Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Mix-Up ❯ Road Trip ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Legal Stuff:

I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.

Author's Notes:

Get Ready. Things are gonna get weird.

Chapter 1: Road Trip

The evil villains are still in Zim's lab as this chapter opens. It is here that the trouble starts.

Zim: The device is almost ready! Those pathetic do-gooders stand no chance against me! <raises arms,

shouts> I AM ZIM!

Dr. MedaEvil: <thinking> I wish that buffoon would be quiet.

Robotnik: <thinking> I wish I could lie that well.

Zim: <looking at some wires> What is this? something is not connected? <to Robotnik> Large man,

assist me!

Robotnik: I'm coming. Oh, and don't ever call me that again!

Dr. MedaEvil: <sees the disconnected wires> NO! DON'T TOUCH THOSE YET! YOU'LL CAUSE A-

<ZAP!!> <he is now fried>...power...surge...<falls down, sizzling>

Robotnik: Oops.

Zim: Oh that's just great! Now I have to make be all...not...dead no more.

2 hours later...

Dr. MedaEvil: All Right! We're ready to activate the device!

Robotnik: Very well. I have entered the coordinates of our victims.

Zim: And now, with a press of this button, all those heroes will be brought to this planet, this dimension,

and this time period!

Dr. MedaEvil: Except that they'll be a few hundred miles from here, which means we'll have to go get them.

Zim: Yes, yes whatever. <raises index finger into air> NOOOOOWWW!!! <pushes button>

In the middle of the room, there was a large spherical device on a pedestal-like machine. They both started to make noise and light up. And then...


Sonic: Whew, that was some race we had earlier.

Tails: Is that all you can talk about?

Knuckles: Yeah, I've heard enough.

Amy: I never get tired of hearing Sonic talk!

Suddenly, there was a bright light in the room, and then a circular portal opened up. It sucked the four animals into itself and then disappeared.


Erika: Guys, I don't think were gonna find him.

Koji: Yeah, we've been looking all night.

Ikki: But we have to find him!

Karin: I don't know. The last time we went looking for the phantom renegade, things didn't go too well.

Metabee: I wouldn't say that. After all, I did win that robattle.

Brass: Only because the renegade helped you.

Sumilidon: According to Koji, the look on your face was hilarious.

Neutranurse: Oh, come on now, we were all afraid.

Metabee: Not me, I ain't afraid of anything!...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Another portal opened up, and sucked them all in. It, too disappeared immediately.

Planet Bomber

Megaman: Okay, Best 26 out of 51!

Bomberman: Right!

Both: Rock, Paper, Scizo---wwhhaaaa!!

They were both sucked into yet another portal.

It was about 8:00 AM in a large clearing in the forest when a giant portal opened up about 10 feet off the ground, and out fell our heroes. Everyone hit the ground with a large thunk.

Metabee: <rubbing head> are my servos sore!

Ikki: Seems like you can't escape pain today, Metabee.

Knuckles: <standing up> Agh...What happened?

Bomberman: Where am I?

Megaman: Who am I?

It was about then that everyone realized the presence of everyone else...

Erika: <snapping photos of the Mobians> Hey, what are you guys?

Sonic: Why would you care, overlander?

Karin: <to Sonic> What's wrong? Did we do something that hurt you? Oh my goodness, I'm sorry!

Amy: <to Karin> Back off! He's mine!

Karin: Huh?

Bomberman: <to humans> Hey, are you guys humans?

Ikki: Yeah, as far as I know. What are you?

Bomberman: <posing like space medafighter X> I am the supreme warrior of planet Bomber! But you may call me...Bomberman!

Ikki: Okay, but...What are you?

Bomberman: <sobbing in fetal position> I...I don't know...I was just someone drawn up in a 40-year-old's basement as a political cartoon! [NOTE: THAT STATEMENT IS A LIE]

Ikki: O.o

Megaman: <to Tails> Are you some kind of nuclear power plant freak or something?

Me: You will NOT insult Tails!

Megaman explodes, leaving only charred remains.

Tails: Cool!

Sumilidon: Hey Koji, <looking at Mobians> do you think they want to robattle?

Koji: Sumilidon! We just got sucked into some weird vortex thing and all you can think about is robattling?!

Sumilidon: <twiddles thumbs> Well...I am a medabot...

This insanity went on for at least another hour or two, during which Megaman got blown up two more times. [Note to Megaman fans: I have nothing against him. It's just fun to blow people up repeatedly.] By now, everyone had gotten to know each other, and they began to follow a road, which led to a desert. Also, Megaman now fears me. Things were getting kinda boring, so I decided to throw the ultimate party animal into the mix. Here's how it happened...

