Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Mix-Up ❯ It begins... ( Prologue )
Legal Stuff:
I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.
Author's Notes:
This is a large crossover fic. I have no plot whatsoever, and a lot may not make sense. Still, I will write it and hope that you read it. I'm also trying a different style of writing for this fic. The title may change later.
The Big Mix-Up
Prologue: It Begins...
It was late afternoon, almost dusk. At the park, the trees waved and swayed in the wind. It is here that we find two medafighters, in a practice round. (They had decided on a practice round for two reasons: They were both broke, and couldn't afford new medaparts; and neither wanted Mr. Referee to show up. He weirded them out.) It was Ikki and Erika, and their medabots (of course).
Ikki: Ok Metabee, keep your distance and keep moving. There's no way Brass can hit a moving target!
Metabee: Right!
Erika: I can't believe what I'm hearing, Ikki! Brass! Get in there; follow him and take him down!
Brass: <running> Yes, miss Erika!
Metabee: Laser-cannon! <fires at Brass>
Brass: <dodging most of the shots while running at Metabee> Here I come! <Tackles Metabee, sending them both onto the ground>
Erika: What was that all about?! You damaged yourself!
Brass: You said 'take him down'.
Metabee: <standing up> ow...I'm gonna feel that one tomorrow.
Ikki: Quit complaining! Get up and use your revolver!
Metabee: <points right arm at Brass> Time to get meda-busy! <fires several shots, each hitting Brass>
Erika: Brass!
Brass: <stabilizing herself; lifts both arms toward Metabee>
Metabee: Aw, does da widdle medabot need a hug?
Ikki: Uh...Metabee...
Metabee: <looks at Ikki> What? <Immediately gets shot several times, falls on face>
Erika: Never let your guard down! Finish him, Brass!
Metabee: Wait! I thought this was just a practice robattle!
Erika: There's no better practice than the real thing! Do it, Brass!
Brass: Yes, miss Erika! <targets Metabee's head, fires>
Metabee: AAAHHHH!!!.....<clunk! medal ejects>
Ikki: <puts medal in medawatch> Metabee! are you okay?
Metabee: <> Does it look like I'm okay to you?! I just got beat by one of the most inexperienced medabots ever! If I had my body I'd...I'd...<starts making that weird noise that he makes when he's mad>
Ikki: It's your own fault, Metabee. You were practically begging to be defeated.
Metabee: I was not!
Ikki: Oh, yes you were. Not only did you drop your defenses, you made fun of your opponent.
Erika: That's right! no one makes fun of us and lives!
Brass: Please calm down, miss Erika--people are staring.
Meanwhile, Somewhere on Mobius...
Sonic: Okay, Tails. are you ready?
Tails: Am I ever!
Knuckles: Okay then...Ready...set...GO!
Sonic and Tails are at it again, racing each other. Tails got faster everyday, and today he was really giving a certain blue hedgehog a run for his money. Amy stood at the finish line, a good two and a half miles from the start. Sonic and Tails come rushing toward the finish. Sonic just barely beats Tails...
Amy: And Sonic is the winner! He's always the winner in my book!
Sonic: <panting> Whew...Jeez, Little buddy...That was close...
Tails: <also panting> Yeah...Tell me about it...I'll beat you next...time...for sure!
Amy: <runs up to Sonic, hugs him tightly> Sonic! You won! My hero!
Sonic: Yes, <choke> that's very <gag> nice, Amy. <cough> Amy I...<Wheeze>...need air!
Tails: <laughingly> I guess second place has its perks; I don't have to get the Amy treatment.
Amy: <finally lets go of Sonic>
Sonic: <hand on throat> If I win again, I'm gonna need medical treatment.
Amy: <takes out cell phone, calls Knuckles> Hey Knuckles! Guess who won!
Knuckles: <places phone on ground, hides behind concrete wall> Uhh...Who?
Knuckles: <climbing out from underneath rubble> That's nice.
At that moment, somewhere on planet Bomber...
Bomberman: No, I'm better!
Megaman: In your dreams! <pointing at self> The blue bomber is the best!
Bomberman: And another thing! What's with that name, anyway?! I mean, you shoot stuff, you don't blow it up!
Megaman: Usually. <Smirks for no reason> I have been known to use some explosives. At least I have different weapons. It's not always bomb this, or some other kind of bomb that...
Bomberman: <pointing at Megaman> Take that back!
Megaman: Make me!
The two struggle with each other inside of a traditional cartoon fighting dust cloud.
Back on Earth; Somewhere underground...
Robotnik: So, you say that you come from a race of aliens that wants to conquer the Earth?
Zim: Actually, it's the whole universe, but the Earth's in there too, yeah.
Dr. MedaEvil: I think I have an Idea...
In the front room...
Shrimplips: Our leader wants to take over the world!
GIR: My master's been her for a year or two, and he hasn't taken over anything!
Metal Sonic: My master's been here for practically forever, and he hasn't been able to keep anything he takes over.
GIR: I see...Wait...What?
Metal: I said---
GIR: <Picks up remote, turns on TV> Shut up! Scary Monkey's on! <Eats remote>
Shrimplips, GIR and Metal stare blankly at the TV, which shows some sort of drugged-up looking monkey just standing there, breathing heavily with flies buzzing around it.
Back in the lab...
Robotnik: <to Zim> Between my genius and your resources, we can conquer this planet and destroy that blue hedgehog!
Dr. MedaEvil: What about my genius and my resources?
Zim: <to Robotnik> The blue what-now?
Robotinik: You know, Sonic the hedgehog? The one I've been explaining to you for the past 10 minutes?!!
Dr. MedaEvil: Hello?
Zim: <ignoring Dr. MedaEvil> Ah, yes...the miscolored shrub-beast. We will deal with him soon enough.
Dr. MedaEvil: Did I suddenly disappear or something?!
________________________________________________________________ __________________
Me: What are the two geniuses and the alien planning?
Zim: Hey!
Me: Shut up! Anyway, Who will tire out first-Megaman or Bomberman?
Me: What fate lies ahead for our heroes?
Me: Will Metabee get over his loss?
Me: Why hasn't GIR exploded yet?
Me: Why am I asking you?
Me: I plan to answer these questions in the near future.
Dr. MedaEvil: Am I ever going to be recognized as the genius I am?
Me: Probably not. Especially since you never come out and fight; you always hide behind something!
Dr. MedaEvil: I don't have to take this! Get'm Rubberrobos!
Me: Uh-oh! I gotta go; I left my medawatch at home <pounds head> Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!