Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 9
Fandom: Sanami Matoh's: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count: 1412
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity
Notes: Apparently, staying in to avoid a heat wave is good for the muse. Also I realized I have two characters named Smith.
“JJ, your friend is here.”
JJ stepped up to the desk. “Smith? Where's Janet?”
“Oh so you can't call me by my first name?”
JJ blew out a breath, “Okay, fine. Rob, where's Janet?”
“Family emergency. Don't know anything about it,” Rob said. “So - you're - um - seeing your partner, right?”
Whoa - talk about coming way from left field. “It's common knowledge.”
“Yeah, I heard the two of you put up one hell of a fight.” Rob leaned forward, invading JJ's space, “So what say we get together for a little freak session?”
“What? No! You just asked me about my relationship and you're suggesting--,”
“Yeah, so you're in a relationship,” Rob went on, “Doesn't mean we can't fuck, right?”
“Yes, it does,” JJ said. “I am in a committed relationship. I'm not about to ruin that.” Especially not with you.
Rob's eyes narrowed to slits as his face flushed scarlet. He seemed to know JJ's unspoken words, “Yeah well, whatever. Who was screaming whose name? Anyway, like I said your friend is here. Alex? And he's been here for awhile. I let him mess around on the PC.”
“You what?” JJ accused, “Are you crazy?”
“Hey, he was just playing games.”
“I don't need to tell you the rules, do I officer?”
Rob sneered, “No you don't, detective.”
Now they'd have to have someone go in and make sure the kid hadn't been anywhere he shouldn't have been. “Wait, how many times have you been watching the desk?”
Rob shrugged. “A couple of times, I guess. The kid was here each time.”
“And you let him play on the computer?”
“Look, he's your friend. The kid has a scum-bag asshole for a brother; I figured what would it hurt?”
“Where is he now?”
“He was in the cafeteria.”
JJ turned to go when his name was called.
Dee and Ryo approached. “Just wanted you to know we have a tip on the `Stanger. We're going to have a look now.”
JJ looked behind him, towards the cafeteria, “I--,”
“JJ what is it?” Ryo said.
“Hold up a sec,” JJ rushed down the hall, peeked into the cafeteria. The officers present gave him puzzled looks but Alex was no where to be seen.
Dee and Ryo met him coming back. “JJ, what is it?” Ryo asked.
“Alex was here again,” JJ went on to tell them about Rob's little bending of the rules.
“We'll have the WC take care of him,” Dee said.
JJ bit his lower lip. He hadn't wanted to get Rob into trouble but--,
“And maybe, after we check out the lead we'll go have a talk with Alex Bruce.”
“I don't want to believe it's him,” JJ's stomach jumped.
“It could be Officer Bob over there,” Dee motioned with his thumb. “Maybe we'll have a little talk with him too.”
“This is getting way too complicated,” JJ sighed. “Anyway should I follow you to where the `Stanger is?”
“Hell, no. You know the chief said he'd have your ass in a sling if you even looked at this case.”
“But this is different! He hurt Drake!”
“How is Drake doing?”
JJ wrinkled his nose in annoyance. He knew Ryo was just trying to distract him, “He was fine this morning although pissed as hell. He keeps demanding I get him some smokes.” His anger cooled as he thought of last night and how Drake had reacted to his pampering him. Although they couldn't really do anything, JJ had promised that as soon as Drake was well he was going to get the fucking of his life. “And I can't just sit by and--,”
“You're going to have to unless you want to try and get in the chief's face,” Ryo said.
“Fine,” JJ growled and before he even considered it, he'd turned and stalked off.
“He is so dead,” he heard Dee mutter behind him.
JJ halted outside of the office door. Chief Smith looked up his brow furrowed in confusion at first but as the moments passed that familiar vein began to rise in his forehead and his face went red.
“I want on the stalker case!”
“Adams, first off are you on crack or something coming into my office trying to get in my face?” The chief stood. It was then JJ noticed he had a napkin tucked in his collar and a veritable buffet on his desk.
“Now what's all the yelling about?” JJ turned at the sound of the familiar voice. “JJ, do you always come barging into my husband's office yelling like that?”
JJ felt the flush creep along his cheeks, “No, Mrs. Warren.”
The chief's wife set two bottles of iced tea on the desk before leaning against it. “Do you two need some time alone?”
JJ was suddenly glad for her presence. He realized that had she not been there and he'd continued on his tirade the chief would have probably torn him a new one.
“Yeah, baby, if you don't mind,” the chief said.
Mrs. Smith grinned at JJ and mussed his hair as she walked by, closing the door behind her.
“I'm sorry chief,” JJ downcast his eyes.
“Why don't you join me, Adams,” Chief Smith surprised him by saying. “My Maggie made all of this. She's been getting on my case lately about not eating enough.”
JJ pulled up a chair. “That's what partners are for. To look out for each other.”
“Umm hmm,” the chief grunted certainly getting the meaning of JJ's words, “How is Parker?”
“Put out,” JJ said. “I didn't like leaving him alone.”
“Look in on him at lunch. Take some extra time.”
“Thanks.” JJ took one of the paper plates. There was a wide variety for just one man. JJ took a few spoonfuls of marinated mushrooms, black olives, and one of his favorites, sausages in peppers and onions.
“Not the healthiest food for me but my Maggie likes to keep me well fed.”
“I like Mrs. Warren,” JJ said quietly.
“She likes you too, which is why she intervened. She wouldn't have normally. You were about to get a serious hurt put on you, you know.”
“I know,” it was strange. Talking to the chief like this. Drake had been right. They were more used to the chief yelling at them.
“I'm gonna tell you a little story, Adams,” The chief speared an olive with his fork and popped it into his mouth. “When I first made sergeant, Maggie started teaching at this high school. One of the teachers there decided he was in love with her and started leavin' gifts and things on her desk. We thought it was just her students being nice at first. Then the gifts started getting expensive and finally inappropriate.”
“Of course my boss told me I was out of it, although he gave me the professional courtesy of keeping me in the loop.” The chief continued. “He wasn't easy to catch at first. He would get the female students to deliver the packages. They thought it was cute - romantic,” The chief said the last word with a bitter edge.
JJ couldn't believe they'd been so irresponsible. “Guess they didn't know of the term, aiding and abetting.”
“Yeah,” the chief grunted. “Anyway, during transport well - let's just say the perp arrived with more bruises then he had when he left.”
JJ stopped cold, the fork poised halfway to his mouth. The chief was actually saying…
“My boss was not happy.” Chief Smith leaned back in his chair, intertwining his fingers behind his head. “I got lucky though or maybe - I don't know. You see what I'm trying to say here, Adams.”
JJ swallowed thickly, “Yes sir.”
“Take some of the food home with you for Parker.”
“Yes sir,” JJ stood at the obvious dismissal. “And thanks for the uniform at Drake's door.”
The chief grunted in response as JJ closed the door.
JJ realized he didn't want to disappoint Chief Smith and he certainly didn't want to get any marks on his spotless record but--,
He was not consciously aware of where he was going as he put the car in gear until he was well on his way. JJ gripped the steering wheel, every instinct in his body screaming for him to turn back but he realized he had already decided even before the chief's talk that if anyone spoke to Alex Bruce it was going to be him.