Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 10
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count: 1606
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity
Notes: It is definitely a day for staying in. The house next door is being gutted completely. I'd better not see any creepy, crawlies or furry woodland creatures in my house because of it. By the way, a major typo in Chapter 9. I called Alex Bruce, Andrew. Don't ask me why. I also learned some interesting things on what it takes to apply for employment at Riker's Island.  Why Rikers?  Because that's where I first thought a certain character would have an interview.
The apartment in the South Bronx was practically within shouting distance of Yankee Stadium. JJ had season tickets, much to Drake's delight. JJ wondered if Alex could hear the games from where he was at off 163rd Street.
Parking as always was a complete and utter bitch and JJ was near mad with frustration by the time he found a space. And he didn't feel the least bit comfortable parking there. Of course the one thing that hadn't occurred to JJ was that Alex may not even be home.
The front door was open, JJ stepped into the dim foyer and had to immediately move aside as three children dashed down the stairs, calling a hasty, `excuse me.' behind them. The apartment was in the basement at the far end of the hall. It was poorly lit and JJ could see the decay evident in the peeling wallpaper and the thick layer of grease. JJ pursed his lips in disgust. All right he would be the first to admit how prissy he could be when it came to cleanliness.
Behind other locked doors came a cacophony of sounds and smells. A stereo played loudly, intermixed with the dialogue that JJ recognized as a Law and Order rerun. The air was thick with the scent of fried fish and potatoes. JJ approached and knocked. After few moments of rustling it came open at a crack, the chain halting its progression, “Yes?” Alex peeked from within the space. “JJ?”
“Hey Alex,” JJ said, “Sorry to just show up like this but--,”
“No, it's okay, hold up a second,” Alex closed the door and JJ heard the chain slide. He opened it wide, grinning. Light spilled from with the tiny space and glinted off Alex's glasses. “Come in.”
To JJ's surprise, the place was neat and well kept. The furniture was a little old and somewhat frayed. JJ guessed it was all second hand but he was surprised at how nice everything was. “Nice place.”
“You kidding me? In this neck of the city?”
“You still keep it nice,” JJ followed him through the common area and noticed the battered PC set up with various files open. “I'm sorry am I interrupting?”
“Oh I needed to take a break anyway. You want a Red Bull?”
JJ sat down on a worn footrest, “Sure.”
“I shouldn't be buying them, they're way too expensive but I'm addicted you know?” The kitchen was just a room separated by an open threshold. Alex drew two cans out of the small fridge. “So is this business or pleasure?” Alex immediately blushed afterwards.
JJ popped open his drink, “A little bit of both actually.”
Alex sat down at his PC again. “Is there something wrong?”
“Well first off, I wanted to know why you stopped by the station yesterday.”
Alex turned in his chair and his brow wrinkled in puzzlement, “I didn't.”
“You didn't?”
“No,” Alex said. “I didn't have any reason too. Grant is actually keeping his ass out of trouble. Would you believe he has an interview at Yankee Stadium of all places?”
“I wish him luck,” JJ took a sip of the energy drink. All the while his mind was busily working - why had Smith lied about Alex being at the precinct?
“I was here working on this,” he nodded to the screen, “It's a graphic novel idea I'm developing. It's nothing fancy or special, but I hope to maybe get it out there. Are you familiar with them?”
“Absolutely,” JJ said. “Drake has a room full of those things. When we first got our apartment together I had a time getting him to put them in storage.”
Alex shook his head, “Understandable. You don't get into them though?”
“Not my thing,” JJ said. “But I can tell you enough about Gaiman and Mignola to fill a library.”
Alex laughed and his eyes glinted merrily, “So why else are you here?” Was that a hopeful note in Alex's voice?
“Well, I'm involved in a case right now and I had hoped you could help me with it,” JJ leaned back in a casual stance and let his arms rest on his thighs hoping to put Alex at ease. “It's a stalker case. And I wondered since you've been at the station so much if maybe you'd seen anyone acting suspiciously?”
“Like how?”
“Well, Officer Smith let you use the PC, right? Have you ever seen him let anyone else use it?”
“Not that I've noticed.”
“Anyone asking about me?”
“Besides, Officer Smith? No.”
“Officer Smith asked about me?”
