Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: After Like, Like, Love
Warnings: Profanity
Characters/Pairings: Drake x JJ
The harsh trill of the phone brought JJ out of his deep slumber. Snuggled underneath the warm quilt heated by his body and the body of his lover he wasn't eager to crawl from his comfortable cocoon and answer it. It was his instinct as a cop of course that had him reaching a hand out to feel for the offending appliance. He lifted the receiver and pulled it into the warm darkness.
“Umph - hello?”
“Hello Jemmy.”
It took his sleep addled brain awhile to register two things. First that he had no idea who the owner of the voice was and second said voice called him Jemmy. Only two people in the world called him that - his mother and sister.
“This is JJ. Who's this?”
The voice chuckled. “JJ. I like Jemmy better.”
The fog was rapidly beginning to clear. “I'm sorry who is this?”
“Someone who loves you Jemmy. Someone who has been watching you.”
What the fuck? That serious part of him kicked in, the one that had asked Ryo the question of morals - the one that had allowed a man to beat him senseless. “I'll ask again. Who is this?”
“JJ?” He heard Drake turn over in their bed.
“I'm sorry I woke you Jemmy. I just wanted you to know I was here and that I'm thinking of you.”
“Listen, whoever you are. I'm a police officer and if you--,”
The sound of the dial tone was the only response.
“JJ who was that?” Drake laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Some crank caller,” with much trepidation JJ went to bury himself under the covers.
“What?” Drake took his shoulder and turned JJ over to face him, “Are you serious JJ? What did he say?”
JJ sighed. It wasn't the first time in his lifetime he'd received calls like this. “He said something about he was thinking of me.”
“Son of a bitch, JJ - you're a cop. You know how serious shit like that can be!” Drake reached over him and snatched up the receiver.
“Drake what are you doing?”
“Star sixty-nine.”
“Drake there's no point in--,”
“Damn,” Drake muttered as he replaced the receiver, “No good. Any idea who it might have been?”
“Never heard the voice before,” JJ yawned hugely. “I've gotten crank calls before.”
“When?” Drake demanded.
“Not recently,” JJ said. “When I first came out, so did all the weirdoes.”
“Maybe we should drop by the precinct and--,”
“We're on vacation remember lover? The first in how many years? We're supposed to go out of state this weekend?”
“Well--,” he could hear the uncertainty in Drake's voice.
JJ turned until he faced his lover and pulled him against his chest. “Don't worry. I'm not.”
“I'll always worry about you,” Drake muttered against his skin. His lover had been over-protective ever since the incident with Frank. Not that JJ minded.
“Go to sleep, love,” JJ said. Despite his assurances to Drake, it was a long time before JJ found sleep himself.