Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Madness ❯ Peter Criss Catman and Mate ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Season of the Moon
By Trynia Merin
Using Ideas provided by Simone Black, the Wild Chyld
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. Toriyama does. However I do own Atomique aka Tomique, Simone the Wild Chyld, Jeannie the Dragon Womyn. Christine is owned by Bulma the Babe. I don't own KISS; they are fictional characters based on the rock group KISS owned by KISS Catalogue. The ideas that appear here are their property, and that of Dark Horse and Marvel, and Image. Any other characters that are fan creations are mine and mean no harm to any of the series in this fan fiction. I don't get paid for this!
In this part we will catch up with what happened to Simon and the Beast King, Peter Criss. Simone the Wild Chyld when we last left her was the only one that was able to return. William the egg had been handed to her. But in the resulting confusion was passed on to the others. Eventually the dragon egg made its way to Gene, the only one of the Four who had survived. Or so they thought. Perhaps Peter was still alive?
Chapter 1 the Wild Chyld, Mate of Cat Man the Beast King
Three years had passed. Simone glanced up through the gaps in the clouds. All around her the Pack ran, casting off their human skins to dance to the silvery moon. For the past few months the air had slowly cleared. In the mountains the gaps were more intermittent, letting them all abandon reason for instinct.
"My love, run with me," she laughed, grasping Peter's hands.
"It's a dream, a dream come true," he laughed deeply. Bones and flesh merged with the light of the moon. Fur sprouted with the long tail bursting from his back. It dropped and flickered about, whipping the backs of her thighs.
Simone's body blurred in green and silver ki. Abandoning wolf form she took on the Black Panther mode that she had struggled so hard to perfect. Before her a black and white tuxedo cat dropped on all fours, the same size as a large lion. Lithe and graceful, the Black Panther regarded him with gold eyes. Clouds wreathed the moon, shimmering in threads of silver that awakened their hearts.
"Dance with me!" Peter roared, throwing back his head. All around them the Pack danced morphing into the bears, lions, wolves and other beasts that the full moon awakened. They were unaware that another couple was hours from joining them.
Simone's blood burned hot. She rolled over and over with her mate, fastening her fangs at his neck. They bit one another, supping on the blood that bonded ferals in a never-ending cycle. Tonight was the Moon, the mother Goddess. She had made her presence known that first time three months ago. Round, fat and silver, she had forced the change to all the People in the Pack.
To look back on it now, she felt mirth. It had been so long and now she was again in her mate's arms, celebrating the return of the moon's silvery light.
"So many months I wandered, out of my head," Peter Criss said, bumping his nose under hers and biting her jaw.
"You were feral," said Simone, nipping his nose and chin. They rubbed muzzles. He bit the back of her neck, and mounted her.
She screamed as he thrust himself inside. They joined as one, moving and pumping under the Moon. Till he spilled inside and Simone was again seeded with the Beast King's excitement. They lay panting after the climax, nuzzling and nipping one another.
Blood hung thick in the forest by the Den. Although they chased the bison, there were many dens they had come to mark as theirs. Peter slowly rose and scratched the tree, smelling. "I'm checking my messages," he laughed.
"Any smells you smell?"
"Just the Drau. They've been this way. They're clearing out so we can hunt. And there have been some signs that the skies are continuing to clear. By next full moon there will be enough clean air if we stay in the mountains."
"Good," said Simone. "We all need to Change."
"It's the moonlight that triggers it the best. Gives us the full shebang," Peter Criss said.
"But we changed without the moonlight," she said.
"Only cause it's in our blood. Seeing the moon strengthens us. Maybe there are some kinda weird rays that add to the change. Cause I'm far stronger than I've EVER been," he laughed, rolling over in the leaves. She laughed as well, colliding with his furry side. Both mates rolled and nipped before he thrust his cock inside her depths again, causing the dew of her love to again flow with his milky seed.
"I'll give ya a few kittens, Simone. I love ya, you know that?"
"Yes, I love you too, Peter," she whispered.
"If only Tyler and Mona were here," he whispered.
"Any scent?"
"They're alive. In some other crazy world," Peter rumbled, purring deeply. "Haven't ya had the dreams?"
"Yes. But mine are about giant apes and the moon. Feral space monkeys," she giggled.
"Space monkeys?" he joked. "Get serious."
"Whenever I think about Tryn, I see a big space monkey. Changing under the full moon. It's weird. She's a Star Child, not a Feral."
