Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Kirby Series ❯ Chapter 1: April Fooled ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Welcome to the first chapter, the chapter after the prologue.
As a start, this is gonna start to become a great series. So this chapter is the first one. Enjoy.
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Chapter 1
April Fooled
(At Blue Kirby's house)
Peter Griffon: Hey Blue Kirby. My dog is coming over.
Blue Kirby: That's nice.
Peter: After me and my wife got divorced, my dog packed his things and wanted to come here.
Blue Kirby: A dog eh ... What type is he?
Peter: A medium dog. He is fully white and he should be in the guest room.
Blue Kirby: Why the guest room?
Peter: He hates being treated like a dog.
Blue Kirby: Oh.
Peter: Where are the two clown kids who live in the basement?
Blue Kirby: You mean the Eds? They're at school.
Peter: Oh.
Blue Kirby: They go to a highschool around here.
Peter: What is it called?
Blue Kirby: It's called Eastern Hills Highschool. It has like 1000 people in it.
Peter: That's the school my daughter goes to!
Blue Kirby: That's cool. Some kinda bus is gonna drop off Ed and Edd near here.
(At school)
(The bell that signs the end of the day rings)
Ed: Yahoo!
(Ed and Edd run across the classes)
(One class shows a tall black kid and a tall blonde kid)
Black Kid: It's good that we're by ourselfs, huh Richie?
Richie: Yes Virgil. That guy with the hat is smart but his pal is annoying.
Virgil: I gotta agree with you there bro.
(Eds go across another classroom; classroom involves some shadow guy dissecting a frog)
Guy: I like to eat frogs!
(Guy eats the frog)
(Some short rude kid rudely opens the door from detention)
Rude Kid: What do you want?
Ed: Are you the man with the plan?
Rude Kid: I am not him anymore. You shall just call me for now on Master of this class, halls, school, street, county, city, territory, state, country, continent and world.
Edd: You know you can't do that!
Rude Kid: Grr! I'll just have to try to ... kill ... you.
Edd: Oh no!
(Afterschool; Ed and Edd walk down the street)
Edd: We're going home now. We already know the adress.
Ed: That's ...
(A missile shaped like "$" shoots Ed)
Edd: What happened?
Ed: A dollar sign hit me!
Edd: This sign looks somewhat familiar.
(A shadow walks by the Eds)
(It turns into a short kid on stilts; he has a mask on)
Short Kid: Hey you! Yeah you! If you give me a dollar, I'll give you these rare superboots!
(Ed buys one)
Edd: That's a crazy idea.
(Ed tries the "boots" on)
(The boots make him blast into deep space)
Short Kid: Pre-April Fools! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (His stall turns into a machine)
Short Kid: You are no match for the PS Machine.
(The PS Machine shoots Edd and escapes)
Edd: What the hell was that all about!?
(Ed lands at Blue Kirby's roof)
(Edd goes to Blue Kirby's house)
Blue Kirby: Why did Ed take the shortcut?
Edd: Some boots that he bought made him go into deep space and blast him into your roof.
Blue Kirby: Oh. How can I believe that?
Edd: This guy had a stall that turned into a machine.
Blue Kirby: Well, I'll go check it out.
Edd: We need help from Ed.
(Ed and Edd get the dollar sign and examine it)
(The three look at it and find out who threw the dollar sign)
Ed: Wow! That person's mean!
Edd: In the name of no trust! I knew someone like him would do it!
Blue Kirby: Is this guy ...
(Peter goes to the basement)
Peter: Hey guys! My dog came!
(A dog that is standing like a human comes; he's Brian Griffon)
Brian: Hello.
Blue Kirby: We just heard a kid bullied our friends.
Brian: Oh. That's pretty painful.
Blue Kirby: Yep.
Blue Kirby: Oh crap! We're gonna be late for the Homestar Runner TV show!
(On TV)
Announcer: Homestar Runner's Famous Show; The Homestar Runner Show! Starring Shaq (Captions:With white facepaint) as Homestar Runner!
Announcer: And the place we film it ... we got a young masked wrestler to play as Strong Bad and some big buff guy to play as Strong Mad.
(Show starts)
Announcer: Strong Mad's Date!
Black and White Fat Sad Guy: Quit bullying me Strong Bad!
Fake Strong Bad: I will not stop.
Fake Strong Mad: GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... Larzipan.
Background: That's Marzipan.
Fake Strong Mad: Right. GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... Napizram!
Background: Oops. We got it backwards.
