Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ No Respect ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Fourteen-No Respect

N/A *giggle* Hiya! Lookie, Lookie, at what I got…! *hiccups and waves glass drunkenly* I wuv you, Catti. You’re my new bestest-est friend! (Akita-what are you doing? Where did you get that?! Okay, who gave her chocolate? Give me that glass, Akita!) *pouts* Don’t wanna. Don’t wanna! She gave it to me, not you! Hey, give it back, you meanie! That’s mine! (Absolutely not! I don’t know who gave you that-though I have my suspicions-but you aren’t supposed to have chocolate. It’ll be a week before you come down off of the sugar high! Sit DOWN!) *thud!* Ow!
A/N (Now that that’s out of the way, hope you like chapter fourteen. Just for those of you who asked-with the possible exception of those who shall remain nameless-a nice little moment between Dee and Ryo! Hope you like it. Let us know what you think!)
Yay! REVIEWS! (Shut up, Akita!) *eep!*

Ryo woke slowly at the sound of voices around him. He remembered being woken up for tests, Bikky waving at him tiredly from the chair beside his bed as the orderlies wheeled him out. When the doctors were finally through with their gauntlet of medical tests and questions, he had been taken to his own room and put back in bed. He must have fallen back to sleep, while holding Bikky’s warm hand for reassurance.

“Keep your voice down, Dee-sempai, or you’ll wake him.”

Ryo immediately recognized the soft tones of that voice, though he had never heard it sounding so weary and pain-filled.

“Shut up, JJ!”

Ryo dragged himself closer to consciousness at the welcome sound of his lover’s voice. Dee sounded irritated, but not in the usual way at JJ.

“No. I’m not going to shut up.” There was something steely in JJ’s voice, a flash of anger that broke through the weariness momentarily. “Ryo-sempai needs rest and you need to stop shouting like a madman.”

“Shit, JJ, you’re not still pissed about that, are you? It’s over. Besides, Drake paid me back for that. My jaw still fucking hurts.” Ryo heard the rasp of Dee’s hand on his stubbled jaw.

“So he decked you? Man, I wish I had been there to see that!” There was unholy glee in Bikky’s smug voice.

“Yeah, yeah, you wish, brat. So he punched me.”

JJ’s voice held something Ryo had never heard from him before. “Because you were an asshole of the first order. You’re lucky he didn’t do worse than that.”

Dee laughed harshly. “What? Drake wouldn’t do anything!”

“Only because it was Drake-sempai. Anyone else would have ripped you to pieces for the insult to their masculinity. Drake is straight, remember?” There was barely-hidden pain in JJ’s words. “You were a bastard, Dee.”

“I was just telling the-hey, what the hell? What happened to Dee-sempai?” There was honest confusion in Dee’s voice.

JJ’s tone went cold. “You don’t deserve it. That’s a term of respect, and right now, I don’t think anyone here respects you. With the possible exception of Ryo-sempai, but that’s only because he doesn’t know what a jerk you were.” There was the scrape of chair legs across the tile. “I’m going down to the cafeteria to get some coffee. Bikky, do you want something?”

“Hold up, I’ll come with you.” A moment later, he heard the door close and Dee’s soft but enthusiastic cursing. Ryo managed to drag his eyes open. Dee was glaring at the closed door, swearing under his breath.

“Wh-” It came out more of a sigh and Ryo winced at the searing pain it sent through his chest. Dee whirled at the sound and caught up Ryo’s hand.

“Ryo! Sorry, did we wake you?”

Ryo shook his head. “W-what did you do now?” The words were just barely above a whisper, but Dee heard them clearly nonetheless.

Scowling, he waved a hand in the air. “Nothing. I just gave Drake a hard time. JJ’s really pissy about it though.”

