Fake Fan Fiction ❯ What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After? ❯ What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After

Author: Lilah the Dragon

Fandom: FAKE

Pairing: Bikky x Cal

Rating: R

Warnings: Lime, some sexual content nothing to graphic.

Disclaimer: Does my name look like Sanami Matoh? Nope sure doesn't, nor am I with any affiliated companies that publish the title, so it looks like they're not mine and never will be so I'll just borrow them for the moment. Hope you enjoy what I did with them, cuz this is all for warm and fuzzy feelings. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After?

Opening the door to their little loft apartment, Cal sighed and tossed the stained apron aside. Some days she really, really, *really* hated her job at Ruby's but it helped pay the bills. A quick glance about told her that Bikky wasn't home yet, drawing yet another long sigh from the blonde. Tonight all she really wanted was a cold drink, and a pair of warm arms to hold her and half of her wish wasn't home yet.

So she settled for changing out of her uniform, wrinkling her nose at the smell of grease and fried foods that seemed to always cling to the cotton. She didn't bother putting it in the hamper; instead she kicked it in the general direction of the receptacle. She was looking forward to tomorrow, her only day off from repeating the phrase, "Would you like fries with that?" and one of Bikky's days off too. They almost never got to spend a whole day together. She had a new appreciation of why Dee was always so possessive of Randy when they both have the same day off. 'But at least they get to work with each other,' she thought feeling a frown tug at her lips.

Grabbing one of Bikky's old t-shirts she threw it on and headed to the bathroom, blinking in the harsh glare of the single overhead light bulb as she looked in the mirror. She couldn't help but pout; she was 21, but looked like she was way older judging by her reflection. Cal absolutely hated how worn out she looked after coming home from the diner, but she made good tips and that's what mattered, right?

Delicately finger combing her hair over her shoulder, Cal brought one source of most of her bad mood into view. A large glob of sticky pink bubble gum stuck in her hair. Peanut butter, her aunt had always told her, was what you used to get gum out of hair. Peanut butter, yeah that would imply that they actually had a stocked cupboard, more days than not she felt like Mother Hubbard going into their little kitchen niche. Instead she found herself reaching for the little pair of scissors kept in the vanity cabinet and delicately snipped out the gooey bits.

Once satisfied that she'd gotten it all out she regarded her reflection. Well, it wasn't too obvious; flipping her hair back over her shoulder she headed back into the main room to collapse on their couch. It was a hand-me-down from Ryo but was still in wonderful shape and incredibly comfortable. She reached down to pick up a magazine from the floor intent on reading until Bikky got off from work himself. Flipping through the pages she hummed to herself, her fiancé should be home soon since he usually got off work right about now.

It was pushing two a.m. when Bikky silently opened the door to the loft, praying that the hinges wouldn't squeak, the floor boards creak, and asking any and all powers that be that Carol be already asleep in bed past the point of waking. He almost got his wish; he was halfway across the living space before one of the old floor boards made a complaining noise as he tiptoed along. There was a sleepy yawn from the direction of the couch and was followed by a bone chilling, "Do you know what time it is?"

Freezing in place the platinum blonde mumbled, "Two."

"I was waiting for you. What took so long?"

Bikky groaned thinking about a way to sugar coat the fact that he'd stuck around jawing with the other guys rather than heading back home. "I, uh, lost track of time?"

Carol stood up from the couch and stamped her foot, "I almost never get to see you and you decide that the one little 24 hour period we have off together is a perfect occasion to lose track of time?! You, you jerk! You think those neandertals you work with are more important to be around than me?"

"Cal, honey," Bikky tried to soothe.

Still exhausted from work and not ready to feel rational, Carol stomped her foot again, "I've had a horrible, horrible, day and all I wanted was you and what did I get instead? I end up cutting an icky huge wad of gum from my hair and a nap on a rather empty couch. And Why?! Because you took your sweet ass time after work, when you know that this is the only time we'll have off together for God knows how long."

"Carol, I'm sorry. Sweetie, I really am, I'll make it up to you."

