Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Saber Marionette Fan Fiction ❯ Terrible Things to Waste ❯ In Dreams ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Let's keep the author intro short and sweet. Here is another chapter for you MMorg, I hope it is most agreeable with you. If not, maybe I only half-baked it. Ugh. Bad pun.
Nevermind, reviews are my anti-drug. Which, considering the volume I've received so far, I'm surprised I'm not already huffed on goofballs right now. Then again, maybe I am. Whee! Seriously, reviews would be great.
Dedication - to Real Life for being a huge stick in my craw over the past few weeks. Thank you Real Life. Thank you so very freakin' much.
Terrible Things to Waste
Part 10: In Dreams
"I mustn't give in." Halebit coarsely mumbled to himself. "I mustn't lose control."
With each step, the proud General stumbled. He could feel his breathing becoming more labored. The volume of black mucous increased with each passing second. He forced down the tar-like substance as he glared at the gallery of familiar faces surrounding him, partially hidden in the shadows of the twining branches.
They all were laughing. The jeers of all of his antagonists came at the old man from everywhere. Above them all, Nihil's caustic laughter assaulted his ears.
"I still don't see why you fight me, Halebit." The demon voice echoed.
Running his pale, wry hand through his stiff grey hair, the old General tried to regain his composure. "I will keep fighting until I win."
Struggling through the twisting path of decrepit crystal roots, Halebit looked for the source of Nihil's voice.
"Heh, you'll die before you win, Hally, me boy." From the warped nightmare of trunks in this ungodly forest, Nihil emerged, dusting off some white spores from his shoulder.
Halebit's eyes widened as a young man with light brown hair stood in front of him. Halebit stared in disbelief at the younger version of himself.
The surprise worn on the old man's face gave rise to the smirk on Nihil's face. "I thought that you'd take me more seriously this time around." The young man flexed his arm. "My, you filled out quite nicely as a wild stallion too." Nihil grinned dashingly at the simmering old man. "How many women did you ravage with this body, Halebit?"
"ENOUGH!" Several startled insects flew overhead, their shadows dwarfing the two below.
The young man tilted his head, curiously eyeing his older self. He pondered for a moment and asked. "Who are you, Halebit?"
The General snorted, jostling some of the black tar in his throat. Once his fit of coughing stopped, the old man's face wrinkled incredulously. "What kind of question is that, Nihil? You know who I am."
Nihil tilted his head to the left. "Do I, Halebit? The longer I talk to you, the more I realize I know nothing about you."
The slight smirk went almost undetected by Nihil. "Heh, maybe I'd like to keep it that way. Perhaps you're not as perceptive as you lead yourself to believe. Perhaps if you could fathom the power of control-"
Immediately, the young man flicked back his light mane with the arrogance fitting of an adolescent man. "Oh please. Don't tell me those psychoactive drugs you took during the Great War were to enhance your 'power.' That 'substance,' as you like to call it, only fueled my ambitions to escape."
The smirk on the hardened visage of Halebit crept up further. "You speak like a caged animal, Nihil. The substance allowed me the ultimate control; I was able to conquer the inadequacies of my mind. I could control the shape of the environment around me and the problems that threatened me." With his calloused fingers, the old man tapped his temple. "It allows me to keep my urges from interfering. It helped me conquer you."
Shades of gold and brown undulated with the shaking of the young man's head. "Conquer, conquer, conquer. Why must you conquer everything, Halebit? It's no wonder you forced yourself upon so many wom-"
Without warning, Halebit snapped at his younger self, his teeth threatened to crack underneath the intense gnashing. Halebit reached the edge of his control. "That..." He could sense the abyss of madness beckoning him. "Is..." It was becoming a temptation hard to resist. "Enough out of you."
Nihil stared calmly and quite amused at the infuriated General, clamoring for control. "I see. You don't like to linger on such things."
The old man grimaced. "I do not like to linger upon the times when I was weak. The times when I let you get out of control."
The young man snorted. "Why must I be your scapegoat when you give into your insatiable urges? Besides," Halebit heard a soft whimper just to the left of the pair where a naked young girl laid limp, her face hidden in the crux of her elbow. Despite being curled up, Halebit could see the luscious curves blanketed by strands of her light hair. Nervously, the old man licked his lips resisting the temptation to reach out. She was only an arms-length away.
So lost in the vision, he was startled when Nihil continued, whispering into his ear. "I think it's what drives you to conquer and control."
The old man could feel the familiar exhilaration stirring in his veins as well as other parts once more as he towered over the weak feminine form. Yes, this is what he wanted. This was the ultimate control, the ultimate power. This was the ends to his means. He wanted the Counsule at his mercy. He wanted the Community at his mercy. He wanted the dimensions. He wanted that girl kneeling before him.
Nihil promptly doused the General's fiery ambitions. "I hope you realize that I am truly the one in control of you. It is your urges that drive you to control. Thus it is I that has the power. I always have."
Tar tainted sweat bore down the old man's face while the black mucus dripped from his pursed lips. They were all lies. Delusions. They couldn't be facts, yet what evidence did he have on the contrary? No, that wasn't the point, he was in control. He was all powerful. No one could defeat him. Why? Because he was in control. What drove him to gain greater control?
Because he had... he had...
The General's eyes flashed opened.
His urges demanded he do so.
"It can't be." He croaked, the blood pulsing loudly in his head.
With crazed eyes, he found Nihil. This being could not be allowed to live any longer. He must be destroyed and silenced! Lunging with his hands out stretched at his illusion, Halebit watched as Nihil stood still, smiling. "Hey old man, I've got something for you."
Halebit's hands grasped in vain at the ghostly image and continued forward, plunging into the depths of the hellish forest below.
The demon voice resonated in Halebit's mind as his body bounced off the twisted roots. "When will you learn?"
“Oh my God!” Michelle sighed at Amy's declaration. It had been the third one in the last hour.
“Now what is it, Mercury?” At first, she listened closely to Amy's observations but each time it only confirmed what her intuition told her.
The blue haired girl fidgeted with her visor and tapped a few keys on her small pad, looking awfully excited. At times like these it wasn't hard for Michelle to remember that Amy was still in high school. “The lake isn't a lake at all! It's sulfuric acid! Amazing! It appears the acid has leeched out the copper from the ground and the copper sulfate gives it that deep blue color. Fascinating!”
An ache was beginning to develop between Michelle's eyebrows. She wanted to rub her face but that would be too revealing. “I know Mercury. I had told you that an hour ago when you pointed out the large insects and the spores from the forest.”
Amy blinked, taking her focus away from the scrolling numbers on her visor. “No, you said this wasn't Earth. I am not convinced this isn't Earth. More than likely we're in an alternate version of it. Or a time in the very, very far future, possibly post Crystal Tokyo.”
Michelle stopped walking and faced her companion, her expression cool and her tone terse. “That's nice, Amy, but I fail to see how that helps us recover Victoria. How close are we now, Mercury?”
Amy's jaw unhinged slightly, opening and closing a few times like a gasping fish. Michelle had to suppress a chuckle. It wasn't often one struck Amy speechless.
The shock lasted only a few seconds before it visibly wore off revealing a cooler more collected Sailor Mercury. “My apologies Neptune, but we are in a foreign land that we know nothing about. Any little thing could be a danger to our person if we aren't careful. I only have been making you aware of these things in case you may not be privy to it.”
Her momentary light mood crushed, Michelle simmered. “I appreciate your concern however we can smell the flowers after we find Victoria. Now how many kilometers to her position?”
Her patience was being sorely tested and only a select few could accomplish that, like Eric. A fleeting memory of her blonde lover's dashing smile only made her heart squeeze. Knowing she was never going to see it again made her feel hollow inside. But she pushed it aside remembering her promise to Eric. She had to continue the mission!
Michelle tensed when she noticed Amy examining her face closely. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms communicating silently that she wanted an answer.
“Listen,” Amy said gently, “I understand you must miss Erica-“
“I fail to see what Eric has to do with anything.” She retorted coldly and forcefully. Why wouldn't she answer the damn question!?
Agitated, Michelle pushed aside a lock of her wavy green hair and jerked her hand away. Her actions were giving her away and she didn't want to give Sailor Mercury the satisfaction of knowing she had hit a raw nerve.
Steadying her expression, she put up a guarded and icy front. Inside, however, Michelle was seething and furious at Amy's implication. Anyway, it was totally inappropriate and unnecessary to speak of it publicly. “I'm not some fragile thing that requires gentle care when Eric isn't around. I can handle myself. I have been a Sailor Scout on my own before and long before you became one yourself.”
Still feeling the fury, Michelle lashed out further. “And I cease to see how you can sympathize with me considering you've been babbling on about every little discovery you've made and you have yet to even mention your boyfriend.”
