Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Sweet Moments ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE or any of the characters thus associated with either the manga or the anime.

WARNING: This is YAOI. If anybody has ever watched FAKE (it's only four episodes long) or read the manga, you'd know this. If you didn't know this, I'm warning you now. If you don't like male x male relationships, then don't read this, okay? As for those of you who don't care, please enjoy this story.

Chapter Three: Sweet Moments

Dee stretched languidly as he woke up, then froze when he realized he wasn't alone. There were at least two other people in the bed with him, and it wasn't his bed.

Fighting back a flashback, he glanced to his side and sighed in relief as he saw both Bikky and Ryo still sleeping. That's right, he remembered staying with them both until late last night, still showering his attentions on Ryo while dodging Bikky, who had taken it into his head that the Japanese-American needed protecting from him, for some unfathomable reason.

Dee figured that Ryo was quite capable of taking care of himself, as well as other people. After all, he had kind of adopted Bikky when his father was murdered, and then he had save Dee's life. Well, he had saved Dee's life several times, but most of those cases had to do with police work, not an organization that was into torture.

Dee wiggled his fingers as he stretched, then slid out of the bed, careful not to wake the other two. Actually, he wouldn't have minded screaming into Bikky's ear to get him up, but that would wake up Ryo, and Dee really didn't feel like having to dodge Bikky so early in the morning.

Sauntering in the kitchen, he began to fix himself breakfast. He had finally gotten his cast off three days ago, and he was enjoying every moment of it. Pouring himself a quick bowl of cereal, Dee wandered into the living room and clicked on the television, seating himself on the couch.

Flipping lazily through the channels, Dee froze when he saw a face he recognized-and one that he had hoped to never see again. It was one of the men who had hurt him when he had been kidnapped. Actually, the man on the television was the one who had asked the questions when he had been interrogated.

His fingers frozen on the remote, he listened carefully, trying to learn what he could about this man and the organization he was from. After all, if their favorite method appeared to be kidnap and rape, there had to be something wrong, didn't there?

Watching the television, he was soon gratified with the some answers. Apparently the man was part of a world-wide organization (like Dee hadn't figured that out after Ryo's kidnap in Japan and his own here in New York), although not the Mafia. The man was wanted in several countries, but had never been on America's most wanted until now.

Dee winced when he heard the reasons behind the man's sudden popularity with the cops in over a dozen states. He had been involved in the rape, breaking, and killing of over twenty cops, all of which had at some point tangled with the organization and led to some loss of business. Of course Dee wouldn't be the only one. Well, Dee and Ryo.

Which made Dee pause in thought. He knew what he had done to piss the organization off, he had destroyed their base in Tokyo, but what the hell could Ryo have possibly done? Hmmm, he'd have to ask, if it didn't bring up too many painful memories for his partner.

The man was still showing on the television screen, so Dee took the time to study him. He was pretty much non-descript. Sandy blonde hair that was neatly trimmed, watery blue eyes-well, blue might have been an overstatement-about average height, and conservatively dressed. There was really nothing distinguishing about him except for his crime record.

Dee's eyes narrowed. Why the hell had the cops waited so long to put him on their most wanted list? Usually anyone who killed one cop was going to kill more, and it was in their best interest to get that person off the street and behind locked bars as soon as possible.

It wasn't possible that he hadn't known who he was, was it? Or was he someone who had something he could wield against the police? Or where most cops just that dumb not to try and capture him immediately?

Dee Laytner didn't know, and he found he didn't particularly care. He just hoped the cops got to this guy before he did. Because if he found the guy first, while he had his gun with him, there was no way in hell he'd let him get away again.

Shaking his head abruptly as if to rid himself of his thoughts, he quickly flipped through the channels again, turning the television off when he found nothing of interest. It appeared that he had gotten up so early in the morning just to be terrorized by the sight of one of the men he feared and hated more than anything in the world.

The raven-haired cop understood criminals; most of them were pretty straight forward. They wanted something, whether it was a girl, money, drugs, whatever. They couldn't get it by normal means, so they turned to illegal pastimes. Some were different, but they all had a motive, and Dee understood that.

What made these men so frightening to him were that while they had a motive and a pattern, he didn't understand it. Why would they bother raping a cop before killing him? To break him, maybe? But if all they wanted was information, it was rather easily extracted after the first hour or two. So that wasn't it. How did they determine when they broke a person? Why didn't they just kill their prisoner straight away, to make sure that he couldn't escape and give them away?

Apparently, they hadn't felt they succeeded in breaking Dee, because he was still breathing when Ryo came to rescue him. The raven-haired cop had recovered rather quickly too. Of course, he loved Ryo, and that had helped. Even if the blonde man didn't yet respond to his advances the way he wanted him to, he did respond, and Dee let that encourage him.

