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"What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After?" Reviews/Comments [ 4 ]
 Reviewed By: MadoraFu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2011 22:18 EST
Hey, this is Fu... I feel guilty for using a review for such an... non-fanfic related means, but I'm hoping that it goes to your email, or that you check new reviews still or... something! I hope you still remember me. I think about you quite often, and am going to try and contact you the only way it seems I can, until I can actually do it again. I miss you, pree dragon. My email is nathalusithacus@gmail.com, belovedwinter@yahoo.co.uk, and my AIM is oOSymphonicOo. I hope to talk to you soon.
 Reviewed By: Uriko Ohgami  On: November 15, 2004 02:36 EST
This was great! :D I love BikkyxCarol, and it's so hard to find good fics on them. ^_^ Good job!
 Reviewed By: cloud9Kerri [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2004 23:26 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm a total fluff addict and this was just what I needed to satisfy my craving. You've done a wonderful job and captured the reality of a relationship when it moves past the happy honeymoon period and into the usual wear and tear of daily life and all that comes with it, working, bills, schedules not meeting up, etc. And the way you have Bikky feel bad about being careless and doing something to make it up to his fiance that is inexpensive and yet very romantic is wonderful. I wish more authors would put this sort of thing into their fics. An excellent job!
 Reviewed By: Alaskan Blue [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2004 17:03 EDT
Alright! You finally got it finished! At last a Bikky/Carol fic. Boy, does the way you described the stench on her waitressing uniform take me back to Steak n Shake or WHAT?! Ok, I liked the characterization and the writing style. I also liked how you have Bikky calling Dee in the dead of night for advice and Dee actually giving it, it's refreshing to see fics written where Dee and Bikky (while they still give each other shit) care about one another and their welfare. The description where he's giving Cal a massage was great too because I keep getting this visual in my head where, everytime she makes an appreciative noise, I see Bikky with that expression he gets where his eyes go to little slits like a cats... I dunno, I'm weird... It's awesome how you've got Dee eternally screwing Bikky over with the babysitting hyjinx, making the kids guzzle mountain dew before going home but it's definitely something I can see him do. Overall, it's great and we need to see more B/C!

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