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"The Marines Journey - The SHODAN crisis" Reviews/Comments [ 57 ]
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 Title: flames
Reviewed By: Doctor Colossus [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 08, 2005 03:01 CDT
why don't you delete this story and repost it if you want to get rid of the flames. your reviews are scary!!
 Reviewed By: Doctor Colossus [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 08, 2005 03:00 CDT
As u may have guessed, I am quite new to mm.org. I didn't know what NC17 was until I looked around here on this site. It's kind of odd, spiecially in Sonic fics. Before I was on here I was going on ff.net a lot. I read your fics there, and to my surprise found a fic by you here as well. I sent you an email a while back but you didnt reply
 Title: Doctor Colossus
Reviewed By: Doctor Colossus [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 08, 2005 02:57 CDT
Oh I can't make up my mind about this fic at all, but now that I've read chapter 90 I want to see the rest of the chapters.
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 09, 2004 07:05 CST
Yeah those flamey reviews make even me feel bad. But hey, I think I got my point across that they weren't all flames
 Title: wow i'm amazed
Reviewed By: Keeper_Asmodai [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 11:18 CST
now that the author has banned all non signed in reviews out come the semi-flames, mainly complaining at my review. I said that he could do with some improvements in his writing but i ask you this. WHO DOESNT? who's writing can you say is perfect? thats right no ones, even the professional authors are always improving, i agree some of it his story is a bit bland and requires more detail with characters, see that aint flaming that is being constructive. By the way learn how to spell my name i see Nixon managed too after his 3rd post using my name but people constantly put Asmodia. i defend my friend like i would defend anyone that had people insulting him without giving reasons why, yes some stuff here i can agree with on a smaller scale but what people write here is just: rude, crude, saddistic, offensive and just plain sick. i'm suprised he hasnt wrote a review for himself showing his own personal feelings about your reviews and if you want to know why i stick up for my friends so harshly, it is cause i have a small group of friends i could trust through life and death, unfortunately you obviously dont understand what the word trust or friends mean.
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:58 CST
Here Azmodai, I've pointed out all the authors who should not be considered flamers: >>The definition of a flame is basically a personal attack on the author with absolutely no reason given, or even relevance to the story. But the above reviews are not like that. And that is why I believe you to be in the wrong.
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:48 CST
Flame or "Flaming is the performance of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting in the social context of [the internet]"
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:46 CST
And now before I am done, I shall comment on the author. I notice that all anon reviews have been banned. Well, without wanting to join the horrific ranks of flamers themselves I MUST say to you: Don't be such a coward. You got some scary reviews but hey, it's NC-17. Do you honestly think anyone who reads Sonic porn is mentally sound? What did you think you were getting yourself into?! And concerning the other, barely-flame (if at all) reviews, so what if people don't like your story. YOU SAID AT THE START THAT IT DIDN'T MATTER AS LONG AS THEY WERE HONEST SO YOU COULD IMPROVE! You'll never get anywhere if you don't stop listening to asskissers and start listening to the honest people. EVERYONE HAS CRITICISED THE FLAT CHARACTERS: Why aren't you taking notes? You are SO lucky do you know that? NO-ONE, almost NEVER, leaves so much information on how to improve in a single review, but all those people took the time to. They could have just flamed and said it sucked, but they didn't. And you have forsook them. Do you want to weave a beautiful narrative? Or do you just want to drown yourself in a hollow dream-world, a flat empty land used only for the flat empty adventures you may wish you could embark on? Doesn't this make you a hypocrite? Doesn't it? Couldn't you just go, start afresh and make a wonderful story? Or redo this. But, could you at least finish putting up it first, there are too many abandoned fics up here already. How can you hide away like some frightened animal?
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:32 CST
I don't want to appear to be mean or anything, but Azmodia, you DO give the impression of being a little... shall we say 'overprotective' of this author? Are you just another pseudonym used by this author?
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:29 CST
Now that I have disected Satanica's 'review' I shall disect Azmodia: You're 1) and 2) seem to show a slight insecurity, a harsh reaction to a remark such as that ("Watch your back"). You know what that says about you right? :) No-one gives any constructive criticism? Have you sat down and READ some of the reviews? Not the 'die die die' reviews but the real ones. I admit that the review you replied to was certainly not constructive, but the fact that there are ideas for improvement in the reviews completely discredits you. You "admit he needs to do some work on the fanfiction"? A-HA! YOU ARE NOW FLAMING HIM! YOU ARE SO CRUEL & MEAN! HOW DARE YOU FLAME THE AUTHOR YOU HORRIBLE & MEAN PERSON! For my final thought, I believe that the guy who said mugglefugger was either too uncormfortable or too lazy to use the taboo word 'mother fucker'. Perhaps they wanted to be less offensive, but still convey a strong sense or something. Or they thought they'd be censored.
 Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:17 CST
I read your bio, and can I just say... FLAME! FLAME! FLAME! Oh yes oh yes, I belive that is a 'Burn'! So, in the tradition of Middle America... BURN! *chuckles* I mean, what's with you man!
