Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Adventures from Hell ❯ The New D.A. Room ( Chapter 4 )
A/N: I know that I haven't updated either of my two stories in over a month now and I am sorry. I've just haven't been in much of a mood to write for a while. I know that that is not a good excuse but that's all that I can come up with. There is a way though that I can somewhat make it up to all of you. As none of you know, this month (September) marks the month for my seventeenth birthday. In celebration for this, I will try to upload a total of seventeen chapters throughout this month. Eight chapters for one of my stories and nine for the other. Which will get which I do not know yet. We'll see as the month goes on. Hopefully I can live up with that goal. With that said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
"Normal Conversation"
< Telepathic Conversation >
~ Thinking ~
:: Bond ::
Chapter 4 - The New D.A. Room
The next morning, Harry was the first one awake for once. He quickly showered and went down to the Grand Hall at 7:00am to quickly eat his breakfast. By the time he finishes Hermione is entering the Grand Hall.
"You know, I think this is the earliest that I've seen you up Harry. Especially on a weekend."
Harry quickly looks up as he hears Hermione's voice. He starts to lose himself in her eyes again but quickly shakes himself out of it. "I couldn't keep asleep. Mike's going to be showing me the new D.A. room." ~ That's mostly true. I couldn't wait to see the room that and the fact that I keep having nightmares from the night that Sirius died. ~
"Can I come with you two also?"
"No you can't." says Mike as he appears behind the two out of nowhere, which startled Hermione a bit. "You will have to wait till tomorrow after lunch just like everyone else. Now Harry, if you're done eating then lets go. Say goodbye to your friend. You wont be back until lunch time."
"See you at lunch Hermione." Says Harry as he quickly goes after Mike as he sees him walking out of the Great Hall. "So where is this grand place that you've promised me?"
"Do you even know the meaning of the word patience." Says Mike with a smirk.
Harry blushes in embarrassment a bit as he continues to follow Mike down the halls. After a few turns and a few flights of stairs they come across one of the girls bathroom. Not just any girls bathroom but. . .
Mike just looks at him with a sly smile. "Yup. It is the most secretive place in Hogwarts. I've had Dumbledore permanently close this bathroom for use saying it is solely of Myrtle and Myrtle only." The two then walks in. "Hey Myrtle, you in here?"
"I'm right here Mike." Says Myrtle as she comes out of one of the cubicles.
"Harry. I'm sure the two of you have met before. Myrtle here will be the first defense to the entrance to the chamber. She will let you know if anyone tries to sneak in."
"That's nice of you Myrtle." Says Harry.
"Yea well I can't just sit around this bathroom or go sneaking into the Prefects bathroom all of the time."
Harry blushes a bit as he remembers his encounter with Myrtle in the Prefects bathroom during his fourth year.
"Yes well, Nearly Headless Nick and Peeves will be helping her whenever she is busy and can't watch over the entrance. Now I've changed the entrance a little bit. On the surface it looks exactly the same." Says Mike as he walks over to one of the sinks. "You see this slot here?" asks Mike as he points to the slot below the picture of the snake.
"You are going to put the final list into there. That way, the entrance will let anyone in that is on that list and no one else. If you want someone who is not on the list to go down there then you're going to have to use that little ability of yours to open it. Any questions so far?"
"Actually yeah. You said that you would come up with some test to prove those who will be trustworthy and loyal to the D.A. What is it?"
"Good question." Mike pulls out four parchments, each two feet long out of his coat. "This afternoon, you are to tell the school that those who are interested then sign your name on the parchment on your respected tables. Tell them they have twenty-four hours to sign up. That's about it."
"How can that be a test of trustworthiness and loyalty?" asks a very confused Harry.
"You know how the sorting hat looks into a person's mind to see what house a person belongs in?" After receiving a nod from Harry he continues. "Well it's like that, but instead of searching a person's mind the parchment will search a person's soul. The reason for that is because you can fool people with your mind but not your soul. If the ink of the name turns green then they are trustworthy and loyal. If it turns red then they are not. If after they join and their name turns purple, that means that they have betrayed you. Understand?"
"Yeah but why shouldn't I tell anyone about it."
"Because the test is all the more effective if they don't know about it. Also, only those who know about the color change will actually see the color change. That's another reason why you shouldn't tell anyone about it. Not even your friends or Dumbledore."
"Got it. Tell no one." Harry pauses for a moment before speaking up again. "You did redecorate the chamber didn't you? I don't think many people will like it much with all of the snakeheads, the bones, and all of that other stuff."
"Of coarse I redecorated it. What do you think I am, stupid or something? Anyway, lets go down there and have a look shall we." Mike walks over to the sink and it automatically opens for him and Harry. Mike jumps in and is shortly followed by Harry. They start their slide down the pipes, which Harry notices, looks a lot cleaner then it did during his second year. After a minute of sliding they reach the bottom and instead of the bones of dead rats, they land in big plush cushions. Harry looks around and sees that the walls are painted white. Harry then notices a big round circle painted on the floor next to the pipe that they just came out of.
"Mike, what's that circle for?"