Instead of the words having the calming effect that he'd hoped, Bikky watched with mild horror as Carol burst into tears. At a loss for something to say, he took a step towards her only to be halted when she held up one hand, "Not right now…" She sobbed again before covering her face with her hands and ran into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

Bikky felt a bit of shock set in, he'd never been able to predict when these mood swings would hit. The young man rubbed at the back of his head, he'd said he'd make it up to her. Now he had to come up with something that proved him true to his word. He really, really hoped that she was just more tired than angry at him for being late. Bikky hadn't meant to be so long, but he just got to talking and well, you know how that goes, he just hadn't been paying attention.

He hadn't thought that she'd actually wait up for him, normally they were so tired that they just collapsed into bed. Waking up when the other got home and snuggling together before drifting back off. But he should have figured after all this time when they had a day off together, Carol would make a huge deal out of it and want to spend as much time together as possible. Starting from the moment they got off work and not ending until they had to rejoin the real world and go back to work the following day.

It was just a moment of carelessness, a small thing really, considering all they'd been through, but sometimes the real world drags people down and small things hurt. Tonight it'd been just one small thing on top of a rather stressful day for his girl and she'd snapped. He wanted to make it better for Cal but didn't have the faintest idea how.

Lucky for him he knew someone who might have a few ideas and the moment of guilt he felt at picking up the phone at 2 in the morning was gone just as quickly. After all, disturbing Dee in the middle of the night, one could just say he was bothering the man for old time's sake. As he walked by the bathroom to get to the phone he could hear the muffled sniffling from his love and it cut. Real life sucked, it wasn't supposed to be like this. You're supposed to get the girl, settle down and live happily ever after, right? Bikky gave a derisive snort as he picked up the phone, fairy tale bullshit, but that's the kinda thing girls love, isn't it?

After a quick conversation with a rather sleepy and disgruntled Dee, Bikky had a goal in mind. He tapped on the bathroom door calling out hesitantly, "Carol, honey?"

"Go 'way."

"Sweetheart, I'm going to head out to the store for a moment. Please, why don't you take a warm shower and I'll be back?"
"Why do you need to go to the store?" the tone was sulky.

"I forgot something, it'll only take few minutes," Bikky leaned against the door. Well, that statement wasn't a total lie. He had forgotten about tomorrow being their mutual day off and so had taken his time getting home. He now needed the means to make up for it. Hell, he'd even made Dee feel badly enough for him to offer to reimburse him for the items he'd instructed the younger man to get.

"How long?"

"Give me half an hour, I swear I'll be back in half an hour."

There were several more sniffles before a tiny, "Okay." reached him.

"Half an hour," he reiterated before heading for the door. The neighborhood they lived in had the store he wanted on the corner and it was open 24 hours, lucky him. He flushed at the thought of going in so late at night though, even he had a point which going into one of 'those' stores would make him squirm.

Cal was highly suspicious of Bikky disappearing again but the suggestion of a shower did have appeal at this point. She was tired, her eyelids felt like sandpaper, and her back was getting stiff from sitting hunched over and bawling. She stripped off the t-shirt and into the tiny box of a shower stall setting the water warm enough to relax her tense muscles. She took her time washing off every bit of grease and diner smell, real or imagined.

Bikky, meanwhile, was a man on a mission and was into the store and out in record time. When the clerk stared teasing him about the purchases, he leveled the man with a glare that was a direct imitation of Dee's bad cop look. Just as quickly he was back at their apartment, leaning against the bathroom door reassuring himself that Carol was still in the shower. The running water reassured him that he had a few minutes left.

He sat down the bag and took out the few items it contained; a handful of scented candles and a bottle of massage oil with the same soothing aroma. Bikky sat one candle on the nightstand and lit it before glancing about for other good places before scattering them about and killing the lights. He took the oil and sprinkled a few drops on the sheets placing the bottle on the stand with the candle amidst the regular clutter of change and watches that end up next to a bed taken out of pockets late at night.