Fake Strong Mad: Oh sorry. GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... The Cheat!
Background: Oh nevermind.
Announcer: And Strong Bad will show you his first email ever!
Fake Strong Bad: (Humming) Oh, who is the guy that checks all his emails? That's me, Big Mask.
Background: That's Strong Bad.
Fake Strong Bad: Right. (Humming) Oh who is this guy that checks all his emails? That's me, Strong Mad!
Background: I accidently put M, not B.
Fake Strong Bad: Oh ok. I'll get it right this time. (Humming) Oh who is this guy that checks all his Strong Bads? That's me email!
Background: Nevemind about that either.
Announcer: Here's the final one for today! Pom Pom the Man! My mom will be playing as Marzipan and Fat Pat will be playing as Pom Pom.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom. What do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: I like to hang out with Homestar Runner all day long.
Background: You're supposed to do the bubbly voices!
Fake Pom Pom: Oh alright. I'll try it again.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom. What do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: (Bubbly voices) (Pom Pom barfs)
Background: I told Pat to eat 25 minutes before his part. We'll try this again.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom, what do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: (Bubbly voices) Translates to ... All I want to do is to have (Pom Pom's left had covers the s-e) x with you.
Fake Marzipan: BACKGROUND! I'm sueing you.
Background: Crap.
Announcer: And that ends our show! (Fast Captioning: Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, Marzipan, and Pom Pom must be really pissed off at this show)
(Strong Bad is at prison)
Strong Bad: Awe crap! That's not how I do it.
(Homestar Runner turns off their TV)
Homestar Runner: Shaq doesn't look like me at all.
Marzipan: And I don't like Pom Pom or Strong Mad.
(At an alley)
Rude Short Kid: I, Eddy will change into Proffesor Scam!
(Eddy goes underground, and turns into Proffesor Scam and gets out of the pipe)
Caped Short Supervillian: I, Proffesor Scam will pull the strongest prank to men. And you, the guy who's reading this, don't tell the jerks Ed, Edd, or any of their jerky friends, okay.
Proffesor Scam: Good. Hehehehehe.
(Proffesor Scam leaves the alley)
News Announcer: In news, the leader of the Vatican who ran the longest is about to die. Now in other news, a restraunt called the PS Cafe has opened.
(News screen shows)
Proffesor Scam in Disguise: I, Cheif Preferry Scammy here to make all your foods (Makes a burger).
(Customer eats the burger)
(Customer takes a bite and turns into a penny)
"Preffery Scammy": Ha ha ha! You have fallen for my scam as you have entered ... The Scam Fortress.
(The people try to run away)
(All the doors and windows lock in the Scam Fortress)
Proffesor Scam: April Fools! You have fallen for my trap!
Customer: Oh my god! He's gonna wipe out the whole restraunt off of the face of the Earth!
Customer 2: It's a supervillian meeting idiot.
(Proffesor Scam shoots the customers turning them into cash)
Proffesor Scam: Cash looks good after you find out who it really is.
(Edd watches the news)
News: As we can see, Proffesor Scam is turning us all into gold! And I think I should hide ... (Hides under a sink)
Edd: Oh my god! Is that guy out of his head!?
Brian: Professor Scam ... what a stupid name. Whoever thought that up must be a moron who is looking forward to too much money.
Blue Kirby: Yep.
Proffesor Scam: There's nobody here that can stop me!
(Superman comes but he gets turned into a coin)
(Blue Kirby gets out from a pipe)
Proffesor Scam: A human! Where!? (Trys to shoot Blue Kirby but Blue Kirby dodges)
Blue Kirby: You are gonna pay! And who the hell are you?
Proffesor Scam: I am Proffesror Scam! And I'm gonna take you down!
(Proffesor Scam throws money missiles at Blue Kirby and Blue Kirby dodges)
(Blue Kirby kicks Proffesor Scam)
(Proffesor Scam gets hit to the ceiling)
(Proffesor Scam drops down)
(Blue Kirby eats Proffesor Scam)
(Blue Kirby spits out Proffesor Scam to the wall)
(Proffesor Scam clones himself and he tricks Blue Kirby to getting out of the Scam Fortress)
(The Scam Fortress doors lock)
Blue Kirby: I can get devices that can break in that you know!?
(The Scam Fortress flies away)
Proffesor Scam Voice: Ha ha ha ha ha! You won't escape from me!
(The fortress flies away)
Blue Kirby: That was bad timing. I gotta try again next time.
Conan Edogawa: I got kicked out of my own home and now I'm out here with nobody or food.