Mike turns around to see what Harry is talking about. "Oh that. That is the exit. All that you have to do is push that button on the wall there. Then keep all of your body parts within the circle. A set of rings will descend around you and it will transport you back up to the bathroom, but no more than ten people at a time can use it. (A/N: it is just like the transport rings from the television show called Stargate. Oh and I don't own those either.) Now if you'd follow me, I'll show you the new and improved Chamber of Secrets."
Mike then walks down the tunnel followed shortly by Harry. After a minute of walking, they come to a round door. Instead of seeing the snake lock that he remembers Harry instead sees a set of symbols on the outer edges with a diamond with an arrow imbedded in it in the center.
"To unlock this door you basically press your hand to the diamond and turn it to each symbol that makes up the password. The door will automatically change the password each month and will contact every member of the D.A. through their dreams and tells them the new password. Each symbol is actually a letter in the Greek alphabet. The password for this week is Alpha, Gamma, Theta, Delta, Mew."
As Mike says this he turns the diamond to each symbol. As he puts in Mew the symbols on the door start to glow and start to spin. Then with a loud clank, the door swings open. What Harry sees puts him into a complete shocked silence.
Instead of the hard stone floor it once was, is now a lush grayish blue carpet that seems to be more like rubber hen carpet. Instead of the five, stone snakeheads on each side of the entrance, was now a head of five different animals. This included a head of a Griffon, an Eagle, a Badger, a Snake, and a Phoenix. The two continues into the main chamber to see that it two has changed. Where Salazar Slytherin's big stone head use to be is now a set of five smaller heads. These included Godric Gryffindor's, Helga Hufflepuff's, Rowena Ravenclaw's, and Salazar Slytherin's head all in a circle. In the middle was the stone head of none other than Merlin the Magnificent. Above the heads was a crest very similar to the Hogwarts crest. It had the four animals that make up the Hogwarts crest but instead of an `H' in the middle, there is now a picture of a phoenix. Below the statue heads, where the pool of water use to be is now smooth mound of sand with a bomb fire on each side. After a minute of looking around, Harry notices three chambers branching off of the main one on each side of him.
"What's through those chambers Mike?"
"I'll show you." Mike leads Harry towards the nearest chamber on the left side. "This first one here is basically for reference. As you can see there are thousands and thousands of books here. It is composed of both magic books and Muggle books. It's the largest collection of books in all of Europe. All you have to do to find a book is write the title, author, and/or subject in that book there and it will transport you to the area where it is located."
"Hermione is going to love this. It'll be hard to drag her out of here." Mike just smirks and leads him to the middle chamber on the left side.
"This one is for weapons storage. As you can see, there are a wide variety of weapons here. Each type of weapon has been grouped together and there is a small easy to follow manual on how to use each weapon under each group."
Mike then leads him to the third chamber on the left. Harry looks inside and only sees a bunch of small round tables that could seat about six people each. "This is basically a room to hold meetings or have some sort of discussions. The three chambers on the right are not that important. The first one contains a set of doors that will lead you pretty much anywhere in Hogwarts such as the Great Hall, Infirmary, and excreta. Those doors are only one way and that way is out and not in. No one will see nor notice when a door might appear throughout the castle whenever one is used. The other two chambers are basically sleeping quarters and bathrooms. Boys have the middle chamber and the girls have the last chamber. Any questions?"
"No. This is great Mike. I don't know how I could ever thank you."
"I might have a way you in which you could thank me." Says Mike mysteriously.
"Name it."
"Stop blaming yourself."
A look of confusion comes across Harry's face as he hears Mike's request.
"Stop blaming myself for what?"
"Stop blaming yourself for not being able to defeat Voldemort, for Cedric's death, and. . . for Sirius's death."
That last one hit Harry the hardest.
"But it's my fault. I could have prevented it all from happening."
"No you couldn't. You cannot defy destiny. It was their time to die."
"YOU COULD'VE WHAT?" Yells Mike right back at a shocked Harry. It takes him a minute to come back to his senses.
"I could've taken the cup and Cedric wouldn't have died. I could've checked that damn mirror and see if Sirius was really gone. I could've. . ."
"ENOUGH! You need to learn to wake up boy! The real world doesn't work on could'ves! What's done is done and you can't change that. But you could learn from it and prevent it from ever happening again!"
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IF ONLY-" Harry doesn't get a chance to finish that statement because Mike punches him in the face and sends him flying across the room. Harry slowly gets up and stares at Mike in shock with blood flowing freely from his nose.
"You need to learn and accept that death is a part of life. Don't try to run and hide from it like Voldemort did."
"DON'T YOU DARE TO EVER COMPARE ME TO THAT MONSTER!" With that, Harry throws a fireball causing a massive explosion that shakes the entire castle as it collides with Mike.
By now, everyone is up and in the Great Hall for breakfast and they all feel the shaking. The only two that seemed to be not bothered by it is Gohan and Videl.
"What in the bloody hell was that?" exclaimed Ron.
Videl looks up from he meal and answers him. "My guess would have to be that Mike and Harry are having a bit of an. . .argument." She then goes back to her meal ignoring the shocked looks from everyone around her. Hermione looks worried the most though.
