Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Justify Your Reason ❯ An Angel and A Kiss ( Chapter 2 )
Justify Your Reason
I dun own Trigun!! I sorta wish I lived there but I don't. So I can only dream!!
---Author's Note---
Marina: Well, So far on the story I on'y got 2 reviews. ::frowns:: But, aw well! I can still continue!
Wolfwood: I told you hardly anyone would read it. You're lucky that you got those 2 review instead of none.
Vash: You're not being fair to her, Wolfwood. Give it time I'm sure a few more people will review.
Chibi Quartz: At weast you wiw be in dis one, Woofie! Mebbe when dey wead dis chaptaw, dey'w weview!! ::looks kute and inoccent::
Wolfwood: -_-+ Don't call me Wolfie!!
Someone with a cold low voice: Marina, you lucky I even helped you with the last chapter.
Marina: ::is startled and pulls out her litte knife then turns to the speaker:: O.o;; Knives, don't you ever sneak up on my like that!! If you do that again I'll kill you off in one of the chapters, and don't think I won't!!
Knives: ::raises hand in a surrender:: Fine. But don't expect me to help again. You won't trick me into helping you this time.
Marina: ¬.¬;; I wasn't planning on it....Oh well, on with the story!!
Chapter 2
An Angel and A Kiss
Jewell sat on her bed in the room alone. Putting on her tydye shirt and fingerless gloves, she thought of where she was going to go and what she would find and do when she got there.
Vash peeked in and saw she was finished changing. "Is it safe to look?" he asked.
As she began to pull on her boots she said with a smile, "Yes. It's safe." He walked in with a smile and sat beside her.
"Are you heading somewhere?" he said curiously. She nodded,
"I'd rather not still be here if those guys come back to see if I'm--" She stopped as she thought of where she should be going. The woman quickly finished tying her boots' laces and pulled on her coat.
Vash stood and set his hand on her shoulder. "What is it? Tell me," his eyes were showing a caring look.
"I-I-I," she stuttered then smacked her cheeks lightly while thinking, Come on, talk right!
"Okay...I left someone at Bunker and I need to get back there." She sighed as she took Titan from it's resting place in the corner. "He's going to be upset that I was gone for too long."
Vash tilted his head confused. "Who might that be?"
"That would be a chibi kitsune by the name of Quartz," she said with a matter-of-fact tone. "He hates it when I'm gone for too long, and I usually leave when it's night and he's asleep because he knows why I leave but it doesn't normally take five days for me to get supplies. It's more like two days tops."
Vash shook his head. "Slow it down there... What's a kitsune?"
Jewell smiled and supressed a laugh. "Well, he's half kitsune anyway. He's cute with his fox ears and tail." She walked to the door and turned to Vash again. "The suns will set in a few hours so I want to get going," she said.
Vash nodded. "May I come along with you?"
The swordmaster nodded, "Yes. I think it would be a good idea becuase I've only traveled during the day once or twice. Plus, It would be nice to have company that know how to defend himself."
Vash nodded and looked out the window. "Where is this place that we're going to?" he said, scanning the deserts.
Jewell planted her hands on her hips raising one brow. "Now, dun tell me you've forgotten? I've seen you, you've visited the place a few times hoping to find me."
Vash scratched the back of his head and laughed. "I suppose there's no fooling you, is there?" he said humorously.
Sighing, she shook her head and raised her brows with a smile. "No, but I was glad to see you were still alive." She walked over to him and, still smiling, she put one arm around his shoulders. "Well, my friend, you'll be meeting alot of other Divine people while with me. So go get ready and lets go."
The gunman nodded and walked out of the room to his and fetched his pack, coat and boots.
Once he was ready, he met Jewell outside and they began walking out of the town toward their distant destination.
Vash sighed, carrying his pack on his back and drooping. "This always was a long walk, from anywhere..." he said tiredly after walking for hours in silence with Jewell.
The suns' light had faded and the moons were just begining to appear in front of them up in the dark sky.
