Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Likely ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Epilogue: Likely

A/N- This is a little companion piece to ‘Like, Like, Love,’ as seen through JJ’s eyes. We relied heavily on the translation of the story posted on Fakephoenix for the dialogue, even though we did take a tiny bit of artistic license. Hope you like it. Don’t worry. We have more planned. We’ll be posting the next part very soon. (Yay! Sequels for everybody! *giggles and bounces*) *sighs* Please stay away from the keyboard when I’m trying to WRITE!

A few months later…

He was on the roof.


JJ sighed as he peered out the small window of the fire escape door to the roof. Amazing. The man had a positively morbid fascination with heights.

JJ slammed the door open. “Drake-sempai! I know you’re out here!”

Drake was leaning on the roof barrier, staring off into the distance. He was dressed like he hadn’t cared about his appearance, jacket thrown on over an unbuttoned shirt, and his recently cut hair rumpled and wind-blown. That could only mean one thing.

“Wallowing in your loneliness, I see. Did you get dumped again?” JJ wasn’t pulling punches. He’d been furious at first when he’d found out (Janet was incredibly susceptible to bribery in the form of chocolates) that Drake had gone to a bar and wound up going home with some bimbo he’d picked up there. But he’d gotten over it. He knew Drake and his absolutely shitty luck with the opposite sex.

Drake flinched. Right on the mark. JJ thought with no little satisfaction.

“Hey! Can’t you show a guy a little sympathy?” Drake turned and scowled at him, muttering under his breath. JJ only caught a little of it, something about his casualness.

JJ shrugged. “Guess I’m just shocked it happened again…” He shook his head, pretending indifference. “Don’t know why I’m surprised, though. This seems to happen quite frequently with you.”

Drake flinched again and looked away, clearly unwilling to meet his eyes. “Cut me a break already!” His voice dropped to an embarrassed grumble. “’Sides, I don’t get dumped that often.”

This one had to have hurt worse than the last time, JJ thought to himself. Drake only got really defensive when he was hurting. JJ sighed and let go of the anger. It wasn’t like he had any real right to get angry. At least, not yet.

“Gah! To hell with it all! Who needs women?!” Drake declared with a black scowl. “From this day forth I shall live for work!”

JJ fought back a smile and let a little of his own very real sorrow slide over his face. So you don’t need women, eh, Drake-sempai? “It’s alright. Not like I don’t know how you feel anyway.”

Drake mellowed a little. “In a sense, I suppose. But you still have your Dee-sempai to chase after!”

JJ’s chuckle was humorless, letting some of his very real heartache show through. Just not the heartache that Drake thought it was. “Mm, not exactly.” He confessed. “It just hasn’t been the same. Not since things changed between those two…”

“Those two…? Do you mean Dee and Ryo?” Drake looked baffled. “Am I missing something here?”

JJ moved to gaze over the barrier, letting a humorless smile twist his lips. “I guess it figures you wouldn’t have caught on by now.”

Drake reacted predictably enough with a growl. “What’s with the insult-fest today?!” Defensive much? Yeah, he was hurting too.

JJ knew the feeling. It was the same one congealing in his chest. The pain filled his voice as he responded. “It looks like…” He had to swallow before he could finish. “I’ve been rejected after all.”

He could see the worry in Drake’s handsome face out of the corner of his eye, but he refused to turn and look directly at him. But hope was rising fast in his chest.

Drake cleared his throat. “Um. Hey, don’t worry too much about it. So it didn’t work out…” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself too. “There are plenty of other fish in the sea, right?”

JJ shoved his fingers through his hair with a sigh. “I guess you’re right, Sempai.”

Drake waved his hand in the air, now obviously trying to cheer him. JJ suppressed a smile. Drake never could hold a grudge for long. He turned to look at Drake, keeping his own face expressionless. Drake spoke, his own voice just a shade too casual. “Of course I’m right. Believe me; been there, done that, got the damn t-shirt.” His eyes darted away for just a moment, before focus on JJ’s face, unusually solemn. “B-besides, you’ll find the right person one of these days. Trust me.”

Before he could think about what he was doing, or maybe talk himself out of it, JJ turned and caught the lapels of Drake’s jacket, rising on his toes to press a firm kiss onto Drake’s warm lips, trying hard not to think about just how good it felt. Man, I’ve been celibate way too long.

Drake looked completely flummoxed and it was all JJ could do to keep from laughing at his absolutely floored expression. His heart felt lighter than it had for a long time. He plastered on his brightest grin, going into full ‘JJ the goofball’ mode. “Yep! You were right! Gotta find someone new and I trust you!”

His forced grin became wider at the stunned way Drake leaned against the concrete barrier, eyes wide and confused. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that while Drake was suffering from a break-up, but he was just so much fun to torment. And he was going to have fun, JJ determined. Oh, Drake would learn what he was in for, JJ thought with a smirk, in the most pleasant ways his creative mind could contrive.

He turned so Drake wouldn’t see the smug grin. “On that note, let’s grab a bite. I know just the place.” He continued chattering as he watched Drake try and figure out what had just happened to him. He knew better that to let him think too long about it. Drake had a way of over-analyzing everything if left to his own devices. And JJ wasn’t about to let him.

Not this time, Drake-sempai!

“Well,” JJ demanded. “Are you coming or not? I’m not going to wait all day, you know.”

Drake shook himself free of the paralysis and numbly followed him, his expression bemused. “What have I gotten myself into?” He muttered softly.

Oh, yes. JJ smiled inwardly. This is going to be so much fun.

Mini epilogue…

Even later, when they had become lovers, Drake would never tell JJ that the first kiss on the roof had reminded him of the oxygen-starved dream his mind had conjured up when he had been dangling fourteen stories above the pavement. The taste and melting heat of JJ’s lips had been the same and Drake had been left just as breathless…

A/N-finished at last! So, what did you think? Was it worthy of your time? Worthy of a sequel or two? (Or three or four or five or six!! *giggles*) Thank you all for reading.