Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 12
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
profanity, violence, mild lemon.
Notes: I'm going to have a longer lemon scene later.
All through the morning meeting, Drake simmered. He barely listened to what the chief was saying which he figured would get him into trouble later. He left it up to JJ to discuss their current case. Drake sat twitching a pen between his thumb and index finger and paused every so often to throw a glare Dee's way.
Yes, he'd promised JJ he wouldn't pound Dee into the nearest wall but still -
Drake felt he was justified. After all what if it had been the other way around? What if it was Ryo who came home with the bruises? Dee would have just smashed Drake's face in and called it a night.
As the meeting progressed, Drake went from simmering to seething.
“Are you okay?”
It took him a moment to realize JJ was talking to him. “Yeah, sure.”
“You don't look it,” JJ stepped in front of him. “Look I have to go downstairs to get those reports from Jim. Why don't you make the phone calls?”
“Phone calls?”
JJ rolled his eyes, “You weren't paying attention at all during the meeting were you?”
“Sorry,” Drake muttered.
“Nevermind just look at the files,” JJ looked at him with hangdog expression, “Drake, just try and relax and get through the day, please? Starting something isn't worth it especially not here.”
“What? Okay, babe.”
JJ drew out a frustrated breath and turned away. A laugh floated just within his hearing. A laugh he recognized. Instantly, Drake's ire rose. He has no right to be laughing! He didn't even apologize to JJ!
Drake turned and threaded his way past his co-workers and through the haphazardly placed desks to the lines of offices at the end of the room. He saw Dee through the open door seated at his desk, talking animatedly, probably to Ryo.
His fingers flexing and lips pressed into a grim line, Drake lengthened his stride until he stepped across the threshold, “Laytner!”
Dee turned his head, his brow furrowed in confusion, “Drake?”
Drake snatched at the doorknob and jerked the door closed, crossing the room as Dee came out of his chair. There was a satisfying crack as Drake slammed his fist into Dee's face.
“What the fuck - Drake!” Ryo's enraged outburst didn't stop him in the least.
Dee tumbled into the chair, shock and anger at war in his green eyes. His nose was bleeding and for a brief moment he lifted his hand to his face in even greater confusion.
“If you ever touch JJ again, I'll break your damn neck!”
Fury twisted his features, “You stupid fuck!” Dee was out of chair, catching Drake completely off guard, so he didn't have an opportunity to defend against the blow to his stomach.
“Dee stop!” Ryo tore his glasses from his face, tossing them on the desk and he dashed towards them.
Drake doubled over as the bile rose to his throat. He swallowed it as he drew in a deep breath and lunged for Dee, whose attention was on Ryo at that point and grabbed him by the labels, shoving him back. Dee lost his footing and stumbling over the chair. Drake held on as both men tumbled over Dee's chair with Drake onto top. He got another hit in, his knuckles smeared with Dee's blood.
“Dee, Drake, stop!” Ryo was there reaching for them both.
Dee brought the heel of his hand up with and rammed it under Drake's chin. His head snapped back, and stars exploded under his eyelids before Dee shoved him aside. Then Ryo was there, getting between the two of them. Drake forced himself to his knees.
“Dee, stop!” Ryo was throwing his full weight against the taller man.
“That son of a bitch just sucker punched me like that?” Dee was screaming as he struggled against Ryo. “I'll kill him.”
Drake climbed to feet. “Let him go, Ryo. He wants a piece of me, fine.”
“Drake, get out of here, now.” Ryo growled
“Fuck off! You were there too and you just let him hurt JJ like that?”
“Hey don't talk to my Ryo, that way!” Dee broke Ryo's hold and made a grab for him; Dee's hand fisted in his collar and shoved Drake back into his shoulders cracked against the file cabinet.
The door came open, to bang against the wall, “What the fuck is going on in here?”
Drake's eyes never left Dee's. There was still fury in their emerald depths. Dee froze at the voice his fist drawn back his lips curled in a snarl. Drake waited, expectantly, he narrowed his own eyes sending a silent message, well?
“I said what the fuck is going on here?” Chief Smith strode into the room. “Laytner back the hell off, now!”
“Dee!” Ryo hissed.
Slowly Dee lowered his hand. He released Drake and stepped back. Like Drake his eyes stayed on his opponent.
“Chief,” Ryo said, “There was just a little misunderstanding.”
Oh hell, Drake's heart stopped at the sound of JJ's voice.
“Get in here Adams. Close the door.”
“Yes sir.”
That click was the most ominous sound Drake had ever heard.
The chief let his gaze travel over each of them. The look made Drake shudder. He could see Dee and Ryo had the same reaction.
“You guys are the biggest fucking dumb-asses I've ever seen,” the Chief's voice was deadly quiet and Drake realized once again he preferred the chief yelling at him. “I don't know what the fuck happened but it ends here. Leave this shit outside my precinct.”
The chief jabbed a finger at them for emphasis. “You little pricks do know they're watching you right? After all you went through, do you want to give them an excuse to separate the four of you? Keep doing shit like this and that's exactly what'll happen.”
Drake heard JJ draw in a sharp breath but he couldn't find the courage to look at him. After he had promised JJ he wouldn't confront Dee look what he had gone and done? And the chief was right. They were all aware of the scrutiny they were receiving. What if the powers that be did use this as an excuse? Then no amount of threats from the chief or the calling in of favors from Berkeley Rose would change their minds.
“We're sorry chief,” Ryo said. “It won't happen again.”
“No sir,” Drake chimed in.
“Yeah,” Dee said.
“Go somewhere and cool off,” The chief said as he turned. JJ opened the door for him. Outside the gathered group of people scattered, suddenly finding more interest in their respective tasks.
“Drake,” JJ said, “Can we go please?”