Her fury abated some when she saw the meek girl flinched at her words and casting a downward gaze at her feet appearing petulant. Once again, Michelle was reminded that Amy was only just a high school girl.
Slightly crestfallen, Michelle realized that she had crossed a line with the girl. Amy's words from earlier struck her at that moment and rang true. They were in a harsh environment and they only had each other to depend on until they found Victoria whom she hoped was safe and sound.
As Amy lifted her head, Michelle was disturbed to find the face beneath her blue ruffled curtain of bangs was an expression hard to discern and what little she could discern didn't comfort her. She had definitely crossed a line with Amy. The girl didn't appear meek or petulant anymore, but now she radiated an energy that threatened to explode from within her if she didn't take great care to keep a lid on it.
Michelle hoped she hadn't crossed into the point of no return and hastily spoke. “I'm sorry Amy. I didn't mean it like that.”
“No, it's quite alright.” Amy's light tone didn't at all match with the intense gaze. “I'm used to it. I will reframe from bothering you further with my observations. And I will not mention Sailor Uranus unless it is absolutely necessary to do so.”
On reflex, Michelle's guard went up and she masked her face in aloofness, hiding herself away from Mercury's scrutinizing and piercing eyes. She strongly disliked being analyzed like this. It made her feel like she was being judged just like all those other people who disapproved her relationship with Eric. Resentment bloomed once more in Michelle's heart as it squeezed again in remembrance of her lover.
`Damn it!' She cursed in her head. `I promised Eric I would be strong! Why am I allowing myself to get distracted at such a crucial time?'
“Thank you, Mercury,” Michelle made her reply icy as she could; “now that we've come to an understanding, would you please tell me Victoria's position?”
“Of course. She's three kilometers away.” Amy's voice held much resolve, but to what end?
That question, judging from what Michelle's intuition screamed at her, was a cause for concern.
The small child blew some of the steam off her cup of hot tea. At least, it reminded her of tea. She had forgotten what the old woman called it, but it suited her just fine. Victoria occupied herself with drinking her "tea" as she tried to grow accustomed to hearing the old woman's thoughts.
'The valley has favorable winds that keep the misma from spreading into it.' Victoria scrunched her face, confused, as the old woman, Nausicaa, continued. 'The misma are spores that come from the Sea of Corruption, the forest lining the valley.'
Nausicaa pointed out the window towards the decrepit trees seated on the rock faces. 'Everything in the valley has thrived because of the winds coming from the acid lakes. For the misma is poisonous and very few can survive in the Sea of Corruption for very long. And every year, the forest creeps ever closer.'
Trying very hard to concentrate, Victoria asked. 'Is that why the valley is abandoned?'
'Yes and no. The people who used to live here have found better places. Cleaner places. You see, long ago we used to be an advanced people, but due to wars and pollution, the land became poisoned. The Sea of Corruption is cleansing our world of ancestor's past sins.'
A silence followed. Looking up at the old woman, Victoria found she was being studied intently from across the aged wooden table. The girl couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious of her rather revealing outfit. The delicate material of her black skirt, the clean white bodice, and frilly black bows on her chest seemed antithetical, (it was a big word Sailor Pluto liked to use), to the sturdy cloth of her elder's homely and conservative blue sweater and trousers.
The young girl scrunched her face in concentration. 'What is it?'
The old woman smiled at her efforts. 'I'm sorry. It must be difficult for you to communicate like this.'
Victoria returned the smile. 'It's okay.'
Slowly, the old woman's expression turned solemn. 'You think you can tell me how you got here?'
The young girl hesitated. 'I'm not sure if I can.'
'If you permit me, I could watch your memories as you relive your experience in your mind. `The old woman paused. 'If that's okay.'
Victoria pondered over the woman's suggestion. It was strange, letting someone into your mind and watch your memories. She didn't have reason to distrust this woman, did she? What would the woman do if she refused? She had never dealt with a telepath before. 'Alright.'
The old woman spoke very carefully and gently soothing some of Victoria's apprehension somewhat. 'Very well. Try to imagine the last few moments before you came here and only those moments.'
At this, Victoria closed her eyes and recalled the events from the night before
Then Victoria's eyelids slid open. She was surprised to be surrounded by darkness. That didn't last long as a point of light winked into existence. As soon as the point formed it exploded and all Victoria could see from the glare of the bright light was a man's silhouette.
'Who is that?' The suddenness of the old woman's voice nearly broke Victoria's concentration.
Reminding herself that this was all just her memories, Victoria replied. 'A bad person named Halebit, well at least Aunt Susan thinks he's a bad man.'
`Aunt Susan?'
Quickly Victoria imagined the tanned, somber face of one of her guardians. `I also call her Sailor Pluto. She's the Guardian of the Time Gate.'
`Time Gate!?'
Victoria hesitated. Maybe she was revealing too much. `Um, yeah, we have one of those back where I come from. Anyway, the man, Halebit, wanted the Silver Crystal so he kidnapped Reenie.'
The vision returned, shifting to her pink haired friend being held by Serena. `That's Reenie with her mother Serena.'
`Ah.' She heard the old woman respond. `What about those other girls? The ones dressed like you? Are they your friends as well?'
Victoria focused and the image of the other girls huddled around Serena came into her vision. `They're Sailor Scouts like me. It's our job to protect Serena.'
`Why's that?'
Victoria paused, should she tell Nausicaa about Serenity? She hadn't sensed any malice from her the entire time she had been in this strange world. Plus whatever it was she was drinking tasted really good and reminded her of home.
`We protect Serena because she's our queen.'
`Why is she your queen?'
`She's the one who welds the Silver Crystal.' The glare of bright light filled her mind's eye once more. Even within the vision, Victoria could still feel the energy radiating from the powerful artifact.
`Wow.' Nausicaa conveyed mentally, awe and surprise evident in her voice. `I can why this Serena is the ruler of your world.'
Victoria chewed on her lip. How to explain this? `Not exactly. She doesn't rule the world yet, she will in the future.'
`How do you know that? Was it some kind of prophecy?'
`Actually, it's because that's what Reenie and Sailor Pluto told us.'
`Huh? Why would Reenie and this Sailor Pluto know about the future? Are they oracles?'
`Oh, uh, Reenie comes from the future and Sailor Pluto, well, she just knows everything.'
`Reenie is from the future?' The old woman sounded like she was lost.
`Time Gate, remember?' Victoria answered sheepishly.
`I see. Victoria?'
`This is giving me a headache.'
`Me too.'
`Perhaps we should focus on how you got here. Then maybe later you can tell me more about your world. It sounds amazing.'
Focusing once again, the vision panned across her friends and then settled on a blond woman covered in blood.
`Oh my, who is that?'
`That's Cindy.' Victoria response was guarded. She hadn't given much thought to the woman, but now that she had time to reflect she wasn't sure if she could forgive the woman for kidnapping her dearest friend. `She's a Traveller. Like Halebit.'
`A Traveller? What do they do?'
`They cross into different worlds and cause problems from what I've seen. Sailor Pluto doesn't like them much.'
`I'd imagine so if this woman was friends with this Halebit character.'
`Not quite.' Though she decidedly didn't like Cindy, she felt she had to be fair. `It's complicated. She helped him… and she didn't.'
The anguished expression of a blond woman came to Victoria's mind which was evidence enough that the woman wasn't truly a willing participant. At least it was enough that Victoria had to grudgingly accept it as genuine anguish.
`I think I understand, child.' Nausicaa sounded somber like she was remembering something unpleasant. `I too have seen how disturbingly easy it is for good people to be manipulate by those with nefarious intentions. It saddens me to see that hasn't changed over the years.' She paused as the vision crept back over to the glaring light. `So what happened next?'
Without warning the angry visage of the Timelord appeared. A black veil of his greasy locks shrouded his eyes allowing his gritted teeth to glow in the darkness. He was charging at the group wielding a strange looking sword she had never noticed before. Blood covered a majority of his chest, with a few splatters on the lower half of his face.
`_He_ happened.' Victoria answered dryly. `His name is Tracer and he's a Traveller like the others. He's the worse of the lot. He killed Cindy's family and he insulted and harmed my friends! He's just a horrible, horrible person!'
`I hope that I never meet this man then.' Nausicaa admitted.
`Me either.'
`What did he have to do with you arriving here?' Nausicaa asked as the vision unfroze and all the characters came to life.
Now the vision was a frenzy of movement. The Sailor Scouts were rushing to stop the charging Timelord just as he launched himself over the group. For the first time, Victoria became aware of the strange translucent skeleton-like `wings' on his back. Looking more closely, she wasn't sure how exactly Tracer was able to take flight since the `wings' lacked any means of carrying him.
