Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 14
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Notes: Just felt like writing another chapter. You know I realized that I should be noting whether or not these chapters are work-safe. I just assumed people read them at home, like me.
I found some very nice pictures of the Central Park Carousel. I want to make a thorough visit of New York and Central Park is one of the places I really want to see. They do walking tours. How cool is that?
The next chapter will be LEMONY FRESH!
“Ready JJ?” Dee smiled reassuringly as the techie wired him.
JJ nodded, “Yes, I'm fine, Dee,” JJ had dropped into that persona of his. The cool and calculating sniper with a dangerous perp in his sights. In a sense this was like one of his assignments. Waiting for the moment when he would put an end to the danger his target represented.
“You know the drill,” Dee went on. “Just play it cool and we'll be nearby.”
“Where's Drake?” JJ suddenly looked around.
“Said he was going for a smoke,” Ryo nodded to the exit.
JJ shrugged into his shirt, “I'll be right back.”
JJ found Drake doing just what Ryo had said - leaning against the wall with a cigarette pressed between his teeth. The problem was it wasn't lit.
“Drake?” JJ approached him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
Drake pulled the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it into the pile of trash bags. The back entrance of the 27th wasn't a pleasant place which was why the occupants spent most of their time on the roof.
“This is so stupid,” Drake said.
“What is?” Although JJ knew. For a moment he let himself slip out of the sniper persona and back into the man who loved Drake Parker.
“We've been on cases like this before. We've both gone in by ourselves, wearing wires. Why is this so different? Why do I feel so--?”
Of course they both knew why. JJ gave him an affectionate squeeze. “We're all ready. Let's go.”
Drake nodded grimly, his mood matching JJ's. They would need to be focused.
Meet him near the Central Park Carousel. JJ found no enjoyment in watching laughing children and their smiling mothers enjoying the day. He hated that their perp had picked this particular spot. Did he figure that with the women and children around JJ wouldn't try anything?
He got a chocolate soft-serve from an ice-cream vendor and returned to his seat. It served two purposes, so he wouldn't look so conspicuous (a man alone watching children play in the park) and it gave him something to concentrate on. He was almost down to the end of the cone when he was approached by the man.
He was dressed casually in a black t-shirt and jeans. A nylon backpack was slung over his shoulder. He was tall and good looking, although a little skinny. Before Drake, JJ might have considered him. He wore his dark hair shoulder length and it complimented his olive skin-tone. His eyes were near-black like Ryo's. He'd been in many fights as his nose had been broken more than once. His full lips were twisted in a grim smile. He spoke without preamble. “Jemmy J. Adams?”
JJ tensed. “Yes.”
“You've got to be fucking kidding me. Your name really is Jemmy?”
JJ's brow creased in confusion, “You know it is. You seemed to like it before, or so you said.”
“What the fuck--?” The man shook his head, “Look man, you wanted to do business, right?”
“Is that what this is to you? Business?”
“What the hell else would it be?” The man drew a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket. “You got a light?”
“Damn.” He turned and walked towards where a young mother sat with her baby. She looked terrified as he asked her for a light. He finally got it from an older man who was walking his two mastiffs. JJ wondered what the hell was going on.
When he finally returned the first thing he said was, “So okay, rich boy, let's get this over with.”
“I just have one question,” JJ said. “Who are you?”
The man blew out a breath, “What the hell does my name matter?” He patted the nylon bag, “I've got what you want right here.”
“Right,” JJ said. “So you're not going to tell me why you've been doing this?”
The man looked at him and burst out laughing, “Damn you're a fucktard. Look like the movie said, show me the money. I've got other customers to take care of.”
“Customers.” The realization of what had happened caused JJ's heart to drop right into his stomach. And he was certain that his fellow officers who watched and listened must have come to the same conclusion.
The man unzipped a small corner of his bag. JJ saw what was within, the sun glinted dully off clear plastic. JJ knew what it was immediately. He muttered the name and it was bitter on his tongue. JJ stood. His fists clenched - aching to grab the smug bastard by the throat. No - not him. His stalker who was probably somewhere nearby watching and laughing his perverted ass off. JJ let his eyes travel over the crowd but it did no good. He saw his fellow officers secreted among the general populace, also searching. Of course since he didn't know what his stalker looked like--
“Damn, you're paranoid, stop looking around like that,” the man's words drew JJ's attention back to him. “So?” He smirked. “Good enough?”
JJ reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “It will have to do,” he flipped it open presenting his shield.
“What the fuck? Shit!” He leapt off the bench, the nylon bad swung twisted at the straps and struck him on the knee. The perp put out his hands to right himself and he stumbled directly into JJ. JJ grasped him by the wrists as they both fell, and the young detective hit the ground hard.