11:23 AM, somewhere in the middle of nowhere...

Ikki: How long have we been walking?

Metabee: Oil...need oil...

Knuckles: Quit your whining.

Sonic: It's not that bad, but I would rather be running.

Bomberman: Where would you go?

Erika: Come to think of it, where are we going?

Tails: Who cares, as long as we get there soon.

Megaman: <thinking> I hope I don't make the author mad again...

Amy: How much longer?

Karin: Until what?

Amy: Anything!

Me: <thinking> Looks like its time to interfere, again. Let's HA! This should make things chaotic again...

Just then, Neutranurse noticed something coming toward them.

Neutranurse: Hey, what's that?

Everyone turned around.

Brass: <one hand on forehead, squinting> It looks like a car!

Koji: We're saved!

It wasn't long before they all heard the rumble of a large engine heading their way. It was a shiny red '59 Chevy Impala. It was convertible style, and the driver had the top down.

The car pulled up next to them. At first, no one could see the driver, but as they walked up to it, they found none other than...

driver: Haaaii...

Sonic: Who are you?


Ikki: who?

Stitch: Stitch......Stitch........STITCH!!!!

Karin: Oh, he's adorable!

Amy: Almost as much as Sonic!

Erika: <taking pictures> He looks like a mutant koala to me.

Megaman:.....Hey! Aren't you going to blow her up?!

Me: Naah, she's right. He does look like a mutant koala.

Megaman: gggrrrrrr......

Stitch: You guys wanna ride?

All (except Stitch): SURE!!!

They all hopped in, and the car got pretty crowded. Stitch floored it (who knows how he was able to reach the pedals?) and the car sped off down the road. They all grooved to Elvis music until about 2:00 PM. By then, everyone was hungry. The combined noise of the rumbling stomachs rivaled that of the car's engine. I decided to feed my cast, so...

Sonic: <weakly> Soooo hungry.....Neeeed......chilidogs....

Tails: <looking at roadmap> There's a town just down the road from here. Maybe we'll find somewhere to eat.

Knuckles: I hope so. I'm starving!

Bomberman: Me too! [does anyone know how Bomberman eats; I mean he doesn't have a mouth, right?]

Stitch somehow pulled the car into a restaurant parking space. They went in. They were certainly a weird sight. [this is Earth, remember] A lot of people thought they were a bunch of costumed kids with a mutant koala. They ordered lunch, and I picked up the tab (amazing how cheap it was after I threatened to destroy the restaurant in the next chapter. I paid absolutely nothing. They actually gave me 20 bucks just to leave them alone.) As the gang got back into the car,....

Koji: So, what do we do now?

Knuckles: I don't know. Were stuck on some strange planet, in another dimension.

Megaman: And to top it all off, were in the middle of nowhere.

Bomberman: Actually, I think the middle is a few miles back that way. <uses thumb to point behind him> [Wait...does Bomberman have thumbs? oh well.]

Well, it was about then that I decided to spice things up a bit (once again), so...

Just then, the ground started to rumble. Everyone looked around, confused.

Metabee: Hey! Do you feel that?

Brass: Yeah, what is it?

Stitch: Stitch does not know.

Amy: <hides behind Sonic> Protect me!

Ikki: <points at the sky, just above the road> Look! Over there!

Neutranurse: It can't be!


Karin: But we destroyed him!

Ikki: No, we just removed his medal, remember?

Karin: Oh, that's right. But he's got his original legs back!

Tails: Who's Giganko?

Metabee: <pointing at Giganko> You see that giant robot over there?

Tails: Yeah.

Metabee: That's Giganko!

Megaman: DUH!! no...<KABOOM!!>...ow... @_@

Me: hehehehe...

Bomberman: What do we do?

Sonic: Are you sure it's an enemy?

Just then, Giganko fired a laser from his head that destroyed Town Hall.

Knuckles: Yep, I'm pretty sure it's an enemy.

Tails: Let's get him!

Erika: Yeah, Tails is right. So, what do we do?

Tails: Well, I was kind of hoping that someone had a plan.

Stitch thought for a moment, and said....

Stitch: Stitch has an Idea!

He jumped back into the car, opened the trunk, and pulled out...

Megaman: A bazooka?

Bomberman: A grenade launcher?

Ikki: A giant medawatch? (for another giant medabot)

Sonic: The Chaos Emeralds?

Stitch: Nope!

Stitch closed the trunk, and in his hand was...

Stitch: A shell!

Everyone (except Stitch) face-vaulted.

Giganko then fired several missiles at some of the other buildings, destroying them.