`Is that normal? For them I mean.' Nausicaa asked sounding somewhat perturbed.
`I'm not sure. Cindy never mentioned that they had wings or anything like that.'
`And what a peculiar weapon he has.' Nausicaa noted.
Victoria again analyzed the vision, the broad sword gripped in both his hands catching her attention. `Strange. I don't remember it glowing like that.'
`Is it a powerful artifact?'
Victoria swallowed hard. As a being that held the power of annihilation at her beckon and call, she knew the heavy burden such power carried and the great care needed to weld it. If this horrible man had something that powerful in his possession, there would be no telling what kind of destruction he'd leave in his path. Would the destruction he left behind be as complete as hers, she wondered?
`Let's hope not.'
At that Nausicaa remained quiet as the man in question continued his descent towards the bright light. Once his figure was lost in the glare an explosion of light filled the vision and everything went black.
The room reappeared where her tea was still steaming where she last left it. The old woman sitting across from her was blinking. Needing to clear her mind, Victoria removed herself from the table. Shaking off the effects of the vision, she went over to the tapestry guarded by a rusted suit of armor. She ran her meek hand over the thick strands woven into the cloth. Despite its age, the cloth still stubbornly held onto much of its rich color.
In the top left corner, just over the shoulder of the armor, the young child spied the image woven in the cloth. A man dressed in blue stood regally with his eyes set forward, staring ahead determined to some far off goal. Was this a depiction of a hero? She wasn't entirely sure; the writing above the figure was unreadable.
'What does that say? Above that man.' The girl pointed out the figure on the tapestry to the woman.
The old woman smiled warmly. 'It's an old myth about one who is cloaked in blue would descend into the golden fields of the Valley and leads the people into the green and peaceful kingdom. It was an old tale told to me when I was a girl.'
The girl's eyes widened, fascinated. She loved fairy tales and legends. 'Did it ever come true?'
The warm smile turned wry. 'I suppose it did.'
Suddenly a deep chill ran down Victoria's spine. Standing rigidly at attention, she heard soft, desperate murmuring. Something was calling out to her. Without further delay, the child walked towards her glaive, her face now was filled with grave resolve.
'What is it, my child?' The woman asked, but the child ignored her until she had wrapped her small hands around her glaive.
Swinging around, the girl faced her elder with her weapon ready. The old woman eyed her blade and appeared apprehensive to approach Victoria.
'W-what's wrong?'
The murmuring continued and it grew more urgent, distracting her from their conversation. After a moment, Victoria felt like she had lost control of her body as she automatically responded. 'There is a soul crying out for the Silence.'
* * *
“Ew! Gross,” screeched the young girl as she ran from him. “Get away from me!”
The boy smiled as he held out his latest weapon he'd found in the garden, a worm. That it was covered in gooey black dirt was an added bonus. “And what are ya gonna do about it scaredy-cat!?”
Tracer frowned as the words left his mouth. When had he become a child again? Who was the blond girl he was running after? He looked around at the lush garden. Everything felt natural but disorientating at the same time. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the statue of Serenity, her smooth stony hands reaching out.
“Ms. Zen!” Tracer jumped and spun toward the shrill voice. The blond girl was pointing at him looking just over his shoulder. The glint of anger in her eyes was unmistakable. “Tracer's being mean to me again!”
“Tracer!” Now Tracer didn't dare move. He knew quite well when Mother took that tone, he was in deep trouble.
Reluctantly, Tracer turned towards his mother, ready for the sharp words he knew he had coming. However as he came around, he found he'd grown suddenly, the worm magically gone replaced by a wooden practice sword he used to play with. He peered at it for a moment, wondering why he was holding his favorite toy from his childhood, before he remembered his mother was waiting for him to acknowledge her.
Tracer's skin crawled when he saw his mother's limp body, her neck in the grip of Serenity's stony fingers. Aghast and horrified, he ran but immediately impacted with soft, feminine flesh. He nearly fell back on his rear when a hand darted out and grabbed his wrist.
He was now much older, about the age he (barely) graduated from the Timelord program and face to face with a dark haired woman. She was also obviously naked. She grinned and her eyes glowed with fiery passion and lust.
“Hello Tracer.” The woman purred as she took the wooden sword from his slacken grasp. “I don't think you'll need that anymore.”
“Junko.” He whispered. What was she doing here? It had a long time since he'd seen her. Suddenly he felt a desire to reacquaint himself with her.
The woman winked and sauntered away. Tracer, fixated on the sway of her hips, attempted to follow, but found his feet frozen to the ground. Curious, he tried to move again, thinking maybe his feet feel asleep but they wouldn't budge. They were making that weird cold, stabbing pain he'd expect when they feel asleep. Damn it they needed to wake up pronto!
Frustrated, he investigated and discovered his feet encased in ice and it was quickly creeping up his lower body. Panicked, Tracer pounded on the ice but it wouldn't break. He hit it harder but in doing so captured his hands in the expanding coldness.
“Silly Tracer.” He shivered at the calm, cruel voice.
Snapping his head up, he saw a white-haired woman dressed in a black bodice. She hid a majority of her body underneath a white cloak. The small sliver of a smile on her pale nearly metallic looking skin filled him with terror.
The terror, though, only filled him with impotent rage. “Damn you Hermes! I will fucking tear you apart when I get out of this!”
With calculating steps, the woman chuckled softly. “Despite what you might think,” she pulled out a large icy blade from her cloak, “I'm only into this to-“
The shearing pain in his chest was unbearable and came to the horrible realization his bones weren't made of metal or that most of his vital organs were still intact. Without the bio-enhancements he wasn't going to survive!
His vision was beginning to fade and he stared at the silvery looking translucent blade. Wait, didn't she stab him with an ice blade? Lifting his gaze, he saw Cindy's blood splattered face, grinning widely. The glint of anger in her eyes was unmistakable.
“Enjoy.” She whispered huskily.
Tracer woke up with a start and leaped out of his bed. He nearly smacked his head against one of the white walls of his small cell. He licked his lips, realizing his mouth was dry and took in his new surroundings; a white bed, a white ceiling, and three white walls framing it all. There was an opening out into a large darkened hallway. He could see the flicker of a force field at the only entrance and exit into his room.
It didn't take a genius to figure out where he was. He'd seen plenty of Society criminals get thrown into one of these. He was in a Counsule holding cell. How the hell he ended up back in the Community was beyond him, but he doubted this was a dream. His chest still throbbed from the wound the blond bitch had inflicted on him. Poking at the white shirt covering the gnarled silvery scar on his chest he briefly recalled his dream still fresh in his mind. He snorted. It was just a damn dream.
He surveyed the room again and shook with outrage. `Fucking Callide. It's all his fucking fault for getting me into this fucking mess. If he hadn't convinced me to go find Aste and Faust's Sword I wouldn't be here like some kind of criminal.'
The rage he felt at the slight being done to him boiled. He wanted to flay his fists in the air at anyone nearby. But there wasn't and that just enraged him further.
Then Tracer calmed for a minute. Perhaps Grandfather would talk some sense into them. A flicker of hope sparked in his chest. Yes, he'd tell them this was all a big misunderstanding and then everything would be worked out.
`No! I don't need anyone's help to get out of here.' Tracer concluded, his anger returned with a vengeance. `I'm not some baby who calls on his grandfather to bail him out of trouble. I fight for myself. In fact I prefer it that way. Yeah. They're going to feel the pain I'm about to inflict upon them. Oh yes.'
From down the hall outside of his cell, the sound of heavy footsteps grew close. Ah, now was his chance! With deliberate moment, Tracer slowly lay down in his cot, curled himself away from the doorway, and flexed his right hand, activating the silvery liquid. His ears remained attentive to the marching entourage coming closer and he readied himself.
The steps stopped when they got to his cell. There were a series of beeps from the keypad near the entrance. Tracer imagined the invisible barrier dissolving as the steps continued. He lay perfectly still on his cot as the liquid began to form around his hand.
"Hello, Timelord Tracer." Tracer gritted his teeth. Of course they'd send
Naes. "We have some questions concerning your activities as of late."
Tracer waited, his newly formed clawed-hand hidden from sight and smirked. If there was ever a person who deserved this, it would be that conniving bastard.
There was a pregnant pause and when Tracer refused to reply, Naes continued stepping closer. "There is some doubt of your loyalty after that stunt you pulled. Honestly, hacking in our restricted archives?” He tutted. “I never would have thought you were keen enough."
Tracer's ears picked up three distinct set of footsteps approaching. The odds weren't in his favor, but he would live with it. Gradually, he steadied his relaxed body into striking position on his cot. 'Just a little closer.'
