Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE or any of the characters thus associated with either the manga or the anime.

WARNING: This is YAOI. If anybody has ever watched FAKE (it's only four episodes long) or read the manga, you'd know this. If you didn't know this, I'm warning you now. If you don't like male x male relationships, then don't read this, okay? As for those of you who don't care, please enjoy this story.

Chapter Two: Revenge

Ryo sighed and stared down at the piles of papers on his desk. He had just returned from an absolutely disastrous vacation with Dee and Bikky, and the paperwork had gathered rapidly. Of course, the work that Dee was supposed to be doing was most likely mixed in with his work, in the hopes that Ryo would do it without noticing that it wasn't his.

Of course, Dee had just saved both his and Bikky's lives from torture and almost certain death, so he supposed he should be grateful for that. But dammit! Just because he was grateful to Dee didn't mean that he should have to do all his work as well.

Ryo snarled silently to himself, and got to work, hoping to get it done relatively quickly so that he could go home. He had only been back in New York for two weeks, and hadn't completely recovered yet, physically or emotionally.

Bikky was having problems coping as well. He had been hurt badly, and had witnessed what had happened to Ryo before being blindfolded. Fortunately, he hadn't withdrawn into himself, and seemed to be recovering rather quickly, for which Ryo was thankful. He didn't know how he'd stand it if Bikky couldn't handle it and it was his fault.

He had also noticed that Dee seemed to be keeping his distance, though he didn't know why. He was oddly grateful for that as well. In Japan, Ryo had seen a whole new side of Dee, and that side scared him. When he came home and looked at them with those eyes, Ryo feared for himself. Even though he instinctively trusted his partner with his life, he was still afraid of the beast he saw lurking in there, the monster that could kill and torture without regret.

When he noticed how upset Dee was after he had shown them his other side, he had tried to comfort the raven-haired man, but he was afraid he had only made things worse rather than better.

Shaking his head to rid himself of his gloomy thoughts, Ryo turned his attention back to the paperwork and began writing.


Over on the other side of the station, Dee was working on his own pile of paperwork. He had considered giving the work to Ryo, like he usually did, but he was a tad bit more sensitive than that. He knew Ryo was still having a hard time dealing with what had happened over in Japan, and so had kept his distance.

So for once in his life, he did something thoughtful. Not only did he not add his work to Ryo's, but he actually took some of Ryo's work and added it to his own. Of course, both piles were huge to begin with, so Ryo would probably assume that some of Dee's paperwork was in his pile, not the other way around.

It's not like he had anything better to do anyhow. He had kept his distance from both Ryo and Bikky, knowing that he only served as a reminder of what had happened, and that Ryo was still afraid of him, of the dark side he had caught a glimpse of in Japan.

He regretted showing them that part of him everyday, but there was nothing he could do to change it, so he just kept his distance and waited for Ryo to approach him first. He had always been the aggressive one in their relationship, and he had appeared to be getting somewhere for a while, although Ryo had only ever initiated two kisses.

Dee wanted more than that; he wanted a real relationship with Ryo. Not sex, necessarily. While it was a nice treat, it wasn't as important to him as just having Ryo admit that he cared for him, even a little.

Sighing, Dee dropped his head and focused on his work, pulling off the top paper and reading though it before filling it out. He was one of those easy-going people who didn't like to do work or make commitments, but once he set his mind to something, he didn't stop until it was completed, no matter what it was.

Nearly nine hours later, he had all the paperwork filled out, and stood, stretching. He had worked straight through his shift and on into the next. Fortunately for him, he was in a more hidden cubicle, and nobody was in it for the next shift, so he didn't have any witnesses to the fact that he was actually working. He took all the papers and put them through the slot in his chief's office, grabbed his jacket, and headed for home.

Sighing, he opened the door to his apartment, took off his shoes and hung up his jacket, then went to the kitchen to heat up last night's leftovers. After he ate, he got ready for bed, then crawled between the covers. Without Ryo, his life was well and truly boring. Oh, and depressing, mustn't forget that now.

Silently, Dee sent out a prayer that Ryo would one day understand and come back to him. He hated it that the man he loved, truly loved, was afraid of him, and there was nothing he could do about it. Although he did promise himself that even if he couldn't be near Ryo except on cases through his self-inflicted isolation, he would never, ever let either Ryo or Bikky come to harm if there was anything he could do to prevent it.

