Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Madness ❯ Radditzu and his Mate Tomique ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Season of the Moon
By Trynia Merin
Using Ideas provided by Simone Black, the Wild Chyld
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. Toriyama does. However I do own Atomique aka Tomique, Simone the Wild Chyld, Jeannie the Dragon Womyn. Christine is owned by Bulma the Babe. I don't own KISS; they are fictional characters based on the rock group KISS owned by KISS Catalogue. The ideas that appear here are their property, and that of Dark Horse and Marvel, and Image. Any other characters that are fan creations are mine and mean no harm to any of the series in this fan fiction. I don't get paid for this!
Chapter 2 The Saiyan and his Kin
Tomique groaned, turning over in the surf. Around her back his arms wrapped, holding her from behind. The gold sun blazed in her dark eyes, reminding her that it was another day. Slowly she blinked up, shaking away sleep. Echoes of wrestling with her mate rung within her mind. Gently a hand covered her belly, rubbing and sensing the ki of their whelps.
"I remember it all," she whispered, peering up into her mate's dark bottomless black eyes that regarded her. He threw his muscled leg over to straddle her, light gleaming off the leg ring on his left thigh.
"Good, very good," he whispered. Small bitemarks were slowly healing all up and down his arms.
"Did I do that?" she asked.
"It's nothing. You were also tenderized," he laughed, nuzzling the multiple bites and scratches festooning her flesh.
"The armor?"
"We both prefer to sleep with nothing on," he laughed, lowering himself on her. She reached up to kiss him, tasting blood of fresh game on his lips.
"Simone, I hear you," she thought as the voices of the Wild Chyld echoed.
"Love?" Radditzu asked, gazing down at her.
"You heard it too? Through our bond?" she asked.
"A friend from elsewhere? Yes. I thought it was some memory, but it's your friend. How can she have the strength to communicate from another universe?" Radditzu asked, rolling off her. He helped her to sit up as he rubbed his cheek to hers.
"I don't know. We should ask the Prince," she said quietly. Atomique hugged herself, shivering despite the kiss of warm salty air. Her world was returning in her non-human thoughts, taunting and tantalizing her to return.
"Aren't you happy, my love?" he asked.
"Yes, but I can't stop dreaming. Sooner or later I've got to go back and at least try and put things right," she said.
"You won't go alone," Radditzu said firmly. "I'll be going as well."
"You can't just run off," she said.
"Neither can you, but we've got to go find the source of these visions. After the whelps are born," Radditzu said, kissing her nose. He handed her a piece of the boar he'd killed, letting her tear into the meat. She swallowed the blood with relish, not caring that it was raw.
"I can't just leave my kids to someone again," she said.
"Napa and Cabernet would watch them," said Radditzu quietly. "They gave their word. They have to train them as soon as they are whelped."
"Are you angry I didn't put them in the tanks with their offspring?" asked Tomique.
"No, it's customary for third class to carry the pregnancy to full term," Radditzu laughed. "I will not much with tradition."
"Thank Kami," she whispered. "The day I let a tank grow my children is the day…"
"Shh," he whispered. "We're not alone."
"I suppose you don't need a scouter to smell company," she whispered.
"Kakkarot, what are you doing here?" Radditzu called out loudly as he covered her with his body.
"Um, gosh, sorry!" gasped Goku as he appeared up the beach from them. "I'll come back! Sorry!"
"Idiot," groaned Radditzu, shaking his head as his brother vanished from sight as abruptly as he'd arrived. He helped gather their armor, so they could dress.
She struggled into the armor that had once been his, soberly fitting the bindings together. It was customary for a mate to pass on what they'd wore, at least one piece to the one they loved. Golden flashes adorn his shoulders while hers were brown. It yielded to the curve of her body.
"You can come back," Radditzu called to the open air. Before them, up on the beach Goku zipped into view. He carried a large basket full of what appeared to be food in either hand.
"Chichi thought you guys might want some breakfast. So she sent it by me," Goku laughed. "I haven't eaten yet, and since you guys aren't so far away…"
"That was nice of her, but not necessary," said Radditzu with a slow smile.