By the time Carol stepped from the shower she felt ten times better and a little embarrassed by her fit of hysterics. Toweling her hair off lightly she made a face at herself in the mirror; she'd acted much like she used to in high school, that just spurred her on to the conclusion that maybe she owed her lover an apology. He'd understand, she was certain, after all they both had nights where nerves were frayed to the point of snapping. It just came with living with someone you loved. She smiled as she thought of some of the tiffs she'd overheard when visiting Ryo. They were always spectacular ones and she and Bikky had some doozies that easily rivaled them.

Wrapping the towel about her torso and tucking it tight she stepped out into the living space, frowning at finding it rather dark. "Bikky?"

"Over here, Hon," the young man called from the bed area.

She padded over to the corner where their bed was tucked; smiling at the gentle glow cast by the candles, making a pleasant contrast from the normal glare of the overhead lights. Making her way carefully over the floor not wanting to trip, she flopped down on the mattress and making a surprised sound at the unexpected pleasant scent that reached her nose.
"You like?" Bikky's voice drifted through the dark and she felt the bed shift as his weight was added to it.

"Mmmhmm. I do, but we don't have any candles, much less scented ones." Carol stretched a little the towel loosening as she rolled to get a look at her fiancé. Bikky was grinning widely, wearing only that smile and a pair of loose pajama pants.

"Well, we do now."

"Oh," smiling cutely up at her lover, "Is that what you forgot then?"

"Maybe. Part of it."

"What's the other part?"

Bikky purred as he leaned over to give Carol a slow teasing kiss, "Want to find out?"

When the aggravating man pulled back she gave him a light slap to one of the bare shoulders, "Do you even need to ask?"

Bikky laughed even more, "I thought so. Lie on your stomach and make yourself comfortable."

Pouting slightly, Cal rolled over and stretched out again. Just as she was about to rest her head on her folded arms, Bikky whisked her towel away baring still damp skin rather suddenly. "Bikky Goldman! You could have warned me."

"Can't have it getting in the way," Bikky was still chuckling as he reached for the bottle of oil and shifted to straddle the back of his Cal's thighs. He settled his weight down carefully not wanting to hurt her and poured some of the oil into his palm to let it warm. Satisfied that there won't be any chill, he dribbled the slick stuff over the smooth skin. Carol squirmed and giggled as the oil tickled her back and when Bikky started spreading it out she couldn't help but purr.

"Like that, too?" he teased.

"Yeah," she let her eyes drift shut enjoying the sensation of strong hands rubbing at little knots of tension easing them away.

Bikky smiled like a mad thing as he watched Carol slowly melt under his ministrations. Once he was done with her back he carefully worked his way down her arms, chuckling softly at the little squeaks of pleasure. The young man then began to work his way back down the already relaxed back and started on the firm backside. The new massage resulted in a rather more indignant squeak.

"Bikky, just what are you doing?" Cal glanced back over her shoulder at the blonde youth.

"Shhhh… I'm relaxing you, baby. Just enjoy."

There was another cute little frown as Cal settled back down and when she finally gave in to the calming touch there was a breathy moan. He fought against a low chuckle as he felt the stiffness drain from the muscles there as well. Once Bikky was assured that Cal was comfortable with the touches he worked his way down first one leg and then the other, giving careful attention to Carol's feet. He'd heard his fiancée complain enough times about being on her feet so long to know that she'd appreciate this more than anything else thus far tonight.

Carol lay on the scented sheets and thought that she had to be dreaming. Bikky never was this romantic and thoughtful without having been given detailed directions from Ryo. If she hadn't been so relaxed she would have giggled at the thought of her lover sitting through a lecture on how to plan a romantic evening. Instead she settled for relaxing mindlessly, making only a token sound of protest when Bikky turned her to her back and continued the massage working up from her feet this time.

The blonde youth was careful to keep his touch firm and straightforward as he worked his way around Carol's erogenous zones. As much as he wanted to take the time to explore them, he knew that he had a long way to go and the rest of the night to get there. The young woman beneath him was making sounds that sounded like a strange mix of mews and purrs, not a single one of them indicating that Cal would like the attentions to cease. After another half an hour of such slow and thorough attention Bikky brought his hands up to cup his fiancée's face causing Carol to blink open her green eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Bikky's voice was barely above a whisper, the simple question asking permission for more than just a simple kiss.