With his vow reverberating inside his head, Dee drifted off to sleep, wishing that Ryo was with him, or even that annoying brat that lived with him, anything to remind him that he wasn't going to be alone like this forever.


Across town, Ryo and Bikky were watching a movie. They each took comfort in the other's nearness and silence. Watching the movie, neither Ryo nor Bikky gave Dee a thought. After the movie had ended, they prepared for sleep and climbed into Ryo's king size bed. Ryo crawled in first, then Bikky snuggled up tightly against him, burrowing into his side.

Ryo was comforted by his touch, but now that Bikky was asleep and there was nothing else for him to do, his thoughts drifted to Dee. He wondered what Dee was doing now. He hadn't seen him all day, even when he left. This puzzled him greatly.

Often, he noticed Dee watching him carefully, face and eyes blank, as if he were waiting for something, but didn't want to give away what he was looking for. He had also noticed that Dee would often ensure that both he and Bikky arrived home safely before he'd leave, going off somewhere else.

Yet today, he hadn't seen hide nor hair of his partner, and he wondered why. Perhaps Dee had left early? That made sense, since Dee hated paperwork and skipped it every chance he got. Ryo's eyes narrowed. It had taken him four hours to get all the paperwork done, and then he had left, heading home to Bikky. If Dee had skipped on today's paperwork, then Ryo would probably end up doing it tomorrow.

Sighing, Ryo closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, figuring he'd need all the sleep he could get for the next day.


Dee was startled awake by a sudden noise. Or perhaps it was a lack of sound, Dee wasn't really sure. Nor was he awake enough to try and puzzle it out. Staring into the darkness of his room, he tried to wake himself up enough to care about what was happening, but found that he just couldn't manage it.

He heard the floorboards creak behind him and whirled around to face the intruder. At least, he tried to whirl around. Before he had a chance to finish, a solid weight landed heavily on him, knocking the air out of his chest and leaving him breathless. A cloth was pressed over his face, and Dee finally realized what was happening, but it was too late. As he breathed in the chloroform, the darkness around him grew hazy, and he entered a new darkness as his eyes slid shut.

He was unaware of the men picking him up and loading him into a truck. He remained unconscious while they removed him from the truck and took him into an abandoned building miles outside the city limits, chained him to the stone floor of a cellar, and left. They'd come back once the chloroform had worn off and the stupid man was aware of what had happened. He had cost them all in Japan; cost them money, and drugs, and victims, and members. They would never forgive him for it, and he would repay them with his life.

The other two didn't matter. They were terrified of these enemies, and now they avoided the raven-haired cop as well. It was perfect. Satisfied, they left and went on about their business, making plans to return the following night, after their prisoner had some time to think about his predicament and how very wrong it was to hurt powerful people.


Dee woke up slowly and groaned. He was cold, his limbs were chafed, he had a migraine, and his back was killing him. Trying to figure out if he had fallen asleep at the police office, or even worse, passed out before he reached home, he tried to raise a hand to his pounding head.

Suddenly, his arm was jerked back and Dee froze. He looked over and saw that his wrist was bound to a cold stone floor. Well, that explained the chafed wrists and ankles. Now if only he could figure out how the hell he got here in the first place. Oh, yeah, that's right. He was kidnapped. Of course. Typical. Every time he thought his life couldn't possibly get any worse, it had to go and prove him wrong. Dammit! Why couldn't Lady Fortune smile upon him, just once?!

Growling in frustration, Dee leaned back against the floor and set to puzzling out who exactly had kidnapped him and where he was. Half an hour later, he let out a small scream of frustration and started fighting his bonds. He didn't know who had kidnapped him, and he decided he didn't particularly care, either. He just wanted out before they returned.

Wait a minute. Before they returned? All of a sudden, Dee's eyes widened in comprehension, and he whimpered. Of course! He had probably been abducted by affiliates of the people who had taken Ryo and Bikky in Japan. It made sense. He had completely obliterated the branch in Tokyo, and that must've cost the entire organization. Of course, that still didn't tell him exactly who these people were.

After another hour or so of struggling, he finally fell, limp and exhausted, back to the ground and just lay there, trembling. He refused to give up and cry, but there was nothing he could do about it right now, so he might as well save what energy he could for when he got a chance to break free, or when Ryo came for him.