~ I hope Harry's all right. ~
Back in the D.A. room, Harry is throwing every type of element he could at Mike. His normally green eyes were now blood red and full of rage. Mike on the other hand is completely calm and is dodging everything that Harry throws at him with ease. He then disappears and reappears right in front of Harry and delivers a swift knee to the gut and an elbow to the spine. Harry crumbles to the ground with the wind knocked out of him.
"If you're only going to learn one thing from me then learn this boy. Do not let your anger control you. Use it to help you but don't let it consume you. You make too many mistakes that way. Plus you'll live a lot longer." With that Mike disappears leaving Harry to think about a few things. No one sees or hears from neither Mike nor Harry until lunchtime.
All of the staff and students were in the Great Hall anxiously awaiting the announcement that Dumbledore said would be the night before. Hermione looks around to see if she can find Harry anywhere but couldn't. ~ Where is he? He should be here by now. What if he's hurt? ~ Hermione then looks up to the head table where she sees Mike with a smirk on his face and for some reason calms down a bit. Dumbledore stands up and everyone immediately quiets down.
"As all of you remember, I said that someone would have an announcement today during lunch but he doesn't seem to be here yet." Just as he says this Harry walks into the Great Hall with a wide smile on his face.
"Sorry that I'm late Professor. I lost track of time."
"Not at all Harry. You may make your announcement now."
"Thank you sir."
As Harry continues to walk to the front of the Hall, Dumbledore looks over to Mike with a raised eyebrow.
< I haven't seen Harry this happy since his first Quidditch victory and I believe that you have something to do with that. > Replies Dumbledore telepathically to Mike.
< Let's just say that the kid and I had a little heart to heart talk. > Before Dumbledore could say anything else, Harry speaks up.
"As most of you know we had a terrible Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher last year. Show of hands, who agrees with me?" Just about everyone in the hall raised their hands except for half of the Slytherins. Even all of the staff members raised their hands.
"Yes well, one of my best friends, Hermione, came up with the idea to start our own DADA club since we weren't learning anything from Umbrage's class. She believed that I was best qualified to lead it. After much persuasion I finally accepted the idea."
"In other words, she kept bugging you to do it until you caved." Says Mike with a wide smirk on his face.
"Well. . .yeah, basically." Many of the students start to laugh a little. "Anyway Hermione got about twenty five so odd people to join which was a lot more than I expected but I still continued with the idea thanks to some more persuasion on Hermione's part. We've soon dubbed our name as Dumbledore's Army more as a joke than anything else at the time or D.A. for short. At first, it was a little rocky since some of the older students didn't think that I could teach them anything but they soon learned how wrong they were. They have all sent me letters saying how they got perfect scores on the DADA parts of their final test last year thanks to me. As a result of that, I have decided to continue with the D.A. Since it no longer needs to be done in complete secrecy, I am opening it up to the entire school. On each of your tables you will see that I placed a sheet of parchment on the end. If you wish to join, all you have to do is put your name on it. You have between now and noon tomorrow to sign up. The hours for meetings will be as followed. I will meet with first years through forth years on Mondays and Wednesdays and fifth through seventh years on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the D.A. room. Only those who are part of the D.A. will learn of its location. For those who were on the D.A. last year, you will need to sign up if you want to continue it. Also, we are not using the same room as last year because that room is too small. One more thing, last year we had a slight problem with loyalty to the D.A. Therefore, everyone who signs up will have to take a small test to see if you will be trustworthy and loyal to the D.A. Oh and would all of the previous members please stand for a moment. If you have any questions about the D.A. you can ask anyone of them or myself. Thank you."
Harry goes over to his table and sits down with his friends while excited whispers spread out through the Great Hall while the teachers looked shock. They heard that Harry was started some sort of club last year but they didn't know any of the details about it.
(A/N: Watch now as I magically speed up time to the next day at noon.)
Harry is once again standing in the front of the Great Hall with everyone's eyes on him.
"Thank you to all for signing up for the D.A. Before I continue though, I have a little confession to make. Unbeknownst to anyone, all who've signed up for the D.A. has already taken the test to see who's would be trustworthy and loyal to the D.A. If I call your name you are to remain here after lunch and I will lead you all to the D.A. room. Out of the two hundred people who signed up only one hundred and twenty three of you passed." Harry then starts to read off names by house starting with Gryffindor. Some of the names he called were Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Cho, Luna, and many others. Soon he comes to those of Slytherin and reads off the first eight of the nine people who have been accepted.
"And the last person from Slytherin to be accepted to the D.A. is. . ." Harry spaces out as he sees the final name. He then turns to Mike. "Are you sure that that test was correct?"
"Yes. The test is one hundred percent accurate with zero percent of error."
"But. . .but. . ."
"Face it kid. He's been accepted into the D.A."
With a grunt of frustration Harry turns back to the bewildered Great Hall.
"The final student to be accepted into the D.A. is. . .Draco Malfoy."
A/N: So how's that for a come back chapter? How will everyone take Malfoy's acceptance to the D.A.? Find out in the next installment of Harry Potter and the Adventures from Hell.