month since Ryo's declaration and sometimes Dee thought he'd simply dreamed the whole incident. The words of love had caught the dark haired boy totally off guard and he hadn't known how to handle them. He'd been such an outcast his entire life that to hear Ryo tell him of his own experiences with rejection cut right through him. And then to so openly and innocently declare his love, it pierced right into the depth of Dee's heart. But he'd built such a strong, thick wall around himself in order to protect emotions, that it was difficult to say the words in return- even when he could feel how strongly this lovely, golden haired boy had touched his heart. Another fear also played upon his mind- that Ryo had only been swept up in the moment and would later realize that he hadn't really meant it.
Maybe he didn't really love him after all…
It was this idea that frightened Dee the most. He kept secretly wishing that Ryo would repeat those three words, but how could he expect him to do that when he hadn't reciprocated them yet?
When the right time comes, the dark haired boy told himself, I'll tell him. Until then…
“Ryo…” came Dee's husky whisper against the boy's ear, the sudden closeness making him jump. Looking up, the blonde saw the hungry look in those deep jade eyes and swallowed unconsciously. It always happened like this, Ryo would tell himself to put his priorities on his academic pursuits, only to find himself wandering into Dee's room to `study'. Sometimes he actually believed he would get some reading finished. Although Dee hadn't returned his sentiments toward him, he had a feeling that the boy's actions spoke louder than his words and if this was true then Dee's eyes and lips had already confessed their love to him on many occasions.
Moving his eyes back down to the page, Ryo tried his hardest to act as if Dee's presence wasn't affecting him. He really /did/ have to study, he told himself.
“Ryo,” Dee repeated in the same languid tone, this time turning his head to place a slow, delicate kiss just behind the blonde's ear. (A point the dark haired boy had found was a particular weakness for the other boy.)
In the next moment Dee heard the tip of Ryo's pencil snap as it broke under the pressure of his now trembling fingers. Try as he might, the fair haired boy couldn't help but shiver every time he heard Dee call him by his true name. He only used it when they were alone and then he used it often, knowing the secret joy it brought to the other boy and the unspoken erotic thrill it sent sparking through his body.
Already Dee could feel Ryo's pulse begin to race beneath his lips as they trailed a scorching path down the sensitive column of his throat. Yielding to the sheer sensual pleasure of Dee's administrations, Ryo let his head fall back, giving the dark haired boy further access to his already heated skin.
It was the signal Dee had been waiting for, with one swift movement he had pulled the lithe blonde out of his chair and onto the bed, where he covered the boy's body with his own and clamped down on his lips in a searing kiss.
How many times had it happened like this? Ryo wondered to himself. How many times now had he succumbed to Dee's seductions? And yet the raven haired boy had kept his word, he had stopped whenever he felt overwhelmed. Ryo knew it was hard for him, but the blonde was so inexperienced, he just didn't know how far he wanted things to go yet.
Above him, Dee ate hungrily at his mouth, slipping his tongue within the boy's hot cavern to pillage him over and over again. And Ryo found himself returning in equal measure, a heat surging through him that he couldn't deny.
Soon Dee had slid his hands beneath Ryo's shirt, running his fingers over the blonde's delicate ribcage, then up along his spine.
God, it felt so good! Ryo thought, feeling his body screaming for more as Dee's skillful hands flew across his warm skin. Without thinking, the blonde arched into the other boy's touch, his back lifting off the bed as he sighed with pleasure.
His eyes narrowing as his desires threatened to boil over, Dee watched the gorgeous boy in his arms respond to his touch with abandon. The tousled blonde hair falling over Ryo's flushed face, his body pressing eagerly against his own, it all drove Dee mad with lust.
“Damn Ryo! You're driving me crazy…” he breathed before claiming the boy's lips once more. With the blonde's hands gripping at the fabric of his shirt, Dee nearly tore off the offending garment to expose his heated flesh to the suddenly wanton boy beneath him.
Wanting to hear Ryo moan in excitement, Dee moved from his position of straddling the boy's legs to place one knee between his thighs, rubbing against him intimately. It was the first time he'd tried such a bold move and he waited for Ryo to push him away as he usually did when he ventured further than he should without permission.
But he didn't push him away. Instead, he tore his lips from Dee's, throwing his head back as a shuddering gasp escaped his throat. Teasingly, Dee pressed his thigh into the other boy's groin once more and was rewarded with a plaintive whimper from those perfect lips.
Maybe, this time Ryo would actually trust him enough to open his body to him…
“Did you hear? We're having a dance with St. Mary's next week!” Aaron exclaimed , bursting into the room in what Dee would have to say was the worst timing in the history of the world.
Ryo was shoving Dee off of him in two seconds flat and scrambled to readjust his disheveled appearance.
Aaron blushed slightly and stammered, “Oh, s-sorry, Dee! I'll go-“
“No, its ok Aaron,” Ryo replied before Dee could stop him. “I really should get to the library before they close it tonight,” he said, picking up his books and rushing toward the door.
“Hey, Ry- Randy wait!” cried Dee, running after him, oblivious to the hurt look in Aaron's eye.
As Ryo rounded the corner toward his own room, Dee caught him by the arm.
“I said wait! Why are you running off?” the dark haired boy demanded.
Ryo looked at him helplessly, his cheeks still flushed pink with arousal. “I- I should go… I have things to get done,” he said, trying to slip from Dee's grip.
“Fine,” Dee replied, “I'll come with you.”
“Dee…” the blonde said with a hint of protest, “I told you before I need some time.”
Leaning in close so that his words wouldn't echo through the halls, Dee said softly, “It didn't look that way to me a few minutes ago when you were writhing beneath me.”
Ryo's face transformed into a vivid shade of red. “I- well…”
“Dee!” came Ted's voice careening down the hall, “Did Aaron tell you? Next Saturday- a dance at St. Mary's!”
Dee was about to throttle his friends for there lack of timing.
“I have to go,” Ryo whispered, shaking off Dee's hands as Ted came running up beside him.
Dee watched him walk away and felt his heart sink into despair. Was it that impossible to have a little uninterrupted time with him? Sighing, he allowed Ted to walk him back to his room, but he was in no mood to share in their cheer.
Ryo looked back and watched the raven haired boy who so easily made him forget himself walk away in the other direction. It wasn't that Ryo was that inhibited or even afraid to explore his sexuality with Dee, but he wanted it to be somewhere more special than a stuffy, cramped dorm room with inquisitive boys listening through the walls. Moreover, the mood had been ruined for him when Aaron walked in to see the two of them wriggling around in bed together. It wasn't just that Ryo was a very private person and disliked being seen in such a compromising position, it was also the fact that he had the distinct feeling that it pained Aaron to see them together. Dee hadn't seemed to pick up on this and allowed himself to give Ryo little signs of affection when it was the three of them hanging around together, but Ryo had caught a glimmer in the other boy's eye that belied the hurt he felt whenever Dee touched him and Ryo would rather not advertise their relationship in a way that would hurt anyone else.
The blonde rubbed his forehead and set his books down on the desk in his own room.
How did things become so complicated?