`There we go. Think about Ryo. You know he'll come for you as soon as he realizes you're gone' he assured himself. Then he stopped and growled. He had avoided Ryo completely yesterday, and hadn't left the office until several hours after his partner had gone home. What's to say Ryo wouldn't assume that he had done the same thing today?

And even if he did realize what had happened, how would he find Dee? He doubted there were any nifty clues left behind by this group for Ryo to follow. Then again, if Ryo did somehow figure out where he'd been taken, would he come? And would he bring back-up? Probably not.

Suddenly Dee froze as a terrifying thought overcame him. What if their real target was Ryo, and they were just using Dee as bait? After all, Ryo had apparently made enemies of them somewhere along the line.

Dee shook his head and smiled sardonically at himself. Of course Ryo wasn't the target. The blond Japanese-American wasn't the one who had cost them an entire branch of their organization. That was all Dee's doing.

Dee had gotten himself in way over his head this time, and he saw no way out. Sighing, Dee closed his eyes, deciding to simply sleep until his kidnappers returned to play, seeing no use in remaining awake and wasting strength worrying over things he couldn't control.


Ryo stumbled into the office, exhausted. He had woken up around two o'clock in the morning, feeling afraid for no apparent reason, and hadn't been able to get more than a restless sleep after that. He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, although he hadn't received any calls to that effect.

As soon as he walked into the office, J.J. showed up and told him that the chief wished to see him. He mentioned in passing that the man appeared to be in a rather good mood. Realizing how rare this was, Ryo decided to try and keep him in a good mood and report immediately.

Upon walking into the office, he was greeted by a smiling chief. Wait a minute. Smiling? Since when did the investigative chief of New York's 27th precinct smile? Something was up, and Ryo wasn't sure it was a good thing.

The chief walked up to him and clasped his hands, then gestured behind him to his desk, which was filled from side to side with completed paperwork. "I don't know how you did it, boy, but all the paperwork I had for you and your partner is completed, and done very well, very detailed. I honestly expected all that work to take you at least three days, and that idiot partner of yours about three months. How'd you manage?"

Ryo just shook his head and walked over to the desk. Two sets of piles caught his eye. One set was his from yesterday, but the other one was………Dee's? Dee had done that much paperwork, and done it neatly? Since when did Dee do paperwork, any kind of paperwork? And why was his so much larger than Ryo's?

Realization dawned on him, and his eyes widened, then lowered in guilt. Of course, Dee hadn't put any of his papers in Ryo's pile, but he had added some of Ryo's work to his own pile. That explained why he hadn't seen the raven-haired cop at all yesterday. It must've taken him hours more than Ryo to complete all that work, even if he worked nonstop.

Not really paying attention to his chief's praise, Ryo wandered back out of the office in a daze. When he realized what he was doing, he was almost at Dee's secluded cubicle. Deciding then and there to at least thank the man for what he did, Ryo moved forward with purpose.

However, when he got there, he found something he wasn't expecting. Not only was Dee's desk completely clean of paperwork, but it was `neat'. Dee hadn't struck Ryo as a particularly orderly person, and for the first time, Ryo realized just how much he didn't know about his partner. And here he was concentrating on the dark side of the man, the side that had saved both his and Bikky's life without even considering the consequences that might have for him.

Ryo felt like such an idiot. Dee was a caring, generous person who had risked everything, even his life, to save him and the kid, and here Ryo was avoiding him like the plague. God, he was stupid!

Then he blinked as he noticed one more thing. Dee wasn't at his desk. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Dee at all on his way to the chief's office. Looking around the building, he discovered no sign of his partner. Finally knocking once again on his chief's door, he stuck his head in and asked where Dee was.

The chief just shrugged and said that he didn't even bother to keep track of the lazy ass anymore, and told him not to worry about him, the cop would show up when he did. He had probably slept in, that's all.

Ryo thanked the chief and backed out, still frowning. He hadn't seen Dee at all yesterday, but now he had a reason for that. But why hadn't he seen him at all yet today? Even though Ryo had been avoiding him, Dee had still been there whenever Ryo arrived, watching to make sure he was all right.

Ryo realized with a start just how protective the raven-haired man had gotten. He kept an eye on both him and Bikky, and watched everyone who so much as spoke to them with a cautious eye. He hadn't pushed Ryo at all since he had rescued them from those men. More than two weeks without even trying for a kiss from him had to be a record for Dee. But that still didn't explain where the hell the man was now.