"Who knows. But it's her?"
"She's alive. And she's trying to get back, like Tyler and Mona are. Jeannie and Christine are in the dreams sometimes. Dancing with monkeys under the full moon," she laughed.
"You wanna share your stash?" Peter asked.
"I've a little to smoke later," she said quietly. "After the moon goes down and we change back."
"You know I'd love it," he sighed. The plants grew readily now, as the Beast King and his mate Wild Chyld curled up amongst them. Silvery light spilled over them both, kissing their bodies with its grace. What had brought the two back together was nothing short of the Goddess' will.
After the battle with Blackwell, she had sensed the life of her mate Peter snuffed out. Atomic Girl, Black Widow and Dragon Womyn were torn away, while the children Mona and Tyler along with Elliot were swept away in Ace's time loop. He gave his all to save them and the talismen before vanishing in a silver blaze like a supernova.
A week later Simone was reeling from the loss. They had chased the bison across the valley over the swollen rivers for many days. Gathering up those that had yielded to the burning in their blood. Heavy dreams that contained powerful 'medicine' had arisen in Simone's mind two and a half years ago. Twenty-five children and mates had followed her into darkness to hide at the last battle. Blackwell had claimed the lives of the Four, or so they thought.
Through corridors and burrows she had led the remnants of the children. Till they emerged in a beautiful long forgotten place. Thick with choking clouds, the tall trees struggled to push out leaves despite the ruined skies. There she had led them to a dark cool cave. The next few weeks she had taught the children to hunt. Over the next few months there was no sign that Atomique, Black Widow, or Dragon Womyn would return. Her heart ached for news of Peter.
Changes started to happen amongst the children. Small shots of morphine from one animal to another. Some of those that were left had the face of the Star. Star Children and Wild Children put their strengths together, following the boiling of their blood. Simone's dreams grew in multitude, awakening that wild chikara within. Abandoning all reason she cast aside doubts to embrace the change fully. Every 28 days even though they couldn't see the moon they would morph to full animal while the Star Children surrendered to the visions.
Hunting was the way that they lived. Amidst the rack and ruin they fled from the cities to the Outer wilds. Running free in their transitional forms. The children learned to trigger the changes at will. Choker collars sang to an emptied world, but linked them to others in a dark cave.
Trynia's brother answered the call. His soldiers were weary and sore, starving. Huge stacks of game were presented to those that Star Child and Demon had brought in. Eric and Bruce's group emerged from their bunker and saw the piles of fresh game offered by Simone's band. To survive, Eric and Bruce adopted the wild Pack into their fold.
They became the hunters, showing others how to live off the land. Small shoots of green crept pale through ashy soil. Slowly the air cleared till the gaps in the clouds would appear. Tantalizing bits of starlight crept through some nights. On the high peaks Simone would howl at the hidden moon, till she climbed the highest of the Rockies to behold it. The Moon beckoned to its daughter, and Wild Chyld knew she was home.
Then came more dreams. Dreams of large apes dancing in the moonlight. Dreams of war and battle across time and space. Dreams of spirits. A great power fluctuated, and she saw them. The children of Oberon emerging from their hollow hills to glance around. They walked into the ruins of the cities of man, shaking their heads. Several silver and gold haired Elves carried their bows, walking towards the shelter.
They were received with gladness and wariness. Simone walked ahead to their leader, Mavrimorn. Something about him was familiar, till she learned the truth.
"We are some of the last people. You have changed as well?" he asked.
"Skyler?" she asked. "Is that YOU?
"Simone?" he gasped.
"Wild Chyld. You are alive? How?"
"Some of us crashed in our planes. We spent lost of time underground. Eventually we emerged, but the world was dead. Then the Destroyers came. Strangely over time we became what you see. It was like the magic inside was let out, and we knew we were Children of Oberon. The fair folk reborn. The way between worlds was open and we saw the light of Astron Tellar."
"You too? Any more of you?"
"All around the world we're shedding our human skins of man. Embracing elf kind that was long hidden. We're all reborn as you are. Something wonderful and awful is coming. The wall between worlds is breaking as the battle is joined."
"It makes no sense and all sense. I've had the dreams of the full moon. But the man I love is gone from me," Simone whispered.
"You are the mate of the Beast King," said Mavrimorn. "We have seen him in the wilds. Where we have built our villages."
"Why are you here after so much time?"
"We saw the White and black faced disciples of the Four. The only ones of Men that have kept their forms. Those others that are not Elfkind are deep in their bunkers. They have taken the way of the sons of Earth."