Jewell sighed aswell. "I know. Walking at night is better than getting attacked by sandworms during the day though," she commented looking up at the blue moon that was fully in the night sky.
Vash suddenly remembered something, but didn't say anything and walked with a nervous look on his face.
Jewell then crossed her arms and looked at Vash without turning her head too much. Noting that he was looking rather nervous she asked, "What's wrong...?"
Vash shook his head. "I only have the bullets in my gun on me at the moment..."
She shook her head, "You don't travel at night much do you? The Sandworms usually only come out during the day, and anyway I've got Titan and Theory with me."
She then grinned at the thought of Vash using Theory and asked, "A gunsliger like you does know to use a sword, right?"
Vash nodded slowly. "I'm not the best but at least i dont chop my own limbs off!" Vash laughed.
At this she bit her bottem lip trying not to laugh but her fight was quickly lost and she laughed outright. "I'd like to see how good you are sometime. I could train you to use a sword as good as some staff arms I know how to use. Ya know, in case you somehow run out of bullets."
Vash nodded again. "That would be good, someday," he said smiling still.
"People ask me why I use a big sword instead of a gun of some sort," she said with a slightly blank expression on her face. "Do you know what I tell them?"
"You never have to reload a sword or buy more bullets for it?" Vash asked curiously with a hint of humor.
The woman chuckled and shook her head. "No," she replied. Vash pondered for a second, then asked, "I don't know, why?"
"Because a sword was what I was taught how to use and a sword is what I will use. Guns, they aren't natural. Well, here, on this planet, they are. But on Earth so long ago they weren't for a good part of human exsitance."
Vash nodded. "But without man-made science, there would be a lot less living in this world, and dont forget both guns and swords are made from metals."
Jewell sweatdropped. "Yes, thats ture but I'll still always prefer my swords."
After a few moments of silence she snapped her fingers. "Also," she began with a slight smile. "You can use you're magic or energy through the blade of a well made sword."
Vash shook his head. "I don't have any magic..." he said, ignoring the nagging feeling to confess about his Angel Arm.
Jewell stopped dead in her tracks blinking dumbfoundedly. "You? Vash, if you think you don't have energy then you'd be dead. And anyway every Divine has some energy besides their life-force."
Vash shook his head, "If I have any, I don't know about it."
She shrugged. "Then it's hidden. If you--" she stopped, looking at him with a suspicious eyebrow raised. She shook her head and decided not to ask. "Okay. If you ever do find out about some type of ability somehow then you can come back to me and I can help you control it." She then smiled and continued to walk.
In the far distance there was a cluster of boulders, the top of Bunker.
Vash kept trying to push the thoughts if his Angel Arm into the back of his mind as he looked at the distant moons. "Say, Jewell?"
Vash shook his head and caught up with Jewell. They walked in silence `til they got to Bunker.
Once there, Jewell proceeded to pull out her knife, Theory; she pressed the tip to the first boulder and said over her shoulder, "Cover your ears."
Vash attempted to cover his ears, but as soon as he let go of the pack it slammed on his foot and he clamped his mouth shut.
She ducked her head as if to say `ouch' and began to run the tip along the boulder, the screech made her wince. The blade sank in and she turned it three times. The sound of metal gears falling into place could be heard faintly.
Vash winced lightly at the noise and pulled his foot out from under the pack. "Noisy little lock, ain't it?"
Shrugging, she said, "Eh, it's finding the crack that's noisy." She unstrapped Titan from her back. "Now, would you like to see what I was doing while you and Knives disappeared so long ago?" she asked with her brow raised.
Vash nodded, "I'd be oh so delighted to find out." Vash said it with a sly, neko-like grin.
The swordsman put her free hand on her hip. "And what's that suposed to mean?"
Vash laughed, "Just that its so interesting to hear about life at the house, I bet it was so exciting when you got those donuts!" Vash's primal instincts took command. "Mmm donuts..."
She walked over to Vash with a forced smile, she raised her fist to punch him when a slightly deep voice stopped her, saying, "I wouldn't do that."