(Peter Griffon, Ed, and Edd plan a scam)
Peter: Here's an idea, let's adopt abandoned children!
Ed: Good idea!
Brian: Do you even have a home for them.
Peter: Yes, in the box!
Brian: No.
Peter: Erm ... basement ...
Brian: Eds live there.
Peter: Guestroom ...
Brian: We live there.
Peter: Giant Closet.
Brian: We keep clothes there.
Peter: What if we move the clothes to the other giant closet!
Biran: Good idea.
Peter: We take care of young homeless children! We can have them for free!
(Conan appears behind Blue Kirby's house)
Conan: This house sounds nice.
(Conan hears Peter's scam)
Conan: Can I live in that house mister?
Peter: Oh ... sure little kid.
Conan: Thank you.
(Blue Kirby goes home defeated)
Blue Kirby: I need a rest.
(Blue Kirby sleeps on the couch)
(When Blue Kirby wakes up)
Conan: Hello.
Blue Kirby: You're that little kid I saw!
Conan: You must be Blue Kirby.
Blue Kirby: Who told you?
Conan: A talking dog who calls himself Brian.
(Brian appears)
Brian: And that's Blue Kirby. The fatso is my owner Peter Griffon.
Conan: Oh.
Proffesor Scam turns into Eddy)
Eddy: I need my jawbreakers by using human money!
(Eddy gets all the human money and buys a lot of jawbreakers)
Eddy: Good. Maybe I should joke around. Or become ... Proffesor Scam!
(Proffesor Scam comes)
(A shadow appears in front of the mayor)
(The mayor falls asleep and is replaced with a robot)
Proffesor Scam: At the end of this April Fools, you'll never experience anything ever again mister mayor!
(Eddy tries to choak the mayor by clogging jawbreakers into the Mayor)
Mayor: (Choaking)
Proffesor Scam: These jawbreakers are scheduled to explode at 12:00 AM April 2nd.
Mayor: (While Gagged) No.
(The tape is secretly taped into the news)
News Captions: This guy is trying to kill the mayor.
Conan: Oh no! He's gonna kill the mayor!
(Conan leaves)
Blue Kirby: Where the heck are YOU going?
Conan: To ... go see the city.
Blue Kirby: Not without me and Brian.
Conan: Oh alright.
Conan: It says 11:46 PM so there's gonna be a lot of explosions in a few minutes.
Blue Kirby: Somebody's gotta save the mayor from Proffesor Scam.
Brian: (To Conan) Who are you anyways?
Conan: Just a kid. (Crosses fingers)
(The three go to the city)
Blue Kirby: Twelve minutes til destruction.
Conan: I gotta do something. (Conan runs away)
Blue Kirby: We got a loose kid! And now ... a stray dog! (Brian is sleeping)
(Conan runs up the building)
Conan: Only 10 minutes left!
(Conan hides behind a giant pipe)
(Conan kicks the giant pipe that imprisons Proffesor Scam)
Proffesor Scam: Oh no! The worst way I can die! But you'll die too in 9 minutes.
Conan: Oh ... I forgot about the explosives.
Proffesor Scam: Hehehehehehe your stupid city's gonna be blown by me!
(Proffesor Scam turns the whole pipe into a pile of money and tries to turn Conan into money)
(Conan dodges them and when he kicks a ball at them, the ball turns into money)
(Proffesor Scam turns Conan into money)
Blue Kirby: He's gonna buy Conan out and blow up this city at the same time! And it's only 8 minutes until the great explosion.
Mayor: (Gagging) Help!
Blue Kirby: I'll save you!
(Blue Kirby gets Proffesor Scam and kicks him into the mouth of the mayor)
(A needle next to a dollar makes Proffesor Scam fall asleep and drool)
(Blue Kirby lets Proffesor Scam suck out all the bombs and he spits them out; but his money missile is attracted into one of the bombs)
Blue Kirby: These bombs will explode and turn everybody back to normal.
(6 minutes later)
(Bombs explode in the sky and everyone turns back to normal)
(Conan turns back to normal)
(The cash register in the candy store explodes and humans pop out of it)
Proffesor Scam: Oh no! My sweet sweet invention! Ruined ... by a stupid puffball. I'll be back!
Blue Kirby: April Fools!
Conan: Thanks for saving the day.
Blue Kirby: Your welcome. I gotta get home in time before tommorow!
Conan: Okay, let's just let Brian.
(Cops arrest Proffesor Scam)
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End of Chapter
Hope you liked it.