"Dwarves? Are you joking?" she gasped. "Since WHEN did this become a J.R.R. Tolken wannabe?"
"Since the dimension rips happened. The Destroyers have opened the way for chikara to freely flow. Changing our DNA to the hidden races contained so long ago. I get it so much," Mavrimorn said. "Your people don't need to hide from us."
"Wish we'd known that before. We've lost so many," she whispered. "It's taking all of my Pack to keep those people alive in there."
"They are welcome to come down to our village in the valley. There are perhaps three hundred of us in this band. Elves are scarce but we've made the change. Those that haven't are like the Pack. And in the dreams I've had, there are much like us in Europe and other places. We're no longer alone," he said.
"You'd better come with me, and meet…"
"The Bard and the Hawk, yes," said Mavrimorn. "In dreams Lady Domino has told us. We spent a bit of dramatize there too. Where I was trained in the Citadel to lead, as the first among the children of Oberon. Now we must show others the way now that the Four are no more."
"But where is Peter?"
"He moves this way. I think it's best if you hunt him while we see to the others in the Bard and the Hawk's party," he said.
"You've noticed the air's clearing?"
"The lords of the Celestial are clearing the skies. But there is so much to be done. The Space Ace can only do so much. The Beast King and Wild Chyld must break the bonds and restore what Man has held back. We are only disciples now of the Lady Mother Gaia," Mavrimorn nodded.
"Okay. I'll buy it for now. But if this wasn't the end of the damn world I'd say you were smoking something I wish I had," said Simone with a sigh. Hugging Skyler now Mavrimorn, she morphed to her Cat shape to follow the scent.
A universe and a dimension away, the dreams of the Moon were shared by another feral. One who had once been human but now was changed. Another being with a tail and the propensity to morph during the Moon's fullness. Now she was Saiyan, or half of their blood. An alien race of warriors who once plundered worlds to sell them to more advanced species. Now they were fighting to survive on a world much like earth, called Chikyuu by its inhabitants.
Atomique had come here when her children were stolen away from another Earth where alchemy was law. Ace's power had sent her and the twins to an earth of he called the Full Metal alchemist where she'd lived serving their Military as a State Alchemist for room and board. Then the Destroyers tracked her down and stole her sons.
Fortunately fate intervened when the Destroyers accidentally landed in Chikyuu and two inhabitants of the Earth's Special forces known as Z fighters had rescued the boys. For a year or so Son Goku and Prince Vegeta, the two last full-blooded Saiyans alive fostered them. Then Atomique arrived on Chikyuu chased by Destroyers to find her sons alive and well cared for. Along with her friends Dragon Womyn and Black Widow.
She had also found a mate. Star Child had severed the mind bond with her, having charged Son Goku with the care of their two sons Fermi and Bohr. Thus rejected, she became the mate of the Saiyan warrior Radditzu, also from her universe. He and Nappa had stumbled into Chikyuu searching for Prince Vegeta. Both Saiyans were the last of their kind living from her universe, and had joined the ragtag Z Fighters. They had served their Prince and become his guards. Atomique and Radditzu married and by some strange fate her alchemical powers had shaped her body into a half-blooded Saiyan. She was pregnant with Radditzu's children, and the pregnancy had set off an irreversible change. Growing a furry brown tail, her bones increased in density, giving her the power to change into a large Ape during each full moon.
Now the feral Atomique known as Tomique the Saiyan mate of Radditzu shivered. She sat bold upright, gasping as she panted. Her spirit had moved out of her body at that moment. Her skin crawled and she turned over. On her lips was the name, "SIMONE!"
"You okay, love?" her mate rumbled next to her in the bed.
"My skin's crawling," she gasped. "I was dreaming about wolves and the full moon."
"It's a full moon tonight. Didn't you remember?" Radditzu said quietly, stroking down her arm.
"Do we DARE look at it? I mean the people in West City have been bitching lately about monsters ever since the Destroyers have been appearing again," she whispered.
"Who the hell cares? Napa and Cabernet are probably out already. And you NEED to practice the change," her mate said, running a finger down her arm.
"The babies?"
"They'll need it too," he said. "C'mon, look at the Moon with me, Tomique-chan."