Sighing, Dee got up and took his dishes to the sink, washed them quickly, then decided to check up on Ryo-and Bikky, of course. Wandering over to the bedroom, Dee slid the door open silently and gazed in at the man on the bed in awe. It was still early in the morning, so the sun was just rising, and it slipped through the curtains on Ryo's bedroom windows.

The sun highlighted Ryo's hair, making it sparkle and shine when he shifted on the bed. Ryo's face looked more innocent in sleep, `like an angel' Dee thought, than it looked when he was awake, which dumbfounded his partner. How the hell could Ryo get any more innocent?!

Ryo's eyes began to slip open, and Dee quickly exited the room, shutting the door behind him. He wasn't sure what was showing on his face and wanted time to compose himself before Ryo saw him.

By the time Ryo had dressed and moved out to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast, Dee was sitting at the table, grinning. "Mornin', Ryo. Sleep well?" he asked oh so innocently.

Ryo just shot him a glare, which lost effect because he was still tired, and shook his head, turning away to fix himself some tea. Muttering under his breath about hentai cops who couldn't take a hint, he slowly sat down opposite Dee and began to drink, relishing in the warmth that slid down his throat.

Dee just watched him, not really aware of what he was doing. It had become habit for him rather soon after meeting Ryo to watch his every move, not from suspicion of or fear for the man, but just because he enjoyed doing it.

When Ryo finished his tea, he sighed as he got up and walked over to the sink. With his back still turned to Dee, he asked, "What's wrong, Dee? You look spooked. Are you okay?"

Dee's eyes widened in surprise. Dammit! He thought he had hidden it better. Apparently, it was harder to hide stuff from his partner; he wasn't sure if that was good or bad yet.

Shrugging to himself, he figured that now was as good a time as any, so very slowly, very carefully, he began his explanation, beginning with the man on the television and how he knew him. When he was done, he took a breath, then quickly asked his question. "I know what I did to piss them off, but what could you have possibly done to them in Tokyo? It's not like you were there for very long or anything."

Ryo's face had gradually grown taut with concern as Dee continued his story. He still felt like he had let the raven-haired man down. After all, when he had been kidnapped, Dee had gone back and ensured that they'd never hurt Ryo or Bikky again. Yet Ryo had done nothing to get revenge for his partner after his own kidnapping, and they had tortured Dee so much more.

Of course, that was another failing. Ryo didn't look for him right away, and so let them have him for a whole extra day that they could torture and interrogate him. Whereas if their roles had been switched, Dee wouldn't have hesitated in hunting for him immediately, like he did in Japan.

Now Dee had just been forced to remember what he had been trying so hard to forget, and Ryo watched his face carefully for any signs that he might be sliding backwards in his recovery. There was a strain around Dee's mouth and eyes, but other than that, he showed no outward signs of regression, and Ryo just prayed that he would really be all right.

Seeing his partner's concern, Dee quirked up an eyebrow, silently asking what was wrong. Ryo just shook his head, and said softly, "I worry about you. I just wanted to make sure that this hasn't set you back any."

Sober, Dee decided that Ryo needed assurance, and so stood up from the table and walked over to his partner. Capturing Ryo's face between his hands, he lowered his head until he set his lips on Ryo's. Deciding that Ryo needed assurance more than romance now, he kept it gentle and chaste, then pulled back slowly.

Ryo just stared at him for several moments. Dee didn't know if this was a good or bad thing, because he could never tell what Ryo was thinking about when he just stared like that.

Shaking his head, Ryo gave Dee a small smile and teased, "I guess this hasn't set you back too much if you can still stand to kiss me." Dee's expression of affronted indignation was absolutely precious, and Ryo fought hard not to laugh as the raven-haired cop huffed, "I have never had any problem kissing you. It's you who has the problem."

Ryo sobered up at the remark, acknowledging in his own head that it was true. He was afraid of Dee, afraid of what letting himself love the man might mean. He was trying his hardest to see Dee as nothing more than his partner and friend, but with the raven-haired man so persistent, it was becoming harder and harder to resist.

Sighing, Ryo decided not to comment, not sure what would come out if he tried, and answered Dee's other question. "I rescued one of their victims that had pretty much done the same thing you did, but in Mexico. I didn't realize what I was doing, or I would have been more discrete about it. Before the cop left, he warned me that I had made some powerful enemies, but then he clamped up and wouldn't tell me anything else. So I knew I had enemies in Tokyo, I just didn't realize that they were spread out world-wide, or that they'd actually try for me."

Dee was thrown off for a few seconds when Ryo abruptly diverted the conversation to his earlier question, but now he nodded. It made sense; after all, hadn't he done the same thing with Ryo? But why didn't they try for him again? If a cop escaped, were they let go, just like that? Still confused, Dee voiced his question out loud.