"For everything we've done for you, why you would take advantage of our trust." Naes spoke nonchalantly. “The Counsule would like to know what you had to say in your defense.”
'Now I've got you, bastard.' Tracer sprang from his bed and bounded toward the small frail man.
Naes just smiled at the flattened face of the Timelord as it slid down the invisible barrier. Tracer's cheek burned painfully as he slipped down the barrier. Before he reached the ground, he could see a small device in Naes' small, wry hand.
"Not very wise, Timelord. We have made several changes while you were away." The old man casually thumbed the thin control device while Tracer collected his wits which were still scattered upon the floor. "Please give my regards to Callide for providing us with that AI he left behind. Avex is an interesting program.”
“Avex?” Tracer murmured, that name sounded familiar.
“It was the machine you used to hack our personal archives when you went on your little mission to find Ms. Animi.” Naes scolded before adding in a hushed whisper. “I definitely hope the dead woman was worth the trouble.”
Straightening, Naes continued his lecture as he admired the thin device. “Anyway, Avex has been able to develop this rather clever use of the force field system. I can control the area the field covers, containing you to any area in this cell. But enough about Avex, we'd like to know more about Avex's old master, Callide, and what he wanted with Faust's Sword."
Reaching his feet, Tracer felt something press against his arms, squeezing them to his sides. With a content sigh, Naes stepped back as the two stocky looking androids crowd upon him. "Of course, the field doesn't affect anyone with the appropriate hardware."
Tracer became acutely aware of the matching wristbands Naes and both humanoid machines wore, with him as the unfortunate exception.
"You bastard." The Timelord growled.
Naes shook his head as both guards raised their clubs. "I suppose this is the only way you're ever going to learn anything." His leathery skin peeled back into a crooked smile. "It's unfortunate."
It seemed like they were walking through a maze. Serena was dumbfounded that one hallway could snake around so much, they had been walking for some time now and she felt like it would never end.
The anxious blonde peeked around their stocky armed guards that now were escorting them to somewhere or nowhere, depending on how she looked at it. Peering more closely she could see seams around the faces and limbs of their guards making them appear more like oversized toy soldiers. Serena kinda wished the Timelords they had met earlier would have stayed with them instead of retreating to parts unknown outside this maze of a building. These pale-faced things looked like they came straight out of a horror movie.
The five members of the Counsule were walking far ahead of them and at one point one of the white robed individuals peeled away with the still unconscious Tracer in toe. She did notice the one who introduced himself earlier, Nairb, still clutched Tracer's sword in his hands rather possessively. Considering what she had seen before when Tracer had wielded it she wasn't too surprised a group like the Counsule would take great interest in the object.
Serena shuddered slightly. She could hardly believe those five old and frail people had ordered the slaughter of Cindy's family and who knows how many other innocent people. There was no telling what they would do to Tracer or to them. Yet, their leader was so chipper and fairly benevolent when he introduced himself. Perhaps some of the wickedest beings were politicians, she thought.
"Is there something wrong?"
Leaning her head against Darien's shoulder, Serena's stomach bubbled with anxiety at his question. It also gurgled loudly in hunger. She blushed in response. "Uh, I'm not sure.”
Serena didn't need to lift her head to see him smirking. “I can take a guess.”
Frowning, Serena smacked her fiancé lightly on the chest. “No that's not it!” The blonde girl raised her head and chewed on her lip. “Something doesn't feel right about this."
"I don't blame you." A husky voice added. Peering over Darien's shoulder, Serena saw Erica had her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed, keeping their escorts in her sights. "It seems like they're taking us in circles."
"Not really." Mina chimed in, her eyes still following the low arch of the hall above them.
The taller woman's eyebrow twitched. "Whatever."
Unfazed, Mina pointed to the ceiling. “You know when you get bored in class and count the number of holes in the title above to keep from falling asleep? Or sometimes I like to play connect the dots in my head. It's amazing what kind of animals you can make in our classroom. I usually like to go alphabetically starting with aardvarks. It's really cool, you see-“
“It looks like we've arrived.” Erica interrupted dryly.
Everyone stopped and Serena could see a large heavy looking door adorn with all sorts of colorful jewels. The stones and the door's shiny golden finish awed Serena which she quickly realized was probably the point. What was behind that door she wondered? Was it someplace important?
Nairb faced the group and smiled warmly. “On behalf of the Counsule, we would like to invite you to feast at our table today.”
The older man motioned for the group to follow as the doors opened on their own. Just inside, the gleam of a large banquet could be seen set up with plates piled high with food.
Serena's mouth hung open. “This is your dining room?”
Nairb turned slightly and flashed Serena a disarming smile. “Why of course, Lady Serenity. Only the best for a legendary goddess and her court.”
Being reminded again that some of these people worshiped her made Serena's stomach do flip flops and her hunger on top of that didn't make her feel anymore comfortable. “Ugh, I'm honored. I suppose.”
Seeing the feast, Serena's mouth began to water and noticed Nairb's expectant look. Realizing this, Serena took stock of her friends who were watching her and waiting for her next move. She felt divided, just from all the horrible things they had done to Cindy and who knows who else, it just didn't feel right to accept a meal from them. On the other hand she was very hungry and all that sushi and steak and tempora looked really delicious.
Her stomach growled again much to her chagrin and her face was buried under a deep crimson blush.
“It's alright.” Darien whispered in her ear as he squeezed her shoulder. “It's okay. We all need to eat but we need to be careful.”
Nodding hesitantly, Serena locked eyes with Nairb and strode up to the table. Very politely, the old man pulled out a seat and motioned to her.
“Please sit and enjoy.” He made a big production of bowing and stepped away to his own seat.
As the rest of the group got situated and slowly ate, the rest of the Counsule, minus one member remained oddly silent during the meal. Serena guessed they were waiting for them to take their fill. Finally, curiosity got the best of the blonde girl and in between a BBQ pork bun and a helping of miso soup; she lobbed a question at them.
“So.” She started. “Since, I guess you know a lot about us, we hardly know anything about you.”
“That's right!” Mina chirped enthusiastically. “You people are definitely important… people!”
Erica sighed.
The old man chuckled. “Why of course. Forgive me for skipping some formalities; I had assumed that feeding you and meeting any other immediate needs would take priority.” Nairb stood and introduced the rest of his peers. “To my right is Fej and to his right is Anna Esor. On my left is LehCar and the person who had to miss our little feast is Naes.”
The other women and man inclined their heads as they were introduced and each watched Serena avidly. However, Nairb continued to speak freely and smoothly a complete contrast to the tension she sensed from the others.
“After the death of the Community's founder and first ruler, Faust, his next of kin had no desire to take up the mantel. Thus it was proposed that a group of competent men and women elected from the Community would guide them. That was about two generations ago. It is our duty to look after the best interest of the citizens who live within the city.”
“I'm sure you do.” Erica added flatly. Serena cringed. The last thing she wanted to do was give these people a reason to harm them.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, (at this point Serena couldn't figure *any* of this out), the Counsule members remained silent as Nairb smiled and shook his head. “Now, now, I realize that Tracer is slightly mad at us for trying to bring him to trial,” suddenly Nairb's playful tone hardened slightly, “but he knows the laws and no matter what his standing within the Community is, he must bear the responsibility for his actions.”
Serena wrinkled her nose. This was unexpected. Tracer was a criminal? Wasn't he working for them to bring Cindy to justice?
“I thought he was one of your soldiers. What did he do?” She asked without thinking.
For an instant, Nairb appeared pained and the rest of the Counsule raised their collective eyebrows. “He took advantage of our hospitality. Please understand, Lady Serenity that this is a topic I feel most sensitive about and I'd wish not to linger on it anymore. Suffice to say, he knows what's he's gotten himself into.”
“I'm sorry.” She wasn't sure why she was apologizing but the fleeting pain Nairb displayed seemed genuine.
“Maybe you could explain something to us.” Darien spoke, his eyes boring into Nairb as they had the entire meal. “Why do the people here worship Serenity?”
“Ah.” Nairb raised a finger, all smiles once again. “The Children of Serenity. They believe that Serenity will appear and save the Community from some great evil.”
“What kind of great evil?” Erica asked slowly.
Nairb shrugged, nonplussed. “I'm not certain. The only certainty I have is that they are just as uncertain as I.”
“Uh, right.” Serena breathed.
“But how did they know about Serenity?” Mina pursed her lips and tapped them thoughtfully.
Serena noticed the other Counsule members turn a wary eye to Nairb, who just casually answered the question. “They also believe that Serenity was the one who helped create the Community and it was her blessing that it was able to flourish.” Nairb sat back and waved his hand flippantly. “Honestly I don't know where they get this from. It's documented very thoroughly that the Community was created by the efforts of Faust.”
