Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Left Hanging ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Sixteen- Left Hanging

A/N-a little glompage here and two men kissing-so fair warning. Anyone who’s offended by this-what the heck are you still doing here? You should have tuned out at least three chapters ago! The language is getting a little foul, so we may have to go back and change the rating of this story. Thanks to one of our new favorite authors “Moontatoo” over at AFF for reviewing. We’re still not worthy of your praise. (Subu-chan’s right. You are an awesome writer. *giggles* JJ in silk stockings! P.S. Subu-chan’s also a baka. Never even realized that we had found one of your stories before. Read and reviewed “The Perfect Present” before and never realized it was yours. Nyah-nyah, Subu-chan!) //Whap!// That’s enough, spazzo-girl. You are not getting anymore chocolate- ever. Got that, Catti-dono?


“Hey, nice collar, Drake!” Marty slapped him on the shoulder hard enough to stagger him and grinned, teeth startlingly white against his dark skin.

“Thanks, man.” Drake turned and grinned back, lightheaded and flushed with the feeling of a job well done. “It was scarier than shit for a minute there, but we pulled it off!”

“I’m sure, Detective Parker. Well done. You will have the appropriate paperwork filled out and on my desk by morning, yes?” Berkley Rose nodded at him from the doorway of his office. “Remember that you do have work still to do before you can celebrate, Drake.”

For some reason, that jovial tone sent a shiver of unease up Drake’s spine, but he dismissed it as a self-guided glomping missile launched itself down the hallway to twine slender arms around his neck. “Drake-sempai! Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”

Unable to pry JJ’s grasping arms from his throat, Drake sighed and let JJ cling to him like a strange sort of necklace. “I’m fine, JJ. Ease up on the choke-hold, though, or I won’t be.”

JJ continued to babble, much to the barely-concealed amusement of the others gathered around them in the hallway. “When Ted-sempai said that Rodriguez nearly pulled you off the ledge, I nearly had a heart attack!”

JJ’s arms twined tighter around Drake’s throat and he paused for just an instant, thinking that there was something off about his partner’s embrace. “It-it wasn’t a ledge, JJ- it was a fire escape…” Drake couldn’t breathe as JJ clung tighter. What the…? His head was spinning. “JJ…?”

JJ smiled at him and Drake’s chest grew tighter. He’d seen that seductive look before, usually directed at Dee. He’d never been subjected to the full force of it before now. He was gasping like a fish when JJ’s mouth descended on his, meltingly hot and tasting of the sea and some indefinable sweetness. Drake could only stand there in stunned disbelief as JJ expertly plundered his parted lips. He knew he should breathe, but the feel of JJ pressed against him had arrested his ability to even blink.

“Drake…?” JJ pulled back and smiled sweetly at him.



“Drake?! Damn you, don’t you let go, you bastard!”

Ted’s strained face loomed above him, eyes wild and terrified under that shock of red hair. It seemed redder than it should be and Drake realized he was seeing Ted through a haze of scarlet. That didn’t seem right until his sluggish brain made the connection. Blood. His chest hurt and he still couldn’t catch his breath or he would have told Ted give him something to wipe the blood from his eyes.

Something clicked and he came fully awake in spite of that lack of air. He was dangling from a broken fire escape, fourteen stories above the street. Ted had braced both feet against the structure of the fire escape and clung to his wrist with a grip so tight it was painful, his lean face lined with the terrible strain of keeping not one-but two men from falling to their deaths.

Because Rodriguez hadn’t relinquished his death-grip on Drake’s collar. It was his weight that was choking Drake as he dangled from Ted’s punishing hold. Realizing this, Drake started to struggle in earnest. He clawed at his collar, desperate for enough air to ease the pain in his chest. A button popped and for a bare instant, he was able to suck in a lungful of air before the constriction tightened again as Rodriguez slipped further down.

It scared Drake to realize that Rodriguez still wore the feral grin that he had worn as he latched onto Drake’s collar. His eyes weren’t sane anymore.

Drake kicked weakly at him and strained to reach the ledge. Ted, realizing he wasn’t stunned any longer, held tighter and shouted encouragement at him. “That’s it! Hang on, Drake! Just hang on!”

Drake felt his fingers brush cold metal and latched on, rusty steel cutting into his skin. Ted leaned backward, throwing more of his strength against Drake and Rodriguez’s combined weight. Drake struggled for a better grip, his feet sawing wildly at the air as he tried to reach for the level below him.

Ted grunted and Drake yelped as his sweat-slicked hands slipped in their death-grip on his wrist. Ted dug in so hard his nails broke the skin. “You are not gonna fucking fall on me, you asshole, you hear me?! You hang the hell on! You goddamned idiot, don’t let go!”

Drake couldn’t get enough air in to reply to the frantic mix of insults and pleas. He could feel his strength fading fast and his arms quivered with the strain. Rodriguez’s dead weight was pulling him down inexorably. Even Ted’s locked fingers could only hold him so long. Proof of that was in the tiny trails of blood where Ted’s nails sliced through his skin as Drake slid further down. Drake could feel his skin tearing and knew it was only a matter of time before the blood made it impossible for Ted to maintain his death-grip.

As the fog of asphyxiation closed in, Drake knew he was dying. Ted knew it too. Drake could see it in his friend’s terrified eyes even as Ted exhorted him to hang on. His chest hurt from the lack of air and he couldn’t think clearly anymore. He wished he could breathe at least enough to tell Ted to stop screaming at him. It was making his head hurt too.

For some reason that struck him as incredibly funny and he tried to laugh around the choking weight constricting his throat. The effort made him swing back and forth and Ted’s frantic grip slipped again.

“DRAKE!” Ted’s voice was an anguished scream as Drake’s hand slipped through his fingers. Drake jerked as the full weight tore his fingers free from their tenuous grip on the rusting metal. He felt a moment’s relief as the constriction on his throat eased and he could only think that maybe JJ had been right to be nervous.

And then he was falling…

Oooh, another cliffhanger! You are so mean, Subu-chan! Catti-dono’s gonna get you.-K. Pwease, Catti, I want candy…