Vash looked in the direction of the voice. "Who's there?" he asked cautiously, grasping his gun even though he wouldnt shoot at whoever it was.
Jewell turned and looked up at the top of the boulder to see a figure in black looking down at them with a lit cigarett between his lips. "Having girl trouble again, needle-nogin?" he asked.
The woman's right eyebrow twitched as she mouthed the words 'What are you doing here?' without saying anything.
Vash looked at him. "Wolfwood, is that you?" he said with sparkling eyes.
He nodded, "Only temperarily. And Jewell, I'm here because I was permitted to come see you and Vash for a very short time."
Vash nodded, "What's it like after death?"
"I know the answer to that," Jewell whispered as Wolfwood shrugged putting his hands in his pockets. "Not too back actually. Heaven's a bit boring though, all you see all the time is white, pink, and light blue clouds."
Vash laughed, "That's just like you, always pessimistic about the best of things."
He smiled, "you're right." Jewell sighed and hefted her blade up to rest on her shoulder, then began to walk around the boulder to finish unlocking the door.
Wolfwood took a drag of his cigarett, then exhaled the smoke. "What have you been up to then," he puased for a few seconds, "Vash the Stampede?"
Vash shook his head, "The usual stuff I suppose."
"That's like you, I guess." He thought for a moment then smirked. "So, what'd you do to get under Jewell's skin?" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder.
Jewell ran her hand along the boulder, her fingers sunk into the illusion. "Found it," she whispered, then shoved Titan into it and turned it once. The gears clanked and fell silent. She nodded and pulled the blade from the crack.
Vash waved his hand, "Nothing at all, my friend, just kept her from being killed."
"You mean you kept her from dying. I watch what you do sometimes from up there"- He pionted up at the sky- " But, no need for details."
Vash sighed and shook his head, "I guess Heaven's as boring as you say it is, to be forced to watch MY life?"
"No, not forced. It's interesting to watch you do what you do."
Jewell came walking back around the boulder. She looked up at Wolfwood, "Well, priest, I have a feeling your time's up in this world," she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
She nodded.
Wolfwood spread his great wings and floated down to them.
Vash nodded sadly and tried to shake Wolfwood's hand, only to have it pass right through, "Goodbye, my friend."
Woldwood grinned and put his hand on Vash's shoulder solidly. "Not a goodbye. Just a goodbye for now; if you stay alive another sixty-four years you'll see me again. In a new life."
Jewell nodded with a sad grin. "We'll be waiting. Goodbye, for now."
Vash waved goodbye to his friend. "See ya then," he said sadly.
Wolfwood's wings flapped gentle as his figure disappeared and he whispered, "I look forward to it."
A tear slid down Jewell's cheek as she said, "Well, lets go inside. If that chibi's awake he'll be mad."
Vash's head drooped as he slung his pack over his shoulder, "Look forward to meeting him..."
The woman lifted Vash's head and she whispered, "You'll see him again. If we don't then we died while waiting, right?"
Vash sighed, sadly looking away from Jewell. "I guess you're right."
Jewell's heart twisted in her chest seeing him sad. "Look at me, please," she whispered.
Vash looked at her with a false smile.
Jewell gentle pressed her lips to his, closing her eyes. She pulled away and whispered, "Don't be sad, it hurts to see you sad."
Vash stood there breathless, looking at her. She blushed alittle, glad that it didn't show as much as it would if it were daytime.
She stepped away from him and pulled Theory from it's key-hole making the door slide back slightly then slide open.
~~Author's Note~~
Vash: ::is speechless and blushing:: She....she
Marina: ::smiles:: Well that was an unexpected turn of events dun ya think?
Wolfwood: ::nods:: Yeah, I'm an angel and Vash's been kissed by Jewell.
Vash: ::is still blushing::
Marina: ::sweatdrops:: Yup, She did.
Chibi Quartz: I'm in the next one!!! YAY!!
Marina: ::nods:: Yeah, can't wait for the chibi-ness!! This chapter's done but wait and you'll get a third one!!!
~GoodBye For Now~