Then the room went silent as both groups just watched each other closely. Serena for her part just quietly sipped on some green tea hoping this impasse wouldn't erupt into violence.
“Well.” Nairb sat up straight. “I hope you found the food to your satisfaction and there are a few matters that I must discuss with you. In particular about how you came to grace us with your presence. It is a bit of a mystery to us as to why Tracer would go to your time stream since it is forbidden to do so, especially with such a valuable artifact as Faust's Sword.”
Serena's eyes grew large in surprise. “You mean he stole that sword?”
Again, Nairb's expression became serious. “No, he somehow was able to recover it. We thought it had been lost forever after Trekker died.”
“Trekker?” The other Counsule members fidgeted at Serena's question.
Nairb darted a glance at his hands. “He was Tracer's father.”
Tracer had a family? The concept blew her mind and it raised a whole bushel of other questions. What happened to his mother? Was she dead too? Did she die with his father? Serena's heart seized. Had Tracer grown up an orphan? She was reminded of her fiancé who grew up in an orphanage as well as Lita whose entire family died in that plane crash. They had confided in her how tough their lives had been going through life without a family. All of the sudden some things about the loud, obnoxious Timelord were starting to make sense.
Serena set her jaw, her plan decided. As she focused her eyes, she caught Mina studying her closely before beaming a bright cheery smile at her. What was that about, she wondered?
At that moment, Nairb stood up from the table and gesture to Serena and her friends. “Perhaps it would be fortuitous if we continue the questions later. I would assume that you all would like to retire to your quarters?”
“Quarters?” Erica said tightly, her voice slowly rising. “More like-“
“Why thank you so much for that generous offer!” Mina chirped, earning her a glare from Erica. “However we're really not that tired, but we'd love to look around the place. It looks so, so… fantastically amazing!”
Nairb as well as everyone else in the room for that matter, blinked. “Uh, why thank you. I think. Ahem, anyway, you are more than welcome to tour the Counsule Building but please let us show you where you'll be staying.”
With that Nairb led the group to a cluster of rooms that were a relatively short distance from the dining hall. As the Counsule members bid their farewell, Serena stole a glance at the sword in Nairb's possession and her mind desperately sought how to make the next move.
“Um, Mr. Nairb.” Serena called out.
The man paused, whirling around and smiling widely. “What is it Lady Serenity?”
Serena sucked in her lower lip, hoping she wasn't making a potentially big mistake. “I was wondering if I could speak to you in private? Maybe in your quarters?”
“Serena?” The blonde hid her wince as her fiancé hissed in her ear and griped her arm.
Facing away from Nairb, Serena offered Darien the most loving and sincere smile and spoke softly, hoping that the old man couldn't hear her. “Please Darien, I have a plan.”
Darien's dark blue eyes flashed and he whispered harshly into her bangs. “What plan? I'm not about to let you go off with that snake back to his room alone!”
Serena held his gaze and whispered back with conviction. “No, I need you to help Mina and Erica search for Tracer and bring him back here while I get his father's sword.”
Darien shook his head in disbelief. “Are you crazy? There's no way I'm going to rescue that asshole. You remember what happened last time we saw him? What makes you think he's going to help us?”
Darien's questions did somber Serena slightly. What did she expect from the Timelord? Memories of Tracer as he lunged at her on the roof of the restaurant were still fresh in her mind. At the time he had every intention of doing her harm. Though she did have some major reservations about all of this, Serena was now convinced, considering recent revelations, there was more to Tracer than what met the eye.
Sighing, Serena peered at an opposing wall breaking eye contact. “I know it's crazy, but please trust me, okay?” On impulse, the blonde girl hopped up on her tip toes and gave Darien a quick peck on his lips. “Now please go with Mina and Erica and tell them my plan.”
Her heart fluttered again as he regarded her with concern. God, she loved him. “But you don't have your crystal and you can't transform, how are you going to defend yourself? I don't trust them.”
Serena smiled warmly and caressed her lover's cheek. “Don't worry about me, okay, Darien, I'm a big girl.” Then she brightened, patting him on the arm playfully. “Besides, I'm a Goddess around here, so it has to account for something, neh?”
Slowly, Darien nodded and exhaled. “Alright. But the moment anything goes wrong, I'm coming back for you, Tracer or no.”
Serena nodded. “Okay. Once I get the sword, I'll use my communicator and locate you guys.”
“Yeah.” Darien snorted. “I hope you know what you're doing.”
Serena cringed. `I hope so too.' She left unsaid.
Releasing her, Darien gave the old man waiting behind her one more warning glare before he walked back to Erica and Mina. Twirling on her toes, Serena put on her happiest expression and hopped over to the old man, who was currently toying with one of the ends of his white cloak.
“Damn things got a loose thread.” He replied sheepishly as she approached. “Would the Lady care to join me for a bit of conversation and drink back in my chambers?”
Serena nearly groaned when he flashed a charming smile at her once more which she returned in false enthusiasm. God, she hoped she knew what she was doing.
* * *
“So how do you like your pancakes?” Cindy asked her young companion.
The pink-haired youth shoved helping into her mouth and chewed impatiently and swallowed. “These are great! Almost as good as the one's Serena's mom makes back home.”
“Good.” The blonde Traveller smiled as the chef approached them, wiping his hands.
“Is there anything else I can do for you gentlemen?” The burly man asked in a way that filled Cindy with trepidation.
She held her breath in part because she was nervous that the man had found her out and second because it was too painful to breath with the cloth wrapped around her chest so tightly. She just prayed that the cloth would hold for the duration, the thought of being found out as the only woman on the planet left her ill at ease. Casting a wary glance out into the street behind the bench, Cindy could see men of all shapes and sizes bustling about in their mid-morning activities as well as the female robots dotting along behind a few of them.
“Uh, no.” Cindy had answered in her most manly sounding voice, though it must have sounded like she was suffering from a cold. “Everything's all peachy here!”
The chef regarded them as if they had flowers growing from their heads but shrugged and disappeared behind the high counter where his other sizzling orders waited. He had been giving them that look ever since they sat down and asked for pancakes. The chef, Ukyo, looked at them astonished and slightly insulted that they wanted them plain but made them without any further protest. Fortunately for them they were one of a few patrons sitting on the bench at this stand so once the cook went back to work, Cindy relaxed again.
Munching on her pancake, Reenie spoke again. “Ya know Serena used to always burn her pancakes whenever she tried to make them.”
Cindy smiled at the child. “You miss her don't you?”
“Somewhat.” Reenie admitted. The look of guilt was unmistakable to Cindy. Sometimes this kid could look so adorable. “Did you know before you showed up on our doorstep we got into this huge argument about… something. I can't remember anymore. Probably something stupid. Then you happened and it was like Serena transformed. She seemed so much like Mama it was scary.”
That brought a smile to Cindy's face and a lot of fond memories. “Yeah. I remember reading about your mother and her friends when I was your age. My mother would tell me stories when I was little and I would dream I made the world a better place like Serenity.”
The girl brightened and her pink bobbed as she bounced excitedly. “Really? Mama used to tell me stories all the time about Sailor Mo-“
Reenie's red eyes widened and her mouth hung open. Cindy became alarmed and panicked. Was there something in the pancakes? Was there a disease in this world she wasn't immune to? She nearly became hysterical with all the possibilities.
“Reenie?” Cindy shook the girl and searched her face. “Reenie! Are you okay?”
As if jolted from her stupor, Reenie grabbed Cindy. “The Silver Crystal!”
In the blink of an eye, Reenie escaped Cindy's grip and was tearing down the street. Immediately, Cindy took off after her young charge wondering what the child had sensed exactly. Was it truly the Silver Crystal? If it was, then it must mean that Serenity was here with them. If she was here then maybe the others had landed here as well! With a little bounce in her step, Cindy ran, trying to keep pace with Reenie.
`How can she run so fast?' Cindy wondered.
“Hey!” Screamed the chef from the stand. “Come back here and pay for your meal! Damn you thief!”
`Then again,' the blonde mused as she ran faster and slipped into the flow of the crowd, `this is probably better than having to explain to Reenie I didn't have any money to pay for the food.'
David was feeling pretty good despite the disturbing number of marionettes lounging about the relatively cramped room. He wasn't sure why his brother had such a fascination with those soulless machines like all the other drooling men. David wrinkled his nose, for a country that prides itself on cleanliness the air was awfully musty and there was a distinct and unpleasant odor in the air. But then again it was those drooling, smelly fools who were making his current business venture a success. Still the way these men carried on with their marionettes really creeped him out.