Ryo sighed and sat at his desk, deciding to wait a while to see if Dee had simply slept in and would arrive late or call in sick. If he didn't show up today, Ryo was going to have to go to his home and see what was wrong with him. Shaking his head, Ryo concentrated on his work for today.


Dee awoke with a start as he felt a painful jolt in his ribs. Apparently some of his kidnappers had returned a bit early and decided to have some fun, kicking him awake.

Once they saw that he was awake, the real beating began. They aimed for his chest, stomach, groin, legs, back, head-anywhere they could reach. Because of the chains around his wrists and ankles, the raven-haired man could not protect himself from their brutal onslaught, and so had to endure it, crying out in pain when they hit a particularly sensitive spot.

It took him at least an hour to pass out, though it seemed like far more. He had what felt like several cracked ribs-they weren't broken yet, or else they'd have probably punctured something by now-and three broken fingers on his right hand. Other than that, his body was simply a mass of cuts and bruises, and he couldn't feel anything. His entire body had gone numb a few minutes before he lost consciousness.

He awoke a few hours later when the rest of the men returned and woke up much in the same manner they had last time, only they decided to add to the pain by pouring water saturated with salt over his body, where it sank into his open wounds and made him scream out in agony, writhing and jerking against the chains that bound him, while the men surrounding him just laughed.

It was too dark for him to pick out any of the faces of his attackers. Or else he just couldn't see properly, which was quite possible considering the way his body ached.

When they were sure he was incapacitated with pain, they unlocked the chains and picked him up, still writhing, carrying him up two flights of stairs and tossing him face down onto a bed. Before he had time to realize what was about to happen and react, they had him chained spread-eagled to the four posts of the bed.

Dee's eyes widened in terror and he began to thrash, bucking against the chains that held him, trying desperately to tear free. These people weren't going to wait, they were going to try and break him now. A heavy wait pressed against his back, and still he tossed, trying to break free of his bonds.

He didn't even stop jerking against his restraints when they brought the knife out to cut off his clothes. The men could care less, and continued to cut the clothes as he bucked. They paused only at his groin, not wanting to ruin their fun in any way. When Dee collapsed against the bed, exhausted and trembling, they finished cutting his pants off him.

By this time, over fifteen minutes had passed, and the men were more than ready, leering at their victim and hissing just what they were going to do to him. All Dee could think of was `Please, not me. Dear God, please don't let them do this. Stop it, please. Don't hurt me. Stop it. Stop it. Oh, God, stop!' he shrieked as the men took their pleasure of him, not bothering with lubricant, tearing him open from the inside until he writhed in agony beneath them.

Every time Dee was on the verge of mercifully passing out, they cruelly brought him back to consciousness, slapping him, driving themselves into him with such force that he was brought back by the pain. It took several hours for the men to spend themselves and leave. By then, Dee was reduced to a quivering mass on the bed, coated in blood and semen. After they left, promising to come play again soon, he was finally able to pass out and not think of anything.


Ryo was panicking. Dee hadn't shown up at the office, and he hadn't answered his door either. Ryo had finally used his copy of Dee's house key to unlock the door. The air was cold in the place, like he hadn't bothered to turn on the heat today. There was no remaining smell of a meal, and the bed was crumpled, sheets tangled and thrown everywhere.

Normally, Ryo wouldn't have thought twice about that, but he was a cop above all else, and he realized that the rest of his partner's home was neat as a pin, almost as if nobody lived there. He couldn't imagine the raven-haired man leaving his bed so untidy when the rest of his house was so neat.

Which really left only one option; Dee had been taken somewhere, most likely against his will, last night. That would explain why he hadn't shown up in the office today, or answered his phone, or the door when Ryo arrived.

Ryo started cursing himself. He should've left right away to check on Dee as soon as he noticed he hadn't come into work. Maybe there would've been something he could've done. He knew he was kidding himself, that Dee was taken last night, and not this morning, but he still couldn't help but berate himself for waiting so long to search for the man.

After all, Dee was his partner, wasn't he? And they had promised to look out for each other, and for Bikky, no matter what the personal cost. Now it looked like Ryo's avoidance of Dee was going to cost the raven-haired cop. Cursing himself, he set about searching for any clue that might lead him to Dee.

An hour later, he stopped, frustrated. He hadn't found anything! Then he froze and realization dawned, and with it, horror. Of course, he hadn't found anything. He hadn't been looking for clues in the right places. Who would've taken Dee, and what would their motive have been?