Stitch: But not just any shell. Stitch has Triton Shell!

Everyone (except Stitch): ?


Stitch then put the pointed end of the shell up to his mouth, and blew through it, producing a really strange, flat noise. Mere seconds later, a beam of green energy surrounded him, and he was lifted into the air and into the mouth of a very weird robot. At the same moment, strange Japanese music came out of nowhere and started playing as the robot went through his music video. Yes, it was...IMPACT the robot!! This rather goofy looking robot then pulled out his weapon, a giant metal smoking pipe, and roller-skated (YES, roller-skated!) toward Giganko, inadvertently destroying a good chunk of the city as he did so.

IMPACT: <to Stitch, who was at the pilot's seat behind IMPACT's right eye> We are within range. Let's get him!

IMPACT started to bash Giganko on the head with his pipe, destroying the laser on Giganko's forehead. Giganko was a little confused, both because he had been hit on the head and because it had come from such a strange looking machine. Nevertheless, he retaliated with his missiles, which IMPACT punched with his golden-colored fists. Impact retaliated with a barrage of nasal bullets. (there are two machine guns mounted in what looks like his nose; at least; I hope that's what it is) Giganko then used the laser on his left arm. IMPACT blocked, but he still took damage. IMPACT then got in close, and used an attack that I call the hundred-hand-punch. His arms and fists went onto overdrive; becoming blurs as they repeatedly hit Giganko a few hundred times before IMPACT released a tremendous kick from his right foot that sent Giganko flying several hundred yards backwards. He landed with a tremendous crash, which destroyed his legs. And then, like the bad memory he was, Giganko released himself from his usual legs and started to walk on a set of bipedal ones.

Stitch: It's time to finish this! Get'm!! IMPACT!!!

With that, everything seemed to move in slow motion as everything went dark, except for a large ball of energy in front of IMPACT's mouth. The ball grew in size and brightness, as it sucked in all the energy around it.

Stitch: FIRE!!!

IMPACT shot a giant laser beam from his mouth. The laser hit Giganko. The laser continued to fire for several seconds, tearing through Giganko. It finally ended in a huge pulse of energy that collided with Giganko, destroying him in an explosion that wiped out the rest of the city. (except for the restaurant the gang, and of course, the car.)...

Stitch beamed down from IMPACT, said goodbye, and ran up to join his comrades in front of the restaurant.

Stitch: Whoo! That was fun!!

Everyone else was ghosted-white; they couldn't believe everything that had just happened. They would've stayed that way too, if I hadn't snapped them out of it. I did so the only way I know how.


By the time everyone woke up, they were already miles away from the smoldering remains of the town.

Stitch: <behind the driver's wheel> It's about time you guys woke up!

Amy: Speaking of time, what time is it?

Tails: <thinking> Time for you to get a watch..

Tails chuckled, partly to himself and partly out loud.

Amy: What?

Ikki: <looking at medawatch> I wanna say that it's about four AM, but I think my watch is off a bit.

Stitch: <looking at clock on car radio> It's...about 5:30.


Robotnik: Looks like your plan failed, Dr.

Dr. MedaEvil: How was I supposed to know they'd have some kind of goofy-looking giant robot?

Zim: Fools! Your pathetic Earth-brain plan failed because it was not the plan of the mighty Zim!

Dr. MedaEvil: Your plan was to drop toasters on them. Do you think that would've worked?

Zim: Yes. Yes I do.

Robotnik: Your crazy, Zim. That plan would never work!

Zim: Oh yeah? How much you wanna bet? GIR!! GET DOWN HERE!!

GIR: <falling from somewhere above them> wwwwwwwhhhhheeeeeeee!!!


<GIR has landed on his head at a strange angle> Yes, master?

Zim: GIR! Stand normally!!

GIR: <his eyes turn red as he salutes (still on his head)> SIR! Right away! <GIR then somehow rockets out of the ground, lands on feet, and stands victoriously>

Zim: Drop the toaster!

A toaster falls from the sky towards GIR who sees it coming and immediately latches onto Zim's side, screaming:


The toaster fell upside-down on Zim's head.

GIR: <crying> He...He gave his life for me! <sees a butterfly fly by><stops crying, changes mood> Oooh! <runs off after butterfly>

Robotnik: <whispering to Dr. MedaEvil> Well, it did get rid of one annoyance.

They both laughed as the toaster popped of Zim's now golden-brown head.

Zim: <wearily> Ugh...Could I...maybe get...some butter? <falls down>

________________________________________________________________ __________________

This is probably going to be the longest chapter in the story.

Please review, and send in ideas (with your review)