 Title: I Am Not A Crook, So Listen To What I Gotta Say
Reviewed By: Richard Nixon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 07:02 CST
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 1 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 5 of 10
Overall Rating: 5 of 10
Satanica should be ashamed of himself. Although I found a few parts of his review quite funny. I suppose it was an angry rant, but was fairly amusing to see. Who here (except Azmodia obviously) did not find his half in love comment amusing? It made me smile admittedly. However, some of it degenerated into pure nastiness and a rather personal attack on the author. Witty observation begets hatred? Certainly in this persons case. Look at me, reviewing a review. Now I shall offer my comments on everything else: Asmodia is perfectly justified on attacking Satanica, he SHOULD feel ashamed for himself (and no doubt somewhere or other he does) but I have read Germanicus and believe him to be justified and in the right. Asmodia you cannot attack a review simply because you disagree with it, especially with such harsh language. Can you blame the other people for the responses you have gotten back? A lot of 'reviews' here are flames, but many more offer advice on improvements, including Germanicus. The most comment theme for example is characters. No matter how much you yell Asmodia, you cannot force peoples opinions to change, not inside. I don't know whether you are a zealous web friend or Piccard under a different name, but you need more patience. Germanicus offered positive AND negative criticism, wrapped up in a VERY witty review in my opinion. As Satanica should feel shame, so should you. All of you. My thoughts for the fic are in the scores. I may have been too generous.
 Title: A lesson in 'Tur-meh-n-all-o-jee'
Reviewed By: Germanicus [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 07, 2004 17:57 CST
To begin today's lesson, we will be learning (or relearning) a few terms that have been repeated... repeatedly. 1)Flame or "Flaming is the performance of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting in the social context of [the internet]" (Wikipedia). I think it's safe to say that most of us are guilty of this to one degree or another. However; 2) Constructive criticism "is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others" (Wikipedia). This is also true of some of the 'flamers', as Azmodai has labeled them. Granted, some of my comments were quite seething, however, I believe that I and the others here have accurately identified some of the problems with his work (See the reviews below for specifics). 3) As for Azmodai's insightful commentary, "see you in hell FUCKERS", I suppose that depends on one's definition of 'hell'. Dante Alighieri's "Inferno" separates hell into nine 'circles', the last of which is 'Cocytus', the place where hell literally freezes over. I suppose I could call this story my own personal 'Cocytus', a fic so unbelievably bad (with characters/plot) that the 'hell' known to me as 'fanfiction' begins to freeze over... That being said, Azmodai, you already see me there, frozen in my absolute horror.
 Title: satanica watch ur back now
Reviewed By: Azmodai  On: December 07, 2004 10:53 CST
"I am amazed that you can have friends, even if it is a deluded web-friend who is half in love with you." is what you said now i am well i was about to say pissed but even that dont cut it!! 1) I DO NOT NOR EVER BE SOMEONE WHO IS HALF IN LOVE WITH HIM!! 2)I'M NOT GAY ANYWAY!! you talk about wishing someone would kill him, i have one question for you. How would you like to die? none of you really give any constructive criticism all of you just slag him off and i am his friend and i know how to stick up for a friend! i bet half of you are sad fucks who would turn on their friend as soon as they do somethin wrong!! learn to write reviews learn to be constructive. Hell why dont you just go jump in a pit and die?! you people who just slag someone off just make me sick!! there i said it again and again and again! i do admit he needs to do some work on the fanfiction but these retarded comments are just soo fucking pointless. oh and the guy who wrote the qoute i used sayin the word mugglefugger are you some kind of dumbass? who cant type or are you just a harry potter fanfatic that wants to fuck the characters? thank you and ciao
 Title: So Good I Think It Should Go Up Again
Reviewed By: Respin  On: December 07, 2004 09:17 CST
Hes right: 'I managed to read a few chapters. I'll try to make this as polite as possible... or not. Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu- Idiocy, ego-stroking, the kind of thing only pleasent to the author of the piece. Pedophelia- Christ! I'm gonna have to agree with the others who've left their own opinons concerning this one... What's wrong with you! Length- I can see you obviously put a lot of work into this... And I do mean a lot! Unfortanately a lengthy 'sue flick is STILL a 'sue flick! Suggestions- I would offer advice on how to salvage this, however, the advice I would give involves changing almost the entire story. In fact, you might as well start over. Sorry, but it was an unpleasent read... Now I need to wash out my eyes... Scores- (Based on the amount I could stand to read) Style of Writing- 7 Large blocks of writing hurts the eyes (moreso than the actual content). Separate your writing into more paragraphs. Spelling and Grammer- 9 Fine, though you could still use more variety in diction (frankly, so could I). Originality/Creativity- 5 You get a few points here; I've never seen an angsty/ridiculously 'powerful'/Every Character loves them/Ego expanding Mary-Sue Character(s) with this amount of work put into it. Enjoyment Factor- 0 Congrats! You've discovered a foolproof argument for euthanasia! The 'rating' system requires a minimum of one... DOUBLE CONGRATS! You broke the scale! Overall Rating- 0 Hit another minimum of one... Just between me and you, lets just 'say' it was a zero.'
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