“Well--,” Alex blushed. “Maybe I shouldn't say anything.”
“It's okay, Alex.”
“Well he asked me if you and I were - you know, together,” Alex said, “I just kind of waved it off and said, “I wish.” Alex's eyes went wide, “No -- I mean - that's not - I don't -- damn it!”
“Alex, relax.” Still the reaction disturbed JJ a great deal.
“It's just that - I did it again!” Alex slammed his fist on the scarred desk where his PC sat.
“Did what again?” JJ leaned forward; his voice lowered an octave in a coaxing tone.
Alex breathed a sigh, his fists opened and closed on his knees, “I don't like—that is, no one really knows—I mean they do know--,”
JJ saw immediately. He'd seen it countless times, “You don't like telling people you're gay.”
“I guess you knew already.”
“JJ,” Alex turned fully in his chair to face him, “You said you had a stalker.”
JJ's breath caught in his throat, forming a solid ball that made swallowing impossible. No, I didn't say I had a stalker, specifically. “Yes?”
“I do like you, JJ,” Alex's voice was soft, his eyes intense. “There's something I need to tell you.”
Oh crap--,
The insistent pounding, shattered the moment. Both men jumped as the blows landed on the door, “Alex, open up!” The muffled voice said from the other side.
“Oh hell,” Alex literally bolted from the chair.
“Alex, wait!” JJ was up as well but Alex was already sliding the chain back, he opened the door and stepped aside as Grant Bruce strode in, “Look, I gotta ask--,” He stopped when he saw JJ. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“He's my guest, Grant, so stop being such an asshole about it.” Alex said.
JJ didn't want to finish his conversation with Alex with Grant standing there. But he wasn't going to just leave now. “We were having a private conversation.”
“Yeah, well it's over. I need to talk to him about family business.”
“Mr. Bruce, I'm not going anywhere.”
“Yeah, you got a warrant?”
“Damn it, Grant,” Alex's face was bright red, “Just tell me what you want.”
“Oh so why do I get bullshit from you now because he's here? What, were you two about to fuck or something?”
JJ's hands fisted at his side and his jaw clenched, his temper held by a thread but before he could speak, Alex said, “Grant shut the fuck up or get the fuck out!”
“Fuck you, Alex,” Grant said. “Look, I just came to tell you I'm out of town for a bit.”
“What? What about the interview at the Stadium?”
“You think I want to be sweeping up garbage? No, I've got something else in mind.”
JJ had a good idea of what that something else was. “Mr. Bruce, I hope it's nothing illegal. You know what will happen.”
“Is this any of your business, cop?”
“It is if you're going to commit a crime.” JJ said.
Grant turned a violent shade of red, “A friend has a construction job upstate, he wants me to come up and talk to the boss. You fucking happy now?”
“I am if that's all it is,” JJ said, “But only because you're not going to drag Alex into something again.”
Grant snorted. “Whatever, man. You done here? Gawd, you're a pain in the ass. Don't know what my brother sees in you. It's always, JJ this and JJ that.” Grant took a few steps towards him until he was at arms length. He was a few inches taller than JJ but the young detective was certain of his ability to subdue the man.
There was something in the man's eyes, that JJ couldn't quite read and he was always good at reading people. Where had he seen that look before? It was a underlying darkness. An animal waiting to strike.
“Grant did you need some money?”
Grant's body jerked backward, as though he was pulling himself up from somewhere very dark. JJ realized he was being drawn into that place as well.
“Yeah,” Grant said.
“JJ, would you stop by later, please?” There was a plea in Alex's voice. “I haven't forgotten.”
His eyes never leaving Grant Bruce, JJ said, “Yes, what time?”
“Saturday morning. I'm usually in.”
“Fine,” JJ nodded to Grant. “I'm holding you too that, Alex.”
JJ gratefully exited the tiny room which seemed entirely too closed since Grant Bruce had come in. He took the steps quickly and shoved the door open, breathing deeply of the air. Reaction set in and a tremor shook his body. JJ leaned against the wall and planted his hands on his knees.
Crap. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! Son of a bitch!
JJ straightened abruptly. He gaped at the sight of Dee crossing the street. Ryo was just climbing out of their car.
Dee strode towards him, a cigarette pressed between his lips, his green eyes glinting with fire. “What the hell are you doing here?”