Drake turned his gaze back on Dee. “Remember what I said, Laytner.”
Dee's mouth curled in a sneer. “Fuck you, Parker.”
JJ took him by the forearm, “Let's go, please.”
Drake allowed Dee to lead him from the office. Neither spoke as they made their way out, ignoring the stares they received. In the elevator, JJ stood away from him, creating that barrier that Drake hated but he could hardly blame JJ. Once they were outside Drake said, “Where do you want to go?” They were working on a case but nothing that couldn't wait for a bit. “It's too early for lunch but we could go to that little bakery that you like. The one that serves the hand-made doughnuts?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
Drake moistened his lips. His hands fiercely gripped the steering wheel. “JJ--,”
“Last night,” JJ began, “I asked you not to go after Dee.”
Drake tried to swallow past the stone suddenly lodged in his throat. “Yes.”
“And you did anyway.”
Drake blew out a breath. He leaned forward, pretending to focus on the traffic ahead of him.
“After I said it was an accident,” JJ said.
“You promised me that you wouldn't do anything.”
“I know.”
“The chief was right, you know,” JJ said. “What if this gets back to the jerks that tried to break us up?” Drake could hear the sob in JJ's voice. “Then what?”
Drake risked a glance at him. JJ had his temple resting against the glass, his eyes were closed. “JJ, I'm sorry.”
“Doesn't a promise mean anything to you, Drake Parker?”
Drake's foot slammed down on the brake petal, stopping the car with a screech of tires. Behind them the driver leaned on his horn and shouted obscenities. Drake could feel JJ's eyes on him.
“I couldn't--,” Drake continued to grip the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on the car ahead of him but he really wasn't seeing anything, “protect you.”
“Protect me?”
Drake struggled with the words that refused to form and forced each one out. “I. Couldn't. Protect. You.”
“From what?”
“From Frank,” Drake sighed, “And I'm going to damn well protect you now. From that damn stalker and even from the infamous Dee Laytner.”
The obscenities grew louder. Several horns sounded now adding to the cacophony of noise.
“Drake,” Just the way JJ said his name told him he'd been forgiven. “I think you need to pull over.” There was now wry amusement in his voice.
The nearest place was the parking lot of a convenience store. Once Drake cut the engine he chanced a glance at JJ. JJ framed Drake's face with his hands and pulled him forward for a kiss. It was one time that Drake didn't care if anyone saw them. His hands left the steering wheel to and he fisted one in JJ's silver-blonde hair, deepening the kiss and taking complete control.
“Why don't we go home for a bit?” Drake grinned.
JJ supposed he should be mad at Drake still but after his lover's confession—
JJ knew how hard it was for Drake to be romantic or to express his feelings but when he did it always caused JJ's heart to melt.
“What is it?”
They stood in the shower with Drake's back to him as JJ rubbed a sponge with scented lather across Drake's back. “Now you have bruises on your back!”
Drake leaned back and let the warming spray wash over his face and slicking back his wheat-colored hair, “Oh those? They must have been when Dee pushed me into the file cabinet.”
“My poor Drakey-poo,” JJ kissed a line across his right shoulder, “So who won?”
Drake chuckled, “No one. Ryo broke us up and then the chief came in. But I am proud to say I bloodied Dee's nose.”
“Drake!” JJ admonished playfully, then bit him where his shoulder met his throat, causing Drake to draw in a sharp breath.
“Stop that before I attack you.”
JJ ran his tongue along Drake's earlobe, catching it between his teeth and tugging gently before nibbling his way down his throat again. Drake moaned and leaned into JJ's playful mouth.
“Damn it,” Drake turned around and pulled to him JJ for a fierce kiss, his tongue probing deeply. Then Drake pushed him away and turned him around, pressing their slick bodies together and forcing JJ against the wall. “I hope you're not still mad at me.” Drake pushed a finger into JJ's opening.
“Y-yes - I still am, a little.”
Drake took the sponge from JJ's hand and spread the lather with a gently stroking between his ass cheeks. “Guess I'll have to take care of that.”
JJ bit down on his lower lip as Drake pushed into him, his ass thrusting backward, forcing Drake deeper. “Oh hell, Drake--,”
“I'm sorry I broke my promise,” Drake wrapped his arms around JJ's torso as he worked his cock within the younger man. His breath hot against JJ's ear. “I was just so pissed off when I saw you all bruised up like that--.”
“Oh --- Drake--,” Drake took JJ in his hand and JJ grasped his own around Drake's, guiding his lover as Drake stroked him.
“But I'll make you a new promise - never to break one again.”
After that there were no more words.
Drake was just coming out of the bathroom when the doorbell rang. JJ had gotten out of the shower first to warm up some of the food that he had gotten from the chief's wife. Drake crossed the hall to their bedroom and slipped on a pair of old sweats and an academy t-shirt.
There in the middle of their living room was Dee and Ryo. Drake caught the tail end of what Dee was saying, “—anyway, I'm sorry about the whole thing, man. We cool?”
“Yeah,” JJ said.
Dee noticed Drake standing there and Drake noticed the case of beer Dee hefted in his arms. Ryo also had his hands full with several bags from which wafted the spicy-sweet scent of barbecue.
“Peace offering?” Dee grinned.
Drake couldn't stop the laugh from coming up. “Yeah, sure.”
It was a few beers between each of them, and a good portion of the barbecue later that Drake felt truly relaxed. Dee had also deemed them worthy to hear his collection of jazz and blues greats and while the four of them lounged around the living room the tones of Ellington, Holiday, Charles and King among others kept them company.
Dee took a swig of his beer and said, “So JJ, do you know somebody named Scotty Dominquez?”
JJ raised an eyebrow. “No, never heard of him. Why?”
“Because,” Dee said, “That's the name of the guy that owns the `Stanger.”