Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Marines Journey - The SHODAN crisis ❯ Chapter 22: Jon’s training session, a reformation and a revelation for everyone about Tom, from Tom ( Chapter 23 )
The Marine's Journey
Chap. 22 - Jon's training session, a reformation and a revelation for everyone about Tom, from Tom.
By: Piccard
After the success of my last chapter, I think I'll do more like it in future, but for now, I'll stick to the usual stuff for the minute. Perhaps something similar to the last chapter, but it might no only be Piccard and Amy.
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Disclaimer: If I own it, then I didn't steal it. And if I didn't steal it, then you won't recognise it from anywhere else! (That can't be right!)
By the spirits? I have two in the Fic!
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Elias and Antoine promptly got up and started walking. "Where are you two off to?" Antoine turned and smirked. "Eef you ahre goeing to `Get eet on' again, we will give you privacy." They both laughed as they left and Piccard and Amy were bright red. "In future, I'll check for cameras before I feel randy." They both stood up and walked back to the mansion. Once, back in their room, Piccard took the `used' sheets off his bed and put them for laundry. "Now where can I sleep? They won't be ready for two days." Amy smirked, "You can sleep with me." "Can I?" They both smiled as they embraced again, and Tom and Jon walked in. "We're going for another training session, care to join us?" "Alright then. Are you going to the lounge?" "Of course." They shared a quick kiss as Amy went to the Lounge and Jon, Tom and Piccard went to the holodeck for another training session.
As they entered the holodeck, they noticed that it was already decked out. "Whose program is it?" Piccard asked curious. "Mine, and it won't just be mindless violence." "Jon, anything of your's without mindless violence was stolen!" Jon chuckled at this and started speaking. "Computer, Begin program Andrews beta, target mode." The three of them suddenly found themselves on the roof of a large building with various things floating in the sky. "Only Jon would have target practice on top of Starfleet command!" Piccard muttered to Tom as Jon kept talking. "Computer, safety's on and begin program." The computer beeped and the targets began moving. "Choose your weapon!" Jon said as he drew his pistol. Tom pulled his laser pistol from his pocket and Piccard got his bow and quiver from his room via magic. "This counter keeps count of who hit the most targets, the winner is the one who destroyed the most in ten minutes, and I put in a few surprises for later on." He held his pistol up, and Tom and Piccard complied. "Begin!" Jon shouted as he fired and got his first target.
Tom pointed his laser pistol and fired straight up several times and managed to hit three. Piccard took more time with his, and carefully aimed his bow at a group in front of them. He fired and managed to take out two targets with one arrow. He spun while reloading and fired quickly, bagging another two. "That's four to me! Didn't know my arrows were piercing did you?" Jon merely grumbled as he started talking again. "Computer, load surprise #1!" More beeps, and the targets suddenly glowed green. Tom fired again, but the bolt reflected and nearly hit him in the leg. "What the hell?!?" "HA! Now you have to hit the targets head on! Or the projectile is reflected!" Piccard glared at Jon as he aimed again, bringing an arrow to position. He concentrated and the arrow glowed a light green. "Anti-magic arrow!" He yelled as he shot at the nearest target. The bolt went straight through the shield and hit the target on the side. Jon was livid, but Piccard countered by saying. "You never said anything about not using magic! Besides, I don't have any homing spells yet."
Jon bought this, and turned back to the targets and fired again, taking out three. Tom pointed his pistol and fired at such an angle that caused the bolt to ricochet off several targets. "How's that?" "Impressive Tom, now beat this!" Jon said as he changed his pistol's setting to `burst', turning his pistol into a sort of a mini-machine gun. He fired bullet after bullet and got around six targets. "Beat that!"
After another seven minutes, Tom had 86, Piccard had 115 and Jon had 117. There were only 4 seconds left as Piccard was taking his final shot. "Must make this count." Piccard said as he reached into his quiver and pulled out his last three arrows. "Have to try a triple shot. But with moving targets?" Downstairs, people were watching this with interest. "He'll never hit it!" Anaetheron commented, but Amy interrupted him, "He will, he did it before in the holodeck. But the targets weren't moving then." In the deck, Piccard took aim and the arrows glowed blue. "Lightning bolts!" He shouted as he fired. The first arrow missed completely. The second hit one target and went straight up. The third also hit a target and rebounded up, heading for a final target. "Hit it!" Piccard muttered through his teeth. But to his dismay, the arrow just missed it. Piccard hung his head low, but he raised it when he heard a shatter, and saw the debris of another target falling from where the other had previously been.
