Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Watcher: Chapter 11
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count: 1897
Word Count: 1897
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity, mild violence
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity, mild violence
Notes: A weekend writing and gardening. It was way too hot outside. And still no gas in the car.
“Please tell me you weren't just talking to Alex Bruce?” Dee tore the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it into the gutter. The lines of his face pronounced as his jaw clenched.
Not too long ago, seeing that look of passionate fury on Dee Laytner's face would have sent a thrill through JJ. Now it just annoyed the hell out of him. I must really be over him.
JJ opened his mouth to deny it but a strange thing happened. A swell of righteous indignation filled his chest. Who was Laytner to tell him how to do his job? “Yes, I was, and why is that any of your concern?”
Dee's jaw literally came unhinged. He stared at JJ for a moment completely taken aback, then, “Son of a bitch. It's our concern because this is our case and you were told to stay out of it. And what's with that attitude, you little prick?”
“Dee!” Ryo admonished.
“Hey, he tried to get in my face first, Ryo,” Dee said.
“Dee saying `he started it' isn't exactly the mature way to go,” Ryo said. “But you have a point. Why are you here, JJ? Didn't the chief say--,”
“I know what the chief said,” JJ shot back at Ryo.
Ryo flushed and the slight tightening of his facial muscles was the only indication of his annoyance, “That was unnecessary, JJ.”
JJ drew in a three deep breaths, an exercise to calm his nerves, “Yes, I spoke with him. And I'm going back to speak with him later. His brother dropped by and he asked me to come back.”
“Why? Did he saw something that makes it necessary for you to come back?”
“So what did he say?” Ryo asked.
“If I tell you, you have to give me your word I'll be there.”
“What the fuck--,” Dee growled, “JJ what part of, `this is our case' aren't you getting?”
“Alex probably would feel more comfortable talking about it too me,” JJ said. “I doubt he'll tell you anything.”
When the two hesitated JJ said, “Come on you guys. You'll be there. It's still your case.”
“And if the chief finds out? We'll have to clear it with him first.” Ryo said.
“No - you can't.” JJ felt his face warm. After their conversation, if the chief found out--,
“So what -- did the chief tell you to stay away? And you went and came anyway didn't you?” Dee said. “Fuck, JJ what the hell--,
“Don't let me interrupt, gentleman,” Grant Bruce strode by and gave them a self-satisfied smirk then laughed.
“That bastard--,” JJ turned and took a step towards him.
“Don't,” Dee grabbed him by the forearm.
“Let go!” JJ snatched his arm back, “you think you're so perfect don't you?”
“You used to say I was,” Dee growled. “And you're still being a dumb-ass little prick!”
JJ's fist clenched, almost of its own volition. JJ brought it up and swung on Dee. The action surprised even him. He'd never had done it if it wasn't for—
All he could think of were what he'd discovered about Alex. JJ had helped the man through so much when he could have left it alone. And still he allowed his brother to use him. And now this--,
Of course none of this was Dee's fault, JJ knew but still it was the thought of releasing all the disappointment and anger he felt. Dee saw the blow coming and bent back but JJ felt his knuckles connect with Dee's chin. Dee's eyes once again, blazing he stepped to the side, and grasped JJ by his wrist, twisted JJ's arm behind his back and slammed him against the SUV parked behind him.
“Dee, stop!” Ryo hooked his arms under Dee's shoulders and pulled him back, “What's the matter with you two?”
JJ turned, his hands fisted, a tremor of anger raising gooseflesh on his skin. Dee had sucker-punched him - well, he allowed himself to be sucker-punched because he wasn't thinking straight. All the training he had in the martial arts went right out the window because he suddenly couldn't keep it together.
JJ didn't even realize Ryo had spoken to him. All he could think of doing was cleaning Dee's clock.
“Have you even spoken to Drake today?”
“What?” JJ shook his head and felt as though he was fighting his way through a fog.
Ryo released Dee and stepped in front of him. “You know, your partner Drake Parker? When was the last time you spoke with him? Do you even have your cell on?”
JJ moved as though he was trapped in quicksand as he reached for the cell clipped to his belt. It wasn't on. While Ryo conversed with Dee, JJ watched as it powered up.
“JJ, call me ASAP, okay? I couldn't reach you at the station.”
“JJ, where are you? Come on man, this is freaking me out.”
“Damn it JJ, please be all right. Call me as soon as you can, okay?”
“JJ, if you don't call me back in fifteen minutes I'm calling in my favor to the captain of the SWAT team and coming after you.”
JJ pressed the speed dial for their place.
“JJ! Damn it, where have you been? I thought - damn it, are you all right? Where are you?”
“I'm sorry Drake,” JJ bit his lower lip. Damn it! How could he have worried Drake this way?
“What the hell happened? I've been going ape shit, crazy--,”
“Drake, I'm with Ryo and Dee.”
A pause, “You've been with them all this time?”
“No, not all this time, we ran into each other.”