As a start, this is gonna start to become a great series. So this chapter is the first one. Enjoy.
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Chapter 1
April Fooled
(At Blue Kirby's house)
Peter Griffon: Hey Blue Kirby. My dog is coming over.
Blue Kirby: That's nice.
Peter: After me and my wife got divorced, my dog packed his things and wanted to come here.
Blue Kirby: A dog eh ... What type is he?
Peter: A medium dog. He is fully white and he should be in the guest room.
Blue Kirby: Why the guest room?
Peter: He hates being treated like a dog.
Blue Kirby: Oh.
Peter: Where are the two clown kids who live in the basement?
Blue Kirby: You mean the Eds? They're at school.
Peter: Oh.
Blue Kirby: They go to a highschool around here.
Peter: What is it called?
Blue Kirby: It's called Eastern Hills Highschool. It has like 1000 people in it.
Peter: That's the school my daughter goes to!
Blue Kirby: That's cool. Some kinda bus is gonna drop off Ed and Edd near here.
(At school)
(The bell that signs the end of the day rings)
Ed: Yahoo!
(Ed and Edd run across the classes)
(One class shows a tall black kid and a tall blonde kid)
Black Kid: It's good that we're by ourselfs, huh Richie?
Richie: Yes Virgil. That guy with the hat is smart but his pal is annoying.
Virgil: I gotta agree with you there bro.
(Eds go across another classroom; classroom involves some shadow guy dissecting a frog)
Guy: I like to eat frogs!
(Guy eats the frog)
(Some short rude kid rudely opens the door from detention)
Rude Kid: What do you want?
Ed: Are you the man with the plan?
Rude Kid: I am not him anymore. You shall just call me for now on Master of this class, halls, school, street, county, city, territory, state, country, continent and world.
Edd: You know you can't do that!
Rude Kid: Grr! I'll just have to try to ... kill ... you.
Edd: Oh no!
(Afterschool; Ed and Edd walk down the street)
Edd: We're going home now. We already know the adress.
Ed: That's ...
(A missile shaped like "$" shoots Ed)
Edd: What happened?
Ed: A dollar sign hit me!
Edd: This sign looks somewhat familiar.
(A shadow walks by the Eds)
(It turns into a short kid on stilts; he has a mask on)
Short Kid: Hey you! Yeah you! If you give me a dollar, I'll give you these rare superboots!
(Ed buys one)
Edd: That's a crazy idea.
(Ed tries the "boots" on)
(The boots make him blast into deep space)
Short Kid: Pre-April Fools! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (His stall turns into a machine)
Short Kid: You are no match for the PS Machine.
(The PS Machine shoots Edd and escapes)
Edd: What the hell was that all about!?
(Ed lands at Blue Kirby's roof)
(Edd goes to Blue Kirby's house)
Blue Kirby: Why did Ed take the shortcut?
Edd: Some boots that he bought made him go into deep space and blast him into your roof.
Blue Kirby: Oh. How can I believe that?
Edd: This guy had a stall that turned into a machine.
Blue Kirby: Well, I'll go check it out.
Edd: We need help from Ed.
(Ed and Edd get the dollar sign and examine it)
(The three look at it and find out who threw the dollar sign)
Ed: Wow! That person's mean!
Edd: In the name of no trust! I knew someone like him would do it!
Blue Kirby: Is this guy ...
(Peter goes to the basement)
Peter: Hey guys! My dog came!
(A dog that is standing like a human comes; he's Brian Griffon)
Brian: Hello.
Blue Kirby: We just heard a kid bullied our friends.
Brian: Oh. That's pretty painful.
Blue Kirby: Yep.
Blue Kirby: Oh crap! We're gonna be late for the Homestar Runner TV show!
(On TV)
Announcer: Homestar Runner's Famous Show; The Homestar Runner Show! Starring Shaq (Captions:With white facepaint) as Homestar Runner!
Announcer: And the place we film it ... we got a young masked wrestler to play as Strong Bad and some big buff guy to play as Strong Mad.
(Show starts)
Announcer: Strong Mad's Date!
Black and White Fat Sad Guy: Quit bullying me Strong Bad!
Fake Strong Bad: I will not stop.
Fake Strong Mad: GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... Larzipan.
Background: That's Marzipan.
Fake Strong Mad: Right. GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... Napizram!
Background: Oops. We got it backwards.
Fake Strong Mad: Oh sorry. GARGH! I can't be late for my date tonight with ... The Cheat!
Background: Oh nevermind.