Shamefully, his brother was the same way except David had been able to excuse it as the eccentric mind of a mad engineer. However denying it all he could, he knew that Matt was in love with Hikari. He didn't understand it really. How could a man love a machine? It didn't breathe and its touch didn't warm your skin nor could it hold an intelligent conversation over dinner. The whole thing was too artificial to David and was hardly what he'd crave in terms of a relationship. Perhaps his brother desired the touch of a woman? David shook his head. What a queer idea considering there were no women on this planet. There hadn't been for several generations they were nearly a myth now.
The lights dimmed and David let the issue drop as his meal ticket was about to come on stage. Well what he'd consider a stage since this place was mostly used for those traditional Japoness drama shows in which they had men or marionettes (usually not during the same show) dress up in kimonos and thick face paints. However this establishment also cantered to some of the more hardcore marionette lovers featuring exotic marionettes from other countries.
Stifling a sigh, David contented himself to watch as Hikari emerged from behind the red curtain. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as they drank in her beautiful silky red and white kimono as the marionette shyly hid her face behind a fan.
David always made it a point to throw in a little local flavor into Hikari's performances as they traveled. He had heard that these outfits, geishas they were called, were a popular fetish around here. They were supposed to be refined yet sultry, professional yet coy. As much as it freaked him out, Hikari pulled it off really well. She responded genuinely to the audience as she carried out her routine. She almost looked human.
David shivered. God forbid that happen.
“Psst!” David nearly jumped as his greased-covered brother magically appeared next to him. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Composing himself quickly, David casually dusted off his white suit while trying to keep a decent distance from the soiled coveralls. “Of course it's a good idea.”
Matt made a face and inclined his head. “You sure, it's not, I don't know kinda in bad taste?”
Snorting, David slapped his brother on the shoulder, though careful to make sure his arm didn't make any contact with any dirt or grime. “I would hardly call it bad taste. More like eccentric.”
Matt wrinkled his eyebrows. “Eccentric?”
Not really in the mood to argue with his brother about this, he just offered him a noncommittal shrug. “I'm just pandering to my audience.”
David noticed Matt's gaze flicker over the room of decrepit men lustfully gazing upon Hikari. Matt cringed. “It seems so demeaning to Hikari.”
“You talk as if she was alive.” David commented incredulously and considered the Maiden Circuit device Matt had mentioned to him earlier. “You didn't turn on that… circuit did you? If she's fully automated, there's no telling what she'll do!”
Matt fixed his brother a rather nasty glare and hissed. “Why would I do something that idiotic? I just programmed the routine she's supposed to run with a few interactive programs to keep things interesting. Anyway, activating the circuit would only bring unwanted attention to us.”
“Good.” David stated and returned his attention to the stage. Hikari had just shed her kimono, revealing the outfit she wore underneath.
Matt flinched as the starkly white outfit sparkled in the stage light. “Did we really need to do this?”
David smiled as the crowd began to hoot and whistle at Hikari's skimpier costume. “It seems to be a hit with everyone else in the room.”
Matt spared his brother a doubtful glance while Hikari pulled out a cowboy hat and lasso from behind the curtain. “I see, but a cowboy geisha? Isn't that a bit much?”
His smile only broadened when Hikari started prancing around the room twirling her rope. “Hardly.”
As the brunette marionette bounced about, David could see a silver jewel jostling around in her modest cleavage. He thought it looked very pretty, twinkling vibrantly in the low lights surrounding the stage. “Ah I see you incorporated my gift into Hikari's costume.”
David nearly chuckled as Matt shyly rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, at first I was going to drill a hole through it so I could hang it from a chain. But it looked so beautiful that I just bent some metal pieces around it and looped a chain through. I hope it doesn't look too much like a rush job.”
“Oh hardly.” David encouraged, hoping this would distract Matt away from his unfounded trepidation over Hikari's costume. “It looks like you did a marvelous job. Especially on such short notice.”
A burst of commotion from the entrance interrupted their conversation. Curious and concerned, David was on his way to investigate when a small pink-haired child zipped past him looking very focused and belligerent. He had little time to ponder that as the burly bouncer nearly bowled him over nearly ruining his good suit. David was about to voice a complaint when his brother exclaimed.
“What do you think you're doing!?”
All complaints flew out the window as David searched for his brother only to see the pink-haired child climbing all over Hikari, reaching for the marionette's necklace. The marionette was doing an admiral job of fending off the youth, but the pink-haired kid wasn't giving up.
“Please don't touch!” Hikari chirped playfully. The child on the other hand wasn't having any of that as he struggled.
“Give me the crystal!” He shouted as he wrapped himself around Hikari's waist. “That's my mothers!”
By now the men in the room had jumped into action and were moving to defend their entertainment for the day. They did pay good money after all. However, David or Matt needed to do something before things got out of hand.
Thankfully, Matt had managed to cut through most of the chaos and had reached Hikari first. Good, David thought as he pushed his way forward, hopefully Matt would-
Without warning a bright flash of light blinded David followed by an agonized scream which sounded so inhuman and high pitched that it hurt his ears. As the light faded, David surveyed the room. It appeared time had stopped as the rest of the men appeared frozen in place. David would have entertained that possibility if it hadn't been for everyone's uneven breathing. Immediately he rushed towards his brother and the marionette, to assess the damage to the merchandise.
However as he approached, he noticed that Hikari looked… frightened and looking about frantically. Wait, that wasn't in her routine. David heart began to pound and broke out into a cold sweat and he picked up the pace. He could see the fear in her eyes as he approached all but confirming David's worst fear. Hikari's Maiden Circuit had been activated.
He was about to reach the marionette when he felt something tangle in his feet, forcing him to lose his balance.
“Ow! Watch where your gong!” Cried the unmistakable shrill voice of the pink-haired punk.
David suppressed his sharp reply; he had bigger problems at the moment. Reaching his feet, he could see Hikari's eyes watering while she clutched the shining crystal in her hands. David frowned. That couldn't good.
“W-who are you?” Hikari stammered as she shivered and shied away from him.
“Hikari?!” David cringed as Matt grabbed the shaken marionette. This wasn't going to help them.
“Who are you?” Hikari repeated her eyes wide. She appeared ready to take flight at any moment. This situation needed to be handled with great care!
“What's going on?” The bouncer asked, holding up the thrashing pink-haired punk.
“Put me down you over-grown ape!” The youth shouted.
Behind the burly man, David could tell from the disgruntled murmuring that the rest of the men were growing restless. As much as David's instincts were screaming at him not to leave Hikari with Matt, calming a large group of displeased and unsatisfied customers was something that needed to be dealt post haste.
“Oh, nothing. Just a glitch with the software.” David calmly replied, putting himself between the crowd and the marionette.
In his mind, David was already calculating the mounting losses this debacle was going to cost him. David could imagine that most of the customers were going to demand a refund if they hadn't already. Then he grinned wickedly at the child.
“Unfortunately, because our little monkey here decided to use our precious Hikari as a jungle gym, I doubt we'll have her operational in time to finish the show.”
The collective moan from the crowd made David smile smugly. Maybe a good old fashion beating would teach the kid a lesson.
The child glowered as he hung from the bouncer's large calloused hand. “That's total bull and you know it! Give me back my mother's crystal or you'll be sorry!”
The bouncer lifted the child to face him and flicked his nose. “How exactly are we gonna be sorry, squirt?”
The child didn't hesitate and took a bite full of the bouncer's finger. The burly man howled in pain and all matters of hell broke loose. Now free, the kid shot off like a pink tipped missile as several men in the room drove for the small troublemaker.
“Stop that kid!” Someone shouted.
“He's too fast!”
“Argh, my groin!”
Deciding to wait for the kid to come to him, David waited near Hikari as Matt did… what the hell was Matt doing? Sparing a glance behind him, he could see his brother trying to talk to the marionette who by now appeared scared out of its wits and backing away from the mechanic. Great, David thought, this couldn't get any worse.
“Put down Reenie NOW!”
But of course it would get worse, David mused darkly.
A furious young blond man barreled into the melee, shoving aside any one in his way. A few of those shoved tried to retaliate only to be clocked in the face. David watched impressed, the young man had a pretty decent right hook. Unfortunately, the blond stranger's aggression only made him more of a target for all those in the room. Suddenly the young man found that the riot now turned on him but it hardly seemed to slow him down.
With the grace and agility of a feline, the young man kept his multitude of attackers at bay. It was mesmerizing as David studied the blond man's quick and fluid movements. It was obvious the man was practiced in combat as he easily danced about the room and stage while the rest of the men followed him like a swarm of angry hornets. At some point someone grabbed a bamboo staff from God knows where and swung at the blond stranger when his back was turned.
“Cindy! Behind you!” David jumped when the pink-haired punk popped up beside him. When did that happen?