Now it was Ryo's turn to look stumped. Dee had some good points. The only problem was, there were no answers. Sighing, he just shook his head and admitted that he had no idea of what was going on either.

His partner just smirked, then stepped towards Ryo, his intent evident in his eyes. Ryo felt his own eyes widen as he tried to take a step back and bumped into the counter behind him. Moving quickly, Dee pinned Ryo and leaned toward him.

Ryo turned his head, trying to avoid a kiss that would likely cause his legs to stop working on him. Seeing a dark blur, he didn't even have time to yell out a warning before the fast-moving object collided with Dee, who let out a yelp as he was slammed to the ground.

Bikky had woken up and walked in on Dee "molesting" Ryo again, and decided to take action, launching himself at the raven-haired man. Growling, said cop leapt at him, trying to pound some sense into him. Laughing, he got up and ran for the bedroom, slamming the door in Dee's face and locking it.

Sighing, he quickly got dressed, deciding he needed to get back out there before Dee calmed down enough to attempt something else. He didn't trust the man to be anywhere near Ryo, but he couldn't do much when they were on police business, since he wasn't allowed in on it. So as a compromise, he made sure to antagonize the loudmouthed cop any chance he got outside of the police station.

Back out in the kitchen, Ryo was torn. He was relieved that Bikky had interrupted and kept Dee from kissing him, but at the same time he wished that his partner had gotten the chance to do so. Damn, he was starting to actually fall for the obnoxious, loudmouthed, overfriendly, generous, caring, protective………dammit, there he went again, his thoughts running off without him. Thank God he wasn't trying to use his motor skills at the same time. Who knew what would come out of his mouth if his train of thought was this bad? Damn, damn, damn!

Sighing, he turned back around and proceeded to fix some breakfast for Bikky. He and Dee still had to work today, and they had to leave in another hour. Ryo loved his work, though. He enjoyed helping other people, and saving lives. He had grown up in a very loving, very generous family, and felt that he owed something to the community for giving him his parents.

After Bikky ate breakfast, he headed out to go play with some of his friends before school started. Alone again, Ryo tried his best not to look at the raven-haired man moving about the apartment, getting ready for work. The only days that Dee was ever at the office on time was when he was over at his partner's house and Ryo drove them both.

Ready at last for work, Ryo and Dee climbed into his car and headed for work. The dark-eyed cop turned on the car's radio, then sat back in his seat and relaxed. Ryo glanced sideways at him and noticed the contemplative look he wore. He was probably thinking about the man he saw on the television again, as well as the memories he brought back. Sighing, the Japanese-American just shook his head gently and turned his attention back to the road. This was something Dee had to figure out for himself.

In reality, Dee was deciding how best to get Ryo to open up to him. Kissing didn't seem to do anything more than make him weak in the knees, and while that was good, it didn't mean that Ryo trusted him enough to really open up and admit his inner feelings.

He knew what Ryo thought he was thinking about, and that was fine. Let him think that Dee was worried about that nameless man. It kept him from asking too many questions for fear of pushing Dee into a retreat.

What his partner failed to realize was that the easygoing cop was only this serious when he was thinking about Ryo. Even when he was hurt, he could still find humor and in the situation and remain optimistic. Yes, even when he was kidnapped and tortured, he figured that the men could only continue for so long before he was either killed or rescued.

Smirking rather smugly to himself, Dee snuggled further into his seat and turned his face to look out the window. Hearing the music switch to commercials, he reached forward to change the channel, then froze when he heard what the commercial was talking about. Apparently, the new amusement park had just opened up, and it was only about an hour and a half away from New York City.

Hmmm. Now there was an idea; perhaps Dee could take Ryo to the amusement park. He'd be sure to have fun there, and maybe Dee could get his partner to relax enough to open up a little. He'd have to bring Bikky too, but he'd make sure to invite Carol as well. Carol was a friend of the brat's from the `hood, and they seemed to have a thing going for each other. There was no way they'd both want to be stuck with the two men in an amusement park.

Silently cheering himself on, Dee changed the station and set about making plans to take a trip to the amusement park. Everybody had a three-day weekend coming up soon, and they could go then. Yep, a day at the new amusement park. It was perfect, and Dee was pleased with himself. He felt the sudden urge to rub his hands together in glee, but restrained himself. Didn't want to give himself away, after all.

Yes, yes, I know this is a short chapter, but it just seemed a good place to stop. Now this fic is going to progress a bit more regularly. I've finished with torturing my characters, I think. I could be wrong, of course. Anyhow, let me know what you think so far okay? And yes, the wanted man will be in this story later on, but he is not terribly important. Dee does not run into him in some dark alley late at night or at all for that matter, so don't ask, okay? Other than that, please review. Thanks!