Announcer: And Strong Bad will show you his first email ever!
Fake Strong Bad: (Humming) Oh, who is the guy that checks all his emails? That's me, Big Mask.
Background: That's Strong Bad.
Fake Strong Bad: Right. (Humming) Oh who is this guy that checks all his emails? That's me, Strong Mad!
Background: I accidently put M, not B.
Fake Strong Bad: Oh ok. I'll get it right this time. (Humming) Oh who is this guy that checks all his Strong Bads? That's me email!
Background: Nevemind about that either.
Announcer: Here's the final one for today! Pom Pom the Man! My mom will be playing as Marzipan and Fat Pat will be playing as Pom Pom.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom. What do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: I like to hang out with Homestar Runner all day long.
Background: You're supposed to do the bubbly voices!
Fake Pom Pom: Oh alright. I'll try it again.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom. What do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: (Bubbly voices) (Pom Pom barfs)
Background: I told Pat to eat 25 minutes before his part. We'll try this again.
Fake Marzipan: Hey Pom Pom, what do you like to do?
Fake Pom Pom: (Bubbly voices) Translates to ... All I want to do is to have (Pom Pom's left had covers the s-e) x with you.
Fake Marzipan: BACKGROUND! I'm sueing you.
Background: Crap.
Announcer: And that ends our show! (Fast Captioning: Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, Marzipan, and Pom Pom must be really pissed off at this show)
(Strong Bad is at prison)
Strong Bad: Awe crap! That's not how I do it.
(Homestar Runner turns off their TV)
Homestar Runner: Shaq doesn't look like me at all.
Marzipan: And I don't like Pom Pom or Strong Mad.
(At an alley)
Rude Short Kid: I, Eddy will change into Proffesor Scam!
(Eddy goes underground, and turns into Proffesor Scam and gets out of the pipe)
Caped Short Supervillian: I, Proffesor Scam will pull the strongest prank to men. And you, the guy who's reading this, don't tell the jerks Ed, Edd, or any of their jerky friends, okay.
Proffesor Scam: Good. Hehehehehe.
(Proffesor Scam leaves the alley)
News Announcer: In news, the leader of the Vatican who ran the longest is about to die. Now in other news, a restraunt called the PS Cafe has opened.
(News screen shows)
Proffesor Scam in Disguise: I, Cheif Preferry Scammy here to make all your foods (Makes a burger).
(Customer eats the burger)
(Customer takes a bite and turns into a penny)
"Preffery Scammy": Ha ha ha! You have fallen for my scam as you have entered ... The Scam Fortress.
(The people try to run away)
(All the doors and windows lock in the Scam Fortress)
Proffesor Scam: April Fools! You have fallen for my trap!
Customer: Oh my god! He's gonna wipe out the whole restraunt off of the face of the Earth!
Customer 2: It's a supervillian meeting idiot.
(Proffesor Scam shoots the customers turning them into cash)
Proffesor Scam: Cash looks good after you find out who it really is.
(Edd watches the news)
News: As we can see, Proffesor Scam is turning us all into gold! And I think I should hide ... (Hides under a sink)
Edd: Oh my god! Is that guy out of his head!?
Brian: Professor Scam ... what a stupid name. Whoever thought that up must be a moron who is looking forward to too much money.
Blue Kirby: Yep.
Proffesor Scam: There's nobody here that can stop me!
(Superman comes but he gets turned into a coin)
(Blue Kirby gets out from a pipe)
Proffesor Scam: A human! Where!? (Trys to shoot Blue Kirby but Blue Kirby dodges)
Blue Kirby: You are gonna pay! And who the hell are you?
Proffesor Scam: I am Proffesror Scam! And I'm gonna take you down!
(Proffesor Scam throws money missiles at Blue Kirby and Blue Kirby dodges)
(Blue Kirby kicks Proffesor Scam)
(Proffesor Scam gets hit to the ceiling)
(Proffesor Scam drops down)
(Blue Kirby eats Proffesor Scam)
(Blue Kirby spits out Proffesor Scam to the wall)
(Proffesor Scam clones himself and he tricks Blue Kirby to getting out of the Scam Fortress)
(The Scam Fortress doors lock)
Blue Kirby: I can get devices that can break in that you know!?
(The Scam Fortress flies away)
Proffesor Scam Voice: Ha ha ha ha ha! You won't escape from me!
(The fortress flies away)
Blue Kirby: That was bad timing. I gotta try again next time.
Conan Edogawa: I got kicked out of my own home and now I'm out here with nobody or food.