Realization flashed across the stranger's face briefly as he ducked under the swing by the barest of inches. Unfortunately, several of the other men had gotten a hold of more staffs and began whacking away in earnest. This time, the young man wasn't as lucky as his attackers were able to land several blows and in the process ripping his shirt near his collar.
“Oh no, Cindy!” The young boy exclaimed. Drawing his attention back to the child, David seized the brat and holding him in place.
The youth's burning red irises glared at him as he struggled out of David's grip. “Let me go!”
Amazed at the brat's strength, David held on tighter and jerked the child to let him know he meant business. “I don't think so. I'm not letting you out of my sight until this debacle is over and you pay for all the trouble you've caused. Plus interest.”
Speaking of investments, where was Hikari? Scanning the room, Hikari's long flowing auburn mane was no where to be found.
“Shit!” He hissed as he searched frantically for the marionette. Hikari was gone. And so was Matt.
The blond man, on the other hand, was charging his way, bamboo stick in hand.
“Put her down!” The young man commanded as his expression twisted in fury.
Automatically, David dropped the child and began to retreat but quickly found the end of the bamboo stick pressed against his throat. David found himself face to face with the blond who was breathing hard. Curious and admittedly a little interested, David's eyes roamed the young man's face and body. He looked awfully attractive, though a little too feminine for his tastes. With his long blond hair now splayed out and disheveled from all the fighting, he looked like a crazed merchant trying to sell him land in New Texas. Then his eyes roamed further south to the man's heaving bosom and the cleavage visible through the tear in his shirt.
David blinked and he panicked. This wasn't a young man. “You're a marionette!”
The crazed machine frowned. “Huh?”
Now this whole farce made sense. This was the little brat's marionette and it was programmed to guard him and bail him out whenever he did something foolish. Like now for instance. Standing straighter, David lock gazes with the machine and was disturb to see they were fiery and full of emotion rather than dull and listless like the pupils of most marionettes.
`This marionette has a Maiden Circuit.' His conclusion only made his knees tremble. `Which means that this is going to call attention to us from not only Japoness and Gartland, but also New Texas! Dear God we're screwed!'
“Now we've got you!”
The blonde marionette pulled its lips into a tight line. David shivered; she looked positively lethal as she faced her opponents. The patrons and the bouncers had the marionette surrounded and all of them had their sticks tensed and ready. It appeared the berserk machine had no way out. Of course the thought crossed David's mind that the marionette had its back to him and he could take it by surprise, but then again that bamboo looked like it would really hurt.
David waited with baited breath as the marionette and its opponents faced off. There was a tense moment as the two sides quickly evaluated each other. At any moment one of them was going to make their mov-
Then pink-haired brat popped up in the middle, holding some heart-shaped box.
“Moon Crisis Make-up!”
Suddenly the room was once again bathed in blinding light, except this time it was a warm pink glow. When the glow faded before them all stood a young girl dressed in a short skirt with pink and gold accents that flared out from the bottom of a tight white bodice. On the girl's chest was a red bow and her hair was done up in strange looking misshapen balls which had pig-tails sprouting out of them.
Where did this marionette come from? Where did that pink-haired brat go? David was confused for a moment before he realized that the brat must have used slight of hand to make the switch so he could get his other marionette to back-up the blonde one. Resourceful little pest, he'd give him that.
“Damn it Reenie.” The blond marionette growled softly before dropping its bamboo staff. “You shouldn't have done that.”
The smaller marionette carried on apparently missing the other marionette's growl. “I am Sailor Mini-Moon! And in the name of the Moon I will puniiiii-ah!”
Without warning, the blond marionette grabbed the other and dashed out of the establishment while the rest of the patrons stared on in disbelief.
A minute or two past before one of the patrons finally spoke, the bamboo staff slacken in his hands. “What the hell just happened? Was this part of the show?”
David felt a dribble of perspiration begin to slide down his face. Not sure what else he could do, he just leaned back on what always worked before.
“But of course.” David grinned, perhaps a little too widely, as he offered them a shrug.
This by far was the most humiliating thing she'd ever done. Once this was over, there was going to be reckoning. Oh yes, Raye thought, there definitely was going to be reckoning.
Stuffing her hands in the open sleeves of her priestess robes, Raye gritted her teeth and willed her face to remain as neutral as the other ornate lifeless dolls that obediently followed their masters. Ahead of her, she could see the tall brunette's loose hair bob and shimmy.
Earlier, Pluto had debriefed them of the situation. They were in a strange world where it didn't appear any women existed. The only forms of females were these androids that followed around the men. The Time Guardian had instructed them to de-transform from their Sailor Scout uniforms (since they would really stand out in their flashy short skirts) and into their civilian clothing to see if they could work up a disguise from there.
Raye cursed her luck for not changing out of her priestess robes which did little to make her look less like those machines. Lita on the other hand was wearing jeans and a shirt which made it easier for the brunette to alter her appearance to blend in better with the men who roamed around this bizarre world made from a mish mash of futuristic technology and medieval Japanese fashion. All Lita had to do was throw a robe from the assortment of robes they discovered in a closet of the room they found themselves in.
“Enjoying yourself back there?” Lita asked her in a low, soft tone.
Raye groused at that and momentarily shot her a heated glare but cooled when someone passed them.
Once the coast was clear, Raye barked back. “Oh yes. I just love to pretend I'm some perverted man's pretty little doll.”
Lita twisted her head; a raised eyebrow clearly could be seen. “Raye, all men aren't perverts. Take Ken for instance.” Raye suppressed a sigh as her friend launched into that little fantasy world whenever she spoke of her boyfriend. “He's so gallant, sweet, and he would never take advantage of me like that.”
“That's because he's scared your shadow will beat him up.” Raye mumbled under her breath.
Lita paused but didn't appear to hear her. “You're just grumpy because you haven't had a date in years. I mean what about Chad?”
“What about him?” She growled. The mention of the boy's name brought memories of last night to the surface and she really didn't want to think about last night. Unfortunately, the Amazon wasn't someone who would take kindly to being reprimanded by her. Hell that's even if she could gather a clue for that matter.
“Haven't you noticed how sweet he is on you?”
The vitriol reply died in her throat as it sunk in. She did know he liked her because he put up with so much of her abuse, but now that Grandpa was… Now Chad was all she had left and maybe she even lost that if they couldn't get home. Melancholy and sadness suddenly swept over her and she found herself fighting back tears. No, she refused to give in. She was stronger than that; she wasn't going to wallow in her own self pity while everyone was still in danger. Her temper sparked up once again and anger exploded with her chest and glowed in her eyes.
“I don't need a man to make me happy.” Raye hissed, it was all she could do to keep from raising her voice.
Lita shrugged, nonchalant. “Hey if you're more than happy satisfying yourself then more power to ya. Different strokes for different folks.”
Raye seethed. What the fuck was wrong with the woman!? She wanted to scream at the dumbbell for brains but that would mean blowing their cover. Didn't that moron know that?! Was she daring her to lose it right here? If she was then she had another thing coming!
“Ah, what a mighty fine marionette you have there, good sir.” Raye nearly jumped out of her skin at the strange voice from behind her.
Much to Raye's relief, Lita had whisked around and immediately engaged the stranger with the most masculine voice she had ever heard from the brunette. “Why yes she is.”
Raye blinked. Lita would almost definitely give Erica a run for her money in terms of imitating a guy.
As Raye smoothed her features, she turned towards the man as stiffly as possible which wasn't hard considering the shock had yet to wear off. When she finally turned all the way, she found a rather tall man appraising her. Immediately Raye swallowed down her outrage. Her pride demanded that she put this man in his place for daring to evaluate her like some piece of meat, but she couldn't endanger Lita, herself, or Pluto. She glanced at the man's scabbard hanging loosely from his hands, the hilt of the sword begging to be unsheathed at a moment's notice. Raye willed her expression to remain blank.
“She?” The swordsman asked, sounding somewhat amused. “You must be very attached to your marionette though I can't say that I blame you.” Leaning in closely, he examined Raye's face. She tried very not to look startled as his squinty eyes twitched. “'She' is very well made, nearly flawless.”
“She is a piece of work.” Lita replied in her false, gruff male tone. Raye also detected some amusement in that tone and made a mental note of that.
Raye stifled a gasp as the man gently snatched her arm and ran his hand over her skin, his touch light. “And the skin feels so real and it's so warm.” He raised his head toward Lita, awestruck. Fortunately for Raye, that meant he didn't notice the blush dusting Raye's cheeks. “How did you get that effect?”
Lita's mouth hung open for a moment until she glanced at Raye and then smirked. The smirked confused the priestess until her friend replied. “Ah she only gets warm when she hasn't been touched in awhile.”
