Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Adventures from Hell ❯ Train Ride ( Chapter 3 )
A/N: I'm back again. I decided to write another chapter so soon to make up for the delay of the last one. I still don't know why wont show some of the punctuation marks in the last chapter but they are fixed now. If something like that happens again then go to where this story is also posted. That's all for now so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
"Normal Conversation"
< Telepathic Conversation >
~ Thinking ~
:: Bond ::
Chapter 3 - Train Ride
It is mid morning at number four Private Drive. Most of the occupants of this house are already up and about doing what they usually do. All but one that is. This last one is currently sleeping in his bed in the smallest bedroom of the house. He had his sheets drawn over his head to block out the bright sun. Suddenly, the serene silence is broken by a ringing sound. A hand creeps out from under the sheets and reaches over to the small night table and picks up the cell phone.
"Hello?" says a very quiet voice.
"Harry? Where are you?" asks a feminine voice.
"Hermione? Oh hey. Can you call back later? I'm really tired right now.
"Harry! Don't you know what day and time it is?"
"Um . . . No?"
"Harry! It's September the first! And the Hogwarts Express is leaving right now!"
"WHAT?" Harry quickly becomes fully awake and looks over to his digital clock that he fixed a few years before, and the calendar he made at the beginning of the summer. It is indeed September the first and the clock read eleven o'one. The train would have indeed been leaving. "Listen Hermione, I got to go. I'll see you in twenty minutes."
"Harry, how do you intend to-"
Harry quickly interrupts her. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you in a few." With that, Harry hangs up the phone. He jumps out of bed and runs into the shower. After a quick shower, he quickly gets dress and puts all of his things together. He then waves his hand over his trunk while muttering a quick spell and the trunk shrinks enough to fit into his pocket. He then lets Hedwig out of her cage and does the same thing to it.
"Hedwig, fly to the Hogwarts Express. Stay with Hermione until I get there." Hedwig nibbles his ear a bit and then flies out of the window. Harry makes one more round of his room before closing his window. He rushes down the stairs and with a quick goodbye to his `family' he rushes out the house and starts running towards the park where he first met Mike. Harry looks around to see if there was anyone watching him. He then closes his eyes and starts to focus. The wind around Harry starts to pick up and after a minute, Harry is lifted off of the ground. Harry quickly accelerates and soon becomes nothing more then a blur as he is trying to find the Hogwarts Express. While all this is going on, Hermione and Ron are on the train trying to find an empty compartment.
"How could he miss the train?" asks a bewildered Ron.
"He sounded pretty tired when I talked to him. Maybe he had a rough night last night and didn't get much sleep." The two prefects finally come upon the last cabin in the train. Hermione opens it only to find it already occupied by three people that looked her age but she couldn't recognize.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We didn't think anyone was in here."
The one sitting opposite of the two looked up to her and smiled. "Think nothing of it. You're welcomed to join us if you wish. Last I checked, there weren't any empty cabins."
Hermione and Ron enter and sits down opposite of each other. Hermione decides to introduce themselves.
"Thank you for letting us stay here. I'm Hermione and that's my friend Ron. My other friend decided to sleep in and miss the train."
The man next to Hermione let out a chuckle. "That's understandable. We almost missed the train ourselves because my two friends here decided to have a wild night last night. Where are my manners? My name is Mike and these two are my good friends, Gohan and Videl."
"Hello." Gohan and Videl say at the same time. Gohan is wearing a baggy, long-sleeve, black shirt and a pair of loose blue jeans with a brown fury belt. He has black eyes and spiky black hair that seems to defy the laws of gravity. Videl is wearing the same thing and had the same type of hair. She also has blue eyes instead of black. Mike on the other hand is wearing all black. He has a black shirt with black jeans, similar to what Gohan and Videl are wearing. He is also wearing a pair of black gloves and a long, black trench coat. He has pure silver hair with a few thin streaks of different colors. Hermione couldn't see his eyes because they are covered with a stylish pair of sunglasses.
"I haven't seen any of you at Hogwarts before. Are you new or something?" asks Ron.
"Actually, just those two are attending Hogwarts. I'm just their guardian." Says Mike. "They just started to learn how to use magic two months ago. They're fast learners and I managed to get them caught up to the six years in those two months."
"That's pretty impressive. We're going into our sixth year. Who knows, we might be in the same house." Says Hermione. Before the conversation could continue though, the cabin door opens to reveal three boys. The shortest one has blond, almost white; hair slicked back and had the face of a rat. Two big goons were standing behind him like bodyguards. The little one finally speaks up with a smirk etched on his face.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A weasel, a mudblood, and some people I haven't seen before. Where's Pothead? Did he finally chicken out and is now hiding under his bed like a little baby?"
Ron is about to jump up at the one that spoke but is held down by Gohan. Before anyone could say anything though a voice is heard in the hall.