"C'mon, let's have a picnic," he said.
"Why isn't she here?" asked Atomique.
"Well she sends her love. She's busy getting the boys off to school," Goku laughed. "I guess I was elected cause of my special talents. But both of you have gotta come drop by the house more often. You've been glued to Capsule for too long!"
"Fermi and Bohr wanted to sleep over with Goten again," she said.
"That reminds me," Goku said, spreading out a blanket and sitting on the corner as Radditzu grasped the basket from him. They started taking out wrapped packages of food to arrange them as Atomique sat down on the other edge.
"Videl and Gohan are coming by later this week. I figured that it would be great if you got together. You're not supposed to know this, but Chichi's throwing her a baby shower, and she invited you two as well," said Goku.
"But we didn't hear it from you, right?" teased Atomique. Radditzu grunted as he bit into several pieces of toast with jam. Goku passed the plates he had filled with various breakfast foods, and she tore into them hungrily.
Soon they were all stuffing their faces with the food that was packed in the baskets. Bits of food fell on the beach, attacked by seagulls fluttering in. "Yeah she'd lock me outta the house for a WEEK if she knew I'd blabbed," Goku said through cheekfuls of food.
"Your secret is safe with us, brother," Radditzu said. "But tell me more about this strange custom?"
"It's a woman thing," said Goku. "The ladies get together and exchange presents. Baby stuff. And they play games and all sorts of things. Bulma had one when chichi was carrying Goten. But I was dead when it happened."
"What do the males do?" asked Radditzu.
"Oh we usually go out for lunch or something. Usually I'd go sparring or something when it was one of Chichi's friends from the village. I figure you and I could use a couple rounds with Gohan and Goten."
"Is my nephew still willing to see me?" Radditzu said quietly. "Outside the confines of social gatherings?"
"He's pretty much sold that you're in the picture. I think he wants to try and set things straight. Please come will you?" Goku pleaded.
"I shall join you," said Radditzu. "Provided I know what to wear."
"Oh you could wear those training clothes I gave ya," he said.
"Or jeans. Very tight jeans," said Tomique with a grin. Radditzu blushed slightly, which was funny to see on the face of a fierce warrior such as he.
"I shall bring the training gi with me, and wear the jeans and T shirt," said Radditzu. "Is that appropriate, brother?"
"It's cool with me," Goku said with a grin. "This will be SO much fun. I can't wait to see how your power level's jumped since we last fought."
"It is coming along as humans say," Radditzu said, finishing his allotment of food. Tomique licked her fingers, then let out a sigh of pleasure.
"Thanks, it was really nice of Chichi to pack us breakfast. I should think of some way to thank her," said Tomique.
"Oh, just pretend the shower's a surprise and that'll work," Goku grinned. "I gotta run, but the shower's at three. And Chichi said it was casual dress."
"Got you," nodded Tomique as Goku gave her a kiss on the cheek. He slugged Radditzu on the back, and shook his hand before vanishing.
"That was convenient of him. But unnecessary," Radditzu grunted as he got up and extended his hand to help her stand.
"It was sweet. He cares, and he's excited to have two new relatives on the way," she laughed.
"Speaking of, we should return to Capsule," said Radditzu. Extending his hand, he turned to her. She leaned up and threw her arms around his neck to give him a morning kiss. Slowly he wrapped her in his arms, crushing her armored form to his.
Capsule was the sight of the baby shower that afternoon. Radditzu emerged from their apartment clad in black jacket and matching Harley boots. Tight jeans encased his legs, while a white Harley T-shirt covered his broad chest. Next to him, Tomique wore a loose fitting Chinese silk dress that Chichi had loaned her for her maternity wear. Matching silk pants and china flats completed the outfit. Her arms were bare, while the collar buttoned under her chin. She let her long hair flow freely around her shoulders, and wrapped her tail as far as she could around her waist.
They wandered down into the main room, where Goku and Gohan were waiting with Chichi and Videl. Her eyes widened at the sight of Videl's bulging stomach, evident of her situation. Nearby, Bulma was fluttering about with the caterers, her own stomach curved and rounding with pregnancy. Fermi and Bohr ran around with Trunks, dodging the bots as Goten rushed to join them.