Ryo gave him the look. As always, it worked like a charm. Dee flushed and looked away. It had taken Ryo years to manage, but it was worth it at moments like this. “I went over to talk to JJ. I talked to Mother the other night and she was right.” Dee confessed quietly. “I never actually talked to JJ about you and I. I just yelled at him or worse, brushed him off. So I went to his place to apologize and talk. Drake was there. I was surprised, honestly. He said he was babysitting JJ while he was hopped up on pain meds, and he was already pretty pissy at me himself if his expression was anything to go by.”

Ryo twined his fingers tighter in his lover’s, wordlessly encouraging him to go on.

Dee glanced down and a loving smile softened his expression. “Anyways, Drake was hovering like an old maiden aunt, or maybe more like a jealous lover. I admit, I was tired of being glared at, so I was a little bit of an ass. I asked JJ if we could talk without the watchdog.”

“And…?” Ryo wheezed.

“Baby, don’t speak. You know you’re not supposed to.” Dee leaned down and brushed his lips across Ryo’s forehead, heart contracting at the pain his lover was in. “If you promise to stay quiet, I’ll tell you the rest.”

Ryo nodded. Dee sighed and went on. “Drake got pissy and said if I had anything to say, I could say it in front of him. I was being a dick and I told him to drop the jealous boyfriend act. I also kinda called him-” Dee’s voice dropped into an embarrassed grumble. “-A jealous little bitch.”

“Dee-!” The surprised exclamation sent a bolt of pain through him, but Ryo couldn’t stop himself. The spasm of coughing that followed was punishment enough. It wrenched him and Dee cradled him frantically until it eased. Ryo rested against his chest, panting, each desperate breath a stab in his wounded lung.

“God, Ryo, don’t do that! I promise, I’ll tell you all, just don’t say anything, okay, baby? Just rest. Please, baby?” Ryo could feel the frantic hammering of Dee’s heart throbbing against his cheek and slowly nodded. Dee held him close and even in as much pain as he was, Ryo relished the feeling of being cradled in his lover’s embrace. It was scary how much he loved the brash, loud-mouthed man holding him.

When Dee’s heartbeat had calmed and the stabbing agony in his own chest had eased, Dee sighed and spoke again. “I know I was kinda being an asshole, but Drake was pissing me off. I’ve been on edge since… well, you know.” Ryo nodded against his chest. “He paid me back for that comment. He’s still got one hell of a left hook!”

Ryo glanced up, knowing amusement and reproach were both shining in his eyes. Dee met his gaze and sighed. “I know, I know! I deserved that! You don’t have to tell me that.”

Ryo cupped the bruised side of Dee’s jaw and drew him down for the briefest of kisses, a butterfly-light brush of lips. Dee smiled down at him, love bright in his green eyes. Ryo moved his lips silently, mouthing the words. “I still love you, you big dope.”

Dee chuckled and gently held his lover against his chest. Ryo pushed back after a moment, eaten alive with the desire to talk, but knowing the pain that would await him if he tried. He looked up into Dee’s gaze again, clearly mouthing the words, “Pen and paper.”

Dee looked confused for a minute and then reluctantly disentangled himself from Ryo to fetch his notepad and pen from the pocket of his jacket. “Here. What’s eating you?”

Ryo took the pad as Dee slipped onto the bed, leaning against the raised back. He pulled Ryo against his chest, cradling him again. Ryo smiled and went willingly. He wrote neatly for a few seconds and held the pad up so Dee could see it.

Dee read the words aloud. “ ‘Did you ever think you might be hitting a little too close to home?’ ” He blinked down at his lover. “Say what? Where did you get that idea?”

Ryo glared at him before scribbling a response. ‘Don’t lie to me! You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed too!’ He thumped the pen on the paper to emphasize his point.

Dee, thinking of what he noticed in JJ’s kitchen, winced, knowing he couldn’t lie to his lover. “Maybe. I know Drake’s really conflicted. Maybe he’s realizing that what he feels for JJ isn’t just what one feels for a friend and partner. As for JJ-that’s hard to say, love. It’s clear that he cares for Drake, but I honestly don’t know. Besides, Drake’s only ever dated women.”