Her face lighting up with a smile filled with love, Cal replied, "Of course you can, silly." Readily giving the permission for all things unspoken.

Slowly, as if time had stopped, Bikky leant in and sealed their lips together. It started out as a gentle and loving kiss, shy tastings and teasings of the soft warm skin and the moist warmer inner reaches of the kiss. Long minutes passed before the young man little by little added more fire to the lip lock until it was a passionate meshing of tongues and teeth and their lips acquired the lush rose color that accompanies such fire. Hands began to wander and Carol purred in renewed appreciation of the lean athletic build that Bikky maintained. While Bikky was enjoying the way his hands glided over the soft oil-slicked skin and how his lover would arch into the slightest touches.

Inch by inch Bikky covered the lean blonde body beneath him with careful kisses and licks driving Carol slowly mad. Neatly trimmed nails raked gently over the taut back above her as she murmured her pleasure, her fingers were as nimble removing Bikky's last remaining article of clothing as they ever were picking a pocket. Cal's passion glazed eyes looked up at bright blue and softly whispered plea to quench her desire for more. A tender smirk lit up Bikky's features as he gently settled over her adding his equally quiet admission of love and willingness to do anything for her.

They moved together with the ease and perfection of two hearts equally matched and tightly bound. Soulmates, Cal's heart sung as she arched up breathless nonsense words of eternity falling from her lips. The blonde youth's response was silent but no less fervent as he buried his head against her sweat-dampened neck. The frenzied dance of bodies wound to a close with two rattling cries and an exhausted tangle of limbs.

Wriggling to find a comfortable place under her lover Cal sighed contentedly and nuzzled the worn out blonde. Bikky smiled at the affectionate gesture shifting to the side and held Carol so that her head was pillowed on his chest. The warmth of their afterglow was like a little bit of heaven brought to earth. Several minutes were spent listening to the fluttering of the young man's heart as it settled back into its normal steady, soothing rhythm.

After a while Carol wrinkled up her nose and huffed quietly, "You know they never have it end like this."

"Like what?" Bikky murmured into her still damp hair nuzzling her in turn.

"In the stories, you know? The fairy tales and romance novels, it never ends quite like this."

Now it was Bikky's turn to huff, "Whaddaya mean? I think this is a pretty damned good ending."

"No, silly, I mean. In the stories yeah there's flowers and romance and stuff, but Snow White never ends up with gum from a bratty kid in her hair, Prince Charming never forgets to wake her from her enchanted slumber, and they never end up sweaty and sticky in a bed, in a loft, on the shady side of town."

"Well," he paused trying to think of a good response. His brow crinkled in thought an expression rather reminiscent of Dee trying to think of a way to get out of trouble with Ryo. "Well, the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after right?"


"Then this is our Happily Ever After. You and me together forever no matter where, no matter how many bratty punks run you ragged at work, no matter how late or how forgetful I am. It's like they say, meant to be."

Carol made a sound between a coo and an awww, wrapping her arms tight around the athletic waist and planted a kiss over Bikky's heart. "That's so sweet and so right. I love you , Bikky Goldman."

The blonde smiled, mentally preening for being able to articulate what he wanted to say to his beloved, "I love you too, Carol." Slumber soon claimed them, leaving them wrapped just as closely around one another.

Life continued on for them, some days good some days bad, but seldom a day found them apart. Bikky and Cal were married at a quiet affair tended by all their friends and loved ones. Dee and Ryo stayed together as well and were blessed with many nights of babysitting the blonde couple's two children. Dee was all in favor of stuffing them full of sodas and sweets before returning them to their parents, his revenge on Bikky he always claimed. Despite such small rivalries that the former hoodrats never grew out of, everyone lived on surrounded by love if not peace. Looking back on it all, Carol very easily could say that she did indeed end up with the fairy tale because she did end up living happily ever after.

~ The End ~