Vegeta snorted as he appeared, shouting to Trunks to get the hell over where he was. Bulma yelled her own instructions, till Chichi motioned for her son to join them nearby. Fermi and Bohr wandered over to where Tomakt and Radditzu stood. Nappa and Cabernet were wearing casual clothes, standing over near the bots setting out their equipment.
"Are we all here? My goodness, you look great!" Bulma laughed as she hugged Videl. Goku wandered over to where Radditzu nervously stood, and smiled.
"What now?" Radditzu mumbled.
"Let's wander off. The ladies are already busy, so they won't miss us much," he whispered. Gohan stood near Videl till Goten pulled at his sleeve.
"C'mon let's go. Daddy an' Uncle Radz were gonna spar, and they're inviting us!" he said.
"Trunks, take the brats and go with Kakkarot's group," Vegeta mumbled.
"You wanna join us, Vegeta?" Goku asked.
"I've made alternative plans today, Kakkarot. You mind his stays out of trouble, Radditzu. You're on leave today, so don't make a hash of it. Trunks will be joining your group today," he said.
"Aww c'mon you're welcome to join us," said Goku.
"Shut up and get out of here idiot before I find a reason to make you leave," Vegeta mumbled. He barked to Cabernet and Nappa, who fell in behind him.
Just then the door opened and Krillen entered with 18 and Marron. Next to them wandered Yamucha, wearing a nice yellow suit. Puar flittered about, oohing and ahhing at the spread. Radditzu grunted as he passed Yamucha.
"Hey there, Radz, you going off so soon?" asked Yamucha.
"I'm going to spar with Kakkarot, actually," said Radditzu.
"Hey, you're kidding right? When there's some other great things to do while the girls chat?" Yamucha laughed.
"Why don't we all drag you guys with us. Yamucha and I were gonna check out that auto show that's in West City's convention center," said Krillen.
"But I wanted to spar!" Goku whined.
"We can do that afterwards, Brother," said Radditzu.
"I wanted to go play paintball," Bohr pouted.
"I can take them and we can meet up later," said Gohan helpfully. "What do you say guys?"
"I say we'll kick your butt," Trunks laughed. "Who's on my team?"
"Then we can run out later," said Goten. "Cause I wanna show Trunks what Dad taught me!"
"You go have fun. But we WILL spar later, okay?" Goku nodded as he shrugged at a halfway disappointed Radditzu. However Radditzu shrugged and saw Gohan motioning the others to join him. While there was a huge age difference between him and his younger brother, he wanted an excuse to limit his time around Radditzu. Although he was civil to his uncle, he still didn't entirely trust him.
Fermi and Bohr kissed their mother goodbye as Chichi whispered something to Goku and her sons. She was suddenly drawn off as she noticed Videl leaning over for something. 18 sighed and led Marron over towards the group of females gathering in the greenhouse near Bulma and her mother. Dr. Briefs laughed and followed Vegeta's motions as he hissed at him.
"I need you to show me the newest modifications," he said.
"You could leave it to me and go off with your buddies," said Dr. Briefs.
"And listen to those idiots ramble on? Please, I have WORK to do! My warriors must be trained to the utmost!" he grumbled. Nappa and Cabernet shrugged, falling into step behind their Prince and Dr. Briefs. The groups parted company, the males following Goku's party while the women remained.
"Okay since there are several of us with buns in the oven, the first game we'll play is guessing who's due when," Mrs. Briefs laughed.
"Mother!" groaned Bulma.
"I think we should move onto the string game," said Chichi, grabbing the yarn. "Each of us cuts a piece that we think is big enough to go around the expectant mother. Closest one wins a nice piece of that Black Forest cake I brought."
"But there's THREE of us, how's that gonna work, Mum?" Videl groaned.
"Not to worry, we can figure it out," said Tomique with a chuckle. "Besides, I'd like to see if anyone's better than Bulma at guessing measurements. Engineer versus the rest of us."