“Why didn't you answer any of my messages?” Drake's voice was a mixture of fury and panic.
“I had my cell off. I had a meeting with someone.”
“Damn it, JJ what if something--?”
The stark silence on the other end made a stone lodge in JJ's throat.
“JJ - don't you know --,” Drake's voice broke.
“I'll come home,” tears filled JJ's eyes. “I'm --- I'm sorry.”
“Just stay with Ryo and Dee, okay?”
He was about to tell him he didn't need Dee and Ryo babysitting him but JJ knew how worried and upset Drake had been. “Okay. I love you Drake.”
“I love you too. Don't ever forget that.”
JJ flipped the phone closed. Dee and Ryo were watching him expectantly. Suddenly he couldn't face either of them. JJ turned away, “I have to go.”
Ryo touched his shoulder, “We'll talk later.”
JJ nodded and swallowed.
“You going home? We'll follow you.” Dee said.
“Okay, that's what Drake wanted me to do, anyway.”
JJ forced his feet to move. By the time he'd reached his car, the tears where running down his cheeks and dripping off his chin. He wiped them away angrily with the back of his hand. Damn it, why was he always so emotional?
The moment JJ walked into the door, Drake came off of the couch, “JJ!”
“Drake what are you doing out of bed?”
“Fuck that!” Drake moved across the room and JJ met him half way. Drake held him at arms length, “You little dumb-ass! Don't ever--,”
“I-I'm sorry,” the tears threatened again.
“You already said you were sorry, babe,” Drake muttered.
“Please go back to bed. You shouldn't be up.”
“I will if you'll come with me.”
“All right - but--,” JJ shuddered. “I want to shower first.” He felt dirty from his encounter with Alex he realized although JJ doubted a shower would wash the feeling away.
It felt good to strip out of his clothes and climb under the warming spray. JJ sighed and he ran his hands, over his body, lathering up, the crisp scent doing nothing to ease his mind. And there were many things weighing heavily on it. His talk with Alex, Grant Bruce, his fight with Dee - damn it, he couldn't believe he picked a fight with Dee.
JJ laid his head against the tiles; suddenly his temple throbbed with a headache. “Alex, why?”
He stepped out of the shower and was in the midst of drying himself when he noticed the bruising.
JJ stepped in front of the full length mirror. The area underneath his rib cage was mottled with black and blue. It must have happened when Dee pushed him against the SUV. “Oh crap.” How was he going to explain this to Drake? He'd go ape-shit when he found out.
JJ sighed, grabbed one of the terry robes they kept in the bathroom and stepped out into the hall.
Drake was sitting up in bed reading one of the many gamer magazines he subscribed too. He laid it across his lap when JJ entered.
“Did you eat something?” JJ asked. “I could fix you something if you like.”
“No, I'm fine.”
“Well I could use a beer, how about you?”
Well that stalled things for awhile. JJ retrieved two beers from the fridge. When he returned to the bedroom he handed one to Drake and set his own on the night table. Then keeping his back to Drake the whole time he choose and pair of pajamas.
“So what happened today?” Drake asked. “Why didn't you answer?”
JJ blew out a breath, “Because I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.”
“Which was?”
He sighed again, “Talking to Alex Bruce.”
“Why weren't you--,” Drake began, “Oh hell, JJ--,”
“Drake!” JJ turned to face him, “Please.”
Drake sighed. “Okay, babe. Just come to bed.”
As JJ drew back the covers, Drake reached for him.
“No, wait--,”
Drake pulled JJ flush to his muscular chest and JJ couldn't stop the grunt of pain.
JJ bit hard on his lower lip and extracted himself from Drake's embrace.
“What the fuck--,” Before JJ could stop him, Drake grasped the edge of his pajama top and jerked it upwards.
“What the hell - JJ what the fuck happened?”
“You call this nothing? Who did this to you?”
“It was an accident,” JJ said.
“What do you mean accident? Did someone try to hurt you?”
“No,” JJ said, “Can't we just go to sleep?”
“What happened, JJ?” Drake's voice held a note of warning. He was going to keep at this like a dog chewing a particularly stubborn bone.
JJ sighed, there was no avoiding it, “I'll tell you but you have to promise me you won't go ballistic.”
So JJ told him about the meeting with Alex and how he had met Dee and Ryo outside and how he and Dee had their altercation.
Like Dee before him, Drake's jaw hit the top sheet. “Are you shitting me, JJ? Dee did this to you?”
“I told you it was an accident.”
“Like hell it was,” Drake growled, he clenched one fist, “I'm going to beat the living crap out of that son of a bitch.”
“No! Drake you promised!”
JJ could see the anger still simmering in his lover's eyes. “Fine.” Drake said again and lifted the magazine. JJ scooted across the bed and Drake automatically lifted his arm and JJ snuggled against his shoulder.
“Please, Drake,” JJ said softly.
“I said I was fine. It's cool.”
JJ sighed. For the first time since they'd gotten together, JJ didn't believe him.