Pain exploded in the back of his skull and the air left his lungs but still JJ held on. The perp was struggled, trying to wrench his wrists from JJ's grip. “Let go of me you fucking queer--,”
“Back the hell off of him! Face down, now, you son of a bitch!” Dee's voice rang out above him. There were cops everywhere around them, people cried out in surprise and tried their best to get out of the way. Orders were being yelled, while the man pleaded with them to spare his life.
“JJ?” Drake's voice was the sweetest he'd ever heard.
“Wait, you'd better not move him.” Ryo said. “I'll call an ambulance.”
“No,” JJ squinted his eyes against the sun's glare. “I'm fine.”
He sat up and saw the perp prone on the ground. One of the officers was cuffing him while Dee read him his rights. Drake went down on his haunches. “You sure you all right, babe?”
The back of his skull was pounding but he wasn't bleeding. JJ did feel a nice bump starting to develop. “Yes,” JJ said. “It's not him.”
“No,” Drake said. From behind him, Drake wrapped his arms around JJ's shoulders.
It's not him, JJ silently groaned. And now he's on to us. How are we going to catch him now?
“I'm tellin' you, man, I never met the guy!” Scotty Dominquez slammed his fists on the table. “You stupid or something?”
“I would highly suggest you watch your mouth, Mr. Dominquez,” Ryo said, his voice devoid of emotion. Dee who was on the other side of the room continued his casual stanch against the wall.
“What you gonna do, play good cop, bad cop? You the good cop?”
“No, I'm not,” Ryo said.
Something in Ryo's face must have given the man pause because he sat back and gained a sudden interest in his thumbnail. Ryo continued to ask questions.
Drake watched all of this through the two-way and badly wanted a cigarette or a nice shot of bourbon. Half of him wanted to be with JJ, who was lying down in their office, nursing a headache. Rose had given him some little yellow pills which Drake didn't like but JJ refused to go to the hospital. Gawd, sometimes, that man is too stubborn for his own good.
So while JJ napped, Drake had gone to watch Dee and Ryo interrogate Scotty Dominquez.
“What?” Dominquez was saying. “What hit and run?”
“Do we look stupid to you, dickhead?” Dee said. “You nearly killed a cop. There were witnesses. Be thankful we didn't bust a cap in your skull when we saw you!”
Now Dominquez looked truly frightened, “But I didn't, man, I swear! I may be a low-life asshole but I'm not fucking stupid!”
“So your car just drove itself, found a cop, and ran him down?” Ryo said. “Detective Laytner, I think he is saying we're stupid.”
Sweat glistened on his upper lip, his face pale, his eyes showing an unhealthy amount of iris, Dominquez did the only thing a man in his position could do he started to beg, “Please, you can't - I mean, I didn't do it! Don't make me go up for this, please!”
“Stupid asshole,” Drake muttered. The longer he watched, the angrier he got. Not because of Dominquez being a scum-sucking drug dealing prick, but because he obviously wasn't JJ's stalker. He laid one hand, palm flat against the window. He should be in there but he should be with JJ. Damn it!
Drake started and turned at the sound of the familiar voice. Chief Smith move to stand across from him. “They still at it with Dominquez,” it was a statement of fact.
“He's denying hitting me and being JJ's stalker,” Drake said. “Not that I believe the prick.”
“Umm hmm,” The chief reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a packet of Nicorette gum and popped two in his mouth. “Care to explain to me why you're here?” He offered the packet to Drake.
Drake sighed, took two gum himself and said, “I'm only observing, sir.”
“Umm hmm,” the chief said. “Well why don't I observe with you?”
“I don't think it was stolen,” Dominquez had his head in his hands. “But you know sometimes - people ask to use it. I'm like, so what the fuck, as long as they put gas in it and don't fuck it up.”
“So who did you lend it to this week?” Ryo asked.
“Nobody,” Dominquez said, “I was with--,”
“Another woman? You're live-in is pretty pissed with you, right now.” Ryo said.
Dominquez snorted and waved with disinterest, “She'll get over it.”
“Can this woman corroborate your story?”
“If you mean can she back me up, hell yeah.”
“Very well,” Ryo shuffled the papers in front of him.
“Can I go now?” Dominquez whined.
“What do you think fucktard?” Dee said.
“So it's not over,” Drake said. “Damn it to hell. I swear I'll kill that bastard if--,”
“What if this was happening to Mrs. Warren, chief?” Drake demanded.
“It did happen to Mrs. Warren.”
Drake's jaw dropped and he was completely taken aback. “It did?”
“Ask Adams about it, he knows,” The chief eyed him warily. “Don't make me have to give you the same talk, Parker.”
The chief turned and walked away. Drake drew in deep breath, let it out slowly. They were completely back to square one.