Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 8
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Violence, profanity
Characters/Pairings: The 27th
Notes: Sorry this took so long.
When JJ re-entered the room he found Bonnie was there but Frank was blissfully absent.
“There you are,” Bonnie said. “I thought I was going to have to chase after you.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I'm going to get on home and give that husband of mine the ass-whipping of his life.”
JJ chuckled. He really did like Bonnie. “Thank you, Bonnie - for everything.”
She smiled knowingly and JJ realized it was nice having her in his corner.
“No problem.”
“Are you all right?” Drake asked when they were alone.
“I should be asking you that,” JJ kissed him. “I'm sorry I left you alone like that. I won't do it again, I promise.”
“It's okay lover, I knew you had to get out for a bit,” Drake managed a grin. “Frank's lucky I didn't get out of this bed and beat the crap out of him.”
“You'll do no such a thing,” JJ said. “You're going to rest tonight and when we get home I'm going to pamper you like the Prince of England. But honey, if he ever upsets you like that again, I'll break his damn neck.”
“Whoa --,” Drake's eyes went wide. “That's - different coming from you.”
“Is it really?” JJ said. “You've never noticed I'm very protective of what's mine?”
“So I'm yours?” Drake's breathed.
“Oh yes, Drake Parker. You belong to me.”
“Ok,” Drake said before JJ kissed him.
“Dee, Ryo, got a minute?”
“A minute,” Dee grinned, “The chief wants us back, asap.”
Drake propped himself up in the bed. Ryo made to help him but Drake waved him away. He'd finally managed to get JJ out of the room for a bit, asking his lover to snag him some Jelly Belly's. He'd never admit aloud but if he couldn't get his hands on some smokes those were the next best thing.
“I thought you might need to say something,” Ryo said, “Although I doubt JJ bought the candy run excuse.”
“Couldn't be helped,” Drake said. “Look guys, you know they're going to keep me here overnight and JJ will want to stay but there's no need. Do you think he could stay with you two tonight? I don't want him to be alone.”
“Of course, if we can convince him to,” Ryo looked at Dee who nodded in agreement.
“I'll convince him if I have to,” Drake said.
Dee laughed, “Good luck, Parker. You of all people know how JJ can be.”
“I'll figure out some way,” Drake said stubbornly, not believing his own words for a New York Minute.
Of course JJ didn't go for the idea at all. He returned to Drake's room a little while later with his arms full of the gift shop's entire stock of Jelly Belly's.
“Buy up the store did you?” Drake grinned hoping to lighten the mood. JJ picked up on it right away.
“Did something happen?” JJ said with an edge of panic in his voice.
“No, nothing babe - it's just that, you'll be staying with Ryo and Dee tonight.”
“Why?” JJ's brow furrowed before he turned t face Dee and Ryo, “No offense, guys but I'm staying with Drake tonight.”
“I've already arranged it with the nurse's station,” JJ said.
“Drake!” JJ grasped his hands, “Somebody tried to hurt you! I'm not leaving you alone tonight!”
“Actually--,” Dee exchanged a somewhat sheepish glance with Ryo, “the chief arranged for a uniform outside your door tonight.”
“What?” Drake and JJ said in unison, “There's no need--,”
JJ blushed and bit his lower lip. Obviously he wanted to be Drake's protector for the night. Drake blew out a breath, “Why the hell is the chief wasting a uniform on me, anyway?”
“Because he cares about you?” Ryo said.
Drake, grunted and folded his arms across his chest in a defiant gesture, “Damn it I hate it when the Badger gets like this. I like it better when he's screaming at me. Besides, Rose will have a hissy fit--,”
“Well, actually--,” Ryo began.
“Oh fuck, not the rat bastard too!” Drake covered his eyes with his hand.
“We have to go, you two,” Ryo stood. “The chief isn't pampering us, after all.”
“Yeah, Parker we're gonna have to make you pay for this, later.”
“Eh, bite me,” Drake muttered. His two friends laughed as they went out the door.
“I can't believe we're spending the tax-payers money like that,” Drake grumbled.
“Did you really believe I was going to leave you tonight?” JJ's voice was soft.
Drake truly looked at him for the first time. The hurt he saw in his lover's eyes made his throat tighten.
“JJ—I'm sorry,” Drake said. “But I wanted you to be safe. I knew you would with Dee and Ryo.” Drake swallowed. “I guess I was being selfish.”
JJ smiled softly, “Oh you were all right, Drake Parker. But that's okay lover, I'll let it go this time.” JJ kissed him.
One of the orderlies brought a cot in later and after much coaxing, Drake persuaded JJ to get some rest. He was awake a long time after his partner had settled for the night. Drake's mind worked, trying to remember every detail of the `Stanger as it barreled towards him. Damn it, if the windows hadn't been tinted--,
Drake dozed off with the image of the car in his mind and the incident manifested itself in a dream where he didn't move fast enough, where the car seemed to be everywhere at once and there was no escaping it. Drake came awake, drawing in a violent breath.
“Drake?” JJ was up off the cot faster than Drake thought humanly possible. “Are you all right.”
“Yeah, I'm fine babe,” Drake rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, “Bad dream.”
JJ took his hands. “I'll stay up until you go back to sleep, Drakey.”
Drake sighed. Damn, he was such a wuss sometimes. “I've got a better idea. Why don't you get into bed with me?”
JJ smiled in understanding. Knowing what Drake wanted to say but couldn't. “Okay.”
JJ climbed up beside him and snuggled against Drake's chest. “Is that better, Drakey-poo?”
“Yes,” Drake said. He gave his lover a squeeze and breathed deeply of his shampoo and soap scent. He felt much better.
Drake realized it was the first reasonably undisturbed night they had since leaving the bed and breakfast. Early the next morning a nurse walked in. She halted when she saw JJ lying in Drake's arms. Drake was about to say something in challenge, when she gave him that, `isn't that cute?' sort of look. She gave him a shot and winked at him before she left.
Drake chuckled to himself, kissed JJ on the temple and drifted into sleep.