"Actually Malfoy, I'm standing right behind you." Malfoy and his goons quickly turn around to see Harry Potter?
"Potter?" asks a shocked Malfoy.
"Malfoy." Says Harry who has his arms cross and a wide smile on his face. Although, no one in the cabin could see that. Ron and Hermione are shocked to see Malfoy and his goons slowly back out and away from the cabin. Before Harry could enter though, Mike sends a telepathic message to Harry.
< Harry. When you come in here, pretend that you don't know me. >
< Mike? Is that you? >
< Yeah. We'll talk later. Just pretend that you're meeting me for the first time. >
< Um, okay. >
Harry then walks into the room with a big smile on his face. When Ron and Hermione see him, they go absolutely silent. Standing before them was Harry with Hedwig on his shoulder, but he looks completely different then he did two and a half months ago. Harry starts to get uncomfortable due to Ron and Hermione's stares.
"What? Is there something on my face?" asks Harry.
Ron is the first to snap out of his trance. "No, it's just that you look so different then before. You grew a couple inches, your shoulders are broader, and your glasses are missing."
"Oh, well over the summer I got a job in a factory moving boxes, and the book that I told you guys about had a spell in it to correct my vision. It took me a while to get it correct." Harry looks over to Hermione and is momentarily stunned by how good she looks. He quickly snaps out of it though. "You okay Hermione? You haven't said a word."
Hermione finally snaps out of it and blushes a little as she gets up and gives Harry a small hug. "I'm just so glad to see you again, that's all." Hermione finally remembers the other three occupants of their cabin. "Harry, these are new students for Hogwarts. Well those two anyway. This one just claims to be their guardian or something like that. That's Mike, Gohan, and Videl."
"Hello. How do you do? I am Harry Potter." Says Harry as he shakes each of their hands.
"Good to meet you Harry." Says Mike as Harry sits down next to Hermione. "I have a question for you kid. I was under the impression by your friends here that you overslept and missed the train. How could you have missed the train and yet, still be here . . . If you don't mind me asking."
"I was wondering the same thing Harry." Says Hermione. "I hardly doubt that you've learned to apparate and even if you did, it is next to impossible to apparate on to a moving object."
"Well, you see. I sort of . . . flew." Says Harry with a nervous chuckle at the end.
Hermione looks at Harry very sternly. "Are you insane. Flying here on your broom is very dangerous and you could have easily been seen. If anyone finds out about this, then they will expel you."
"Oh, I didn't use my broom. My broom doesn't move fast enough."
"Then how did you get here?" asks Ron.
Harry pauses for a moment before speaking up. "I used the wind element to fly me here. That way, if anyone even did see me, then all that they would have seen would have been a blur since I was moving so fast."
Hermione then becomes excited. "You've mastered the wind element?"
"Yeah. Actually I mastered all but three of the elements."
"Which three?" asks Mike.
"Um, the earth element, the dark element, and the light element."
"In other words, the three hardest elements."
"Basically." Hermione looks at Mike strangely as she hears this.
~ How would Mike know which ones are the hardest. Could he be the same Mike that Harry was talking about in the beginning of the summer? No, he can't be. Harry acted like he didn't know him when he came in. ~ Mike mentally smirks to himself as he hears Hermione's thoughts.
"So which elements have you mastered and can you show us?" asks a very interested Ron. Hermione perks up at this.
"Sure why not." Says Harry. "As a name them, I'll hold a ball of that element in my hand. Let's see, there's wind, water, fire, ice, lightning, and metal." Ron and Hermione are in awe at the display that Harry showed. Hermione snaps out of it though and quickly notices the time.
"Sorry Harry but Ron and I have to go to the front of the train for a Prefect meeting. We'll try to be back before we reach Hogwarts."
"Okay, see you two later." Ron and Hermione quickly put their robes over their clothes and make their way to the front of the train. As soon as they are out of earshot, Harry rounds on to Mike.
"Spill. Why are you here?"
"You heard what your friends said." Says Mike.
"No. All they said was that those two were going to enroll into Hogwarts. Why are you here?"
"I have my reasons. Such as helping you get the D.A. started. I've found a large enough room to hold any number of students and supplies. I hope you like the decorations. I will show it to you tomorrow after breakfast." Mike then pulls out several sheets of blank parchment. "You are to announce the D.A. tomorrow during lunch. You will tell them that if they have questions about the D.A. then they should talk to other members. At some point you need to introduce them. Just have them stand for a minute or something. Then you will place one of these sheets at one end of each house table. They will be the sign up sheets for the D.A. and they have until lunch the next day to sign up. You will also say that there will be a small test to prove that you will be trustworthy and loyal to the D.A. but you will not tell them what it is."
"Are you going to tell me?" asks Harry.