Oooo, Lita was definitely going to get it later, blown cover or not.
“She's beautiful.” The swordsman voice took on a silky quality that gave rise to inner warmth Raye wasn't used to. It made her think of all the times Chad had proclaimed his intentions to her. Underneath her irritation she showed, she had found it flattering, but she wondered if he'd ever speak to her like this. A part of wished he would.
Meanwhile, the rest of her wished she could pound Lita's growing smirk into oblivion.
“How much?” He asked suddenly and it took all of Raye's resolve not to appear alarmed. Fortunately Lita took action.
“Uh, she's not for sale. Sorry.” Lita smiled politely.
The swordsman disappointment was very evident and in a way made Raye sad too. Despite the fact the swordsman saw her as nothing more than an obedient robot, it had felt… good to be wanted. Her anger roared once more. She DID NOT need a man to make her happy. What she needed were her friends.
`And most of them are probably gone to me for forever.' Melancholy rushed through her like a cold shower, the sickening sinking feeling chilling her anger.
However a burst of power electrified her body dispelling everything. She recognized it immediately; someone had activated the Silver Crystal! Lita's body twitched as well telling Raye that the tall brunette felt it too.
“Did you feel that?” The swordsman asked, apparently he had felt it as well. “There must a powerful plasma storm forming.”
“Uh, yeah.” Lita replied. “Probably not a good idea to stay outside then. No sense in ruining our good walking clothes, huh?”
Raye wanted to slap her forehead. Lita was a terrible liar. However despite all of her recent frustrations, she felt elated. Serena was here and there was no telling who else-
“Waaaaaaahh! Let me go!”
Running towards them at incredible speed was a girl dressed only in a skimpy white sparkling bikini and some gaudy leather chaps. What kind of woman would run around in public dressed like that? Oh yeah, this was a world dominated by men. Now all was right in this screwed up world.
Meanwhile, around the woman's neck a terrified man held on for dear life, his skinny body flapping around the girl like a scarf. However as the woman flew by, Raye's caught a glimpse of the glowing stone bouncing about her chest.
`How did she get the Silver Crystal?' Raye's mind was racing. `What happened to Serena?'
Suddenly, she felt a tug on her sleeve as Lita rattled off her words at the speed of a machine gun. “Oh, will you look at the time! If you'll excuse me, sir, but my friend and I must be going. `Kay? Thanks! Bye!”
As they put some distance between themselves and the swordsman, Raye grabbed the transformation pen she had stored up her sleeve.
“We're gonna have to transform if we ever hope to catch up with her.” Raye huffed, the heavy weight of her priestess robes not aiding her at all.
“Yea, I know.” Lita responded, her breathing hardly as labored. “We need to find a good hiding place first.”
Just as the pair began scanning the area, someone screamed at them.
“Raye! Lita!”
Behind them was sight for sore eyes. The blonde Traveller and Reenie were coming their way. Raye couldn't help but smile. It didn't matter if she was blowing her cover by doing so. At this point the raven-haired girl didn't care; some of her friends were safe and they were returning to her.
Though Raye did wonder idly why Cindy was carrying Reenie as well as what reason Reenie had for being in her Sailor Scout uniform. And she was somewhat interested in the large, angry mob rumbling after them like a testosterone tsunami.
`Ya know, truth be told, I really don't care anymore.' The fleeting thought ran through Raye's mind as pulled out the pen and shouted her transformation incantation. “Mars Crystal Power!”
Besides, she did vow there would reckoning.
She shouldn't be enjoying this so much, Pluto kept reminding herself.
Things were bleak; the Queen was missing, the others were probably across this world or different dimensions even, and they were in a foreign place and time that held numerous unknown dangers. Yet, as she jumped from one rooftop to another, she couldn't help but feel an exhilarating rush knowing the fate of this world wasn't a burden on her shoulders.
Well, she did have some burden, she needed to retrieve Queen Serenity and the others, but for once in her life she didn't have to concern herself with anything else. And she felt a little guilt to admit that felt really good.
But she was also a pragmatic person, as Time Guardian one had little choice but to be one, and her mind had reviewed her options. The most optimistic possibility was that all of the girls had landed in this dimension and there was a Traveller here that they could `oblige' to take them back home. On the other hand, the worst case scenario was Mars, Jupiter, and she was trapped here for the rest of their lives.
Long wisps of her deep green hair tinkled her nose as the wind batted at it and tangling near her eyes. Peering down at the busy streets below, she watched the people of this bustle about. Was it really that bad to be trapped here? Sure they were all men but they still had their powers and Pluto was fairly certain they would not be at this population's mercy.
Plus if this city was any indication, the rest of this civilization was peaceful. Though she did wonder how they kept up the population being as they were all men. She pondered that for a bit. More than likely they cloned each other since other means of reproduction seemed somewhat implausible as well as rather repugnant to her. Either way, revealing to them that they were female might be received favorably. Perhaps they could really do some good for this world.
`Why am I even entertaining this notion!?' The Time Guardian shook her head, hoping to shake loose these crazy thoughts. `We *will* get home. It's my duty, no, my *purpose* to protect Serenity and her world and I will do so by finding a way to get us back!'
Then she heard it as she hopped off another rooftop. The soft echo of feet landing a few buildings away that disappeared before she had a chance to glance in that direction. Mentally berating herself for once again slacking in her duties, Pluto vowed once and for all to never allow it to happen again. Straining her senses, she attempted to detect who or what was following her.
After a few more minutes, Pluto was able to determine that she was being followed by a group of five or six fleet footed assassins probably all wearing something akin to a bodysuit. Since she hadn't caught sight of any of them, she assumed they were hiding in the shadows. Since she couldn't catch them in the daylight, she concluded they were likely dressed in black.
There was another one who was just as light on their feet, though this one had loose fitting, rustling fabric which gave away their position. This one was moving rapidly to intercept but was further away than the group following her. It seemed that the group of assassins was only doing resonance since they hadn't spread out to surround her. Pluto wondered if there was a connection between them and the one coming right for her.
Moving to a place that was easy for her to defend, the Time Guardian stopped and readied her staff. She kept her back turned and pretended not to notice that the group had taken several positions around her, yet not close enough to call her attention. So far they only observed, making no move to engage her. Now assured she wasn't going to be attacked by these assassins, Pluto waited patiently for her company to arrive.
And she didn't need to wait long.
Mere moments later a woman dressed in elaborate red robes landed in front of her a small distance away. The woman's intense gaze regarded her critically as she aimed the blade on the end of her staff at the Time Guardian.
“I am Tamasaburou of Japoness Elite Imperial Guard. Identify yourself intruder.” The twin curls of her purple bangs bobbed about her temple.
Pluto schooled her face, appearing as emotionless as her combatant. She was intrigued, this one didn't sound like a machine.
“Identify yourself, intruder.” The woman ordered more forcefully, thrusting the blade for added effect. “I will not ask again.”
Allowing a frown, Pluto didn't appreciate being threatened. As she contemplated her next move, she felt a strong pulse of energy. It was unmistakable; someone had activated the Silver Crystal. Her interrogator, Tamasaburou, must have felt it too since she gasped. The assassins quickly left the scene a chorus of quiet footfalls following in their wake. Pluto could only assume they felt it as well.
Tamasaburou regained her composure and narrowed her eyes as Pluto repositioned her staff. “You will go nowhere marionette. You have much to answer for.”
Pluto let her eyes drag over to the Imperial Guard and replied dryly. “I answer to no one but my Queen.”
Then she raised her staff and teleported to where the Silver Crystal, and hopefully her Queen, awaited.
-End of Part 10-
Author's Notes:
Special thanks to the wife for providing me with some pointers on the stages of grief for the scene with Raye. Sometimes it helps to know someone in the counseling profession.
Also major props to Orionshadow because if it wasn't for that guy's encouragement, this probably would have taken longer to finish. Big thanks.
Soundtrack for Chapter 10:
Ghost of Nihil - gwarek2 by Aphex Twin
The Ocean Breeze vs the Bitter Cold - Bleed Like Me by Garbage
Calling of the Silence - Fish - Silent Cruise from the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex OST
In Dreams - Enjoy by Bjork
Touring the Counsule Building - Circles by Meat Beat Manifesto
Pancakes - Milk Tea by Plus Tech Squeeze Box
Cindy's Battle - Because We Can by Fat Boy Slim
Raye's Reckoning - Beelzebeat by Orbital
Hopping the Rooftops - Walkabout by The Sugarcubes
All original characters are owned and copyrighted by Bastion (c) 2008.
Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi
Saber Marionette J is owned by Satoru Akahori
Nausicaa is owned by Hayao Miyazaki
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