Jon was staring wide-eyed at this. "How the heck?" "Remember those disrupter bolts they were testing on the Poledes that ricocheted? Well, I liked the look of them, so I converted it into magic!" Jon just `Hmphed' as he sat down on the side of the roof and dangled his legs over the side. "Well, look on the bright side Jon, you beat me?" He looked up and smirked, "That's true, you need work on aiming." "I didn't know that your shields reflected energy!" Tom whined as Jon ended the program. "Piccard may know magic, and you may be a tactician, but even I have a few surprises up my sleeve." This caused Piccard and Tom to laugh as they exited the holodeck and went to Piccard and Amy's room. While Piccard put his bow and quiver away, Jon looked at Piccard's bed. "Where are the sheets?" "Gone for laundry, I'm sharing with Amy for 2 days." Jon did thrusting movements with his hips and grinding noises with his teeth as Tom only backed away from him.
Piccard sat on the side of his bed and appeared to be deep in thought. "I've been thinking about something." (What did I tell you? Doctor: Shut up!) Jon and Tom both sat on opposite sides of Piccard and started to listen with interest. "Remember those team tournaments that they used to have on the Poledes to pass the time?" Jon raised his eyebrows, "You mean the one you had to quit because they wouldn't let you in with your powers?" "That's the one! Anyway, I've been thinking, how about we get the old team back together?" Tom and Jon both seemed a bit sceptical about it. "We WERE the only three members of our team after all! And if an attack comes up, perhaps one of our old plans might give us an advantage." As Piccard expected, Jon immediately said "Yes, Okay, will I get a uniform? You know how girls feel about a man in uniform!" "There wasn't a uniform last time and your armours enough!" Jon started to sulk, but at least he liked the idea. Tom was a bit more difficult to convince. "But this time, there aren't any safety's on. We aren't battling on the holodeck." "Then how about enlisting new members? There's plenty of choice." After hearing this, Tom agreed, and they all put their hands together.
"For power!" -Jon
"For Tactics!" -Tom
"For Magic!" -Piccard
"We are the Alliance, and we cannot be defeated!" They all bought their hands up with a battle cry and sat down again. Just as they did this, they received a visitor over the COM badge. "Doctor to Piccard, come in please!" Piccard groaned as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the badge. "In future, I wear it at all times." Piccard said before tapping it. "Piccard here, go ahead." "Guess whose outside causing havoc. Here's a clue: He's got green eyes and he's a bastard!" "How hard! Let me guess, Bio?" Correct, Doctor out." Piccard turned to face Tom and Jon whilst reloading his plasma gun, "Bio's back, lets show him how the Alliance handles things." Piccard tapped his com badge. "Piccard to Doc, take Dark, Anaetheron and Cybos to start, we're going to give Bio a little surprise."
Meanwhile outside, Bio was alone and throwing grenades at the front of the mansion, which were exploding against a force field that Dark had set up. Currently, Anaetheron and Cybos were firing round after round at the genetic marine, but weren't doing anything significant to him. Anaetheron was tiring fast, and Cybos was down to around twenty rockets. "Where are they? We can't keep going!" Anaetheron shouted as he fired two bolts direct at Bio, which he just absorbed. Dark lowered the barrier and ran forward, tackling Bio with his chaingun. Bio merely drew his crystal shard and started swinging, causing Dark to flinch and lose his bearings for a minute.
Just then, the sound of a shotgun firing echoed through the air. Bio tensed as a shell hit him in the back, and he swung to see three figures standing in the road, one with a staff, one with a sword and one with a rapier. Bio growled as the one with the sword ran forward and engaged him head on, slashing him in the arm. Bio threw Jon back and morphed his arm into the emerald green blade, and started fighting. Tom saw his chance and ran forward with his rapier over his head, bringing it down hard into Bio's helmet, causing him to stall for a minute before starting to glow a dark green. Piccard noticed this and ran forward with his staff outstretched. "Counter spell!" He yelled as his staff came into contact with the green beam, dissipating it. Bio spun and his blade slashed Piccard's chest, leaving a light cut straight through his uniform. He winced as he looked up and back flipped to dodge a stab to the chest.
Jon bounced back and sheathed his sword, reaching behind him and pulling out his assault rifle. "Eat this you genetic bastard!" he shouted as he set the gun to automatic fire and shot straight at bio, but the shots ricocheted off his armour. "You'll have to do better than that!" He shouted as he bought his hand forward and shot a green blast straight at Jon, who only just managed to dodge it. "I may be an Arse, but even I know when to dodge magic!" He shouted as he changed the bullet type in his gun to Armour-piercing. "Beat this!" He shouted as he fired again, and this time, it worked. Bio coiled in pain as the bullets penetrated his chest and blood threw out. Jon only shouted, "Oi, blood should only be green if you're Mr. Spock or Mr. Tuvok!" as he ran out of ammo and holstered his rifle and drew his sword again.
Tom was now fighting with Bio as Jon was dealing with his rifle. Tom bought his rapier forward to counter the emerald blade and managed to slice a bit off the top, which fell to the ground. But before bio could grab it, Dark grabbed with telekinesis and moved it into the mansion. Tom bought his rapier forward and just missed making a dent in his helmet's visor. Jumping backwards, he just managed to avoid being concussed and fell to the floor with a crack. He winced in pain as he knew instantly what was wrong, "My spine!" He was hit by a golden beam as he turned to see Piccard chanting. Now feeling fine, he jumped up and resumed fighting alongside Jon, who tried to shove his sword up Bio's genetic backside.