Ryo cursed himself again. He would bet anything that it was the people who had kidnapped him and Bikky in Japan that now had Dee. Well, not the same people, obviously, but a part of the organization. Ryo had known about them, and hadn't even thought to warn Dee that there was more than one branch to the organization.

The only problem was that he had no idea where the other branches were. Although apparently there was one here in New York. But where would they take Dee? There were too many places they could hide him in. Ryo would have to narrow down the search if he had any hope of finding his raven-haired partner.

Deciding that Bikky might be better at this than he would be, since the kid had been part of the `hood before Ryo had kind of adopted him, he headed for home, hoping that for once Bikky had arrived early.


Dee shifted as he woke up, and instinctively tried not to betray himself anymore. He froze and stifled the groan of pain that was threatening to give him away. When he realized no one was actually in the room, he relaxed slightly, but not too much. After all, they could have a camera stationed in the room, and Dee wasn't about to let them know he was awake by trying to find out.

With his eyes still shut, Dee made a quick assessment of himself and his surroundings. Apparently someone had come in and changed the sheets and cleaned him up while he was unconscious, because the sheets under him were smooth and not covered in blood and other bodily fluids, although his entire body still ached from their previous "activities."

Dee didn't know why they'd bother changing the sheets, then realized that they might be doing it just in case he was found. That way, if there was no physical evidence of the multiple rapes he had endured, nobody would have to know, unless he told him, which he wouldn't, and his kidnappers wouldn't have to worry so much.

Dee growled lowly to himself as he subtly tested the chains that bound him to the bed and found them all secure. He had no chance of escape and he knew it. If they wanted to move him, all they had to do was either knock him out or put him in so much pain that he was unaware of what they were doing until it was too late.

Dee mentally cursed himself for being so weak. He had failed Ryo and Bikky in Japan, and now he couldn't even protect himself from a bunch of overgrown, arrogant, hormonal bullies. He was just fooling himself, and he knew it. How the hell was he supposed to protect Ryo and Bikky when he couldn't even defend himself in his own home?

He must've shifted or made some noise and given himself away, and they must've had a camera somewhere in the room, because the next thing he knew, the door opened and "playtime" began again. Dee just closed his eye and tried to concentrate on anything and everything besides the fact that he was being torn apart and violated again and again and again.

Nothing worked, and once again they kept him awake until they were done, then left, setting a plate of stale bread and some dirty water on the table beside him, where he could barely reach it, and even then only if he stretched his already aching arms out as far as they could reach. Dee was too tired to put that much effort into it, and promptly passed out again once they had left the room.

Before he lost consciousness, he noticed that it was early morning, and felt an enormous relief and hope well up inside him. The men who had taken and tortured him still had to go to work, so they'd leave him alone for the day. Maybe somebody would figure out where he was and rescue him.

Cursing himself for hoping so foolishly, he let the darkness swallow him up, praying that this sleep gave him no dreams.


Ryo and Bikky had narrowed the search down to about half a dozen abandoned places outside the city limits. Bikky had pointed out that they wouldn't risk taking him to a public place in New York City because somebody was bound to see them and report them to the police.

They were busy debating between an abandoned farm and a row of empty warehouses. The warehouses seemed more likely because they'd have to go through several before finding the right one, if that's where Dee was, of course. But then again, they might have chosen the farmhouse because it was even farther out of the way of the city, and you could only reach it from one direction, and that was straight-on.

Eventually, they determined that the abandoned farmhouse was probably their best bet, followed by the warehouses if that failed. They had no intention of letting the police know where they were going or asking for back-up. If they did that, then they'd have to explain exactly how they knew what had happened, which meant explaining their enemies in Japan, as well as what Dee had done to them for hurting Ryo and Bikky. They couldn't do that, or else it might cost Dee more than they were willing to let him pay.

Ryo decided to leave Bikky behind, which he wasn't too keen about, but he couldn't risk endangering the kid. Dee was already in trouble because of him. He had no intention of adding any more hostages to the situation, and Bikky had been through enough in Japan. He didn't need any reminders. So he got left behind, end of story.


The men were back. Dee didn't even struggle anymore-he hurt too much to move on his own power. He was hungry and dehydrated. What food and water they gave to him went on the bedside table, where he couldn't be bothered to stretch for it.