Ryo cast him a withering glance before writing a reply. ‘Same goes for me, before I met you.’

Dee had to concede that he was right. Ryo had never thought he could be attracted to another man before he had met Dee. “You have a point. Drake’s certainly not homophobic, not being friends with me and working with JJ. Maybe he can change his views.”

Ryo nodded. ‘I think he can. From what I’ve seen, he’s good for JJ. Maybe they can be good for each other. God knows, JJ already runs to him every time you hurt him.’

Dee winced, but Ryo’s hand tipped his chin up. There was a mix of exasperation and amusement in those nearly black eyes and Dee tried a smile. “Okay. I know I’m an ass.”

Ryo nodded. ‘You don’t see me denying it, do you?’ He wrote.

“Well, thanks. Good to know I can count on you.”

****************************************************** **************************************************

Bikky watched JJ from the corner of his eye as the silver-haired detective sipped coffee, staring absently into the black depths of his cup. “You okay?”

JJ glanced up and managed a half-smile. “I’ll live.”

“What’s up with you and Dee, anyway? I’ve never known you to be so angry with him.” He held up his hands with a disarming grin. “Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you, but I’m just more used to you brushing off his rejections and glomping him anyway.”

JJ’s smile this time was sad. “Maybe it was time for me to grow up and realize that he was never mine.” He looked down at his hands and wished for the first time that he had a bad habit like Drake’s incessant smoking. At least a cigarette would give him something to do with his hands.

He glanced up at the teenager watching him from across the table. “And I wasn’t mad for my sake. Dee knew he was being a dick. He’s just pissed cause Drake decked him.”

Bikky chuckled. “I’d still have paid money to see that.”

JJ managed a chuckle that didn’t sound too forced. “It was worth seeing, believe me.”

They sat there for another few moments, the silence stretching to the point of uncomfortable. JJ had never been so grateful for the chirp of his cell phone. Nodding at Bikky, he hurried outside and answered. “Adams.”

“The punk we collared wasn’t the one who shot Ryo.” Drake explained in a hurried tone, the rapid sound of his footsteps indicating he was headed somewhere in a rush. “He did finger his brother as the one, though. Seems his brother’s been into knocking over banks lately. The DA pushed through a warrant for us. Ted and I are headed to the address his kid brother gave us. With luck, we’ll have this asshole safely behind bars before tonight’s over.”

JJ brightened, relief filling him. “That’s great news, Drake-sempai. Wish I could be with you when you collar this guy! You wouldn’t feel like stopping at the hospital and picking me up, would you?” JJ injected all the woeful pleading he could into his voice.

Drake’s sigh was full of exasperation. “Give it up, partner. You’re on the wounded list. As in, off duty.”

“But, Drakey-sempai…?”

Drake snorted laughter and JJ heard a car door close. “You keep calling me that, and you’re not ever going to win. My sister’s the only one who calls me ‘Drakey,’ and that’s cause she knows how much I hate it.” JJ heard the car start and Drake shouting to Ted. “Hurry your ass up, Ted! Places to go, dumbshits to arrest!”

JJ heard a car door slam and Ted grumbling. “Ink’s not even dry on the warrant and you’re still rushing me!”

Drake chuckled. “I don’t want him to get a clue that we got his little brother. They’re keeping Theo from his phone call so he doesn’t spill the beans. With any luck we can have this prick in custody before he knows what hit him.”

JJ felt his heart squeeze in his chest. If it really was the guy who shot Ryo, chances were he was armed and dangerous, and JJ wasn’t there to watch Drake’s back. Sure, Ted was, but it still wasn’t the same. Since they had been partnered up, JJ had always been there to keep an eye on Drake. It made him nervous not to be able to be there. “Drake-sempai?”


JJ tried to hide the worry in his voice, but couldn’t tell how well he succeeded. “You and Ted-sempai be careful, okay? Please.”