Piccard however was choosing to start back and start with the magic attacks. After healing Tom's spine, Piccard started to charge energy. "See how he fares against rapid fire!" Piccard said as he bought his staff up, "Flame strike!" He yelled as a stream of fire shot out of the top and Bio countered it with a flick of the wrist before firing an acid bolt at Piccard, who used his sword to absorb the blow. This shocked everyone, as Piccard now ran forward and swung his sword at Bio, "Acid redirect!" He shouted as the sword made contact, but Bio simply shrugged it off and ran towards where Piccard was making his retreat.
Piccard was running towards the mansion doorway where everyone else was, when he suddenly felt a chill down his back. A sign that Bio was getting close. As Piccard span, a blade through the stomach greeted him. Piccard heard Amy screaming behind him as he felt the blade emerging through his back, but he did not pass out, much to the shock of everyone. Piccard grabbed the blade and used all his strength pushed it out of him. Bio was shocked as Piccard removed the blade and thrust Bio to the floor and spun round, grabbing the emerald from the Doctor and being surrounded in the golden light. When he reappeared, he shot out and grabbed Bio, holding him by the throat as the two of the smashed into a wall nearby, a fist fight began. Piccard countered a punch and bought his own fist towards Bio's face. Bio countered this and punched Piccard in the stomach, sending him backwards in pain. Bio started to levitate and bought his fist down into Piccard's head causing him to fall to the floor. Then Bio fell to the floor, and as Piccard was just getting up, Bio gave an evil smirk as he bought his iron boot square into Piccard's groin, causing him to scream in agony and fall to the floor again, but the power of the emerald only made Piccard feel the pain, meaning his body was not injured, but he was incapable of moving.
Tom watched on in horror. Jon was using his arms to drag himself over to where Piccard was on the floor, with Bio over him reforming his blade and slowly bringing it to Piccard's head. "Piccard can't get out of that, and Jon can't help in time." Jon collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily as the blade closed on Piccard's head. Dark and Anaetheron tried to run over, but Bio waved his hand and they both collided with an invisible barrier. "Looks like it's up to me." Tom thought as he readied his laser pistol and fired, but the beam rebounded and caught Tom in the leg, causing him to scream. "You'll have to do better than that, Admiral!" Bio shouted as the blade lightly touched Piccard's head, which was sweating greatly. Tom changed his laser pistols setting to over and fired blast after blast, but none of them hit their mark, and Tom was out of ammo. Bio sent a bolt at tom, which caused him to flinch. "You're annoying, I'll get you next you posh bastard." Everyone but Piccard looked at Tom, who had a glare on his face. "THAT'S IT!" He bought his hands up. "I have a secret, Bio, here it is!"
A white beam shot over Piccard's shoulder and sent Bio flying towards the others, who started to attack him. Piccard turned, "Nice shot Dark," "It wasn't me!" "Well who was it?" "Look behind you!" Piccard turned and his eyes widened as he saw Tom lying on the floor surrounded with a white glow. Before Piccard could call him, he heard Bios voice over the noise of punches and kicks, "You won this time! Next time you won't be so lucky!" Bio shouted as an explosion engulfed him and sent everyone else to the floor.
Piccard walked over and stood above Tom, "He's holding too much energy! Energy channel!" A white beam shot out of Piccard and hit Tom in the heart. The glow around Tom faded and he started to regain consciousness. Piccard helped him to his feet. "You alright?" "Fine thanks P." "When did you learn magic?" Tom's face fell. "When we arrived at the spirit realm, this guy all in white approached me. He said I had been chosen to have the abilities as Jon was mentally unstable." Piccard turned and cast a spell, in a second, Jon was on his feet and looking around. "Where's that git?" "Gone for now Andrews, you see, you can fight well when you follow protocols." Jon smiled as he got to his feet and they heard clapping. Looking around, they noticed a crowd standing at the street corner, and within seconds they were swamped autographs and various other things that left Tom and Jon shocked when they dispersed.
Piccard cast a spell on the hole in his stomach and it immediately started to heal. He helped Tom and Jon into the house, being assisted by Anaetheron and Cybos. It was obvious to all that Piccard was absolutely knackered and when Tom and Jon were on the couch, Piccard collapsed on the floor. After a minute, he stood up and turned to the others. "I'm going for a bath. I bloody need a soak!" was all he said as he left, but everyone laughed as he added, "By the gods I stink!" and after several minutes, Amy took her leave and had the intention of joining him.
Now that finish should keep you ready for the next chapter. Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, but I am absolutely knackered! And if you can interpret the ending, then you know how the next chapter's gonna start! Well, how was it, Good, Bad, interesting as laying a carpet? Review now!
Piccard, now absolutely tired! Ready to turn in! /\/**