"Those sheets are the test. If the person's name on it turns red, then they are not trustworthy. If it turns green, then they are. The only ones who will notice the color changes are those who know that they will change colors. In other words, everyone in this room and Dumbledore. I suggest that you tell no one about it, not even your friends."
"Okay." They were then interrupted by a knock on the door. Harry opens it to reveal the lady with the trolley.
"Anything from the cart dearies?"
"I'll have a box of chocolate frogs and a box of Every Flavor Beans." Says Harry.
"I'll have five of everything." Says Videl.
"I'll have eight of everything." Says Gohan.
"Nothing for me, thanks." Says Mike. The lady barely heard him since she is in shock about Gohan and Videl's order. It takes a few moments to get everything off of the cart for them. Mike then hands her a small pouch containing eighty Galleons.
"Keep the change." Says Mike as she takes the pouch. Harry nearly looses his appetite as he sees Gohan and Videl inhale all of the food in a matter of minutes. They all made some idle chit chat about anything that comes to mind for the next few hours. Thirty minutes before they got to Hogwarts Ron and Hermione comes back.
"Sorry we took so long Harry. The meeting ran late, and then we had to patrol the train for trouble makers." When Mike hears this, a smirk appears on his face. Gohan and Videl see this and start to worry a bit.
"What is it Mike?" asks Videl cautiously.
"I just got a killer idea." Gohan and Videl's faces visibly pale.
"We're not involved with this are we?" asks Gohan with fear in his voice.
"Nope." Gohan and Videl sigh in relief.
"So you going to tell us what it is?" asks Videl.
"Later." Mike says simply.
The five try to get Mike to tell them for the next half hour until the Hogwarts Express comes to a stop at Hogsmeade. As they get off of the train, Harry gives Hagrid a hello as he was calling all of the first years over. Harry, Ron, and Hermione say good-bye to Mike, Gohan, and Videl as they each go their own ways. Soon everyone but Mike, Gohan, and Videl were at the castle watching the first years get sorted.
"So, what do you think of them?" asks Mike.
"This job might be fun." Says Gohan.
"It'll be even more fun if Harry agrees to my killer idea."
"You going to tell us what it is?" asks Videl.
"Later. Right now we have to get up to the castle. It's almost time to be sorted."
"Does Harry know the truth yet?" asks Videl.
"No but he may suspect something. I wont tell him anything until he figures it out."
"In other words, you wont tell him until he gets so pissed off that he'll come up to you and demand to know what's going on." Says Gohan with a smile.
Mike just laughs as they quickly fly up to the entrance and wait outside of the closed doors to the Great Hall. As they land they could clearly hear the hat sort the last person into Ravenclaw. They could then hear Dumbledore's voice.
"First a few announcements. All students are to note that the Forbidden Forest is still forbidden. Also, our caretaker Mr. Filch has thirty-two new items that are not aloud in school. A complete list can be found on his office door. Also, I know tomorrow is a Saturday but, I would like all students to be here for lunch at noon for a very important announcement. Now, I would like to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who is now standing outside waiting with two new students who will be starting as sixth years. Please say hello to Professor Mike."
The doors open and in walks Mike with Gohan and Videl behind him. Everyone remains silent in shock as they walk towards the front. They are in shock because most of the guys think that Videl is hot and most of the girls think that Mike and Gohan are hot. The main reason though is that they are shocked is because they can't believe that someone who looks sixteen will be teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts. Mike then turns around and starts to speak.
"First off, don't even think about calling me Professor Mike. Just call me Mike. Second, I may look sixteen but looks can be deceiving. And third, don't even try to ask any of us out on a date as I am sure most of you are thinking. I am not looking for a relationship, and these two are already married to each other."
"MARRIED?" shouts most of the student body and a few of the professors.
"Yes married. There is one more thing. I am offering one thousand house points for whom ever get hit me with any type of spell from now to the end of the year feast. You can attack me at any time and if you hit me with one then your house will get a thousand house points. But be warned. I have permission to attack back if I so see fit. So my suggestion to you is to pay attention to my moods. Now that that's settled, lets sort these two into their house so that we can eat." Mike leads the two over to the stool with the old hat on it. "First off, Son, Gohan."
Gohan sits on the stool and puts the hat on his head. It takes the hat more than five minutes to finally sort him. "GRYFFINDOR!" The same thing happens with Videl and she too is also sorted into Gryffindor. Before Gohan and Videl go to sit down, Mike stops them to whisper something into their ear.
"Don't eat too much, your real meals is in your room. I've managed to get you a private, soundproof room at the top of the male side. The Gryffindor Prefects already know this and will tell you where you need to go."
"Thanks Mike." Each of them says at the same time.
After an hour everyone gets up to go to bed.
A/N: There you have it. So how will the students take the news of the D.A.? Find out in the next installment of Harry Potter and the Adventures From Hell.