It was the third evening already, or was that the fourth? Dee couldn't keep track anymore, but he though it was the third, since the majority of the men only came at night, and they had only had the "playtime" sessions three times so far.

This time was a little different. They decided to interrogate him while hurting him. Dee was gratified when they left Ryo and Bikky out of their questions, so he answered as honestly as he could. His voice had long since gone hoarse from his screaming, and his body was battered and bruised. He had several more cracked ribs, a broken wrist, and a broken ankle to go with his prior injuries.

His captors still continued to change the sheets and wash him after he passed out each day, but Dee couldn't get rid of the dirty feeling that resided constantly within him. He had been violated so many times and so may different ways that he had lost track of all the new methods of abuse they had tried on him.

He began to wish he could just die, and so refused to eat or drink anything. The men finally had to resort to forcing water down his throat to keep him from dying of thirst. He still struggled when he could get the energy, hoping that they'd beat him thoroughly enough to kill him while trying to subdue him. It never worked; he always tired long before his injuries reached critical mass.

After the first couple of beatings, his captors grew more careful of where they hit him and how hard they were. It wouldn't do to have him die before they were ready for him to.

During the now almost constant interrogations they forced him through, Dee had spilled almost everything about himself and what had happened in Japan. The men knew all about his life, his family, friends, work, everything except for Ryo and Bikky, which he kept to himself.

His captors already knew about them anyhow, and knew what he'd done when they were hurt, but since they didn't really seem to care as much about them as they did about the man who had hurt their business in Tokyo, he was able to avoid giving them any information about those two than they already had.

When the interrogation finished for the night, as well as the abuse, the raven-haired cop was left to his own devices and promptly passed out, praying that this time he wouldn't wake up.


Ryo parked his car at the end of the dirt road leading to the farmhouse and hid it in a small copse of weeping willows nearby. Then he began walking up the dirt road to the house. While he had been waiting in his car for any sign of the men, he had seen them leaving, one after the other. He figured they must all be heading for work, so he decided to wait until they had left.

Half an hour later, he hoped that all the people had left, and began heading up the road. He hadn't seen Dee in any of the cars, so he figured that if these were the men who took him, they had left him at the farmhouse.

Upon reaching the old house, he picked the lock to the front door, then crept inside, shutting the door silently behind him. Hearing footsteps above him, he quickly backed around a corner and hid, peeking around the corner to see who was coming down. It was a young man carrying a bundle of sheets. As soon as he disappeared into another room, Ryo bolted, heading up the stairs, panicked. What was he going to do if they had hurt Dee? Well, of course they had hurt Dee, but that's not what he meant, exactly.

Once he was up the stairs, moving as silently as possible, he headed for the one room that had a closed door. Picking the lock, he slid into the room, then turned around to lock the door behind him before looking around the room.

When he found Dee, he couldn't help but cry out softly. What should have been a scream came out as a strangled gasp as he saw Dee chained to a bed, face down, caked in blood and semen, the smell of sex raw in the air.

Trying to swallow past the lump in his throat, he saw the bucket of warm soapy water and a wash cloth set on the table beside the bed. Hearing the footsteps returning, he quickly hid in the closet, leaving a small crack for him to see through. The lock turned, and the young man walked back in, locking the door behind him.

The young man began to gently clean Dee up, unchaining one limb at a time and washing him thoroughly. He wasn't rough, and from his vantage point, Ryo could see the sorrow in the young man's eyes. Maybe it wouldn't be as difficult getting Dee out of here as he thought.

When the young man was done cleaning the captive, he picked up the rag and bucket of water and walked back out the door. Ryo listened as he went down the stairs and out the door. Once he was sure the man was gone, he slid out of the closet and walked over to Dee.

When he reached out to touch him, Dee whimpered and curled in on himself, as much as he could with the chains that restrained him. Ryo nearly cried at the sight. Now that he was clean, Ryo could see that the raven-haired man had several cracked ribs and broken bones that obviously hurt him a great deal.

He was taking shallow breaths, as if to avoid jostling his broken ribs anymore than necessary, and he didn't yank on the chains on his right ankle or left wrist, where the bones were broken. He had three broken fingers on his right hand as well.