"Let's get away from Capsule first. Why didn't we just LEAVE the city? No, we can't just REMEMBER that the full moon is every 28 freaking days," she griped. Radditzu laughed, helping her to stand up as he grabbed his armor and dressed. They kept the blinds closed, hoping not to trigger the change prematurely. The moon had not yet risen, and there was enough time to get clear of Capsule before it emerged.
Dreams and voices rung in Tomique's brain. Inside the two Saiyan whelps were tumbling and kicking. At first she was unsure if the fluttering was really her children, but there was no mistaking a sensation she well knew from the previous time. Half of her wondered if they'd resemble her? Would they change as she changed?
Were monkeys, she thought as she lifted off from the Balcony. Spires and domes of West City were bathed in orange light as she and Radditzu blasted off. They gained altitude, streaking across the planes to the designated romp area by the beach where the Prince said it was all right to change. Capsule owned vast tracts of land, allowing its Saiyan employees full run of the beach.
Provided there was no wholesale destruction. Vegeta wanted his warriors to be in top form. Three months had passed since Christine and Jeannie had left. Tomique's dreams had wended towards were wolves and visions of her abandoned home. She half wondered if it was a Saiyan gift to see things, when Radditzu had told her about his father.
"My dad could see the future," he said as they flew along. "But it's not a typical Saiyan trait to be clairvoyant. Father gained the ability after the raid on Carnivore."
"Sounds better then planet Meat," he laughed. "Stupid translation program. We're only five minutes from moonrise. Stand ready."
Quick flashes of dancing wolves wended their way across her mind's eye. A strange voice echoed in her ear as she touched down next to her mate. On a hillside they gazed across to the valley vista. Slowly the threads of silver began to drift over the distant sea. Waves lapped on a sandy strip of beach where she had first changed. Tomique had undergone three such changes to Giant Ape, and each left her bewildered. Each time she retained more memory of her transformative times. Perhaps this night she would remember all with perfect clarity.
"The power within," she whispered, glancing at the silver undulating bands. She strode down the hillside towards the sand dunes. Waves lapped harder, tumbling at high tide. Radditzu laughed as he followed her, enjoying the look of wonder on his mate's face. What she had once dreaded she now welcomed.
"What love?"
"The power within," she whispered, glancing out to sea. Her eyes widened at the sliver of curvature peeking from just over the horizon. Shading her eyes with a hand she peered through the lese of her scouter towards the moonrise.
Gold and fat, it slid upwards. Transfixed she stood, her eyes widening at the sight of the full moon's disc. Radditzu spanned his arms wide, removing his scouter to set at his hip. "Don't we have to take off the armor?" she asked.
"You know as well as I do that it will stretch to accommodate us, love," he laughed. "Unless you enjoy being in the altogether."
"My bad," she laughed, removing the scouter so she had an uninterrupted view of the rising disc. Within her mind bubbled up the red miasma. Prickles of tiny needles, thousands of them burst through her skin. Bones seemed to swell in size, as the tingling at the base of her spine buzzed upwards. Radditzu clenched his fists, leaning over as his hair increased in size. Eyes glowed pink, then ruby red as his muzzle lengthened and great fangs erupted into a simian face. Sharply she felt her own skin bristling with brown fur the same shade as the band that wrapped her waist. Both their tails dropped, flowing freely behind them as they burst out of their small frames. All at once the ground shrank and retreated. That familiar ruby haze crawled over all her senses with the tingling ki snapping around her. Muscles shaped and morphed into large features, her power level increasing tenfold.
Throwing back his head, Radditzu roared. Long hair swirling in the quacking wind. Tomique could not hold back the bellow in her own throat, as the moon possessed her. Soon there were two Oorzu snarling at the silvery moon on the mountainside. Tomique's tail lashed out as she began to stomp towards the sea. Loud roars echoed over mountainsides as something burst from her throat and lit up in a crimson beam sizzling the ocean before it.
"Control it!" Radditzu growled in a bone-crunching snarl. Huge hands grasped her arms, the Great ape's red coal eyes burning into hers. Somehow the features were his, she knew them instinctively. With his body he blocked the next beam. Tomique clamped her mouth shut, letting great gusts of hot air sizzle against his brown fur.
"Can't stop," she snarled.
"You own the beast inside. Your power is mighty and strong. Surrender to its strength but don't abandon control!" he snarled.
"Still so hard," she gasped.
"Come at me. Fight me. Show me what you wish to destroy!" he snarled, backing away. Tomique surrendered to bloodlust, charging at him as she pounded her chest. His body blocked hers, and the two Oorzu rolled over and over towards the sand.