Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 13
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
ilers: None
Warnings: profanity
Notes: Okay, this is the updated version of Chapter 13. I have placed the first version in the Scraps Section.
The scene about the movie studio actually came from a true story. I once worked with someone whose brother is with the NYPD. She told me a story of how her brother used to hate it when movie studios would come to NYC to film pictures because they did cause a lot of trouble and he was forced to just take whatever the actors and producers dished out.
And the Starbucks flavor is made up. But wouldn't you just love that flavor?
Ryo groaned in consternation, “The chief is going to have our asses in a sling.”
Drake leaned forward, “So what do we have on him then?”
“A long list of priors, mostly for drugs,” Dee said. “Petty stuff. Total loser asshole.”
“But I've never heard of the guy,” JJ said. “I mean, did I bust him or something? I would have remembered.”
“No, neither of you have,” Dee nodded to Drake. “But here's what we found out. His girlfriend, who we went to see the day we drove up on you, JJ, said she hadn't seen him for a few days but she said sometimes he goes upstate to get drugs from this guy he knows. She says she doesn't remember his name. She expects him back tomorrow and she said she'd call us when he arrived.”
“Do you believe her?” Drake asked.
“Actually yes,” Ryo said. “She was pretty pissed at him and to put it mildly, requested that we empty our guns into his lower extremities.”
“Ouch,” Drake squirmed uncomfortably.
“So you think it may be this Dominquez?” JJ asked.
“There's no reason for him to be doing this,” Ryo said. “We checked up on him and there's absolutely nothing linking the two of you. The only thing we can figure is he's helping someone out.”
“Alex,” JJ whispered.
“What was that, babe?” Drake asked.
JJ took a healthy swallow of his beer, “Alex Bruce. I think he may be involved or - I thought at first he was the stalker but --,”
“How do you know he's involved?” Ryo said carefully.
JJ downcast his eyes and a blush stained his cheeks, “Some of the things he said when I talked to him. I think he was about to admit his involvement when his brother came in.”
“Damn, JJ,” Dee said.
“All that help I gave him and this is how he repays me?”
“Come here,” Drake drew JJ to him and guided him to nestle in Drake's shoulder, “I'll come with you to talk to him.”
“No,” JJ said. “He may not talk with you there.”
“JJ, if he is the stalker, I don't need to tell you he's dangerous! I'm not leaving you along with him!”
“Drake is right,” Ryo said. “We're telling you this as a courtesy, JJ. Technically you two still aren't supposed to be involved. JJ you'll talk to him but where we can provide back up.”
JJ sighed, “All right.”
“Have you received contact, recently?” Ryo asked into the ensuing silence.
“Not since--,” JJ hesitated and glanced up at Drake.
Drake kissed him on the temple. “Not since Frank received that note at his house.”
“If it is Bruce, the bastard is probably scared shitless,” Dee said.
“Agreed,” Ryo nodded. “He knew he was pushing it, messing with you, JJ. He must know he crossed the line now. This incident may stop him from bothering you anymore, JJ but --,”
“It might not,” JJ said.
“It might still be Dominguez. We'll check to see if he's in any way connected to Alex Bruce. Either way, we have to wait until he comes back and hopefully his live-in is still pissed enough to turn him in.” Ryo said.
“I want first crack at interrogating him,” Drake muttered.
All three men looked at him. Ryo and Dee exchanged a glance. Surprisingly it was JJ who spoke first, “No.”
“Even if the chief would even think of allowing it, I don't want you near him.” JJ said.
“But babe--,”
“No,” JJ kissed him on the cheek. “I can mess up but you can't. I won't let you. Not over this.”
Drake sighed, “Okay, babe.” Then he looked at Dee, “Dee how did we let these two get us so whipped?”
Dee shrugged and tipped his beer up. “Hell if you know.”
JJ's cell phone went off as he walked into the break room the next morning. He and Drake still had at least a dozen cases to finish and JJ went to refill the cups of coffee they had bought at Starbucks that morning. Of course the fare at the 27th didn't began to replace the sheer pleasure of dark chocolate macadamia - not to mention the cream-cheese filled chocolate muffins, but they needed something to keep them going.
The room was abuzz. They'd been notified during the morning meeting that yet another movie studio was winging their way to their fair city to disrupt the inner workings of every major police precinct, fire station and countless other civil service agencies, within 100 miles. JJ hated it when movies filmed in New York. He'd hated it when they filmed in LA but that was kind of unavoidable. Often his fellow officers were made to endure the attitudes and totally ridiculous demands of egomaniacal actors and producers, while trying to keep the city from descending into chaos. It was another one of those action-adventure flicks where there would be plenty of sex, drugs, explosions and violence but absolutely no discernable plot that JJ could see.
He was so annoyed by this that he didn't even bother to look to see who was calling. “Adams here.”
“Hello JJ.”
He halted in the midst of the room, the empty cups slipped from his grasp. “You--,”
“Did you miss me?”
“Hey JJ, you okay?” Ted called from across the room.
“Yes, I'm fine,” he'd barely heard what Ted had said, JJ's attention was focused on that voice. JJ turned and strode from the room, his footsteps sure. Without even looking he made his way to his office. “So where have you been?” JJ asked.
“Do you really want to know? Getting everything ready for you.”
“Ready for me?” JJ stepped across the threshold and as luck would have it, saw that Dee and Ryo were in the office as well. His three fellow detectives looked at JJ as he entered and closed the door.
“I want us to be together JJ, I'm tired of waiting.”
“Is that a fact?” JJ motioned to his cell and mouthed, `it's him'.
Drake was beside him in moments. Dee and Ryo kept their distance, but all three were on the alert.
“Yes,” he said. “I've been away for awhile but I've taken care of everything.”
“And what about Drake?”
There was silence then, “Tell me something, JJ. Can he do this for you?”
His stalker began to describe in graphic detail what he planned to do to JJ until the young detective was physically ill, “That's enough, you sick bastard!”
Drake went to snatch the phone away but JJ caught his lover's hand in mid-grasp. He squeezed in gentle reassurance.
“You liked that didn't you JJ?”
“Fuck off!”
Drake's eyes burned with anger, JJ squeezed harder.
His stalker laughed, “It's all right to like it you know. So what do you say, JJ? Ready for me to fuck you hard?”
JJ couldn't swallow, his throat dry. His grip on the cell phone was unsteady, his knuckles white. He closed his eyes and moistened his lips. Despite the fact that it was all so this sick bastard could be caught, JJ could barely force out the words, “Yes, I'm ready for you.”
Again there was silence, “You think I'm stupid, JJ?”
“You asked me if I was ready, I said I was,” JJ said. “Isn't this what you've been waiting for? You mean all that sex talk was just that? Talk? You don't have the dick and balls to back it up, do you?”
“You skinny little fag!” The voice growled, then his whole demeanor changed and his next words were contrite, “I'm sorry JJ, you're right - please don't be mad.”
The change of his tone, from furious to suddenly complacent told JJ many things. It also reminded him of Alex Bruce's personality. JJ was angry, frustrated, disappointed, and several other emotions he couldn't name. If it was Alex Bruce--,
JJ caught and held Drake's gaze. They both knew what was involved. The risk JJ was taking. Drake's anger melted away, his expression softened in distress his eyes pleaded. JJ silently communicated, you know this is the only way. Our only chance.
“So,” JJ said, “Where did you want to meet?”