Quickly, tearing his eyes away from his partner and best friend, Ryo picked the locks on the chains that bound Dee to the bed. Gently, trying not to jostle him too much, he turned him over. Seeing a glass of stale water by the bed, he sat Dee up and gently placed the liquid to his parched lips, tipping it slightly so that he'd drink it. His partner swallowed the refreshing drink reflexively, then began to stir, waking up.

Ryo set him down so that hopefully he wouldn't panic when he regained consciousness. Slowly, Dee's eyes slitted open, and he glanced quickly around the room, finally coming to rest of Ryo. He just stared at him blankly, not recognizing that this was real. The raven-haired man simply assumed that this was another one of his dreams, one of those where Ryo came to rescue him and finally admitted his feelings for his partner.

Then, slowly, it dawned on him that he was on his back on the bed and there were no chains around his wrists or ankles. He began to reassess what he was seeing, then finally reached the conclusion that Ryo was actually here, he had really come to rescue him. As the significance of this gesture on Ryo's behalf finally hit him, he began sobbing, not caring if he was crying in front of a fellow cop. He was saved. Those men would not hurt him again tonight.

Ryo's eyes widened as Dee began to cry, then he slowly walked over to him and touched him, cradling the raven-haired man against his chest, sheltering him within the curve of his body. When Dee had calmed down somewhat, he leaned back from him and spoke, softly so as not to spook his partner. "I need to go and call an ambulance, all right? I need to go to the kitchen to do that. Will you be all right by yourself for a few minutes?"

In response, Dee tensed and grabbed onto Ryo's jacket, clinging in a death-grip, shaking his head and muttering incoherently. Ryo got the general idea, and so picked up his partner as gently as possible, cradling him against his chest, letting Dee's head rest on his shoulder. His partner's grip didn't loosen any, but Ryo couldn't find it in him to complain. He had no concept of what all the raven-haired man had suffered through, and so had no idea how he should be acting or how long it would last.

Carefully, he maneuvered the both of them down the steps and into the kitchen. Sitting in a chair and keeping Dee spooned tightly against him, he called an ambulance, then sat and waited for its arrival, rubbing his hand in circles across Dee's tender back and whispering soothing words of comfort in his ears. Gradually, Dee began to relax, eventually falling asleep, sheltered and comforted in Ryo's arms.


Dee was finally back at work again, and was dreading the amount of paperwork he was sure to have to fill out. He had been in the hospital for the past two weeks, recovering from his kidnapping. Slowly, he had gained back at least some of the weight he had lost while being a prisoner. His right ankle and left arm were set in heavy casts that would remain on for at least another month. His ribs had been taped up. Fortunately, he suffered no critical internal injuries, and the most dangerous injury he had was from dehydration.

Walking into the investigative department of New York's 27th precinct, he ignored all the stares he got and headed straight for his cubicle. When he reached it, he was surprised to see that it hadn't been touched. It was still as neat as the day he had left it. What surprised him even more was the fact that there was no paperwork for him to do on the desk.

Hearing footsteps behind him, he tensed, then slowly turned his head. He was still skittish of people, especially other men. The only males he allowed to touch him were Ryo and Bikky. He was slowly getting over his intense fear of all men, but it was likely to take another few months before he found any sort of comfort level with other men.

Ryo just came up next to him and stood there silently, waiting. What he was waiting for, Dee didn't know. Then he spoke. "Those men won't ever hurt you again. While I was at the farmhouse, I stumbled upon a large cache of drugs. And we have received confirmation from the Tokyo police that this group is connected to the group in Japan, although it's not the main part."

Dee just nodded, recognizing this as Ryo's way of apologizing to him for avoiding him and letting him remain a prisoner of those men for so long. He had done what Dee had done in Japan and made sure that the men here in New York were arrested and would never bother either of them again.

Of course, since it wasn't the main branch of the organization, the two cops would still have to be on their guard, or other members might decide to take revenge on them, and it was highly unlikely that they'd bother with the torture first, opting just to kill them and end their problems with the two partners.

Sighing, Dee just reached over and laced his fingers with Ryo's, squeezing them gently in acknowledgment of the apology and silent promise. Ryo just smiled softly over at him and squeezed back lightly, glad that things were more or less back to normal.

All right, there's chapter two for you all. What do you think? I'm trying not to make anything too detailed, simply because I'm not very good at that kind of stuff, so I tend to be vague and let you all fill in the blanks with your imaginations. Anyhow, since everybody who reviewed wanted me to continue, I did so, all right? If you want more, let me know, okay, and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!