(Peter Griffon, Ed, and Edd plan a scam)
Peter: Here's an idea, let's adopt abandoned children!
Ed: Good idea!
Brian: Do you even have a home for them.
Peter: Yes, in the box!
Brian: No.
Peter: Erm ... basement ...
Brian: Eds live there.
Peter: Guestroom ...
Brian: We live there.
Peter: Giant Closet.
Brian: We keep clothes there.
Peter: What if we move the clothes to the other giant closet!
Biran: Good idea.
Peter: We take care of young homeless children! We can have them for free!
(Conan appears behind Blue Kirby's house)
Conan: This house sounds nice.
(Conan hears Peter's scam)
Conan: Can I live in that house mister?
Peter: Oh ... sure little kid.
Conan: Thank you.
(Blue Kirby goes home defeated)
Blue Kirby: I need a rest.
(Blue Kirby sleeps on the couch)
(When Blue Kirby wakes up)
Conan: Hello.
Blue Kirby: You're that little kid I saw!
Conan: You must be Blue Kirby.
Blue Kirby: Who told you?
Conan: A talking dog who calls himself Brian.
(Brian appears)
Brian: And that's Blue Kirby. The fatso is my owner Peter Griffon.
Conan: Oh.
Proffesor Scam turns into Eddy)
Eddy: I need my jawbreakers by using human money!
(Eddy gets all the human money and buys a lot of jawbreakers)
Eddy: Good. Maybe I should joke around. Or become ... Proffesor Scam!
(Proffesor Scam comes)
(A shadow appears in front of the mayor)
(The mayor falls asleep and is replaced with a robot)
Proffesor Scam: At the end of this April Fools, you'll never experience anything ever again mister mayor!
(Eddy tries to choak the mayor by clogging jawbreakers into the Mayor)
Mayor: (Choaking)
Proffesor Scam: These jawbreakers are scheduled to explode at 12:00 AM April 2nd.
Mayor: (While Gagged) No.
(The tape is secretly taped into the news)
News Captions: This guy is trying to kill the mayor.
Conan: Oh no! He's gonna kill the mayor!
(Conan leaves)
Blue Kirby: Where the heck are YOU going?
Conan: To ... go see the city.
Blue Kirby: Not without me and Brian.
Conan: Oh alright.
Conan: It says 11:46 PM so there's gonna be a lot of explosions in a few minutes.
Blue Kirby: Somebody's gotta save the mayor from Proffesor Scam.
Brian: (To Conan) Who are you anyways?
Conan: Just a kid. (Crosses fingers)
(The three go to the city)
Blue Kirby: Twelve minutes til destruction.
Conan: I gotta do something. (Conan runs away)
Blue Kirby: We got a loose kid! And now ... a stray dog! (Brian is sleeping)
(Conan runs up the building)
Conan: Only 10 minutes left!
(Conan hides behind a giant pipe)
(Conan kicks the giant pipe that imprisons Proffesor Scam)
Proffesor Scam: Oh no! The worst way I can die! But you'll die too in 9 minutes.
Conan: Oh ... I forgot about the explosives.
Proffesor Scam: Hehehehehehe your stupid city's gonna be blown by me!
(Proffesor Scam turns the whole pipe into a pile of money and tries to turn Conan into money)
(Conan dodges them and when he kicks a ball at them, the ball turns into money)
(Proffesor Scam turns Conan into money)
Blue Kirby: He's gonna buy Conan out and blow up this city at the same time! And it's only 8 minutes until the great explosion.
Mayor: (Gagging) Help!
Blue Kirby: I'll save you!
(Blue Kirby gets Proffesor Scam and kicks him into the mouth of the mayor)
(A needle next to a dollar makes Proffesor Scam fall asleep and drool)
(Blue Kirby lets Proffesor Scam suck out all the bombs and he spits them out; but his money missile is attracted into one of the bombs)
Blue Kirby: These bombs will explode and turn everybody back to normal.
(6 minutes later)
(Bombs explode in the sky and everyone turns back to normal)
(Conan turns back to normal)
(The cash register in the candy store explodes and humans pop out of it)
Proffesor Scam: Oh no! My sweet sweet invention! Ruined ... by a stupid puffball. I'll be back!
Blue Kirby: April Fools!
Conan: Thanks for saving the day.
Blue Kirby: Your welcome. I gotta get home in time before tommorow!
Conan: Okay, let's just let Brian.
(Cops arrest Proffesor Scam)
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End of Chapter
Hope you liked it.